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1、英语试题同步练习题考试题教案八年级英语上册UNIT 5单元过关练习. A. 1.Tom asked me what that day was and I told him it was M . 2.Mary i Tim to her birthday party but Tim couldnt, because he had lots of homework to do. 3.When I phoned Xiao Ming , he was playing s . 4.We will go to the movie with our parents on W . 5.Thank you for

2、 your invitation to visit, but I have to go to the d .I have got a toothache. 6.You should write everything you have to do next week on the c . 7.This Sunday I will have a p lesson. Ill learn some new music. 8.Mary cant go on a trip. She have to study for a g test. B. 1. Id love to 6. 后天 2. Can you

3、come to my party? 7. 校队 3. go to the doctor 8. 过来 4. have a piano lesson 9. 谢谢你的邀请 5. Whats the date today? 10. 帮他姐姐看孩子 ABCD 1.“Can you help me my English? “ ”. A. with ;With pleasure B. for; With pleasure C. with; A pleasure D. for; A pleasure 2.“ Im sorry I have broken your cup .” “ ” A. You are w

4、elcome B. Its all right C. Not at all D. It is no matter 3. “Would you like to join us in basketball?”“ but Im afraid I have to study for my science test.” A.I wouldnt B. Id love to C. Id like D.I dont like it 4. Both of his parents died of illness so he support his family at the age of 14 A. must B

5、. should C. could D. had to 5. May 12th is Xiao Mings birthday. He us to his birthday party. A. asks B. invites C. makes D. tells 6.Thanks your help ,and now I have made great progress in my English. A. to B. with C. for D. by 7.“Can you go to the movie with us on Sunday?”“Of course. is it?” “5:00 i

6、n the afternoon.” A. Where B. What time C. How soon D. When 8. The poor lady had to go out for food a cold morning. A. in B. at C. on D. during 9. The big star on our national flag the Party. A. stands up B. stands for C. instead of D. mean 10. is made in Guangzhou. A. All kinds of bicycle B. This k

7、ind of bicycles C. All kinds of bicycles D. Bicycle of this kind 11. “Have you got e-mail address?”“Oh, yes. Mine is wjb80 yahoo. com.” A. the B. an C. a D./ 12. Mrs. Liu teaches English. We like class very much. A. me ;his B. me; her C. us; his D. us; her 13. Our school is only walk from here. A. f

8、ive-minute B. five minutes C. five minutes D. five minutes 14. I dont like the color of the T-shirt. Would you show me one? A. other B. the other C. another D. others 15. me carefully, boys and girls. Can you me? A. Listen to; hear from B. Hear; listen to C. Hear; hear D. Listen to; hear . A. I like

9、 blue. B. Oh! Its great .How much does it cost? C. Id like a sweater for my son. D. Size“L”. E. Hmm. Thats cheap. Ill have it. F. Size“L” G. Thats a good idea. A: What can I do for you? B: 1 A: What size do you want? B: 2 A: What color do you like? B: 3 A: Which would you prefer, the woolen ones or

10、the cotton ones? B: 4 A: What about this one? B: 5 A: Fifty-five yuan. B: 6 Guo Hua was late 1 class. When he came to the classroom, Mr Li was teaching.“May I come in , Mr. Li?” asked Guo Hua. “Whats wrong 2 you?” asked the teacher, “Why are you late?” “Oh ,I had an 3 this morning,” answered Guo Hua

11、 in a low voice. “Were you badly hurt?” asked the teacher again,“Did you go to the hospital to 4 the doctor?” “Thank you, Mr. Li,” said Guo Hua,” Luckily, I was not badly hurt.” “Could you 5 us about your story?” said the teacher. “I got up early this morning. I came to school 6 bike .When I was on

12、my way 7 school, I saw a new car near me. I like cars very much, as you know. I rode my bike very fast. The car and I were neck 8 neck. The driver looked at me. And she 9 the car faster. Then she stopped the car in front of 10 .She wanted to open the door and get out of the car. I 11 the door of the

13、 car. Thats all,”said Guo Hua slowly. “Do you remember the 12 of the car?” asked the teacher. “No. When I came to myself, the car was 13 .But I remember the driver,” answered Guo Hua. “The driver is a girl. She has long hair .She is 14 a red dress. Her boots are brown. And she has a beautiful face.”

14、 All the students 15 and the teacher said nothing. 1.A . to B. for C. on D. in 2.A. from B. about C. around D. with 3. A. accident B. orange C. egg D. apple 4. A. visit B. ask C. see D. find 5. A. tell B. speak C. say D. talk 6.A. on B. by C. of D. at 7. A. with B. for C. on D. to 8. A. but B. also

15、C. and D. else 9. A. made B. drove C. asked D. let 10. A. me B. my C. mine D. myself 11. A. opened B. closed C. cleaned D. hit 12. A. type B. number C. kind D. colour 13. A. off B. out C. away D. along 14.A .in B .on C. for D. with 15.A. cried B. laughed C. ran D. work Once there were three old men.

