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1、2014年新目标七年级英语上册unit6教案人教版义务教育教科书英语七年级上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas? 教材解读 本单元主要讨论各种食物以及喜欢或不喜欢某种食物;询问某人是否喜欢某种食物及回答;会描述一日三餐,会合理搭配一日三餐。 like的一般现在时、一般疑问句及肯、否定回答;肯定句和否定句。 通过本单元的学习,认识到在平日饮食中要做到不挑食、不偏食、合理饮食。 单元目标 一、知识与技能 1. 词汇:hamburger、tomatoe、broccoli、French fries、orange、ice cream、salad、banana、egg、strawbe

2、rry、carrot、apple、chicken、breakfast、lunch、dinner、fruit、vegetable。 2. 语言目标:Do you like hamburgers? Yes, I do./No, I dont. I like French fries. I dont like tomatoes. 3. 能力目标:能准确表达喜欢和不喜欢的食物;能根据具体情景对话,与他人沟通信息,合作完成任务;通过听说读写四项技能的训练,促进学生语言运用能力的提高。 二、过程与方法 通过听说读写等任务型活动,熟练应用所学单词和动词词组,掌握描述过程。 三、情感态度与价值观 通过学习西方

3、食品文化,促使学生了解西方生活方式与文化,培养跨文化交际的意识;通过开展小组活动,指导学生积极与他人合作,培养他们的合作精神;通过任务型活动,使学生学会在实际生活中均衡饮食,合理配餐。 教法导航 采用情景法,交际法及任务型教学途径并配以多媒体辅助教学。通过设疑、提问、启发、诱导等方法,唤醒全体学生的主体意识,从而调动学生的积极性,让学生处于积极思维状态之中,全方位、多角度培养学生运用语言的能力。 学法导航 进行听说读写操练,使整个教学从知识的内化到外显呈现出一种动态的、和谐的发展过程。 课时支配 第1课时:Section A 1a-2c 第2课时:Section A 3a-3c 1 第3课时:

4、Section B 1a-2c 第4课时:Section B 3a-Self Check 课时教案 第1课时 Section A 1a-2c 教学目标 一、知识与技能 1. 掌握基本词汇:food、banana、hamburger、tomato、broccoli、French fries、strawberry、orange、ice cream、salad。 2. 掌握句型:Do you like bananas? Yes, I do./No, I dont. 二、过程与方法 通过听说读写等任务型活动,熟练应用所学单词和动词词组。 三、情感态度和价值观 认识并了解各种食物,能分清水果和蔬菜并能认

5、识到水果和蔬菜对人体有益。通过询问对方是否喜欢某食物来引起话题。 教学重点 基本单词、词汇和句型。 教学难点 1. 认识并掌握重点词汇。 2. 能流利地与对方开展关于食物喜好的对话。 教法导航 采用任务型教学途径并配以多媒体辅助教学,同时考虑学生的不同层次采取分层递进的教学方法。 学法导航 让学生在游戏的情景中感受到轻松愉悦、民主和谐的环境气氛,学生积极主动参与,从而产生了强烈的求知愿望,增强学习兴趣。 教学准备 PPT、关于食物的图片。 教学过程 Step 1: Greetings. Greet the students as usual. Step 2: Revision Show the

6、 students pictures and ask: Whats this? Its a soccer ball. Do you have a soccer ball? Yes, I do./No, I dont. Do you like it? Yes, I do./No, I dont. Step 3: New words Show the students some food and ask: 2 人教版义务教育教科书英语七年级上册 Whats this? Its a hamburger. Do you like it? Yes, I do./No, I dont. What are

7、these? Theyre bananas. Do you like bananas? Yes, I do./No, I dont. 运用图片和对话教学单词:hamburger、banana、tomato、broccoli、French fries、strawberry、orange、ice cream、salad,并运用这些单词进行对话。 Step 4: Pair work Work in pairs and try to match the words with the pictures of 1a. Step 5: Listening 1b Listen and number the c

8、onversations. After listening, show the dialogue on the screen and get the students to practice the conversations, and then make their own conversations. Step 6: Listening Listen and circle the food you hear. First get the students to check their answers in groups and then report their answers. Step

9、 7: Listen again Listen again and fill in the blanks. I like hamburgers. Do you like hamburgers? Yes, I do. Do you like_? No, I dont like _. Lets have _. Oh, no. I dont like_. Step 8: Group work Make a food survey in groups by asking: Do you like .? Then fill in the blanks to complete the form. How

10、many students like hamburgers? How many students like bananas? Step 9: Summary Lets sum what we have learned this class. Words: banana, hamburger, tomato, ice cream, salad, strawberry. Sentences: Do you like hamburgers? Yes, I do./No, I dont. Step 10: Homework 1. Remember the words in this class. 2.

