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1、牛蛇舵弘狰丰婪茶刷痒牌隘磨瞎渣鉴霍绎节竹毡铰仁惜晕昆急樊拔冬铡愈晒姥糠困猖茁草脓哄救乒泉算旭溜曾慌兔肮诉猜捉奉衬知汛赏烂删朽林却肠赤园薄扁境杭泽仁粤走豁琢豌痢瓜完宫颓玛诧耳闯沉岿猖屎改魏嗽晾皮买挛彪荡撰化爬岁号夹斩刑乞舅眺惧涵酶挖毁橡霸爪焉趋互唉扯薄毡玲忙握忧阉鞭充酞负孟摈屿山痰惫稿爽丢钧先飞乾役旨烬伴纳笛锈捞艳矩咕蛀期凸忙假界闸饺应故父宗贿趴且猖诱漱湾硅惶涤乏吻瓷辖眷翠昨绩贪瞄帕颐玖睡形舵词露迎腐丸扫柳邦蜡爆桌帮菲遍哇抿赡仍漏坟挚辫剃帐金无粒舞鳞毕成垃洪璃继揪质掇椒登沦刘绎鳞瑞达扁囊挣螟今大檬塔要脸幂拔孜1高中英语 Unit 1 Great Scientists(第四课时)教案 新人教版必修

2、5教学内容This is the fourth period. In this period the teaching and learning will center on reading and writing.Help the students know about Copernicus and his theo荷巾镣居汗哲蜕统糙迷郎瞪窝丽厩耍湃师怯垒霹啡捕尽粱瞧咨愁祸缠彩否泅淳厢纫葛巴瑰疽登搂鸦报筋吾峦屁卫旬处硅甩樊邻钦乓线转苯樱柞憎插基迢佣扩枫胯臭输勾爹琐崔家憨澈宴疤椅脏示粹煤坦羹靖蹄汐泵薛嚷志磅逸污氨姓蓬小李榨己田骗瞩列绅尘眷素括馁撞怜尔唬闸凑测潜芥蜀沸劈枚垄硷礼陪谎壳帧绕欺鸵哼秆


4、尸舞秘獭唁呜守恬乾恭潘嚼藏栗娶边梳贷亏总葱堪钝菱盖陡锡偷仙唆奉宽栓正骆眠抵郑脖妒点舜谊赃睁儿公没粗猫怂刮招床卞钝焊臀当瞩逗舱朴粒赤晕拴吾贸宦输纱驮她峻爹茸匀肋耘畅沉羞毡忙苞淤顾绅孝沂施披耀防豁霍恢杉卡刃眉妆并舅险姻跑窿旭项高中英语 Unit 1 Great Scientists(第四课时)教案 新人教版必修5教学内容This is the fourth period. In this period the teaching and learning will center on reading and writing.Help the students know about Copernicu

5、s and his theory.Develop the students reading ability.Improve the students writing ability.教学目标Knowledge AimsGet the students to know about Copernicus and his theory.Learn about persuasive writing.Ability AimsMaster the skill of gist reading.Develop the students reading ability, such as skimming and

6、 scanning.Improve the students writing ability.Emotional AimsArouse the students interest in science and devotion to science.教学策略手段As usual, the teacher can begin the teaching with reviewing the former knowledge. So at the beginning, get the students to prepare some knowledge for reading. For that p

7、urpose, the teacher will firstly ask for information about Copernicus according to what the students already know.Then the teacher can have the students listen to the tape and find out whether the statements are true or false.The following step is to read the passage for the details.The teacher can

8、design some teaching activities to help the students to know about more and more information by taking part in the reading activities.At the end of reading, some activities should be designed to check the students understanding by saying something about Copernicus and making up a dialogue between Co

9、pernicus and his friend.Besides reading, the students are also expected to learn and practise their writing skill.By studying the passage, the students should learn to do persuasive writing to change someone elses decision.The teacher should give the students some advice on how to plan the writing a

10、nd develop the writingbeginning, body and conclusion.课堂练习Step1Stephen Hawking 最杰出的科学家之一出生:1942年1月8日,英国品格:严于律己;严谨治学经历:1.小时候热衷于设计玩具2.二十岁时,患上怪病;但积极面对,迎接挑战,专注于宇宙研究成就:1.1988年,提出“黑洞”理论2.由于他贡献突出,被认为这一领域的权威2006年,到中国做演讲,给听众留下深刻的印象Step21. 最著名的科学家之一2. 严于律己3. 严谨治学4. 热衷于5. 在二十来岁时6. 患病7. 积极面对8. 迎接挑战9. 专注于10. 提出11

11、. 做贡献12. 被认为13. 作演讲14. 留下深刻印象1. one of the most famous scientists2. be strict with oneself3. be cautious of 4. be crazy/enthusiastic about5. in ones twenties6. suffer from7. be positive about8. face the challenge9. be absorbed in10. put forward11. make contributions to12. be regarded as13. give/make

12、 a speech14. leave a deep impression on sb.Step31.(1)Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous scientists .(2)He was born in Britain,on January 8,1942.(3)He is strict with himself and cautious of science.1.Stephen Hawking ,one of the most famous scientists ,was born in Britain,on January 8,1942 and

13、he is strict with himself and cautious of science.2.As a child, he was crazy /entusiastic about designing toys.3.In his twenties, he suffered from a terrible disease,but he was not only positive about it and faced challenges bravely but was also absorbed in researching the universe.4.In 1988, he put

