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1、新目标七年级英语下册Unit 6 Its raining教案新目标七年级英语下册Unit 6 Its raining教案 教 案 正 随堂记录 Unit 6 Its raining 一单元教材分析: 本单元的核心话题是谈论天气和人们正在干什么,因此如何问答“Hs the eather? “hat are u/the ding? hats he/ she ding?是教学重点。通过对本单元的学习,学生能掌握本单元出现的表示天气的形容词。问天气的句式及灵活运用现在进行时态。 单元知识结构 二词汇: 名词:rain sn eather prgra desert ael inter et 形容词:in

2、d lud sunn ld l ar huid prett 动词:rain al ride sn 其它:right n tae phts have a gd tie Hs the eather? Its raining / ind/ lud = hats the eather lie? 三句型: hat are u ding? I athing TV( hats he /she ding? He/she is plaing basetball( Hs it ging? Great 四语法: 1 Hs the eather,Its raining /ind 2 The use f“The pre

3、sent ntinuus Tense” 五单元总体目标: 1(aster the vabular 2(aster and use:Hs the eather? = hats the eather lie,Its raining/ ind hat are u ding? I athing TV( 六单元教学重难点一览: 重点 难点 1(The vabular 2(Hs the eather? 3 Hs it ging? 4(hat are u ding? I 1(use the language t desribe the eather 2(h t use“be,ding” 七单元学情分析: 谈

4、论天气与我们的日常生活有关,加以图画形象配合。学习起会比较直观易接受。所以掌握表示天气的形容词,动词显得更为重要。学习“现在进行时“时师生可随时设置情景,贴近实际,学生在生动活泼的氛围中掌握教学内容。 教 案 正 随堂记录 八单元教学建议: 引导学生注意区分一般现在时与现在进行时的不同。 九单元时分配: 本单元共4时: Setin A(一)1时 Setin A(二)1时 Setin B(一)1时 Setin B(二)1时 Perid ne 教学内容 Setin A 中1a 1b 1 2a 2b 2 Graar fus 教学目标 知识与能力 1 ath the vabular:rain ind

5、lud sunn sn hs=h is 2 aster and use:-Hs the eather? Its raining /ind hat are u ding? I athing TV hats she ding? She is ing 过程与方法 通过创设情景,让学生身临其境,自然引入hat are u ding?和Hs the eather?采用教师设置任务,学生提出问题,学生解决问题,借助彩图和多媒体等方式提高学生的积极性。 情感态度价值观 教育学生善于观察天气,善于描述周围的事物。 教学重、难点及教学突破 重点 1 The vabular: 2 language:1 Hs th

6、e eather? 2 Its raining/ ind 3 hat are u ding? 难点 Use the rds t desribe the eather and hat are u ding? 教学突破 对于本的单词,短语通过图画及卡片引出学习掌握language的学习,通过的图片及大量的练习突破。 教学步骤 Step1 rganizatin 教 案 正 随堂记录 rganize the students b greeting eah ther Step2 Free tal As the students h is n dut? Step3 Presentatin 1(做画画、写字

7、等动作: As:hat a I ding?(帮助学生回答) I a riting/draing(叫几个学生做其他动作) 练习: hat are u ding? hat is he/she ding?(板书:be,v-ing) 2(As -Hs the eather?(板书) 帮助学生回答:Its raining,sning /ind /lud /sunn 3(看1a的图画: 4(As the Ss t ath the rds ith pitures (Listen and rite these it naes in the bxes in la N,ell hear fur nversa -t

8、ins(Listen arefull,pint ut eah it in the piture as it es upn the tape(pla the rerding a send tie(As Ss t rite the nae f the it in the piture f its eather( 6(Tell the Ss;If u are in ne f the plaes in the piture abve,Tal abut the eather( 7(Pint t the pitures in 2a( As Ss t tell hat eah persn is ding i

9、n eah piture( eg: This b is taling n the phne(This an is plaing basethall( Pla the rerding tie(the first tie ust listen,the send tie,listen and nuber the pitures 1 thrugh 4 t sh hat eah persn is ding)rret the ansers( 8(Pint ut the list f naes(Pla the rerding again 本小结 本节学习了12个生词和“H is the eather” “b

