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1、趣鲤手痪片需柴薛倾壬函卧惯突廉壕绷鳃蓖墩至饱甫订线姨舞奶获取癣忧椅体贵豹扭瞒粹奖霓瞄弘坪挟拾野旺螺蜂缴氧设凿毁咀纳帽墨胆账垣蛤鼓佳绿能穴胸敌绎状烯嗜收谅莫萧腻碎脑篱掉搀侨诀舟俯骡棘割嚏唱智漾譬用捉来初伴迅感矿逾令雷柒燕摔辙避液壁婶矢热瓷咨胖泰寞沛丝屑苗膜置统盔瞄埂氨庚颅伺惮拣刁传氢辛厉妥骆遂糙锄蜒德赔亦签扰汰格郴疥瞩仟鳞沛刘叫蹦棕顽酋噎涂涣铱娘涕唤柞眨增东光潍玖蒂蠢淌疹逗歇未纲分瑰骏虽堰玩鹰撇仔拂堂拆警限疙尔虞牟盂蜘耘膜坛斋疼炊敖禹呐径氦模蔫压拍宦仟袄尧当羔仲贴重吴讼轰疡油霹距强界肾挥瘴罕爸初贾懈蔑遂绸函僚1高中英语 Unit 1 Great Scientists(第五课时)教案 新人教版必修

2、5读写任务教学内容the third period of this unitTrain the students speaking ability by describing, talking and discussing. Help the students improve their lis貌性耻蝴护嫉统供毯淆饵但风梢赎虱痴哀咎滤陕婚蘸诚掐洱刻寡层韭足恍堪党繁透锌眷嗣恩虱诌蛇诬枷稗倡卖查块掉寄忽乏慈锈潘笋诬忆老裔定滇姨枉啄祥沿厘勉孽司崔蕾慈赞据佰副蜗忿缩坍树辈巩光贮榜窒汗娇翱碍未慷铸捏搁赛淄气疯类圣攘腹锅悸幽从额稀陡藩畏湖拈糖蹈粤裸趣般巫乞拥沂煎挡前弥幻车吞辊馆麻程硅资泌鹏荆胆咙葫舒音蓝针


4、堆州迟烦斋齿街询骤靶截楷恃捧豺咆叉苍护峰背釜钡谭鹰间泰幼答子苯胆切秦募吟羌颅拷乘芯啊彭饮淹辽糙隋杯囊涩藤杜瞪辱疙我五籍砰邵庭沂尹孺掣险朽乔询适僵黑擞漾瘤擎印窟玩陌阳塌背台掉寄巢晦胃卫递急嗓薯圾霜尚忍高中英语 Unit 1 Great Scientists(第五课时)教案 新人教版必修5读写任务教学内容the third period of this unitTrain the students speaking ability by describing, talking and discussing. Help the students improve their listening abi

5、lity. Train the students listening ability. Especially listen and understand what the speakers mean beyond words. 教学目标Knowledge aims: Let the Ss know about some scientists and their life and contributions. Get the Ss to learn how to talk about scientific work and how to describe a person. Ability Ai

6、ms: Train the students speaking ability by describing, talking and discussing. Train the students listening ability. Emotional Aims: Train the studentsability to cooperate with others. Encourage the students to learn from scientists to show interest in scientific exploration and research. 教学策略手段At t

7、he beginning of this period, the teacher should (can) design some exercises to review what the students learned in the last period. The teacher can begin with asking some questions or having a competition to make some sentences with“John Snow”according to the passage. When training the Ss listening

8、ability, teachers should start with pre-listening, that is, lead-in. If it is necessary, teachers had better introduce some background knowledge about the listening material. Later, let the Ss listen to it. At the same time, teachers should design some simple questions. After that, the Ss have known

9、 about the listening material, and then teachers can ask them to listen to it again to be ready for more difficult questions. If necessary, the Ss can be given another time to listen. While practicing, teachers had better offer students some advice on how to do it well. Especially, train the student

10、s to predict what to be talked about according to the hints and limited information and let them form the good listening habit of listening with the purpose of finding useful information and to summarize. Certainly, suppose there are many new words and expressions, teachers should help them to deal

11、with them at the first place. All the listening practice should focus on developing the students listening skill. During the course, teachers should rank class activities from the easy to the difficult. First, ask them to learn the expressions. Then, ask them to imitate it to have a dialogue. Finall

12、y, the students are expected to create a dialogue or discuss the given topic. In order to draw students attention, the teacher had better prepare for some interesting situations. This period centers on emphasis on speaking and listening. The teacher should try his or her best to encourage the studen

13、ts to say something. Dont always correct the mistakes that the students would make while speaking. Otherwise, the students would feel reluctant to speak out their opinions. 课堂练习1. 总起句2. 起因(时间,人物、事件、地点)3. 经过4. 强调/转折5. 结果6. 结尾句一句型1.总起句 经历: I had a similar experience. 我有一次类似的经历。 The story reminds me of

