人教新目标九年级Unit 3Section A (1a2d)导学案(无答案).docx

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1、.Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Section A 1a-2d导学案第一课时【学习目的】1. 单词和短语:restroom, washroom, bathroom , bookstore , postcard , stamp , pardon , quick , rush ; Excuse me, how to do sth. get to , go along, on the/ones right/left, next to, turn right/ left , between.and , go past,

2、be excited to do sth. not need to do sth. get some information about the town2. 句型:1 A: Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy some stamps? B : Yes. Theres a post office on the left. 2 A: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore?B: Sure, just go along Main Street until y

3、ou pass Center Street. The bookstore is on your right, beside the bank.【学习过程】一、课前预习1. 预习第17-18页内容,完成英汉互译,然后小组内互查。1邮票_ 2书店_ 3明信片_ 4请再说一遍_ 5浴室_ 6迅速的_ 7仓促,急促_ 8next to_ 9go past_ 10dont need to rush_ 2翻译以下句子1请告诉我书店怎么走可以吗?_2你知道他们什么时候关门吗?_3去三楼。 _4在银行和超市之间有个书店。_5你没必要匆忙。 _二、课上活动一 听力训练1a-1b1.听前。1看图片,答复:Wher

4、e can you do the things below? 2完成1a中的搭配任务。 3理解1b 中听的任务。2.听中。听1a中图片上的对话。 3.听后。1完成课本1a中图片上的对话内容。 2检查答案。 3跟读,模拟对话。二说的训练1c1结对活动。两人一组练习1c对话,并全班表演。2交换练习。运用1a中的信息做对话的交换练习,并当堂演示。3. 模拟练习。用方框中所给的对话结合自己居住的城市,编对话,并邀请2-3对同学当堂进展演示。三听力训练2a-2b1. 完成2a. 课本P18,播放录音一遍,给出所听到的指示方位的正确顺序。2. 完成2b. 听第二遍录音,在2a图片中画出男孩到超市的道路。3

5、. 模拟秀。听录音后跟读,以练习发音和语音语调 四 说的训练2c-2d1. 结对活动。两人一组练习2c对话。2. 展示。两人一组表演对话。3模拟练习。运用2a中的地点模拟2c编对话,2-3对同学当堂演示,看哪一对表现最正确。4. 完成2d。先播放2d的对话录音,让学生跟读,模拟并理解大意,然后让学生分角色朗读对话。脱离课本表演对话可作为家庭作业。三、语言知识1. Excuse me.译为_,是英语中常用的客套语,用于向对方提出恳求,询问情况等场合,以向对方表示歉意或礼貌。eg. Excuse me,could you tell me how to get to the post office?

6、2Could you please .? 译为_,后接_,其否认形式为_eg. Could you please not stand here?3. go along 译为_,这是指路的常用语。4. 左/右转 _,这是指路的常用语。eg. Turn left,and you will find the bank.5. 在某人的左边/右边_ 在左/右边 _eg. You will find the post office on your/ the right.6. 在.旁边;挨着_ eg. Her home is next to the school. 7. 路过,经过_,past是_词性;pa

7、ss是_词性8. 在.和.之间 _,表示在_者之间,_表示在三者之间 eg. He sat between Sue and Jane at the party. eg. She is standing among a group of children.9.做某事很兴奋_, 拓展:很快乐/伤心/惊讶.做某事 _10. Pardon译为_,表示没听清或不理解对方的话,希望对方再重复一遍,读时用升调,相当于“Beg your pardon?或“I beg your pardon?。 四、达标检测 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. When he met me , he was excited _say “hello to me.2. He neednt_buy a new bike ,because he has an old one.3. He went up to the _two floor and buy some books.4. Could you tell me what _do next?5. He wants to get some _information about the town.*;第 2 页


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