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1、英语试题练习题教案学案课件大专英语精读第三册第二单元教学设计大专英语精读第三册第二单元教学设计 王 韶 芳 教学内容分析: 使用教材是全国成人高等教育规划教材第三册第二单元。 内容是CHRISTMAS。整篇文章较易理解,重点放在背景的介绍,课堂上设计问题让学生进行口语练习,发挥学生课堂上的主体作用,课后让学生自己归纳课文,做口头和笔头练习。 1. 重点: a) 生词和词组的应用; b) 课文分析; c) 课文归纳; 2. 难点:背景内容的理解 重点: a) 理解文章内容; b) 把握文章主题; 难点: 课文中的细节。 1. 教学手段和方法: 1(设计练习,让学生的听、说、读、写四环节都得到巩固

2、, 提高学生的实践能力。 2( 教师着重对学生启发,解释清楚重点,难点,形成学生良好的思维习惯。 2. 教学目标: 1. 认知目标 知识点 认 知 目 标 熟记 复用 听力 表达 分析应用 归纳 单词 ? ? 精 句型 ? ? 读 短语 ? ? 课文 ? ? ? ? ? ? 语法 ? 听说 ? ? ? ? ? 泛读 ? ? 快速阅读 ? 3. 教学时间:6课时 精读(?):课文 Christmas的生词,短语教学; 课文的整体理解,难点、重点分析及归纳; 4. 教学媒体:录音机,录音带,多媒体 5. 教学评价: 1. 形成性评价:通过课堂提问,练习及课后作业所反馈的信息,及时调整教学进度和方法

3、。 2. 总结性评价:通过口头、笔头练习,推测教学目标的到达度。 教案: CHRITMAS ?Background Information 1. Introductory Remarks Christmas Day, as you know, is the most enjoyable time and the greatest festival in Western Countries, especially in the USA. But do you know how American people prepare, celebrate and enjoy this festive ti

4、me? And if you want to know how most people decorate their homes, and what the religious origins of Christmas are and what its traditions are, please read the passage we have prepared for you here. Christmas falls on December 25. It is one of the two most important holy days for Christians, who atte

5、nd special church services to celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. However, many of the other common Christmas customs are observed by people who are not religious. In this way, some Christmas traditions have become generalized American traditions. Among them: 1) Exchange gifts 2) Receiving toy

6、s from Santa Claus - a generous fourthcentury bishop whose custom was to circulate at night distributing gifts to the needy 3) Hanging a stocking containing gifts near the chimney or on the wall 4) Decorating a tree, or decorating the house with evergreens 5) Singing Christmas carols 6) Sending Chri

7、stmas cards 7) A Christmas dinner for family and friends Christmas is “the season to be jolly”. However, some people maintain hat Christmas in the U.S. has become too “commercial” nowadays, and prefer to celebrate it in more modest ways. 2. Background Remarks Christmas ( for dictation) Christmas is

8、Americas most popular holiday. Some people will attend church and observe Christmas as the birthday of Christ. For others, Christmas is just a day of fun and celebration, a time for family and friends to gather together, exchange gifts and enjoy a huge holiday dinner. Schools and churches present sp

9、ecial holiday concerts. People go to parties, find gifts and prepare special Christmas food. For a large number of Americans, Christmas is surrounded by more traditions than any other holiday. People in other parts of the world, of course, have been celebrating Christmas for many centuries. In fact,

10、 December was a winter holiday season in northern and southern Europe even before the birth of Christ. And the ancient Romans celebrated the New Year on December twenty-fifth. Some experts believe that is why the Roman Catholic Church set the birth of Christ on that day. The Origin of Santa Claus Th

11、e story of Santa Claus began hundreds of years ago. During the fourth century, a Roman Catholic Church official called Nicholas of Myra became famous for his many good deeds. Nicholas was made a saint after his death and it became common in northern Europe to hold a th, the day Nicholas died. All ki

12、nds of stories were told about Saint celebration on December 6Nicholas and the Dutch brought one of these stories with them to America. They believed that each year the Saint rode a white horse from hone to hone, He gave presents to children who had been good, and coal or straw to children who had b

13、een bad. Other Americans who lived nearby greatly enjoyed the Dutch celebrations. They decided to make Saint Nicholas part of their own celebration of Christmas. But he got a new name, Santa Claus. It was taken form the Dutch words for Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus. The Dutch imagined Saint Nicholas t