16、 They were rather forgetful. They always forgot what they were doing. One of them said, “I always wonder if I want to buy a coat or a pair of socks. The second old man said, “I often forget if I should put something in or take something out of the fridge as soon as I open its door.” “I am even more

17、forgetful than both of you.” Said the last old man ,and he knocked at the table. Then he turned to the other two men and asked, “Who just knocked at the table?” 1. The second old man said . A. he forgot where he should go B. he forgot whether he wanted to put something in the fridge C. he forgot his

18、 key 2. The first old man forgot . A. what he wanted to buy B. where he wanted to go C. what he should bring 3. The third old man said . A. he was less forgetful than the others B. he was more forgetful C. he was remembering what he was doing 4. Who is the most forgetful? A. The first old man B. The

19、 second old man C. The third old man 5. From the story we can know . A. None of them are young B. None of them is forgetful C. The second old man is most forgetful Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes your heart and body strong.

20、Children who often exercise are more alert(灵活的).This means they do better in tests and schoolwork than those who dont exercise. There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games, Make sure you exercise in the following ways: you have to like what youre doing. Exerci

21、se enough but not too much. Its best to exercise twice each week. Thirty minutes each time is enough.Try all kinds of thing until you find one, two or even three sports that feel right for you. You can exercise at fitness centers. They have a lot of equipment(设备)there. The equipment will help exerci

22、se your arms, legs and other parts of body to make you fit. Some people buy equipment for their homes. But it is very expensive. Exercising can be fun. Friends can exercise together at a fitness center, or they can play sports together. How do you exercise? 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 1. In the text, the writer

23、tells us that we all need to . A. drink B. sleep C. exercise D. work 2. Which of the following sports is not in the text? A. Fishing B. Running C. swimming D. Walking 3. The words“fitness centers” in the text mean . A.商务中心 B.健身中心 C.购物中心 D.医疗中心 . On Thursday after moon, I tried to make some money wit

24、h my voice. But I only k 1 two songs. I decided to start at the kind old ladys house. But she did not come to the door. I was a 2 she could not hear me ,so I tried to sing louder. She still did not come ,so I went to her neighbours house. I was in the middle of my second song w 3 the door opened. “W

25、 4 are you doing?” a lady asked me crossly. “Im singing”. “Yes, but why are you singing?” “I need money.” “Well, Ill g 5 you 10 pence to go away.” I went away. This time I sang at a house at the end of the street. A man c 6 to the door. “What are you doing?” he asked. “Im trying to sing.” “Young man

26、,” he said.” Some people have good voices and some people have bad voices, and people w 7 bad voices ought not to sing.” “But Im trying to earm some money,” I told him. “Oh, I see .Well, I ll give you a j 8 to do , if you want , you can sweep the l 9 for me.” It was hard work but I am now 35 pence y

27、 10 than I was yesterday. 1.k 2.a 3.w 4.W 5.g 6.c 7.w 8.j 9.l 10.y 写封e-mail请你的好朋友Lucy来参加你的生日晚会,注意告诉她晚会开始的时间地点及乘车路线。 (2)经过三点作圆要分两种情况:_其中点在圆上的数量特征是重点,它可用来证明若干个点共圆,方法就是证明这几个点与一个定点、的距离相等。_最值:若a0,则当x=时,;若a0,则当x=时,_(3)二次函数的图象:是一条顶点在y轴上且与y轴对称的抛物线,二次函数的图象中,a的符号决定抛物线的开口方向,|a|决定抛物线的开口程度大小,c决定抛物线的顶点位置,即抛物线位置的高

28、低。_(一)教学重点_ 一单词与词汇 1.圆的定义:A Monday/ invited/ soccer/ Wednesday/ dentist(s)/calender/ piano/geography/ B 略 二单项选择 1-5 ABBDB 6-10 CBCBB 11-15 BDDCD 三CDAFBE (2)交点式:y=a(x-x1)(x-x2)四完形填空 上述五个条件中的任何两个条件都可推出其他三个结论。1-5 BDACA 6-10 BDCBA 11-15 ABCAB 弓形:弦及所对的弧组成的图形叫做弓形。五.阅读理解 A篇 BABCA B篇CAB 六.阅读填词 1.know 2.angry 3.When 4.What 5.give 23.53.11加与减(一)4 P4-126.came 7.with 8.job 9.leaves 10.more 七,作文(略)


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