人教新目标英语九年级 Unit 3 Section B (1a1e)教案.docx

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1、.Unit3 SectionB1a-1e教案1.教学目的1.语言知识目的根本词汇:fascinating, inexpensive, uncrowed, convenient, mall, clerk, corner。根本句型:Can you tell me where theres a good place to eat?Of course. What kind of food do you like?2.技能目的:1能用宾语从句礼貌的寻求帮助。2能用正确的方法指路。3.情感目的:培养学生尊重别人,对人有礼貌,热爱生活。2.学情分析对于九年级的学生来说,部分学生已经有了一定的英语学习根底掌握

2、了一些英、美国家日常生活中的不同传统特点。基于现实生活,只能引导学生在课堂上发挥丰富的想象力,把课堂模拟成生活,置身于英语学习中,进步语言交际才能,引导学生在交际中学英语,这样有利于他们更好地运用课本知识,到达进步综合运用语言的目的。3.重点难点1.教学重点1礼貌的向别人寻求帮助。2正确使用宾语从句。2.教学难点:运用宾语从句礼貌的寻求帮助。4.教学过程4.1.导入Step 1 GamePresent positive words and negative words.Step 2 RevisionYou are a tourist in a city. You want to know so

3、mething about the city. Make a conversation about asking information politely.A: Could you please tell me where the nearest bank is?B: Sure, go east along this street, and then youll see it.A: Can you tell me if there is a delicious restaurant near here?B: Sure. Walk along this street, and the resta

4、urant is on you right.A: And do you know where the biggest hospital is?B: Go down this street, turn left at the first crossing. You will see it.A: After dinner, I want to buy a pair of shoes. Would you mind telling me where the nearest supermarket is?B: Its over there, just across from you.A: Haha!

5、I see it. Thank you very much!B: You are welcome.Step 2 Lead in1 Talk about places in your city.2 Show some pictures of places and discuss what qualities are important for each place.4. 2讲授Step 3 1a & Pairwork1a What qualities are important for each place? Write the words from the box next to each p

6、lace below. Write the most important words first.interesting, fascinating, inexpensive, quiet uncrowded, big, beautiful, convenient, safe, cleanPlacesQualitiesrestroomclean, uncrowded, convenientmuseuminteresting, quiet, uncrowdedrestaurantclean, inexpensive, quietparkbeautiful, safe, bigsubwayuncro

7、wded, safe, convenientmallinexpensive, big, interesting, convenient, safePair work1b Talk about places in your city using the words in 1a.A: The Fun Arts Museum is really interesting.B: Yes, and its beautiful, too.Step 4 Listening 1cListen and check the sentences you hear.Conversation1_ You can go t

8、o Green Land.Conversation2_ Could you tell me where the bookstore is?Listen to the conversations and complete the sentences. 1cConversation1The boy asks about_, and the clerk tells him to go to Green Land.Conversation2The girl asks about_, and the clerk tells her to go to the corner of Market and Mi

9、ddle Streets.Conversation3The mother asks about_ .The father wants to go to a_ museum. The younger girl wants to go to a_ museum. The boy wants to go to a_ museum. The older girl wants to go to an_ museum. The clerk suggests they go to the_ museum.Listen again and answer the questions 1d.4. 3操练Step

10、5 Practice1. Reading the typescripts and answer the questions.2. Reading the typescripts and fill the blanks.3. Make a report about a guide to your city or town.Role-play the conversations between the clerk and the tourist.A: Can you tell me where theres good place to eat?B: Of course. What kind of

11、food do you like?A: Id like fresh vegetables.B: You can go to Green Land, they have delicious salad.A: Step 6 Exercise 1.选词填空interesting fascinating inexpensiveuncrowded convenient clean1 Few people likes to the mall on weekdays. Its _.2 The museum looks _.3 The subway in Beijing is _ and _.4 The Gr

12、and Canyon is _.5 The restroom is _ and tidy. 2.宾语从句1. When does the train arrive? Please tell me.2. What does he do? Do you know?3. Do they want hamburgers? He asked the boys.4. Will he come to my party tonight? I do not know.5. Does the earth go around the sun? Toms teacher asked him.Homework1. Review the new words and expressions youve learned today.2. Read the articles in Learning English.3. Preview the new words and expressions.*;第 4 页


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