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1、Unit5 At the market教学目标:1、能听懂 What are these?并能根据情况用They are 回答。2、能使用W hat are these?向他人询问和确认某些物品,语音语调正确。3、能听懂、会说、初步认读carrot,bean,tomato和potato这四个单词的复数形式, 发音正确。教学重点:1.能听懂 What are these并能根据情况用They are回答。2 .能听懂、会说、初步认读 carrot,bean,tomato和potato这四个单词的复数形 式,发音正确。教学难点:1、能听懂 What are these并能根据情况用They are

2、回答。教学准备: 学生每人发一个胡萝卜,扁豆,西红柿,土豆的小图片。 四棵树,四只熊,录音机和磁带,胡萝卜,扁豆,西红柿,土豆的实物教学过程:Step one:GreetingsStep two:Free talk T:What ysour name?you? thank you. Presentation and presentationS:l mT:How areS:l mfine,Step three: 1. 出示课题 T:Today we will learn Unit 5 At the market.(教授 at the market)2. 复习单数形式T:Today Miss Zh

3、u smother went to the market and bought four vigertables.L ook, That is my mother bsasket.Let me see. Oh, guess what is in the basket.Ss;复习四样蔬菜的单数形式)Read words together:Fast motion, slow motion.T:Let pslay a game.Listen and show.When l read a word,please show your car d to me.(当我说一个单词,请大家把单词卡片举起来,并且

4、朗读这个单词)3. 看卡通,学习蔬菜的复数形式让我们一起休息一下,我们一起来看动画片,认真看哦! )And who is is GOGO.please think a question, which vegetables did GOGO buy atT: OK, very good.Group do better. let have a rest. Let S watch cartoons.(小 朋友们, he? He last?it osver.which vegetables did GOGO buy at last?T:OK,Ss:Carrots.T:Yes, very good. T

5、hey are carrots.(教授四样蔬菜的复数形式以及他们的发音)4. 蔬菜复数形式的CHANTT:Let chant.Listen carefully.(教师示范第一段)(师生一起Cha nt)5. 看和听,学习新句型T:Wonderful, clever boys and girls, every group is good.Now ,please Listen an d look. Let w atch a short cartoon.(教授 What are these? They are )对学生以前所学的名次的复数形式进行拓展0K, very good.look at the

6、 pictures,and practice with your partners.唱歌(关于 What are these? They are以及本课所学的四样蔬菜的复数形 式)让学生用今天所学的句型编制歌曲T: OK, boys and girls, let play a game, “QUICK AND QUICK .I have three seats. And I will call one student from one group. Try to have a seat as qui ckly as you can.(小朋友们,我们一起来 玩抢凳子的游戏,我会从每一小组中喊 一

7、位同学,抢到凳子的小朋友的那组小熊就上树一格)6.T:7.8.Ste P three:HomeworkSte p four:E nding板书设计:carrots tomatoesA: What are these?B: They are “ At the market bea nspo tatoesUnit 5 At the market第二课时What are these?并能根据实际情况用They are作出回答教学目标:(1) 进一步巩固(2) 进一步巩固单词 carrot, bean, tomato和potato发音正确。(3) 会唱歌曲 At the market教学重点难点:(1

8、) 进一步巩固 What are these?并能根据实际情况用They are作出回答(2) 进一步巩固单词 carrot, bean, tomato和potato发音正确。教具准备及辅助活动: 图片、挂图、录音机作业设计安排:课内:活动手册 P20 课外:听录音,熟练朗读 A、 B 部分 主要板书计划:Unit 5 At the marketcarrots, beans, tomatoes, potatoes What are these? They are 教学过程:A. Free talk:T: What are these?S: They are 鼓励学生用学过的单词同桌间进行对话交

9、流。B、 Look and learn1、播放 B 部分单词录音,请学生边指着图片,边听边跟读单词。2、用简笔画画胡萝卜T: T: Whatsthis?carrot.S: It sa carrot.引导学生用刚才所听的单词来回答,教学单词3、再多画几个胡萝卜T: What are these?They are carrots.教学carrot的复数形式,再领读 What are these? They are carrots.在朗读中让学生体会句 子意思。4、 以相同方法教学a bean, a tomato, a potato5、以“ what msissing ?”游戏巩固单词。6、将本部分

10、做成 Listen and number 的练习巩固。C Sing a song1播放At the market,让学生听几遍,再次熟悉歌曲歌词和曲调。2、朗读歌曲歌词,理解歌词大意。3、播放录音,让学生跟唱,加深印象。4、在学生能熟练掌握的基础上,鼓励学生运用本单元所学对歌词进行改编或替换。D、 Play a game1、活动课前请学生自己带点水果。2、 教师示范 T: What are these?/They are Whatsthis?/It sa 进行对话交流3、学生同桌对话。E、 Practice 活动手册 P201、指导学生观察图片,理解图片大意。2、教师示范,运用图中语句进行交流

11、 A : What are theseB: They are bananas.C: I like bananas.3、同桌进行对话交流。F、 Assign homework(1)朗读 A、B 部分至熟练。(2)鼓励学生平时用本单元所学的日常交际用语交流。鼓励学有余力的学生学习其他的打 招呼用语。教学随笔苏教牛津版二年级英语上册教案Unit 5 At the market第二课时教学目标:(1)能听懂What are these并能根据实际情况用 They are 作出回答。2) 能使用 What are these 向他人询问和确认某些物,品语音语调准确。3) 进一步学习歌曲 At the m

12、arket教学重点难点:(1) 能听懂 What are these并能根据实际情况用They are作出回答。(2) 能使用What are these向他人询问和确认某些物,品语音语调准确。教具准备及辅助活动 :图片、挂图、录音机作业设计安排 :课内:活动手册 P17-18 课外:听录音,熟练朗读 A 部分教学过程:A. Free talk:1、用简笔画画胡萝卜T:T: Whats this?S:Its a carrot.2、出示图片T:What are these?They are carrots.引导学生用carrots来回答,齐读这个句子,加深学生理解和印象。B、1、3、以相同方式复

13、习其它单词。Learn to say话题引入出示课文插图Look!Its a market. Today lets go to the market.T:(指着图中的篮子) Look!What are these?S:They are carrots.2、学习对话(1)播放录音,让学生熟悉句子(2)听录音,让学生跟读对话。(3)同桌分角色朗读、在熟练以后分角色表演。3、操练和应用( 1)请学生替换课文句子中的蔬菜单词,运用 B 部分其他单词进行对话。(2)教师和学生熟悉book books、rulerrulers等形式,鼓励学生再进行练习。C Sing a song1、播放At the mar

14、ket,让学生听几遍,再次熟悉歌曲歌词和曲调。2、朗读歌曲歌词,理解歌词大意。D、 Practise1 、活动手册 17( 1 )指导学生认真仔细观察图片,了解图片大意。( 2)听录音完成练习。2、活动手册 P18( 1 )指导学生认真仔细观察图片,弄清楚图片所表达的意思。( 2)听录音完成练习。E、Assign homework( 1)听录音,朗读 A 部分对话,尝试和家长进行角色对话。( 2)听录音,继续熟悉 C 部分歌曲。(3)鼓励学有余力的学生学习其他的打招呼用语。 板书设计:Unit 5 At the marketcarrots, beans,tomatoes, potatoesWhat are these?They are


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