高一英语 Unit 18 New Zealand A卷同步训练 新人教版.doc

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1、高一英语同步检测(十一)Unit 18New Zealand(A卷).单词拼写1The village lies in a peaceful basin s_ by mountains.2His son studied abroad for five years and then s_ happily in America.3Nearly all the country members attended the c_ dealing with the matter of nuclear weapons.4Many raw materials are e_ to foreign countrie

2、s.5He usually spends his summer holidays by going c_ in the mountains.6The _(渔夫) realized that this was not an ordinary fish.7Hong Kong is considered as one of the finest natural _(港口) in the world.8You must not look only at the _(表面) of things.9His sister works as a _(秘书) in a big company.10We have

3、 rented a _(小别墅) for the summer holiday by the sea.答案:1.surrounded2.settled3.conference4.exported5camping6.fisherman7.harbours8.surface9.secretary10.cottage.用所给单词的正确形式填空1The _(relate) of mother and child is the closest in the world.2This is the _(center) city of the whole area.3Taking _(possess) of

4、others belongings is illegal.4It was _(surprise) that he finished writing a novel in only twenty days.5We can see the _(east) part of China is lower than the western part.6A _(mountain) country is one in which there are many mountains.7I did so _ (main) because I liked it.8The meat and fur of the de

5、er are _(ship) to many other countries from New Zealand.9They have made an _(agree) about the plan.10We must decide on the _(locate) of our new swimming pool.答案:1.relation2.central3.possession4.surprising5eastern6.mountainous7.mainly8.shipped9.agreement10.location.用正确的介词或副词填空1Last week I stayed _ a

6、small island _ the coast of Qingdao.2I signed an agreement _ him standing _ our company.3Last year the education expenditure increased _ 2% compared _ 5% the year before last.4Shanghai is _ the east of Jiangsu Province,_ the east of China.5When you meet _ new words,a dictionary is always turned _.6T

7、he student preparing _ the exam is _ the same age as I.7New Zealand is an important agricultural country,_ cattle farming _ the North Island.8_the mid1980s growing numbers_Asians have settled in New Zealand,and they make _ 6% of the total population.9It was a shock _ all that the children were taugh

8、t _ an early age how to steal.10He explained _ us what had become _ him.答案:1.on;off2.with;for3.by;with/to4.on;in5.with;to6.for;of7.with;on8.Since;of;up9.to;at10.to;of.单句改错1Shanghai is larger than any other city in Africa._2The climate in West China is drier than it in New Zealand._3I have a lot to s

9、ay with relation to that affair._4New Zealand wine is high quality and is sold all over the world._5Please make a mark there you have a question._6It is pity that you have missed the wonderful film._7The little girl turned the teacher for help when in trouble._8The thief took possessions of the old

10、mans bag._9New Zealand is about the same size of Japan._10As is well known that China is a country with a long history._答案:1.去掉other/AfricaChina2.itthat3.within4.第一个is后加of5.therewhere6.pity前加a7.turned后加to8.possessionspossession9.ofas10.AsIt.单项选择1I like this house with a beautiful garden in front,but

11、 I dont have enough money to buy _.Aone Bit Cthis Dthat答案:B提示:it用来代指前面出现过的同一个事物;one泛指一类中的任何一个。此处用it代指前面的this house。2He lives in a house _ with trees.Asurrounding BroundCsurrounded Daround答案:C提示:around和round为介词,意为“围绕,环绕”,其后一般不再接介词短语,况且也不符合句意。surround为动词,意为“围绕,环绕”,与前面的house是动宾关系,所以应用surrounded表示被动。3It

12、 took _ building supplies to construct these energysaving houses.It took brains,too.Aother than Bmore thanCrather than Dless than答案:B提示:句意为“建造这些节能住房不仅仅需要建筑材料,也需要脑力”。other than表示“除了”;more than表示“不只是”;rather than 表示“宁可”;less than表示“少于”。4_ people then thought the sun moved around the earth.AThe majorit

13、y BThe majority ofCThe most DThe most of答案:B提示:most为代词或形容词,所以most前不用冠词,如果要表示“大多数人”,可用most people或most of the people,应排除C、D两项;majority为名词,不作定语,可排除A项。该题应用The majority作主语,of people表示范围。5I have a lot to say _ that problem.Areferred to Bin relation toCin relation with Dreferring on答案:B提示:in relation toab

14、out,意为“关于”,为固定短语。6About half of the population _ working in the city and the number of workers _ increasing.Aare;is Bare;areCis;is Dis;are答案:A提示:第一空指一半的人(不止一人)故用复数;第二空指人的数目,用单数。7Come back quickly,John.Sure,_ wont be long.Ait BthatCthis DI答案:A提示:此句是“It will(not) be时间段before.”的省略式。完整句子是:It wont be lon

15、g before I come back.8Its better to discuss a question without _ it than _ a question without discussing it.Asettle;to settle Bsettling;to settleCto settle;settling Dsettling;settle答案:B提示:句意为“讨论问题而不予解决,总比未经讨论就去解决问题好”。without为介词,后面只能跟名词或动名词,排除A、C两项;than连接两个并列成分,to discuss和to settle,排除D项。9I dont think

