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1、不容易的英文单词你知道是什么吗?下面一起来看看你。释义:no picnicdifficulthardtroublesome例句:要闹清楚每个习惯用语的意思是不容易的。It is no easy thing to get at the meaning of every idiom.因为她没有汽车,所以去那儿不容易。As she has no car, she cant get there easily.所有这些是不容易的。None of this was easy.茶壶盖不容易取下。The teapot lid doesnt, take off easily.请注意,虽然您可能倾向于向该域中键入

2、,但那些字符中有许多字符都不容易映射到 您计算机键盘上的键。Note that while you may be inclined to type into that field, many of thosecharacters do not easily map to keys on your computer keyboard.玛丽曾经用这样的文字表述过她的思想:“生活对于我们任何人都不容易。Marie described her thoughts in words much like this: ”Life is not easy for any ofus.这当然不容易,因为控制的需要也

3、很强大,尤其是父母对子女的养育,在此我们的恐 惧也很强大。This certainly was not easy because the need to control can be very powerful-particularly in parenting, where our fears are so powerful.想要这么做,首先要掌握这门语言,因此很不容易,但只要你做到了,你就有机会发 现一些只有很少部分人在做的事情。Doing this is not easy because you should first master the language, but if you c

4、an do it, chance is you will find things few other people do.也许很不容易做到,但你必须有点耐心。This may not be easy to do, but you must hold back.这是不容易的,但你能做得到。Its not easy, but you can.要成为一名志愿者是不容易的Its noteasy to be one of these volunteers.和所有的习惯一样,要摒弃掉不容易,然而这儿有些明了简单而有效的方法,你可以 一步步地将忧虑从你的生命中踢除。Like all habits, it m

5、ight not be easy to do, but there are some clear, simple andeffective steps you can take to eliminate worry from your life.每个人都希望拉法耶能活下来。观众开始理解这个角色,这很不容易,因为拉法耶 周围有巨大的屏障环绕着他。Everyone wants to see Lafayette succeeding from the moment they start tounderstand him which is not easy because there , s a hu

6、ge barrier around him.因为有的时候,用户会给你带来意外与惊讶,你建设的最易用的网站对他们来说是怎 样的不容易。Because sometimes, users do the unexpected 6surprise you with “how the easy-to-use website you created is not easy for them.要知道是否该分手还是继续在一起,这是一个很纠结的常常不容易回答的问题。Knowing whether to break up or stay together is a wrenching question that o

7、ftenlacks an easy answer.由于这涉及特殊的技能,因此该职责不容易委托。Since this involves special skills, this responsibility is not easily delegated.目前这种病毒虽然看来不容易在人体间传播,但可能突变成一种很容易通过咳嗽或喷 嚏传播的形式。Although the virus does not appear to be easily transmissible among humans, itcould mutate into a form that is easily passed thr

8、ough a cough or sneeze.但即做你能克服这类伤脑筋的事,要想出一些好玩的地方总是很不容易。Even if you can overcome these worries, it s not always easy to think ofinteresting places to go.几乎所有涉及的计划都需要大量资金,但是最近在华盛顿或任何首府都不容易得到这 样的资助。Nearly all of them require hefty financing, which is not easy to find in Washingtonor in any state capita

9、l these days.但是,这算是一种欺骗还是一种讽刺呢?尤其是在这项进球很不容易的体育运动的规 则之下。But was it cheating - or was it a cynical trade under the rules of a sport in whichgoals do not happen very easily?那段时间真的很不容易,但我们慢慢地重建了这一街区,并在这一过程中,我得到了 我所能得到的最好的教育。It wasn,t easy, but we slowly rebuilt those neighborhoods one block at a time, andin the process I received the best education I ever had.他们会导致癌症,损害你的肝脏和神经系统,而且不容易离开你的身体。They cause cancer, damage your liver and nervous system, and are not easilyremoved from your body.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


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