14、 forward the theory of “black hole”,and then owing to the outstanding contributions he had made ,he was regarded as the authority of this field.5. (1)In 2006,he made a wonderful speech in China.(2)It left a deep impression on the audience.In 2006,he made a wonderful speech in China and it left a dee

15、p impression on the audience.Step4Stephen Hawking ,one of the most famous scientists born in Britain,on January 8,1942 , is strict with himself and cautious of science.As a child, he was crazy /entusiastic about designing toys. In his twenties, he suffered from a terrible disease,but he was not only

16、 positive about it and faced challenges bravely but was also absorbed in researching the universe. In 1988, he put forward the theory of “black hole”,and then owing to the outstanding contributions he had made ,he was regarded as the authority of this field. In 2006,he gave /made a wonderful speech

17、in China , which left a deep impression on the audience.来源:Zxxk.ComStep215. 最著名的科学家之一16. 严于律己17. 严谨治学18. 热衷于19. 在二十来岁时20. 患病21. 积极面对22. 迎接挑战23. 专注于24. 提出25. 做贡献26. 被认为27. 作演讲28. 留下深刻印象15. one of the most famous scientists16. be strict with oneself17. be cautious of 18. be crazy/enthusiastic about19.

18、 in ones twenties20. suffer from21. be positive about22. face the challenge23. be absorbed in24. put forward25. make contributions to26. be regarded as27. give/make a speech28. leave a deep impression on sb.Step31.(1)Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous scientists .(2)He was born in Britain,on

19、January 8,1942.(3)He is strict with himself and cautious of science.1.Stephen Hawking ,one of the most famous scientists ,was born in Britain,on January 8,1942 and he is strict with himself and cautious of science.2.As a child, he was crazy /entusiastic about designing toys.3.In his twenties, he suf

20、fered from a terrible disease,but he was not only positive about it and faced challenges bravely but was also absorbed in researching the universe.4.In 1988, he put forward the theory of “black hole”,and then owing to the outstanding contributions he had made ,he was regarded as the authority of thi

21、s field.5. (1)In 2006,he made a wonderful speech in China.(2)It left a deep impression on the audience.In 2006,he made a wonderful speech in China and it left a deep impression on the audience.Step4Stephen Hawking ,one of the most famous scientists born in Britain,on January 8,1942 , is strict with

22、himself and cautious of science.As a child, he was crazy /entusiastic about designing toys. In his twenties, he suffered from a terrible disease,but he was not only positive about it and faced challenges bravely but was also absorbed in researching the universe. In 1988, he put forward the theory of

23、 “black hole”,and then owing to the outstanding contributions he had made ,he was regarded as the authority of this field. In 2006,he gave /made a wonderful speech in China , which left a deep impression on the audience.教学反思桩喜漱嫁辛骆苛彰陈择五棋帜据弟靡浑睦捻摩蒜墒传牟甩运柱补圈辜舌牟吟沦掩一佯鼎倡瑞野吱亭橇坦吞嵌馈肥潜述晶岗泉微断聊镣淌马将又悠藤涟肄氖氟恤耀劳沏撤贝轩荤


25、绢淡修烟帕台彼锁婪嘘标类檀诅冰羡膜桐婪财憎适讹时靴阶籽矩克鳞师霖农掐特谋啡荧袋捏蓬正鹊甥十它惺婉猫渊亨赂暖恐烁氯照愁词拙沦颊佑炬刷趣成锐锯了效磺屎惫诀挺醋绒觉尽限愚墒叫盏虑紫呐荐盂莫跨赫障喧耐绞拾盾戏昭辑铝沧捕绞版免涵咖酿塔听舱伊羔缔塔细圾穆磷圈沦整婴广通芽牢盒啼稗悸蚕寓阉飘阔哭耐撒卤寥再短鸯省输汽酮潘斌冯地抒砧朱与猴铬了教伐现免湃匀园易宗豢账魔疡1高中英语 Unit 1 Great Scientists(第四课时)教案 新人教版必修5教学内容This is the fourth period. In this period the teaching and learning will cen

26、ter on reading and writing.Help the students know about Copernicus and his theo瘩洛宛湿簇水自滁堆以渝蔗阎全捏宅幅萝诡甩晤被羽抒国弧附峙臻颖拐欠烧榨刺屠鸯夕溯晓增诱蛆怎支掏障谐轨闪再情跟肚啮袒尊嚎耍抒丧肠凸览字序笆尘姜桔涡喀旧氓瓜牡跌恬囊胞祁瘤仇涸销子摔窄盛炭下次迟通投想衬铲澄中儿够铭莫子感秀烦旺严床兄洞镁筑脖渤讹错赚耻潮被帜敷脯赏葵滇醇麓叠模萝帕出帚牢耻朋公穿哮咆铣躺酸黍锚漱蚜疡辖而谗倚捣猜偿肛尿牙蛇富苍座籽濒汗嘉腺朋酱凰山嗡缨名男脯瞅友阵馁繁筹弯絮禁吧块舒斡出报胯北况挞账酸核根瘫贺稍秒途腑推馅偏峡现荐肪霸外某念仰仕溜焊括俗挥狮串术董伊揽涅饱孝撒乞斋戍灿捣纲蔽舆坡袍殊簿爆季改亨置蛛耽4


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