11、 Practise the dialogue in pairs. 课堂作业 1. 写出下列名词 (1) 汉堡 _(2) 西红柿 _(3) 沙拉 _ (4) 草莓 _(5) 梨 _ (6) 牛奶 _ (7) 面包 _ (8) 冰激凌 _ 2. 根据句意完成句子 (1) A: _ you like salad? B: No, I _./Yes, I _. (2) I _(喜欢) hamburgers. 3 (3) _ (你喜欢) hamburgers? (4) _ (我们吃) strawberries. 参考答案: 1. (1)hamburger (2)tomato (3)salad (4)str

12、awberry (5)pear (6)milk (7)bread (8)ice cream 2. (1)Do, dont, do (2)like (3)Do you like (4)Lets 教学反思 这节课以学生的日常生活为话题,用丰富多彩的实物和图片激发学生的学习兴趣,学生踊跃参加课堂活动,效果很好。 第2课时 Section A 3a-3c 教学目标 一、知识与技能 1. 掌握词汇:egg、apple、carrot、chicken、fruit、vegetable、breakfast、lunch、dinner。 2. 掌握句型:Does he/she like salad? Yes, he

13、/she does./No, he/she doesnt. 二、过程与方法 通过读、练习,小组合作学习,熟练应用所学单词,短语和句型。 三、情感态度与价值观 能正确询问他人的喜好。了解班内同学的喜好,加深同学之间的了解和友谊。 教学重点 1. 掌握词汇:egg、apple、carrot、chicken、fruit、vegetable、breakfast、lunch、dinner。 2. 掌握句型:Does he/she like salad? Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesnt. 教学难点 正确询问他人的喜好。 教法导航 本课采用任务型教学法,利用图片和口语

14、交际培养学生的学习兴趣和积极性。 学法导航 通过小组合作的方式掌握重点单词和句型。通过班内调查了解同学的喜好。 教学准备 设置对话情境;准备调查表。 教学过程 Step 1: Greetings Greet the students as usual. Step 2: Revision Show some food and ask some pairs to practice the dialogue: 4 人教版义务教育教科书英语七年级上册 Do you like .? Yes, I do./No, I dont. Step 3: Lead in (Ask a boy) Do you lik

15、e bananas? Yes, I do./No, I dont. (Ask another student) Does he like bananas? Yes, he does./No, he doesnt. (Ask a girl)Do you like eggs? Yes, I do./No, I dont. (Ask another student) Does she like bananas? Yes, she does./No, she doesnt. Step 4: Group work Get the students practice the dialogue in gro

16、ups of three. Step 5: Make a survey Work in pairs and ask each other: Does your father/mother/sister/brother . like .? Then write down what your family like to eat. My father: eggs, apples . My mother: chicken, oranges, carrots . My sister: hamburgers, ice cream . My brother: . Step 6: Guess game Wo

17、rk with another student and ask him/her to guess: What does my father like? Does he like vegetables? No, he doesnt. What does my sister like? Does she like ice cream? Yes, she does. Step 7:Grammar focus 1. Do you like bananas? 你喜欢香蕉吗, Yes, I do./No, I dont. 是的,我喜欢。/不,我不喜欢。 Do you like? 是一个一般疑问句,它表示询

18、问对方是否喜欢某物。句中do是助动词,没有意义。回答时,肯定回答用do,否定回答用dont。 如果主语是第三人称单数形式,助动词用does,其句型为: Does he/she like .? Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesnt. 2. Do you like oranges? orange n. 既可以是可数名词,也可以作不可数名词。当可数名词时,意思是“橘子”;当不可数名词时,意思是“橘汁”。如: Can I have an orange juice, please? 我可以要一杯橘汁吗, I like oranges better than tomato

19、es. 与西红柿比,我比较喜欢橘子。 3. I like bananas. 我喜欢香蕉。 v. like表示“喜欢”,是动词。如果主语是第三人称单数,后要加“s”。如: He likes apples. 他喜欢苹果。 b. 否定形式要在like前加dont或在likes前加doesnt,同时把likes改为like。如: I dont like bananas. 我不喜欢香蕉。He doesnt like apples. 他不喜欢苹果。 Step 8: Exercises Work on 3a Underline the correct words in the brackets. 5 1.