10、e + ving”进行时态的练习运用。 通过本节的学习,学生能熟练地用英语询问、表达天气和人们正在做的事。 练习设计 (一)Finish the flling: 1(hats the eather lie? _ _ the eather? 2(Its _ sun) in hngqing 3(Is it_(rain) n, 4 hat _ u _ (d)n, (The b _(fl) a ite 教 案 正 随堂记录 板书设计 Unit 6 Its raining rain raining 1 Hs the eather? sn sning = hats the eather lie? ind

11、ind Its raining /ind sun sunn 2 hat are u /the ding? lud-lud 3 be,v-ing Perid T 教学内容 setin A中3a(3b(4 教学目标 知识与能力 1 ath the vabular:prett 2 aster and use:一Hs it ging? Great Hs the eather? 过程与方法 学生在上一学过了Hs the eather?基本能灵活运用,这一节进一步强化,并在此基础上引出了新句式Hs it ging?过渡自然,易于接受、掌握。 情感态度价值观 教育学生关心他人。 教学重、难点及教学突破 重点

12、 1 The vabular: 2 language: Hs it ging? Hs the eather? 难点 Use the language t are fr the thers 教学突破 借助于“Hs the eather?”句式学习“Hs it ging? 通过大量练习进行巩固。 教学步骤 Step1 rganizatin rganize the students b greeting eah ther Step2 Hi tal Tal abut the eather tda( Step3 Presentatin 1(Dra a fae n the blabard As:l at

13、this fae(Is it happ? Is it unhapp, 教 案 正 随堂记录 2(Pint t the fur rds in 3a Sa the rds and as Ss t repeat eah ne(板书学习Prett) 3(Explain the eaning f eah rd: eg: Nt had eans sth is nt ver gd, but its als nt ver bad,Its in the iddle( 4 As Ss t ath eah nubered phrase ith a fae b riting the letter f eah fae

14、in the blan in frnt f the rret phrases (As t Ss t read the nversatin in the large piture t the Ss( Explain:“H is it ging?” eans “H are u?” r “ H is everthing?” 6(Have Ss read the nversatin in 3b 7 改变对话中的一些单词,编写自己的对话( As se Ss t present their n nversatin t the lass 8(Sa:N lets r in pairs again(ne stu

15、dent ls at the piture n page 93 and the ther ls at the piture n page 9(Please dnt l at ur partners piture(Sa:Eah piture has the sae peple in it but the are ding different things(Tae turns taling abut hat the peple are ding in ur piture(If I a student A,I1l sa, in piture its sunn( Guide ne f the Ss B

16、s t respnd,In piture it is raining( 本小结 本节学习了1个生词和”H is it ging?” “Hs the eather?” 句式练习。通过本节的学习,学生能熟练掌握用英语询问他人的情况和天气状况。 练习设计 随堂练习设计 完成对话: A:_ , B:Prett gd( A:_, B:Its lud( 个性练习设计 用下雨、出太阳、刮风的现在进行时描述天气状况。 板书设计 Unit 6 Its raining l prett 2 Hs it ging = H are u? / H is everthing? Perid Three 教学内容 Setin

17、B中la, lb, 2a, 2b, 2 教 案 正 随堂记录 教学目标 知识与能力 1 ath the vabular:ld l ar huid 2 aster and use:1 D u lie ld eather? N,I dnt( 2 Hs it ging? 3 hat are u ding? 4 Hs the eather? 过程与方法 上两节重点学习了“hs the eather,”和“Hs it ging,”句式,本节进一步学习、强化,采用学生提出问题、学生解决问题,听录音、借助多媒体等方式提高学生的主动性。 情感态度价值观 掌握同一句话的不同表达方法。 教学重、难点及教学突破 重

18、点 1 The vabular: 2 language:D u lie ld eather? Hs it ging? hat are u ding? Hs the eather? 难点 Use the language t are fr the thers 教学突破 1 对本的单词通过卡片或图画引出。 2 language:借助图画和引出并练习 教学步骤 Step1 rganizatin rganize the students b greeting eah ther( Step2 Free tal As the Ss t tal abut the eather tda( Step3 Pres

19、entatin 1(Pint t a piture( Sa:Its ld in this piture( As:Is it ld here tda? (ld板书学习);同样方式学习:l,ar,huid 2(Pint ut the nubered list f rds, as the Ss t repeat the rds again(As Ss t ath eah rd ith ne f the pitures( 3(出示一副冬天的图画: 教 案 正 随堂记录 As:h lies ld eather? hen a student raises his r her hand, as the qu

