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1、常用护息英语会话导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于常用护患英语会话的内容,具 体内容:下面是我整理的,欢迎大家阅读!Nurse: Do you want to see a doctor? 你要看病吗?Patent: Yes, where shall I r.下面是我整理的,欢迎大家阅读!Nurse: Do you want to see a doctor?你要看病吗?Patent: Yes, where shall I register?是的,在哪儿挂号?N: Here, have you been here before?这儿,你从前来过吗?P: Yes, a year age. /NO,

2、 this is my first visit.是的,一年前来过./没有,这是第一次来.N: Have you a registration card?你有挂号证吗?P: Yes here it is. /NO, I forgot to bring it.有,在这儿呢./没有,我忘记带了.N: Do you remember your card number?你记得你的挂号证号码吗?P: Yes, it is C dash one, five, zero, eight, four, three. /No. I cant remember it.记得,是C-150843./不记得了.N: Whe

3、n did you come last?上次你什么时侯来的?P: About a week ago.大约在一周以前.N: Then Ill find out for you.那么,我给你查查.Are you working in the Embassy?你在大使馆工作吗?P: Yes Ill be here for three to five years.是的,我要在这儿呆三至五年.Im a teacher at.我是.的教师.N: Pleas show me your identity card (diplomat! certificate, experts certificate, pas

4、sport).请出示你的身份证(夕卜交官证、专家证、护照)。P: Im a tourist.我是一个旅游者.N: How long do you intend to stay here?你准备在这里呆多久?P: About one week.大约一周。Till the end of this year.到今年年底。Im leaving tomorrow morning.我明天早晨就走。N: Ill make a file (record) for you.我要给你做一份病历.Please write down your full name in block letters.请用印刷体写上你的全

5、名.How old are you?你的年龄?When were you born?你是哪年生的?P: I was burn on the fifteenth of February nineteen fifty two.我是1952年2月15日生的。N: What is your position in the Embassy?你在大使馆做什么工作?P: Im the ambassador (minister, chargd affaires, counselor, first secretary, second secretary, third secretary, Attach, sta

6、ff, secretary-archivist, militaryattach).我是大使(公使,代办,参赞,一等秘书,二等秘书,三等秘书, 随员,职员,档案秘书,武官随员).N: What is your work here?你在这里做什么工作?P: Im a delegate (businessman, engineer, teacher, artist, musician, retired worker, pilot housewife).我是代表团团员(商人,工程师,教师,艺术家,音乐工作者,退休工人, 飞机驾驶员,主妇).N: Are you married or single?你结

7、婚了,还是独身?P: Yes, Im married.是的,我结婚了.NO, Im single.没有,还是独身.Im divorced.离婚了。N: Whats your address, pleas.请告诉我你的住址。P: I live in . . . hotel (. . . Embassy, building block. . number).我住在.饭店(.使馆,.单元.楼.号).N: Your telephone number, pie软se.请告诉我你的电话.P: Five, two, two, one, three. Extension one five six.522133

8、,分机 156.N: Is your baby a boy or a girl?你的孩子是男孩还是女孩?Who is your host?谁接待你?P: I am a delegate of. . . delegation.我是代表团的团员。N: who is paying?谁替你付款?Can you charge it to your organization?你能在你的单位报销吗?Will they reimburse you?他们给你报销吗?P: I pay for myself.我自己付款(我自费)。I think they will reimburse me.我想他们会给我报销。I

9、think they will give me the money back.我想他们会把钱还给我的.N: Please pay for the registration. 清交挂号费。P: How much?多少钱?N: Here is your receipt and change.这是收据和找回的钱.Have you any small change?你有零钱吗?This is your registration card. Please dont lose it and bring it whenever you come.这是你的挂号证.请不要遗失。每次来时带着它.P: Yes, I

10、 will.好,照办.N: Whats wrong with you today?你今天哪里不舒服?Which department do you want to register with?你要挂哪科的号?P: I want to see a physician 我要看内科.P: I dont know which clinic. I have a rash all over my body. It ches badly.我不知道该挂哪个科.我混身起红疹;痒得厉害.N: I think you should see a dermatoloist first. If necessary wel

11、l transfer you to the physician.我想你应当先看皮肤科大夫.需要的话再转内科.P: I would like to see a dentist.我想见一位牙科医生。N: For a filling? a denture? or a cleaning?补牙?镶牙(做假牙),还是洗牙(洁齿)?P: I want to have a denture fitted (my teeth cleansed), please make an appointment for me.我要镶牙(洁齿),请给我约个时间.N: OK! Next Wednesday, do you pre

