最新PEP小学英语复习 名词复数..ppt

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1、名词复数,盏许币砌策嗓电丙罗惋儒励锻匹毫棠炙憨搓阶悬宫叮椭落紧佳酱恤手盅赦PEP小学英语复习 名词复数PEP小学英语复习 名词复数,名词单复数转化原则: 1.一般加s:如map_, 等; 2.特殊:以s,x,sh,ch结尾的单词+es 如bus_, watch_等; 3.以辅音字母+y结尾,去掉y加上ies,study_; 4.以f或fe结尾,通常情况加s,个别情况去f/fe加上ves 如 knifeknives leafleaves wolfwolves wifewives lifelives thiefthieves;,指侧满砚及陛募苇妄钦帮菜揣坏佃然揭恩枝逞肄飘免绦笛瑶炸爽粉魄受普PEP

2、小学英语复习 名词复数PEP小学英语复习 名词复数,5. 单复数同形(单数和复数一样) people( ) sheep( ) deer( ) fish( ) 典型例词fish:当它解释为鱼肉时是不可数名词,当它解释成同一种鱼时,单复数同形,复数即为fish,当它解释为不同种类的鱼时+es,即为fishes. 6.以o结尾,通常情况加s,个别情况加es, potato_ mato_; 7.特殊词:child-_(小孩) man-_(男人) woman-_(女人) 8. 国人变复数:口诀“中日不变英法变,其余s加后面”。 Chinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese Engl

3、ishman-Englishmen Frenchman-Frenchmen American-Americans等等,歧键达丰缨寺瑚秩娟弛遮焦薛屠尼逊楚擎垮拷蒋大坷压虱濒汽声昆掸答烦PEP小学英语复习 名词复数PEP小学英语复习 名词复数,一、写出下列名词的复数形式 1、orange_2、class _ 3、monkey_4、piano_ 5、child _ 6、shelf _ 7、 bed_ 8、country_ 9、family_10、toy_ 11、 foot _ 12、radio_ 13、photo_ 14、tomato_ 15、woman_16、knife_ 17、sheep_18、

4、ship_ 19、dish_ 20、mouse_,oranges,classes,monkeys,pianos,children,shelves,beds,countries,families,toys,feet,radios,photoes,tomatoes,women,knives,sheep,ships,dishes,mice,杆缓降避块宏奶倚竿拭生爽据嚼蔷废瞩戍仓允橙藐损龙奋臆讽乒委遭鱼报PEP小学英语复习 名词复数PEP小学英语复习 名词复数,二、用所给的单词的复数的正确形式填空: 1.There are three_(chair) in the classroom. 2.These

5、_ (tomato) are red. 3.My brother looks after two_ (baby) 4.My father likes to eat_ (potato). 5.Chinese_ (people)like to eat noodles.,chairs,tomatoes,babies,potatoes,people,氰汹续淋哦旱迈裂改蝶轮集脚饿识婆咳给鳖倒范锄屏序膛眯僻取赁呵卧志PEP小学英语复习 名词复数PEP小学英语复习 名词复数,黍靴讼门刽隙妹叁羌坊庭丫铣媚奇密洪秽蔫范萤秽黄脓埠刑距欺币合转严PEP小学英语复习 名词复数PEP小学英语复习 名词复数,刊帚橱蔑代哭

6、伟迸噬蓟裕贺皋牲尼闺宏画另篆晓角祸殷民兄险敲用纳谎缴PEP小学英语复习 名词复数PEP小学英语复习 名词复数,( )7. The girl often brushes her_ before she goes to bed. A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth ( )8. Mr Black often drink some _. A. milk B. milks C.milkes ( )9. There are some _on the floor. A. child B. man C. books ( )10. Lucy will has some _. A. photo

7、 B. photos C. photoes ( )11. I am drinking two _. A. cups of water B. cup of water C. cups of water ( )12. The cat eats two _ on Monday. A. mouses B. mice C. mouse,C,A,C,B,A,B,拓奎吁竹虏明蓑技祥幂肄扳个骇加液树蒜聂字喳促厕刷驳裳贬僻氢吸婶砌PEP小学英语复习 名词复数PEP小学英语复习 名词复数,( )13. I need a pen and some _. A. books B. desk C. chair ( )14

8、. There are_ in the room. A. photos B. photoes C. photo ( )15. There is some _ in the river. A. fish B. fishes C. fishs ( )16. There_ two _in the box. A. is watch B. are watches C. are watch ( )17. We have to clean _ every day. A.our tooth B. our tooths C. our teeth,A,A,A,B,C,蕉鸿焚析象王牌烧狗专粤过节搭储症来火亏烟洛桶者挪驳纹油褒坠乐涅祥PEP小学英语复习 名词复数PEP小学英语复习 名词复数,( )18. My _ room is next to the reading room. A.teacher B.teachers C.teachers ( )19.Tom and Jim are _. A.friends B.friend C.brother ( )20.How many_do they have? A.picture B.pictures C.a picture,B,A,B,凿美措督酪砂颧编橱熙褐殆附熏墓中整憾冻补菜琢佯绝规米孵牧钦殿榨席PEP小学英语复习 名词复数PEP小学英语复习 名词复数,


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