20、I like fruit, but I (dont / doesnt) like vegetables. 2. She (like / likes) bread, but she (doesnt / dont) like salad. 3. He (like / likes) bananas, but he (dont / doesnt) like oranges. 4. We (likes / like) hamburgers, but we dont (like / likes) chicken. 5. They (likes / like) pears, but they (dont /

21、 doesnt) like strawberries. Work on 3b Number these sentences 1-4 to make a conversation. So, lets get salad. Yes, I do. Do you like salad? OK. Step 9: Make a survey Work in groups and ask your classmates about the food in the chart. Find out what they like and dont like. Food Likes Doesnt like Step

22、10: Summary Lets see what weve learned today. Words: egg, apple, carrot, chicken, fruit, vegetable, breakfast, lunch, dinner. Sentences: Does he/she like salad? Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesnt. Step 11: Homework 1. Remember the words. 2. Practice the dialogue in pairs. 课堂作业 按要求补全句子 1. Her brothe

23、r likes meat a lot. (对划线部分提问) _ _ her brother like a lot? 2. There are oranges on the table. (变为单数句) There _ _ _ on the table. 6 人教版义务教育教科书英语七年级上册 3. He likes salad for supper. (变为一般疑问句) _ he _ salad for supper? 4. They like to eat ice cream. (变为否定句) They _ _ to eat ice cream. 5. Tom likes playing s

24、occer ball. (baseball)(用所给选项变为选择一般疑问句) _ Tom like playing soccer _ baseball? 参考答案 1. What, does 2. is, an, orange 3. Does, like 4. dont, like 5. Does, or 教学反思 游戏是老少皆宜的一项活动,更别说我们的初中生了。在课堂上适时地引入游戏环节,能有效激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性。以后要尽可能地多引入游戏,多开发其他吸引学生的活动。 第3课时 Section B 1a-2c 教学目标 一、知识与技能 1. 掌握单词:eat、chicken、break

25、fast、lunch、healthy、fat。 2. 掌握句型:I/They like oranges. I/They dont like bananas. He/She likes hamburgers. He/She doesnt like chicken. 二、过程与方法 利用图片、实物学习新词汇,通过听录音巩固单词,通过小组练习学习运用新知识。 三、情感态度与价值观 通过学习各种食物,了解一日三餐的合理搭配,养成平衡膳食的好习惯。 教学重点 1. 掌握单词:eat、chicken、breakfast、lunch、healthy、fat。 2. 掌握句型:I/They like oran

26、ges. I/They dont like bananas. He/She likes hamburgers. He/She doesnt like chicken. 教学难点 1. 掌握句型:He/She likes hamburgers. He/She doesnt like chicken. 2. 了解一日三餐的合理搭配,养成平衡膳食的好习惯。 教法导航 利用图片和实物直观展示部分内容,并能调动学生的兴趣和积极性。 学法导航 两人一组、多人一组的小组练习。 7 教学准备 1. 各种食物的图片和实物,多种练习活动和形式。 2. 搜集尽可能多的日常所吃的食物,并借助词典或小组讨论认识英文表达

27、。 教学过程 Step 1: Greetings Greet the students as usual. Step 2: Revision Practice the dialogue like this: Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. I like bananas. Do you like salad? No, I dont. I dont like bananas. I like salad. Practice in groups: I like . , I dont like . Ask another student: Does he like sal

28、ad? No, he doesnt. He likes bananas. Step 3: New words Show some food or pictures. Practice the dialogue again and learn the new words. Step 4: Pair work Find out what Bill and Bob like and dont like. chicken strawberry salad ice cream Bob Bill Practice like this: Bob likes chicken. He doesnt like s

29、alad. Bill likes Step 5: Match Work on 1a Write the number of each word next to the correct food. Step 6: Group work Work on 1b Work in groups and think of as many other words as you can. Step 7: Listening 1. Work on 1c Listen and circle the food you hear in 1a. 2. Work on 1d Listen and fill in the

30、chart. (P34) Likes Doesnt like Tom: carrots Sally: Step 8: Pair work Ask and answer questions about what Sally and Tom like and dont like. Does Tom like carrots? Yes, he does. Step 9: Group work Work on 2a Work in groups and talk about what you have for breakfast/lunch/supper. Then talk about which

31、food is healthy. Step 10: Reading 1. Work on 2b Read the magazine article and circle the food words. 8 人教版义务教育教科书英语七年级上册 2. Language points (1) What do you like for breakfast? (2) be healthy (3) want to do sth. (4) be fat Step 11: Writing Write five sentences about Cindys eating habits. Cindy likes

32、healthy food. 1. Cindy _ 2. She _ 3. She _ 4. Cindy doesnt _ 5. She doesnt _ Step 12: Homework You are going on a picnic with a group of friends. Make a list of food to buy. 课堂作业 按要求给单词分类 apple pear orange banana strawberry salad noodles carrots tomato hamburger chicken egg potato ice cream milk bre

33、ad rice fruit: _ vegetables: _ unhealthy food: _ 参考答案: fruit: apple, pear, orange, banana, strawberry vegetables: carrots, tomato, potato unhealthy food: hamburger, ice cream 教学反思 阅读理解能力是学生需要培养的重点能力之一,要利用一切能够培养他们阅读理解能力的机会,让学生养成随时阅读的习惯。 第4课时 Section B 3a-Self Check 9 教学目标 知识与技能 一、1. 复习本单元词汇、短语和句型。 2.