12、fer 8 oclock or 10 oclock?好吧!下星期三,你愿意上午八点钟来还是十点钟来?P: Ten oclock suits me better.十点钟对我更合适。N: Please come with me.请随我来.P: How long must I wait?我还需要等多久?N: Your turn is next.下一个就轮到你了.There are two more patients before you. 在你前而还有两个病人.Its your turn now.该你看病了.The patient before you is a rather complicated

13、 case. Im sorry you will have to wait at least half an hour.你前面那个病人情况较复杂。对不起,你至少还得等半个小时.P: I would like to have a check-up for a driving licence.我要做驾驶查体.N: You need to have your eyes, ears and blood pressure checked. You need to have a fluoroscopy done.你需要检查一下眼睛、耳朵和血压.你需要做透视检查。P: The doctor needs my

14、 weight, pleas weigh me.医生要我的体重,请给我量一下.N: Please bring a photograph of yourself, we have to affix a stamp on the corner of it.请带一张你的照片来,我们要在它的角上盖个印儿.P: The doctor suggested I have a series of gastro-intestinal tests made. What shall I do?医生建议我做个胃肠造影。我该怎样做呢?N: Ill make an appointment for you at once.

15、 Come next Friday morning at 8 oclock. Please dont eat or drink any thing after midnight.我现在就给你约定.下星期五早晨8点钟来.到后半夜就不要再吃东西或喝 水了.P: Not even water?水也不行吗?N: A sip of water is all right.小口水还是可以的.P: Where can I get the certificate stamped?我这证明在哪儿盖章呢?N: Right here. Ill do it for you.就在这儿。我来给你盖.P: If it is

16、an emergency case, we can come at any time, cant we ?or should we phone first?如果病情危重,我们随时都可以来,是吗?还要先打个电话不?N: If you have the time better notify us befor you come. Have you had your lungs x-raged this year?假如有时间,最好来之前打个电话.这一年内你照过胸部X线片吗?P : When can I get the result?我什么时候能知道检查结果?N: Right away.马上就可以.in

17、 two days.两天以后。P: May I ask our interpreter to phone for the result?可以请我们翻译打电话问结果吗?N: Yes you may. You can have all the results next Monday when you come to see the doctor.是的,可以。你下星期一看病的时候,所有的结果都会出来的。P: The paper for the driving licence need my height.驾驶执照上要有我的身高.N: DO you know your height in centim

18、eters?你知道你身高多少厘米吗。P: No I dont know. I measure five feet eleven inches.不知道,我的身高是5英尺11英寸.N: OK! II1 calculate it for you. Thats one hundred and seventy-seven point five centimeters.好,我替你算算.这就是177. 5厘米.If the patient is too weak, we can do home visit. Our doctor and nurse can go to the patients home b

19、y our ambulance. In case the patient needs to be hospitalized, we shall bring him(her) back. 假如病人太 弱,我们可以出诊.我们的医生和护士可以乘我们的救护车到病人家去。假如 病人需要住院,我们就把他(她)带回医院来.Ill take some blood from your arm. Please take off your coat and roll up your sleeve.我要从你的手臂上取点血。请脱掉上衣,卷起袖子.Ill take some blood from your ear. Pl

20、ease take off yourearring.我要从你的耳朵上取点血.请摘下你的耳环。Your veins dont stand out very clearly. Ill try to do it care. Be patient. Please clench your fist.你的静脉不明显,我需要仔细找找。请耐心些.请你握拳.Pleas open your hand. Press it with this bit of cotton wool for a while.请张开手,用这块棉花压一会儿.Ill do a skin test first to see if you hav

21、e any sensitivity.我要先给你做个皮肤试验看看你有无过敏现象。Since you are sensitive to the anti-tetanus serum, we will have to give it to you four doses, at an interval of twenty minutes.由于你对破伤风抗毒素过敏,我们要分四次注射,每次相隔20分钟.P: How often should I have the injection?这针多久注射一次?N: Once a day (twice a day).每天一次(每天两次).P: Where do yo

22、u give it?在哪个部位注射呢?N: In the buttocks (in the arm).在臀部(在手臂上).P: I discovered a lump on my buttock yesterday. What shall I do?我昨天发现我的臀部有个硬块.该怎么办呢?N: Let me have a look. Better put hot towels on it. Two times a day for fifteen minutes, If It doesnt get better, well try ghysiotherapy.让我看一下.最好用热手巾敷.一天敷两次,每次15分钟。假若不见好,我 们可以做做理疗.


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