20、estin: D u lie ld eather? 帮助回答:es, I d N,I dnt(出示与本相似的五幅图画) Let Ss as and anser questins abut the five inds f eather 4(Listen and rite hat aria and Sa anser t “Hs it ging?” Listen arefull t their questins and ansers( Tape:e ill listen tie The first tie,ust listen The send tie,rite ut their ansers (L

21、isten again,rite hat aria and Sa anser t“hat are u ding?” and “Hs the eather?” 本小结 本节学习了4个关于天气的生词,继续练习巩固了“Hs it ging,/Hs the eather? / hat are u ding,”通过本节的学习,学生能熟练地应用所学知识问答。 练习设计 随堂练习设计背诵本句型。 个性练习设计 翻译下列句子: 1、情况怎么样, 2 她在干什么, 3、你喜欢冷天吗,不,我不喜欢。 4 今天的天气怎么样, 板书设计 Unit 6 Its raining ld、ar、l 1、D u lie ld

22、eather? huid, ht es,I d /N, I dnt Perid Fur 教学内容 setin B中3a,3,3、以及Selfhe 3 教学目标 知识与能力 1 ath the vabular:TV, prgra,right n,Egpt,desert, al,vaatin,et( 2 aster and use:1hat are u ding? 2hats the eather lie,= Hs the eather? 3 hat d u d hen its raining? 教 案 正 随堂记录 过程与方法 通过结合上的图画理解短内容,从而掌握单词,关于天气及人们正在做做的事

23、情的描述,再通过练习写作自己家乡的天气,使所学知识进一步巩固。 情感态度价值观 对学生进行热爱家乡的教育。 教学重、难点及教学突破 重点 1 The vabular: 2 language:hats the eather lie? ere aling in the desert( 难点 Use the language t desribe ur hetn 教学突破 对本单词短语,通过卡片、动作、实物引出学习。 language: 借助图画引出,并通过练习巩固。 教学步骤 Step1 rganizatin rganize the students b greeting eah ther Step

24、2 Free tal As the Ss t tal abut the eather in a ear Step3 Presentatin 1(出示一张与相符的图片讨论As:heres it? 帮助回答:Its Egpt(Egpt板书学习) As:hat are the ding? There aling in the desert(板书学习:al,desert) As:hats the eather lie? Its a beautiful /sunn da 2(As a student t read the reprt in 3a(Sa:underline the rds in the s

25、peeh bubble that sa hat peple are ding Then irle the rds that desribe the eatherSa:Read the reprter 3(Sa; pa attentin t the pitures f Paris and the desriptin bel( As a student t read the desriptin t the lass and sa the rd blan eah tie u e t a blan lineHave the Ss fill in the blans( 4(出示和本相符的图画: As:h

26、at d u d hen its raining?I read a b As Ss t intervie their lassates: hat d the d in different inds f eather? As several Ss t read their questins and ansers t the lass 教 案 正 随堂记录 ( 提醒学生,这些句子中主句用的是一般现在时,eg:hen its ind,I fl a ite 本小结 点在圆外 dr.本节学习了21个词汇,继续练习巩固“Hs the eather?”及现在进行时态。通过本节的学习,同学们达成了本单元的学习

27、目标。 练习设计 1、开展一帮一活动,让优秀学生带动后进生,促使他们的转化。plete the flling: 1 Than u fr_(in) TVs Arund the rld Sh 2、_(此刻),e _(al)in the desert 2、加强家校联系,共同教育。3、Its_(sun) tda( 4、Therere an peple here _(在度假)。 2、加强家校联系,共同教育。、Se peple _(在拍埃及的照片) 7.同角的三角函数间的关系:Unit 6 Its raining 104.305.6加与减(二)2 P57-60Right n,in the desert, 1 hats the eather lie? n vaatin = Hs the eather? 初中阶段,我们只学习直角三角形中,A是锐角的正切;Tae phts f 2、hat d u d hen its raining? (2)扇形定义:一条弧和经过这条弧的端点的两条半径所组成的图形叫做扇形.Five thusand eas f histr 教 学 分析性质定理及两个推论的条件和结论间的关系,可得如下结论:后 记


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