人教新目标九年级Unit 3Section B (1a1e)导学案(无答案).docx

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1、.Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Section B 1a-1e 导学案第三课时【学习目的】1.单词和短语:fascinating, convenient, mall, clerk, corner ,tell sb to do sth. the corner of want to do sth a good place to do sth Of course its convenient to do sth What kind of.2.句型: -Can you tell me where theres a go

2、od place to eat? -Of course. What kind of food do you like? 【学习过程】一、课前预习1.预习第21页内容,根据汉语提示完成单词,然后小组内互查。 1 The flowers in the park were so _ 迷人的 that we took many photos there. 2 Thanks to the Internet, it is more _便利的 to get information about the world . 3 There are too many people in the _商场during t

3、he festival. 4 My sister works as a _ 职员 in a bank. 5 The old man asked the boy to stand in the _角落 of the road .2.写出以下词的适当形式 interesting比较级_ 最高级_ fascinate形容词_ expensive反义词_ quiet反义词_副词_ crowded反义词_ convenience形容词_ safe副词_ 名词_ 反义词 _ 二、课上活动 一说的训练1a-1b 1. 完成1a. 学生翻开课本P21,迅速阅读1a部分方框中的单词及右边的表格内容,然后按要求完

4、成表格。2. 完成1b. 先让学生朗读方框中的对话,后让学生两人一组仿照上面的对话并运用听力训练1a中所给的单词编一个议论自己城市的对话。找假设干同学在班上演示。 二听力训练1c-1d1. 听前。 学生快速阅读1c方框中的句子,理解大意。2. 听中。听录音,在播放录音前,要求学生抓住要点,并注意一些听写技巧。同时完成课本上1c部分的任务。3. 听后。1 完成课本1d部分的任务。2 跟读,模拟句子。 三说的训练1e 分角色表演Clerk和Tourists 之间的对话。三、语言知识1迷人的,极有吸引力的_ ,动词:吸引;使.着迷_eg.I found a fascinating story boo

5、k.2. 方便的;便利的_,反义词_,其主语不能是表示人的词,常用于句型_eg. I think its convenient to see Mary tomorow. 名词形式为_3. inexpensive形容词,译为_,其同义词为_,反义词为_,构词法为_加上否认前缀_. 英语中常见的否认前缀还有:_等,如:disagree, impossible, uncrowded4告诉某人做某事_; 告诉某人不要做某事_eg. My mother told me to clean the room yesterday, but I forgot it .5. corner译为_,常构成短语:_ t

6、he corner, 译为:1在拐角处/角落里内部eg. There is a table in the corner of the house. 2 _the corner, 译为:在拐角处外部eg.Turn left on the corner of the library ,and you will find the bank .6. 想要、愿意做某事_=_=_译:今年寒假他想去参观长城。_; _;_7. 一个做某事的好地方_, eg. 这房间是一个学习的好地方。译_四、达标检测一根据汉语完成英语句子。每空一词1.网上购物对我们来说是便利的。Its _for us_ _ _ on lin

7、e.2.这个商店在市场的拐角。The shop lies _ _ _ _ the market.3.我建议改变这个主意。I _ _ the idea.二 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The book only cost me two dollars. Its very _expensive.2. Taking the bus in Jinan is _convenience.3. Lily is _quiet than her sister.4. I want to go there again. The city is_fascinated.5. It is an _ crowd street and few people got there . The professors speech _ interest me very much . *;第 2 页


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