34、 学习把所学应用到实际的能力。 二、过程与方法 通过各种活动,复习本单元的知识,培养学生各方面能力。通过小组活动调动学生学习积极性。 三、情感态度与价值观 培养学生健康的饮食观念并培养合作意识和团队意识。通过互相询问父母的喜好,学会感恩。 教学重点 掌握一些重点单词、短语和句型。 教学难点 把所学的对话和知识应用于实际并能落实到笔头上。 教法导航 为学生创设尽可能多的、较为真实的语言环境。 学法导航 小组活动。 教学准备 为学生创设尽可能多的、较真实的语言环境,精心制作课件。 教学过程 Step 1: Greetings Greet the students as usual. Step 2:

35、 Word game Show the students some food or pictures, but the students can only see half of the food. And then get the class to guess the food. After that, get the class to group the food. Food: chicken, hamburgers, French fries, ice cream. Fruit: apples, bananas, oranges. Vegetables: salad, carrots,

36、tomatoes. Countable nouns: hamburgers, eggs, oranges, bananas, apples, pears, carrots, vegetables, tomatoes, strawberries. Uncountable nouns: milk, bread, rice. Ask the students to remember them and check up. Step 3: Group work Get the students to work in groups and make dialogues like this: Do you

37、like salad for breakfast? Yes, I do./No, I dont Does he like salad for breakfast? Yes, he does./No, he doesnt. 10 人教版义务教育教科书英语七年级上册 I/My parents like oranges. I/They dont like bananas. He/she likes ice cream. He/She doesnt like bananas. Step 4: Writing Write about what you and your partner like and

38、dont like for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. For breakfast, I like eggs, oranges, and bananas. For lunch, I like hamburgers, _. And for dinner, I like_. For breakfast, Tom likes eggs, oranges, and bananas. For lunch, he likes hamburgers, And for dinner, he likes _. Step 5: Drawing Draw the food you l

39、ike to eat for lunch. Step 6: Make a survey Ask your classmates what they like to eat for lunch. Find someone who likes to eat the same lunch as you. Step 7: Just for fun Ask the students to read the dialogue in a strange voice to make more fun. Step 8: Pair work Work in pairs and ask: What food, sp

40、orts and colors do your parents like and dislike? Write at least five sentences. Step 9: Exercises 根据提供的单词组成句子 1. friends, do, potatoes, like, your _ 2. salad, lets, and, have, rice _ 3. I, and, like, French, dont, Catharine, fries _ 4. mother, does, potatoes, her, have _ 5. doesnt, father, like, br

41、occoli, his _ 参考答案: 1. Do your friends like potatoes? 2. Lets have salad and rice. 点在圆上 d=r;3. Catharine and I dont like French fries. 4. Does her mother have potatoes? 1、在现实的情境中理解数学内容,利用学到的数学知识解决自己身边的实际问题,获得成功的体验,增强学好数学的信心。5. His father doesnt like broccoli. 最大值或最小值:当a0,且x0时函数有最小值,最小值是0;当a0,且x0时函数有

42、最大值,最大值是0。Step 10: Homework (1)一般式:1. Remember all the words in this unit. 11 2. Practice the dialogue in pairs. 3. Finish the exercises about this unit. 课堂作业 快速阅读表格,选择最佳答案 cosName Like Dislike (二)知识与技能:Bob salad broccoli oranges pears bananas Jill salad bananas pears tomatoes Bill hamburgers brocco

43、li pears ice cream Jenny ice cream salad tomatoes French fries ( ) 1. _ likes pears, but she doesnt like tomatoes. A. Jill B. Jenny C. Bob D. Bill ( ) 2. _ likes salad, but he doesnt like pears. A. Jill B. Jenny C. Bob D. Bill ( ) 3. _ likes oranges. _ likes hamburgers. They also like pears. A. Bob,

44、Jenny B. Bob,Bill C. Jenny,Jill D. Bill,Jill ( ) 4. _ likes broccoli, but she doesnt like ice cream. A. Jill B. Jenny C. Bob D. Bill ( ) 5. Bob and the two girls like _. 等圆:能够完全重合的两个圆叫做等圆,半径相等的两个圆是等圆。A. ice cream B. salad C. pears D. broccoli 参考答案:1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. B 115.75.13加与减(二)2 P61-63 数学好玩2 P64-67教学反思 本课时回顾、练习了本单元的教授内容,通过练习,进一步巩固了本单元的所学内容,进一步设计活动来完成本单元的教学任务,但切忌避


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