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1、大风起今云飞扬生活需要游戏,但不能游戏人生;生活需要歌舞,但不需醉生梦死;生活需要艺 术,但不能投机取巧;生活需要勇气,但不能鲁莽蛮干;生活需要重复,但不能 重蹈覆辙。-无名1. 夕卜貌:She is fantastically appealing, tall and slim, around 1.73 meters tall; she wears long, flowing and silky hair with a central/side part and wispy of fringe. She was born with a pair of big and bright eyes;2

2、. 人格:He has a fantastic personality交流:态度好笑;替别人着想帮忙;榜样努力,效率;诚恳诚实,直接;相处尊重,理解)+ (提示词:Amiable,Brave,Considerate,Diligent,Efficient,Frank,Gorgeous,Humorous,lntelligent); he is somebody. Hdoes n t pose up with a pocker face. In stead, he always takes thein itiative to great others with a shi ning smile; w

3、ould squeeze his time and come overto lend me a hand, gran ted he may be tightly en gaged; eve n to stay over ni ghtto pull an all-ni ghter. Therefore, his eyes look red andexhausted with a lot of dots and lines like a road map; GTX display Card. How fast does he work! It takes him only half the tim

4、e as it doesfor others to fulfill a job; around, not gossipy, n ever talk ing people behi nofepple;3. 与人相处:I can leann how to get along with others. To understand and respect each other, to focuson the things that we have in com mon and tolerate the differe nces.4. 中国在传统文化 Traditional Chinese Cultur

5、e: Big&Small Wildgoose pagoda, Terra-cotta warriors(,horses, and chariots); 5学英语:I am able to develop my En glish capability, in terms of liste ning, speak in g, readi ng andwriti ng skills together with the pronun ciati on, vocabulary, grammatical range andflue ncy;6.山 水:The mountain is so beauteou

6、s where you will enjoy the winding rivers- people to swimming, fishing and boating. The steep cliffs and beautiful flowers: Lily, Daisy, Peony,大风起今云飞扬etc;7中国建筑:The Chin ese Architecture resembles the in spirati on, perspirati on and wisdom to create the build ings with red pillars, l ong eaves and c

7、urved roofs;8房间:When I step into my living room, I II sit on the big couch, soft genuine leather made.Enjoy some sn acks on the coffee table. Turn on the TV, 59 in ches, remote con trol, LCD and brand n ew;9. 放松:I felt extremely relaxed, don t have to think anything about my schoolwork, all thetroub

8、les and difficulties;I don t feel stressed. It s not likely that I will suffer from any psychological problems:depressi on and phobia;10. 哭穷:I am a poor stuobnt, not a rich blood. (There is no ticket requirement; it s for free; theis a big disco un t). I was able to save money for my in terest and h

9、obby;11锻炼身体:It s good for my health. I can improve my speed, strength, stamina, agility, and flexibility. Before the game I often got sick, minor problems, a cold, a flu, sport injuries, depression, hot temper, and now, everything is getting much better;12.不远:It s convenient for me to get there, taking me only * minutes to fulfill this goal(get there)


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