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1、二、主要内容:第 教学周/第 节(第 次课)第 页教学目的Teachhg 0 b至ctives:To acquire the key w oxds, in portantand difficult sentences and language points教学重点和难点Teachhg FocusPossible D fficutties教学方法和手段Teachhg techniquesTo htegiate seveiaIdififeientteachhg m ethods and techniques: elicitation ; explanation ; iHistmtbn and di

2、scussion.教学基本内容备注U nit4 The M an h the W ater1. W aim hg-iip Q uestbns1) Q uestbn: W ho are the hemes in the storyTwo police xescueis and, a young passexby and the m an h the water2) Q uestbn :W ho is the greatestheio W hyThe m an ri the w ater0 iriinaiy as he was, he could rise to challenge when th

3、e testcam e.H e dispbyed courage and nobh chaiacter h hum an naturc at its best3) Q uestbn : h the authorview ,s do people feelpioud or sad aboutthe disaster w hyThey feelpioud because m an defeated the hdififeientnatuxalforces.4) Q uestbn: W hat is referred to as one ofm an s natmalpow eis athe pas

4、sageSacrificing his life for the life ofothers5) Q uestbn: The ffehtbelw een the m an h the w aterand the natuialforces ended up w ith the death of the m an. W hy does the author say he is nota loserH e was the bestw e can do to ffehtagahstthe hdiflfercntnatLiialfcrces.W hats m orc, he never dies h

5、people s heart孑 W hatw as unusualaboutthe air ciash+ W hy does the author refer to the aeslhetic aspectof the clash+ W hataxe the things the authorm entbns to be worth noticing斗 W hat does the author m ean when he says the hum an nature was giophg and stmgglhg孑 W hy does the aulhor say thatthe m an

6、w entunidentifiedgave hin auniveisalchaiacterxoidhg to+ H ow could the m an in the watergive a lifeline to those who w atehed hin W hatdoes the “ hfelhe ” here sym bolize W hatdoes$ the grcatness of the anonym ous m an actual lie h W hatdo you thhk are the stongesthum an pow ers endow ed w ith by na

7、tuxe2) Background Ihfcim atbn I The A irC rash0 n Jan. 13, 1982 one of the w orstsnow stem s h the histoiy ofW ashhgton,. hit the city. Just about evethhg ebsed down the govemm ent, businesses, schools, 1he airports. By aboutnoon, the skies cleared andW ashhgton N atbnals A irport reopened for busin

8、ess. The crew of A irF brida Flight90 began pieparing fora nonstop trp to sunny FortLaudeidale, Fbrida. A t 3 :59 .,the tw hnghe Boeing 737 was cleared fortakeoffand began zum blhg down the zunway on its fhalffehtM hutes htei; the phne sm ashed into the 14th S teetBriige, on卜 1,200 yards fom the Pen

9、lagon, destoyhg fourautom obiles and kHlhg five people. The then feUhto the re-covercd Potom ac R ivei; bringing a 11 the passengers to their hstantdeath except&efour passengers and one fljghtattendantfiom the tail section, who found them selves gasphg and struggling h the ry w ate is.These five peo

10、ple how ever survwed and they w ere able to survive because of fcurhexoes. The authorwiote this essay in praise of these hemes, tfixee of whom had risked 也eirlives to rescue the survwois and w ere able to live to tell Uie stoiy, butthe m an thatieaUy held the whole nation attentions was tf efourth o

11、ne who had keptpushhg his lifelhe and fbtatbn rings to others until he w entunder E PresidentalM onum ent 1) W ashhgton M onum enth rccognitbn ofhis leadershp h the cause of Am erican independence, W ashhgton earned the title“ FatherofH is C ountxy ” . W ith ihis :n onum ent; thecitizens of the U ni

12、ted States show their endurhg g latitude and xespectfor the finstP resident of the U nited States.3) Jefferson M em orialThom as Jeflfeisonpoliticalphibsophei; architect, m usichn, book coUectox; scientist, horticulturist (园艺学家 ),dpbm at; hventoi; and third Prcsidentofthe U nited States, also author

13、of the D echiatbn of Am erran dependence, and Fatherof the U ni/ersity ofV irghia. 3) Lhcoh M em orhlThe Lhcoh M em orialis a tribute to President A bxaham Lhcoh and the nation he fc)ughtto pieserve during the C ivlIW ar (1861T865). The LincolnM em orialw as built to resem ble a G reek tem pie. Itha

14、s 36 D orr colim ns, one for each state at 1he tin e ofLhcohdeaths. A sculp tare by D anielC hesterFrench of a seated Lhcoh is h the center of the m em orialcham ber EL Potom ac R iverThe Potom ac R iver is often inferred to as the“ N a ton s R *flow s thiough the natbn capitals w here the m agnific