14、o be a serious, even frightening person, who could punish as well as give gifts. But in 1822, an American named Clement C. Moore wrote a Christmas poem for his children. The poem, called A Visit from St. Nicholas, created a completely new Santa Claus. Dr. Moore described a short, happy, little man w

15、ho rode in an open sleigh. The sleigh was pulled form house to house by eight white reindeers. At each house Santa delivered gifts by dropping them down the chimney into the fireplace. Three wise Men According to the Bible, three ingenious men guided by a star symbolizing wisdom were sent by God to

16、the birthplace of Jesus Christ. 3. Comprehension Focus The traditional way of preparing & observing the most enjoyable festival, Christmas Day, in the USA and the religious meaning of this celebration in most of the American homes. The traditional way American people observe Christmas Day Color gree

17、n and red Decoration of homes Christmas trees covered with strings of colored lights and a star fixed on top of the tree Food sweets, chocolates, chocolate-covered raisins, walnuts Dinner turkey, ham, sweet potatoes, vegetables, Christmas pudding Commercial activities shops and stores are busy earni

18、ng money by selling Christmas cards, gifts and decorations Customs exchanging gifts, sending Christmas card, receiving gifts from Santa Claus. ?Word Study ancient: belonging to times long past. In ancient times associate: v. connect n. a person connected with another, esp. in work cluster: n. number

19、 of persons, animals, objects, etc. in a small, close group (人等)丛,群,群 集 a cluster of bees/ spectators/ islands a cluster of flowers/ berries/ grapes earn: get in return for work 挣得, 博得 e.g. The book has earned him the respect and admiration. She earned her living by selling newspapers. Festive: a. o

20、f a feast; bright and cheerful The festive board: a table on which a feast is spread The festive season: the period of holidays e.g. National Day is a festive time in most of the countries. People are usually in their best on festive occasions. Festival: n. day or period for merry-making; public cel

21、ebration e.g. Easter and Christmas are religious festivals. Hospitality : n. friendly reception and entertainment of guest, esp. in ones home e.g. Many thanks for the hospitality you showed me. This school offered the hospitality of its playground and classrooms. Hospitable a. Observe: v. 1. to cele

22、brate ( a traditional holiday) 庆贺, 庆祝 e.g. Now some students are observing their birthday in the bedroom. Those Americans who work in Japan have to observe Christmas there. 2. to see and notice something 看到, 注意 e.g. Ben knew someone had observed him meeting Ryan. She observed that the pond was dryin

23、g up. 3. to watch something or someone carefully 监管, 注视 e.g. The police have been observing his movement. He sat in a corner and observed what was going. Expressions 1. fall on: to occur, have as date 适逢 e.g. New Years Day falls on a Friday. His birthday falls on August 27 2. associated with: be ass

24、ociated with: to be connected with a particular subject, activity, group etc. 与有联系 e.g. I wouldnt want to be associated with Mikes project. Rainfall is associated with humidity. Associate ( sb. / sht. With): v. to make a conection in your mind between one thing or person and another 把同联系起来 e.g. Peop

25、le usually associate Japan with high-tech consumer products. Ive never associated you with this place. Associate: n. someone who you work or do business 伙伴,同事 e.g. He was my close associate at school. One of his business associates went to New York yesterday. 3. take advantage of: to use a particula

26、r situation to do or get what you want 利用,乘机 e.g. He took advantage of the good weather to paint his hut. We took advantage of the recent research to complete the project. 4. as follows: introduce a list names, things, instructions, etc. that come next 如下 e.g. The results are as follows: first was K

27、ong Linghui, then Pelson, the third Liu guoliang. The full text reads as follows. 5. pass down: to give or teach something, such as knowledge or traditions, to people who are younger than you or live after you 流传,传下来 e.g. This feeling has been passed down from generation to generation. They pass the

28、ir knowledge down from one generation to the next in stories and rhymes. 6. be in contact with: be in communication with; state of touching or communication 与交往,与保持联系 e.g. Our troops are in contact with the enemy. We are in contact with each other by telephone. Ben opposite: be out or contact with e

29、.g. Mary has been out of contact with Bill since he went to China. Notes to the Passage: th1. Christmas Day, which is the most festival time in the United States, falls on December 25 on which Christian people believe Jesus Christ was born. Christmas Day is the subject of the main clause and falls i

30、s the verb which takes on December th25 as its object, Which is the most acts as the nonrestrictive attributive clause introduced by which, serving as the supplementary explanation of the subject. On which Christian people believe is a restrictive attributive clause modifying December th25 with Chri