16、 _ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.Athis BthatCits Dit答案:D提示:think itadj./n.to do是固定句型。it作形式宾语,句子为简单句。若选C项应为its或it is,句子为复合句。10Farm workers _ only a small section of the population.Afill up Bbring upCmake up Dset up答案:C提示:make up “组成,占据份额”; fill up“填充”;bring up“抚养,提高”;

17、set up“建立(组织,机构等)”。句意为“农民只占人口的一小部分”。11_ of the village _ two small lakes.AThe east;lie BEast;liesCThe east;lies DEast;lie答案:D提示:此句为倒装结构,主语是two small lakes,故谓语动词用lie。若介词省略,方位词为副词作状语,the必须省略。12The _ between our nation and other parts of the world have greatly improved.Arelation BrelationshipsCrelative

18、s Drelations答案:D提示:句意为“我国与世界其他国家的关系已大大改善了”。relations尤指人与人、国家与国家之间的关系来往;relationship 表示人际关系或亲属关系。13In the dark street,there wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help.Athat BwhoCfrom whom Dto whom答案:D提示:此处主要考查对固定短语turn to sb.for help的识别。原句可还原为:There wasnt a single person whom she could turn to f

19、or help.此处为介词to提前,构成“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句。14Youll find this map of great _ in helping you to get round London.Aprice BcostCvalue Dusefulness答案:C提示:price 意为“价格”;cost意为“成本”;value意为“价值”;usefulness意为“有用”。“(be) of(形容词)抽象名词”这一结构常用来表示主语或被修饰语的特征或性质,可以用于这一结构的名词主要有:help,success,importance,value等。其中“(be) of名词”相当于“be

20、与名词同词根的形容词”。15There are altogether eleven books on the shelf,_ five are mine.Aon which Bin whichCof which Dfrom which答案:C提示:本句意为“书架上共有十一本书,其中五本是我的”。后半句为five of the eleven books are mine,所以用of which来引导非限制性定语从句,其前用逗号隔开。16The population of Wuhan City is _ than _ Beijing.Aless;of Bsmaller;that ofCless;t

21、hat of Dsmaller;/答案:B提示:本题旨在考查名词population的用法,其意思是“人口,居民”,表示多少时,用large和small,提问时用what。常构成句型:.has a population of.,Whats the population of.?当population作主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式往往由后面的表语来决定,若表语是名词复数时,谓语动词用复数;反之则用单数。为了避免重复,用that代替前面的population,故选B项。17Some _ on our farm _ to the USA every year.Acattles;are shipped

22、 Bcattles;is shippedCcattle;are shipped Dcattle;are shipping答案:C提示:cattle为集体名词,指牛的总称,没有复数形式。牛被船运到美国,用被动语态。18It is reported that the agreements are ready to be _ at the conference after heated argument.Awritten BsaidCsigned Dspoken答案:C提示:sign an agreement为“签订协议”。19I took _ possession of the house in

23、2000,but now it is in _ possession of a teacher.A/;the Bthe;theC/;/ Da;a答案:A提示:take possession of 意为“占有,拥有”,possession前不加冠词;in the possession of 意为“由所占有或拥有”,possession前加the,表示被动。20She brought with her three friends,none of _ I had ever met before.Athem BwhoCwhom Dthese答案:C提示:先行词为her three friends,表示

24、人的关系代词在从句中作宾语且位于介词of之后,故只能用whom。.句型转换1A:The fact that Great Britain is made up of three countries is still known to many.B:_ _still known to many _ Great Britain is made up of three countries.2A:They have realized that it is very important to learn English well.B:They have realized that it is _ _ _

25、to learn English well.3A:It is difficult to predict what life will be like in the future.B:_ _ _ _ _ in the future is difficult to predict.4A:He seemed to be listening to music when I telephoned him.B:_ _ _ he was listening to music when I telephoned him.5A:I have many friends;some of them are busin

26、essmen.B:I have many friends,_ _ some are businessmen.答案:1.It is;that2.of great importance3.What life will be like4.It seemed that5.of whom.单句翻译1他应该买幢房子安定下来。(settle down)_答案:He should buy a house and settle down.2所有的文件都签字以后,我们才能拥有这房子。(take possession of)_答案:We cant take possession of the house until

27、 all the papers have been signed.3这台机器由六个主要部件组成。(make up)_答案:The machine is made up of six main parts.4我设法自立而不求助于我的父母。(turn to)_答案:I tried to stand on my own two feet rather than turned to my parents.5你在这样的天气扬帆起航真是愚蠢。(go sailing)_答案:Its foolish of you to go sailing in this weather.6男孩子们已决定下个星期去露营。(g

28、o camping)_答案:The boys have decided to go camping next week.7跟那些受苦的人相比,我们过得很好了。(compare with)_答案:Comparing with those who are suffering,we are better off.8每个学生的外衣上必须标明自己的名字。(mark)_答案:Every pupils coat must be marked with his or her own name.9我们班大多数孩子是棕色眼睛,只有三个是蓝眼睛。(majority)_答案:The majority of children in our class have brown eyes,of whom only three have blue eyes.10我姐姐喜欢绘画,而我却对科学感兴趣。(while)_答案:My sister enjoys painting while I am interested in science.


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