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1、新目标七年级英语下册Unit 9 It,s raining教案文章来 源 w w w. 教 案 正 文随堂记录Unit 9 It,s raining.Period OneI.教学目标 1.复习地名 2.掌握表示天气情况的词语 3.能够谈论天气,表达自己的情感II.教学向导1.目标语言How is the weather?Its raining/windy/ cloudy/sunny/ snowing/ cold/hot.2.语言结构现在进行时What are you doing? Im watchingTV.What is he/she doing? He/She is playing bas

2、ketball.What are they doing? Theyre studying.3.重点词汇Windy cloudy rain snow sunny cold cool warm humid winter weather4.学习策略与技巧Pair work and Group work 5.语言功能谈论天气6.跨学科知识其他国家、城市名称、地理方位。III.教学过程设计:StepsTeachers activityStudents activityPreparation 若a0,则当x时,y随x的增大而减小。Brainstorm Show some pictures and gues

3、s the places Look at the pictures and give the answersPictures or ppt.Task Ipair work: talk about the places and the weatherAim Familiar with the new words1Look at the pictures and know the name of the placesRead Ppt.2Read the new words in 1a and explain the meaningRead and remember 3Use the sentenc

4、e how is the weather in Beijing?Answer the questions and learn 教 案 135.215.27加与减(三)4 P75-80正 文随堂记录4Make a sample: question and answer; let Ss do itPrepare their conversations 5Move around the room and give support as neededTalk to each other 6Ask some pairs to show their conversationsGive their work

5、s or more expressions More sentence structuresTask II: listening comprehensions: what are they doing?AimFamiliar with the new structure 1Look at the pictures in 2a and know their activitiesLook 2 Listen to the tape for two times and fill in the blanksListen and give the answersTape3Move around the r

6、oom and give some supportWrite the answers 4Check the answer and point out the focusCheck 5Pair works to practice: whats he 2. 图像性质:doing? And answer itMake the pair work Task III: group work:Is he playing (1)二次函数yax2的图象:是一条顶点在原点且关于y轴对称的抛物线。是二次函数的特例,此时常数b=c=0.soccer?AimFamiliar with the sentences1Gu

7、ess: what is he doing?Is he .?Hows the 弧、半圆、优弧、劣弧:弧:圆上任意两点间的部分叫做圆弧,简称弧,用符号“”表示,以CD为端点的弧记为“”,读作“圆弧CD”或“弧CD”。半圆:直径的两个端点分圆成两条弧,每一条弧叫做半圆。优弧:大于半圆的弧叫做优弧。劣弧:小于半圆的弧叫做劣弧。(为了区别优弧和劣弧,优弧用三个字母表示。)weather?Listen to the rules of this game 2Give some time and let them prepare to actTalk about how to act 3Move aroun

8、d the room and give supportTalk in groups 4Ask one to act, other group guess, the winner group gets 1 point; Act and guess 5Evaluate the best group in the classChoose the best group and the best actor 教 案 正 第二章 二次函数文随堂记录Homework Call your friend and ask him/her what his family members are doing, wri

9、te diary.Period TwoI.教学目标 1.熟练运用现在进行时的用法 2.能够描述自己看到的情景,人的动作行为。 3.能够对天气、对事情表达自己的情感II.教学向导目标语言语言结构语言功能What are you doing?I am playing basketball.现在进行时一般等圆:能够完全重合的两个圆叫做等圆,半径相等的两个圆是等圆。疑问句Are you watching TV? Yes, I am. / No, I am not.Is she playing computer games?Yes, she/he is. / No, she/he isnt.谈论人的动作

10、谈论天气重点词汇学习策略与技巧跨学科知识Hot, cool, humid, cold, warm;Riding, walking, taking; Playing basketball, Eating/ drinking, Visiting my grandmother, Watching TV, Playing the guitar小组活动调查图表互相交流不同国家的文化III.教学过程设计:StepsTeachers activityStudents activityBrainstorm Ask students to describe photos of them Describe the

11、 photos, use my father is watching TV.Task I: pair work: what is he (3)相离: 直线和圆没有公共点时,叫做直线和圆相离.doing?AimFamiliar with the new words; review the sentences1Look at the words and the pictures and match them P601aFinish the work2Check the answersCheck 教 案 正 (4)面积公式:(hc为C边上的高);文随堂记录3Make conversations wi

12、th the pictures: what and howUse: The weather is he is reading; 4Move around the room and give the suggestions Talk about the tanA没有单位,它表示一个比值,即直角三角形中A的对边与邻边的比;conversations 5Ask some pairs and point out the mistakesShow their works Task II: reading comprehension1Say something about the background k

13、nowledge of Egypt and then look at the pictureGive their information of Egypt 2Ask students to explain the report for the classAct as a reporter. 3Choose the words of weather and the activitiesGive the answer 4Check the answer and point out the focusFinish the work 5Look at the pictures and describe

14、 ParisRead and fill in the blank 6Check the answer and point our the verb phrases Check the answer Task III: group work: your ideal placeAimUse different sentences 1Each group choose one place to describe and what you are doing in itChoose one place, and describe what they are doing 2Move around the room and give suggestions Talk about it and write it down 3Ask one to show their works and act itChoose one of each group to make a report 4Evaluate the best group and the best reporterChoose the best one HomeworkAsk your friends their ideal place and write about it 教学后记 文章来 源 w w w.


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