31、stian people believe as its comment clause which is inserted in the attributive clause. Jesus Christ: the person whom Christians believe was the son of god and whose life and teachings Christianity is based on; the founder of the Christian religion. 2. This is the biggest and best-loved holiday in t

32、he United States. Best-loved is a compound adjective formed by adv.+past participle modifying holiday. In English you find so many adjectives formed in a similar way and used as a premodifier of a noun Widely-accepted idea Well-prepared dinner Newly-built houses Hotly-debated question 3. which is fu

33、ll of joy and gaiety, be full of: 1) to contain many things of the same kind 充满 e.g. His essay is full of interesting things. Mary is full of concern for the future. 2) to feel or express a strong emotion 感到或表达强烈的情感 e.g. the captain is full of guilt about the death of his friend. Almost all the chil

34、dren in Western countries are full of excitement at Christmas. 3) to think or talk about one thing all the time 一直思考和谈论某件事情 e.g. The driver was full of the exciting news. He was full of his plans for travelling around the world. 4. before long: after a short period of time 5. Goods associated with C

35、hristmas become best sellers at this time. Associated with Christmas is the past-participle clause modifying Goods. Best sellers means things that sell well in the market. 6. The Christmas tree is usually covered with strings of colored lights, and a star fixed on top representing the star in the Ea

36、st which guided the three Wise Men to where Jesus was born. The main clause is framed in the structure of passive voice. The preposition with takes two objects: the strings of colored lights, and a star which is modified by two participle clauses: fixed on top and representing the star in the East.

37、Which guided to is another attributive clause modifying the anticipatory word the star in the East; where Jesus was born is a prepositional object clause taken by to. 7. Christmas pudding: a pudding containing a lot of dried fruit eaten at Christmas 8. The custom originated from the ancient religion

38、 of believing that the first Christmas gifts were given by the three Wise Men to the infant Jesus Christ. Believing is a gerund used as the object of the proposition of: and that the first is the object clause of the word believing. 9. Some people who are friends or relatives and live great distance

39、s from each other may not be much in contact with each other during the year, but will usually exchange greeting cards and often a Christmas letter. The structure of the main clause of the sentence is some people may not be but will usually exchange and who are friends and live is the attributive cl

40、ause modifying people. Live great distances from each other means live far away from each other. (or there is a long distance between each others homes.) May not be much in contact with each other means some people no not write to and visit each other very often. Here contact is a noun and with each

41、 other is a prepositional phrase. 10. So young children are happiest at this time of the year and look forward eagerly to Christmas morning when they find the gifts they want. This is a complex sentence with when they find used as the adverbial clause of time, whereas they want is the attributive cl

42、ause modifying gifts with the subordinator“that” or “which” omitted. Happiest here is not the superlative form of the adjective in the usual sense. If an adjective is used in the superlative form but without the definite article the , it only indicates an advanced degree meaning “very”. e.g. I was h

43、appiest whenever I saw my sister. The novel is a most interesting one. In the expression look forward eagerly to Christmas morning, to is a preposition, which usually takes a noun or a gerund as its object. e.g. We look forward to your reply/ hearing from you. Additional questions: 1. For American p

44、eople, which holiday is the biggest and best-loved in their country?(Christmas) 2. How do business firms decorate their stores? (They decorate their stores with traditional Christmas colors of green and red. 3. Is it very common for Americans to decorate their homes? ( Yes, its very common.) 4. Why

45、do people use evergreens as their Christmas trees? ( Because they think that the branches of the fir tree bring good luck and symbolize spring.) 5. What does the star fixed on top of the tree represent? ( It represents the star in the East which guided three Wise Men to where Jesus was born.) 6. Wha

46、t are the most popular customs and celebrations that are no longer religious? ( They are exchange or gifts, Christmas cards and greeting letters.) Additional Topic-related Sentences Sentences used to describe how Americans celebrate Christmas holiday: th Christmas Day falls on Dec. 25Christmas color

47、s are usually green and red. Christmas decorations commonly seen are Christmas trees, colored lights and a star on top of each Christmas tree. Christmas food includes sweets, chocolates, raisins, walnuts. etc. Christmas dinner consists of turkey, ham, sweet potatoes, vegetables, and Christmas puddin

48、g. Christmas customs are as follows: exchanging Christmas gifts, sending Christmas cards and receiving. Christmas gifts from Christmas Father on Christmas morning. The other popular holidays in USA: 1) Easter Easter Sunday is the second of the two most important religious holidays for Christians in the U.S. It is the day on which Jesus Christ, they believe, rose from the dead. The date of its celebration depends on the lunar calend


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