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1、Unit 7 How much are these socks第4课时 Section B 2b-Self Check教学目标一、知识与技能1. 掌握重点词汇:clothes store、sale、sell、price、cheap、all。2. 通过学习该部分,学生能够简单描述衣服,并为自己的服装店做个广告。二、过程与方法1. 通过各种读的活动,默读、速读、朗读、给任务读等,培养学生的阅读理解能力。2. 通过补全对话,培养学生写作能力。二、情感态度与价值观培养合理的价值观,正确对待商店打折销售现象。教学重点1. 掌握重点词汇和短语。2. 通过各种读的活动,默读、速读、朗读、给任务读等,培养学生

2、的阅读理解能力。3. 培养学生写作能力。教学难点比较自如地与同伴开展关于购物的对话,并能仿照例子写服装店广告。教法导航1. 指导阅读,速读,大声朗读,给任务读,培养学生的阅读理解能力。2. 改写对话,培养学生的写作能力。学法导航通过各种读,用心思考,培养阅读理解能力。通过改写对话培养写作能力。教学准备多媒体、多种形式的练习题。教学过程Step 1: GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2: RevisionShow the pictures of the clothing. Lets read and spell the names.Ask th

3、e prices according to the pictures.Step 3: ReadingShow Mr. Cools Clothes Store on the screen and get the students to finish the following tasks.1. Work on 2b Read the ad and fill in the price tags.2. Useful expressions: on sale, at very good price, skirts in purple.Step 4: Pair workDo the ask-answer

4、 exercises in pairs according to the prices in 2b.Step 5: PracticeImagine you work at Mr. Cools Clothes Store. Complete the conversation and practice it in groups.Then get some groups to perform the dialogue in front of the class.Step 6: PracticeWork on 3a Look at the things in the picture. Fill in

5、the blanks in the ad.Step 7: WritingWrite an ad for your own clothes store.Step 8: Game1. You have a clothing store next to Huaxing. We go to your shop. Please answer our questions about the prices of the clothing.2. Then write your own ad. The beginning has been given.Mr Cools Clothing SaleCome to

6、Mr Cools Clothing Sale. These socks are only 5 dollars. Do you like .? Step 9: Group workYour group is having a sale. You each have 200 RMB. You can buy or sell anything you like. Make a note of what you buy or sell.NamesGoodsBuy fromSell toPriceStep 10: Homework把你为自己的商店所写的广告制作成海报样式,注意要有吸引力,可以与同伴一起完

7、成。课堂作业按要求完成句子。1. Its 9 dollars. (改为复数句) _9 dollars. 2. The hat is red. (对划线部分提问) is the hat?3. The pants are 50 dollars. (对划线部分提问) are the pants?4. Thank you. (至少写出两种答语) a. . b. .参考答案:1. Theyre 2. What color 3. How much 4. a. Youre welcome. b. Thats all right.教学反思本节课的写作是一个难点,同时也是重点,所以为了降低难度,让学生采用小组形式,两人或多人一组。学生既觉得有挑战性,又不至于过难,增强了兴趣和自信。3


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