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1、听歌学英语Fi v eHundr edMi l es五百里精品文档听歌学英语 FiveHundredMiles五百里听歌学英语:FiveHundredMiles五百里时间:2008-4-13 15:28:39来源:本站原创 作者:alex免费每 日英语课堂|测测英语水平如何网页划词已启用进入MP3下载页面不能播放请进入英语求职全功略-今天听一首 The Brothers Four 的歌曲Five Hundred Miles四兄弟(The Brothers Four)是美国60年代著名的合声四 重唱演唱组,他们演绎的民谣舒缓、清新,纯净如山溪, 温柔若春水。他们的歌曲很受青年男女尤其是大学生们的

2、 喜爱。四兄弟合唱组历经了四十年风雨沧桑,至今依然在 活跃舞台上,算得上是个乐坛奇迹了。从60年代以来,他们举办过数千场大学音乐会;在白宫先后为四位总统演唱 过;还曾去数十个国家参加过访问演出,可以称得上是 “美国的音乐大使 ”。这五百里路,是人生艰辛路。古今中外,背井离乡讨 生活的人们,有的富足,也有的穷困;但无论是富足还是 穷苦,心中的乡愁却是永远难以磨灭的。Five Hundred MilesIf you miss the train rm on,You will know that I am gone.You can hear the whistle blowA

3、 hundred miles,A hundred miles, a hundred miles,A hundred miles, a hundred miles.You can hear the whistle blowA hundred miles.Lord, Im one, Lord, Im two.Lord, Im three, Lord, Im four,Lord, Im five hundred milesAway from home,Away from home,away from home,Away from home, away from home,Lord, Im five

4、hundred milesAway from home.Not a shirt on my back,Not a penny to my name,Lord, I cant go home this a way,This a way, this a way,This a way, this a way,Lord, I cant go home this a way.If you miss the train rm on,You will know that I am gone,You can hear the whistle blowA hundred miles.歌词大意如果你错过我坐的火车

5、,你会知道我已离开, 你可以听见汽笛在一百里以外响,一百里,一百里,一百里,一百里你可以听见汽笛在一百里以外响。天啊,一百里,二百里,天啊,三百里,四百里,天啊,我已离家五百里。离开了家,离开了家,离开了家,离开了家 天啊,我已离家五百里无衬衫穿在身,身上也无分文,天啊,我不能这个样回家园。这个样,这个样,这个样,这个样,天啊,我不能这个样回家园。如果你错过我坐的火车,你会知道我已离开,你可以听见汽笛在响,一百里以外。歌词、句型分析1. If you miss the train rm on, you will know that I am gone.=If you fail to catch

6、 the train that I take, you will know thatI have left.如果你错过了我搭的那班火车,你会知道我已经走了。miss: fail to catch a train (bus ,ship, etc.); fail to see a film(play, performance, etc.)例:She always misses the bus.她总是错过公共汽车。to be gone: have( has, had) left例: All her friends are gone.她的朋友们都走了。His happy days are gone.他

7、幸福的日子过完了。2. You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles.=You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles away.你可以听到汽笛在百里之外响着whistle vi鸣汽笛,吹口哨,n, 口哨,汽笛例: The judge whistled for the runners to start.裁判吹哨子命令比赛开始。3. be away from:远离例: He is away from his loved ones.他离开了他所爱的人。4. rm five hundred miles away

8、 from home.“离……有……远 ” 般不可删去 away.例: My hometown is five hundred kilometers away from Beijing.我的家乡离北京有 500公里远。5. Not a shirt on my back.=I have not a Shirt on my back.have not a shirt on my back:穷得衣不遮体keep ones shirt on:(美俚)耐着性子;保持镇静6. Not a penny to my name=I have not a penny to my name. 一文不名。To ones name属于某人的例如: He has not a penny to his name. He lives on help from friends.他现在一文不名,靠朋友接济而生活.收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


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