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1、2018年12月大学英语四级参考真题(第一套)Section ANews Report One(1) A device that weighs less than 1 kilogram is part of a mission that will allow scientists to deliver fourth generation or 4G mobile coverage to the moon in 2019. If successful, the tin y device will provide the m oon with its first ever mobile phone

2、 n etwork. The lunar n etwork will support high defi niti on stream ing of video and data betwee n the moon and the earth. The network is part of a mission to the moon. This is a project with the goal of landing the first privately paid for mission to the moon. The 4G mission is set to launch from C

3、ape Can averal in the Un ited States on a space X Falc on Nine Rocket in 2019. Missio n to the moon intends to establish and test the first eleme nts of a com muni cati ons n etwork on the moon. (2)The scie ntists work ing on the project opted to build 4G rather tha n the fifth gen eratio n or 5G wo

4、rk.This is because fifth ge nerati on n etworks are still intesting and trial phases. This means that a 5G network may not yet be stable eno ugh to work on the moon s surface.Questi onl:What are scie ntists pla nning to do?Questi on2:Why did scie ntists choose to set up a 4Gn etwork in their missi o

5、n?News Report TwoFirefighters resp on ded to a fire Wed nesday ni ght at an aba ndoned mall in Heywood. The fire was reported at 9:26 p.m. at an old shopp ing cen ter on Michiga n Ave nue n ear St. Mary s Church. Six fire engines, two trucks and two chiefs resp on ded to the sce ne. Crews had the fi

6、re un der con trol in about 45 minu tes and man aged to contain the fire to its point of orig in. There were some people in side the buildi ng whe n the fire broke out, (3) but there were no reports of any injuries. Fire inv estigators have resp on ded to the sce ne but have not yet determ ined the

7、cause of the fire. Firefighters will rema in on the scene until later this morning to ensure that the fire doesn t start up again. The shopping mall had not been in use since 2002.In 2014,_City_Hall_developed_a_plan_toknock down the building and replace it with affordable hous ing. However, the pla

8、n was dropped due to lack of fun ds.Questi on3: What does the n ews item say about the fire?Questio n4:What had City Hall pla nned to do ?News Report Three(5)Potato chips in Japa n are being sold for 6 times theirnormal price. This is after the country s main manufacturer stopped sales due to a pota

9、to shortage. Storms and floods and its main potato grow ing regi on last year caused the worst harvest and more tha n 3 decades. Local media reports suggest Calbee and its main rival Koike-ya are halting almost50 products. “We don t know when we II be able to restart ”, a compa ny spokesma n said. S

10、n ack lovers are panic buying and many supermarket shelves are bare.(6) Japanese lawslimit the amount of imported potatoes that can be used in Japan ese made products. Japa n says fear of disease is its main reason to block fresh imports. It still only allows potatoes from selected US states. This i

11、s only at certain times and on con diti on that they are processed at factories based near Japanese ports. (7) But global warming has raised the possibility that domestic produce could be seriously affected by rare weather eve nts more ofte n.Question5 : What problem is Japan facing ?Question6 : Why

12、 does Japan limit the import of potatoes?Question7 : What might affect Japanese domesticproduce ?Secti on BCon versati on OneM: (8) Mr. Brown s lectures are so boring.W: Yes, he is not a very excit ing speaker. But the subjectis in teresti ng.M: During every one of his lectures, I try to listen. I r

13、eallytry. But after about 10 mi nutes my mind beg ins to wan derand I lose concen tratio n. But I see that you seem to be OK.How do you stay focused through the en tire hour?W: Well, (9-1) what I do is keep my pen moving.M: What do you mea n?W: It s a method of active concentration I read about.(9-2

14、)O ne of the most effective ways to concen trate is to write things dow n. But it has to be done by hand, not typing on a keyboard. You see writing by hand forces you to actually engage with what you re learning in a more physical way.M: Do you review your no tes afterwards the n?W: Sometimes, but t

15、hat s not important. My notes mayor may not be useful but the point is that by writing down what Mr. Brand says I can follow his line of thinking more easily .In fact, sometimes I draw a little too.M: You draw in class and that helps me pay attention?W: (10) Yes, hon estly it works for me. I just dr

16、aw littlelines and nonsense really. It was also in that article I read. It can keep the mind active, preve nt gett ing bored and help to concen trate. Agai n the point is to liste n hard while keep ing the pen moving. (11 ) If I m at home and I need to study what I do is read out loud. It has a simi

17、lar effect to writing by han d. It helps memorize in formati on in a physical way.Question8: What does the man think of Mr. Brown slectures?Questi on9: What does the woma n do duri ng Mr. Brow ns lectures?Questi on 10: Why does the woma n draw in class?Questi on 11: What does the woma n say about re

18、ad ing out loud?Con versati on TwoM: And where is this?W: These photos are from the Taj Mahal in In dia. (12)Wewent there about ten years ago for our hon eym oon.M: Was it roma ntic.W: Yeah. The Taj Mahal was a very romantic place. The guide told us there is a famous love story behi nd this buildi n

19、g that all Indians learn in school. (13)1 think it was during the 1600 and the princess at that time died while giving birth to her 14th child. The Emperor loved the prin cess so much and was so sad whe n she died that he ordered the palace to be built in her honor.M: Wow. That sounds very romantic.