15、ent m onum ents of the W ashhgton, Jefferson, and Lhcoh m em o ria Is arc reflected h its waters. It is one of the m ostbeautifiiland bountifiilriveis on the EastC oastand is known for its historic, scenic and ipcieatbnalsnificance. Itbeghs as a sm allsprhg at the Fairfex S tone h W estV irghia, and

16、 w hds its way thmugh the m ountahs and valleys of Appahchk, pastbattlefields and old m anufecturhg tow ns. The river fbw s m ore than 380 m ibs and grow s to m ore than 11m Ues w ide as itreaches the Chesapeake Bay atPohtLookout M aiybnd.3. Them e :The m an h the w ater did nothave to give his rhgs

17、 to otheis; he did noteven know these people. H e w as extmoidinaiy precise卜 because he w as oidinaxy. H e showed whateveiyone ofus could do atthatcriticalm om ent The display ofhis heioism was a song to the beautifiilhum an character 4. Prefix,becai5. Phrases1. as sth. goes2. to be surc : indeed, c

18、ertain卜Exam pie: To be sure, m ostpeopfe are hw abiding, butcrin e rem ahs a problem .必承,大部分的人是遵守法的,但法活依然是个O3. bring - to tears4. brhg down v. a. to cause to fellorcollapseb. to rcduce the rate, level or am ountExam pies:S tong w hd bioughtdown the pow er lines acioss the rcgbn.0 urprincpalresponsib

19、fliiy is to brhg down the levelofunem pbym ent5. rise to the challenge :to deal successfiiUy w ith a pioblem or asituation that is especialh oweto on behalfof: as the agentof; on the partofExam pies: A solicitor issued a statem enton behalfof the fem 药.H e intervened w ith the in m 您ratbn service on

20、 his behaK letgo of: to stop holding sb. or sth.Exam pie:She rcfiised to letgo ofherbag and kicked herattackeis sevexaltin es. setoneself against :to cause people orgzoups to ffeht each other difficultExam pie :m risuretojohnthechaw fllhnge.It s notan easy task, butl6. h the The of duly : while w oi

21、khgalthough they w ere in a friendly rchtbnshp beforeExam pie:It is a bitter industrialdispute thathad setw oikers agahstw oikeis.setsth. agahststh .: to com parc one thing w ith anothers.This season s results have beendisappohthg setagahst last year6. G ram m ar and W riting D evresParallelismTheie

22、 was the unusualebm entofthe bridgeThen, too there w as the bcatbn of the eventAnd there w as the aesthetic crash as w ellStill 1herc w as nothing very spechl exceptdeath(para. 1) W hatefectdo you thhk ithas herethe use of identicalor equivalent syntactic constmctbns h correspondhg clausesPaiaUelstw

23、ctLireH is selfishness w as one 虑 a son the sto held nationalattentiQn ; his anonym ityPartTwo : Backgiound Ihfcim atbnP art Three : T extAppxechtbn1. Them e2. S tmduxe3. FurtherD iscussionPart Four: Language StudyPartFLre :Exercises and Extension albcatbn ( 12 学时)PartO ne and Two: (1 学时)W arm tip a

24、nd Backgiound bfcim atbnh class presentationP artThiee : TextAppiechtbn ( 6 学时)1. Them e2. S tmduxe3. FurtherD iscussbnPart Four: Language Study ( 4 学时)PartFi/e :Hom ewoik and Exercises (1 学时)another. (Pam. 4)7. Exercises on the book And D ebateTopics fcrD ebatng:1. W ho are the xealheioes h our tin

25、 e2. You do notneed to be totally extmoiriiiaiy to be a hero.A heio is som eone thathets others no m atterwhatthe situation. Theie are m any qualities thata heio m ustpossess such as bxaveiy, courage, strength, htelicence and honor These qualities abne arc notenough to m ake a heio. They m ustalso b

26、e purc atheart, ffehtforthe good ofm ankhd and on& fightwhen ills to piotectthe people and notoutofrage orrevenge.H eioes have notiealh* 1 2 * * * * 7 evolved thatm uch shce the eark days. They arc still basically the sam e strong m en w ith unhum anlke pow eis thatthe noim alm ortal m an cannoteven

27、 com prehend.H exoes com e h m any shapes and sizes.C ontmiy to popuhrbelie hexoes nowadays arc ji st regular people w ith the sam e eveiyday piobfem s thatw e have to endure.A heio should nothave to prove to hin self or to anyone else thathe is brave, fearless orcouiageous. Ifhe is puxe atheartand his htenti)ns are good then he can be consideied a tme hero.A true heio isn tperfect A heio is whatpeopb see hin as. The criteria fora heio is debatable, butforthe m ostpartthe chaxacteristrs are the sam e.7. H om ew oik: Txanshtions, N ew w oids andPhrases designPartO ne : W aim nip Q uestbns


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