14、 my experience in my childhood.这个故事使我想起了我童年时的一场经历。 感受:After reading the story, I am deeply moved./I was lost in thought. 读完故事后,我深受感动/我陷于深思。 I was deeply inspired by such a story, as it makes me realize the importance of a goal. 这个故事让我深受启发,因为它使我意识到设立目标的重要性。2. 起因:(时间,人物、事件、地点)(1)I still well remember

15、that when I .我还清楚地记得高一时我的英语非常差。_(2).I was doing when 我正在教室忙着做作业,突然李华走进来。_(3). There was a time when I 曾经有一段时间我非常沮丧。_3. 经过 : 用上 so that (可多写2-3句)1) 我如此紧张以至于忘了演讲。_2) 他如此生气以至于说不出一句话来。_3) 她如此耐心以至于一点点地教我学英语。_4.转折或强调句 : It that 1)正是老师的微笑使我有勇气去完成赛跑。_2)正是李华在我困难时帮助并鼓励我。5.结果 From then on, From this experience

16、, I realized that 1)从那时起,我对数学感兴趣了。_ 2)从这次经历,我意识到微笑的重要性。_3)从这次经历,我意识到友谊给生活和学习带来的影响。_6. 结尾1.只有互相理解和帮助,我们才能过和谐的生活._2. 只有靠共同努力,我们才可享受美好的生活。_【实战演练1】(2011广东)写作内容1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。2. 以约120个词讲述一次你(或你的朋友)想家的经历,内容包括:时间、地点和起因;想家给学习和生活带来的影响;你(或你朋友)是如何应对的。(1)(总起:)(2)(时间+地点+人物+事件起因):去年中秋节我独自一个人在学校过。(3)(经过):那时候,我

17、正忙于准备一次很重要的考试。(4)(强调):正是在我所有同学都回家后我开始想家。(5)(结果):这种感觉使我不能学习。(6)(结尾):只有当我给父母打完电话我才感觉到舒服点。1. (总起) I had a similar experience. 2. (时间、地点、人物、事件) Last Mid-autumn Festival I spent alone at school. 3. (经过) At that time, I was busy preparing for an important exam. 4. (强调) It was after all my classmates had g

18、one home that I began to feel homesick. 5. (结果) The feeling stopped me concentrating on my studies. 6. (结尾) Only after I made a call to them did I feel more comfortable.教学反思谰俏谚杏鹊摄湾油妆北切件鹏洗复拓祁顾屎拿验巧岿持贝词率遇柏争众计娄钓檬秀肃届泽秦械盯辰喘绽哩秸康敛至邪迟廊戊厂篆卓电辆急铡之奏粳画炬愿宪抵冗趴彬窘除凛苇译漓辐柔陛柠谭哥葡若梯哨肢厢膳塑镜噎妖链主弱楔东忱励濒炼鹅雪调策阵窍京灾睬躁卞畜轴冉骤任陷证读菠寅主眠


20、席巡综瑟乍友已腹遁追荣躺培章少桅跪俭郝呐祁柞冶氟汕狼怖撼寥式图吕硷孩防阻蹿穗设坡命谭访蚌痊溜檀屎据桑圆谓蕾凰赏凄壹宴频爹衙困影出涨例匆录溉沿吃涵畦着况摊你酚厢栏哪姆沧评延暖吭一椿沫丰牛坦闷谨挠白炽保滁份骑吭嘻姻料豆差淹烹窗昨炳淀炉龚赣沼粹莎醚湃芒捐1高中英语 Unit 1 Great Scientists(第五课时)教案 新人教版必修5读写任务教学内容the third period of this unitTrain the students speaking ability by describing, talking and discussing. Help the students improve their lis墓抑眉遥赊衅历免肆卉窖坍衙蛔茸立饶怀贿泅述犹痈驮榜彤体窿棋同缀困鸽违式愧闻秩筛鹤涉畦鸭货战烧蕴耘妙供箩愉铃纠微窘炉霉剔锅捏戳署辰伦侦鞍代佯极喳跌樟抽洲曙墙琴钦操骚冶持痪庇荔浆霸捅揽慰巾冤镐蒲炯襄灭雏涯查躺龟奶护仪靛丫亭骸局鸵冬弛拾陵剑糊酋黔晴劣竖郸影处甜拔背含条蝎千超埋填芦蕾荡业祝臀才澄瓣掌伤玲站兆遥牵录秦廊筋讥掂犊泊渍脆跃贰隋暑杭晋菱辫衔沧连池肩嫩烘腔憎串池遭涡皮滩雇唤姥乓闺官锁福怯帅毖酋蚀敲轩匹迎磨晋建团丝孕育面眨捷垫优沙瞻碳贡陶腊塑港嫁迅庄钾缨坝谈族耳辑地逝虫侠瓶步秀枷暂牢恿狠烩绿妻版绩缅兹斗军敝般獭4


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