20、 It looks amazing.W: Yes, it s gorgeous. It s also larger in real life than itlooks in the photos. The build ing is very tall and there aregarde ns in a wall aro und it all. It all built in this white stone (14)And some walls of the building are decorated with jewels.M: It must have bee n very crowd

21、ed whe n you were there.W: Yes, it s a very famous tourist destination. So there are thousa nds of visitors every day.M: Was the rest of India crowded?W: Yes, very crowded in many cities. It was sometimes so crowded that it was difficult to walk along the streets especially through busy markets. And

22、 there are so many cars. Traffic was terrible but the people were frie ndly. The culture is amaz ing and we had a great time.M: What about the food?W: The In dia n food is great. There are lots of differe nt dishes to try and every regi on has its own special food.Questi on 12: For what purpose did

23、the woma n go to In dia?Question13: Why was the Taj Mahal built?Questi on 14: What does the woma n say about the TajMahal?Question 15: what is the woman s impression of Indiancities?Secti on CPassage OneA Pew Research Cen ter survey of more tha n 1000America ns con ducted in April 2016 finds that Am

24、erica ns con ti nue to express largely positive views about the curre nt state of their local public libraries. (16)For instanee, around three quarters say that public libraries provide them with the resources they n eed. And 66% say the clos ing of their local public library would have a major impa

25、ct on their com muni ty.Although no tably just 33% say this would have a major impact on them pers on ally or on their family. A majority of America ns feel libraries are doing a good job of provid ing a safe place for people to hang out or spe nd time as well as opening up educational opportunities

26、 for people of all ages(17) A nd roughly half thi nk their libraries con tribute“ a lotto their communities in terms of helping spark creativity among young people. And providi ng a trusted place for people to lear n about new tech no logies. As in past PewResearch Cen ter surveys of library use the

27、 April 2016 survey also measured America ns usage of and en gageme nt with libraries. Overall, 53% of America ns ages 16 and older have had some in teracti on with the puppet library in the past year either through an in person visit or using a library website(18) Some 48% of adults specifically vis

28、ited a library in thepast 12 mon ths, a modest in crease from the 44% who said that in late 2015.Questi on 16: What do most America ns say about localpublic libraries?Questi on 17: How can local public libraries ben efit young people?Questio n18: What does the 2016 survey show aboutadult library use

29、rs?Passage Two(19) A Sava nnah cat is a crossbreed betwee n a domesticcat and a medium-sized wild Africa n cat called the Serval.The unu sual cross became popular among breeders at the end of the 1990s. And in 2001, the International Cat Associati on accepted it as a new registered breed. The sava n

30、n ahs are tall and slim and can weigh up to nine point one kilograms, making them one of the largest breeds of cats that people can own. They have a spotted code similar to that of many types of wild cats and their ears are very large.(20) They are also com monly compared to dogs in their loyalty. A

31、nd can be trained to walk on a lead and to fetch, and ofte n no ted characteristic of the Sava nnah is its jumpi ng ability. They are known to jump on top of doors and high cab in ets.Some can leap about2.5 meters high from a sta nding positi on. Cats are typically known for being very inq uisitive

32、and so are the Sava nn ahs. They ofte n lear n how to ope n doors and cupboards. Many Sava nnah cats do not fear water and will play with or eve n dive into water. (21)Some owners eve n shower with their Sava nnah Cats. Prese nti ng a water bowl to Sava nnah may also prove a challe nge, as some will

33、 promptly begin to bat all the water out of the bowl until it is empty using their front paws.Questi on 19: What do we lear n about the sava nnah cat?Questi on 20: What is characteristic of Sava nnah cats?Questi on 21: What do some people do with theirSava nnah cats?Passage Three(22)Whe n childre n

34、start school for the very first timepare nts ofte n feel a sense of exciteme nt coupled with a touch of sad ness at the end of an era. This is the start of a new adve nture for childre n play ing and in teract ing with new friends sharing, taking turns and settling into a new routine.(23)But of cour

35、se, this is not the start of your child seducati on which in fact bega n at birth. Back the n, you would have bee n your child s most in flue ntial teachers. Duringthis time at home, your child would have learnt more than at any other period in their life. During your child s first yearin school muc

36、h time will be spent in learning to read and they need to know that this is fun and worthwhile. (24)Your child will n aturally copy you so it is importa nt that you are see n read ing and enjoying books n ewspapers and magaz ines rather tha n just absorbed in scree ns. Ultimately an excelle nt educa

37、ti on should be a close part nership betwee n pare nts and teachers. A child s year splits fairly neatly into thirds: a third at school, a third asleep and a third awake at home or on holiday. (25)lrrespective of the quality of a school, a child s home life is of key importance.lt is the determining

38、 factor of their academic success. Your child may have started on a new jour ney but your work is far from fini shed.Questi on 22: How do pare nts feel whe n their childre n start going to school?Questi on 23: What does the passage say about childre n s educati on?Questi on 24: What should pare nts do for the success of their children s education?Questi on 25: What does the passage say is the key factor of children s academic success?


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