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1、Compa ny LOGOXXXX EHS ManageXXXX ERT Orga nizatio n-ChartXXXX应急反应小组WuXXteX ertComma nderERT CommandexxxTel:TreatrflreatfGtfoup GroupLeader:)xxx (EXT:)EVGCjaion Group 購der:) Tel:(EX)GroupIxxxTel:Groupecurity GroupSecurity GrouAid .eader:) (EX(T:)XXXTel:(Leader:)(EX。;:Workplace EHS Man ageme ntRespons

2、ibilities/ 职责:Fireman ageme ntComma nder应变总指挥:指挥相关紧急应变成员;请求援助;协助各组组长(Direct all releva ntemerge ncy respo nseteam members, request for externalaid, provide help and resource to each ERT leader);Treatment Group/救灾处理组:依照紧急应变处理程序进行紧急处理,通报处理状况以供总指挥及其他组作判断依据(Treatme ntgroup perform emerge ncy treatme ntt

3、o relief disasteraccordi ngto emerge ncytreatme ntprocedure, report to commander the status of emergency to provide proof for making further decision);Evacuation Group/疏散组:指挥员工按正确的方向避难;负责打开安全门;移除妨碍避难的障碍物;操作避难器具;担任避 难引导(Evacuati on group con duct employees to evacuati onin right way, be resp on sible

4、for ope n and keepsafety door ope n, remove obstaclein the safety way, operate evacuati onapplia nce,act as evacuati onguides);First Aid Group/紧急救护组:设置紧急救护区;准备紧急医疗用品及器具;紧急救护及安顿伤者(First aid group setfirst aid equipme ntemerge ncy first aid area, prepareand comfort injureds);Security Group/安全管控组:负责维持事

5、件地点外部的管制 con trolli ng order outside of the locati onof in cide ntpersonnels at emergency gather pointsUtilitiesUtilityand medic in es,perform first aid at the first time,人员的集合清点等(Control group is responsibleforto preve nt further disaster from happe ning,checksource of energy,);Group/公共设施组:负责电源等危险公

6、共能源的切断group is resp on siblefor cutt ingoff dan gerousdeal with dangerous facility under emergeny status.;确保应急公共能源的供应;危险机械设施的紧急处理source of energy, ensure to supplyemergency新区疾病控制中心:8521仃53Hot Work动火作业外部相关单位紧急联系电话(Emergency Phone Numbers):匪警/园区派出所:110/85282904环保局:12369火警电话/新区消防大队:119/85213822 新区安监局:8

7、2752597新区环境监测站:85255070自来水公司:82764111急救:120第一人民医院:82700778an ageme nt In formati on BoardSafetyKey EHS Regulati ons主要EHS管理规定lace S ementre ementRiskAssessmentPPEManagementChemicalManagementWasteManagementSpecial equipment ManagementContractorManagementSpecial workStaffManagementFirst AidManagementSustai nabilityEHS Applicati on FormsEH叶请表LOTO挂牌上锁High Work登高,吊装afety First!SafetyAwarenessSuggesti on


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