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1、2016-2017学年初三英语二模阅读完形填空汇编分析One【普陀】B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(12 分)My parents were in a huge argument, and I was really upset about it. I didn t knowwho I ldabout how I was feeling. So I asked Mom to allow me to stay the night at my best friend s house. Though I

2、 knewI wouldn te ll her about my parents situation. I was looking forward to 75. I was in the middle ofpacking up my things when suddenly the power went out in the neighborhood. Mom came to tell me that I should stay with my grandpa until the power came back on. I was really 76 because I felt that w

3、e did not have much to talk about. But I knew he would be frightened alone in the dark. I went to his room and told him that I d stay with him until the power was restored. He was quite happy and said, 77:“f For what? ” I asked.“To hold a private meeting, just you and I,“he said, “ To hold a private

4、 meeting about what wewith your mom and dad, and what we goinj tcrelo with ourselves78 we re in the situation we are in.”B Butwe can do anything about it, Grandpa, I said, surprised that here was someone with whom I could share my feelings and someone who was in the same boat as I was.And that how t

5、he most unbelievable 79 in this family started. Sitting there in the dark, we talkedabout our feelings and fears of life. That night, because the power went out, I found a new friend, with whom I could 80 talk about all my fears and pains, whatever they may be.Suddenly, the lights all came back on.

6、Well, he said, “I guess that means you ll want to goour talk. I hope the power will go out every few nights!”75 .A.describing the argument to her B.getting out of the houseC.having a talk with my parents D.taking a short holiday【参考答案】B【思路解析】根据上文句意她不能跟朋友倾诉,她只想暂时离开家;故选 B76 . A.disappointedB. frightene

7、dC. lonelyD. sorry【参考答案】A【思路解析】根据上文句意她想离开家,但是因为停电了要陪爷爷,她很失望;故选A77 . A. Sweet girlB.Warm homeC.Useful informationD.Great chance【参考答案】D 【思路解析】由后面爷爷的回答可以看出;故选 D78 .A.thoughB.ifC. sinceD.unless【参考答案】C 【思路解析】根据后面的从句句意,需要表原因的连词“既然” ;故选C79.A.educationB.competitionC.friendshipD.business【参考答案】C【思路解析】由后面I fou

8、nd a new friend可以看出;故选C80.A.safelyB.correctlyC.politelyD.gently【参考答案】A【思路解析】根据前面不能和朋友倾诉家庭烦恼,形成对比,可以“安全地”讲出;故选A【普陀区完型填空整体评析】普陀完型填空部分难度适中,主要考查学生的推测理解能力,根据前后文,推测所填单词,学生只 要认真仔细,不难选出答案。Two【奉贤】B. Choose the best words and complete the passage( 选择最恰当的单词完成短文 )(12 分)It s a hot school day.One of your classmat

9、es is suddenly having a nosebleed(鼻血).What can you do at this moment?If you know some basic first aid(急救) skills,you can ask him or her to lean forward and pinch thenose.If the bleeding doesn t stop after five to six minutes,find your 75 for help.First aid is an important life skill that everyone sh

10、ould learn.Step.13 is World First Aid Day.Itfor us tolearn more about this useful skill.Just as its name suggests,first aid is the first step before a person gets expert medical help.It includes staying safe,helping someone feel better and staying calm.It also includes getting help-either by telling

11、 an adult 76 calling 120.Recently in China, about 1.2million emergency cases have taken place each year,according to Xinhua News Agency .Experts say that the first 10 minutes after an accident are important for saving a life.CPR(心、肺复苏)is one of the most useful skills to save lives during these 10 mi

12、nutes.It can help people who ve suffered cardiac arrest心脏骤停 ).According to the American Heart Association, about 92,000 people in the US are saved by people who 77 CPR every year.78 this,there are some other first aid skills that are helpful for daily accidents and illness.Broken bones may happen as

13、 you play outside.You can support the injury with your hands or clothes to stop movement.Then ,find an adult or call 120 for 79 help.What if someone sprains(扭伤)his or her ankle(脚踝)? The right way to 80 first aid is to putsomething cold on the ankle,such as an ice bag or a cold drink bottle.Then,go t

14、o find an adult for help.75 .A. nurse B.doctorC.teacherD.parents【参考答案】C【思路解析】因为是在学校所以是先向老师寻求帮助76 .A.andB.butC.as well as D.or【参考答案】D【思路解析】由either .or固定搭配77 .A.makeB.learnC.performD.practise【参考答案】C【思路解析】Perform有实施的意思,是那些人是被实施CPR的人给救了78 .A.According to B.BesidesC.IncludingD.Except【参考答案】B【思路解析】besides是

15、除.之外还有except是除.之外没有。除了 CPR以外还有其他的急救方式。例如 .79 .A.nearer B.furtherC.deeperD.quicker【参考答案】B【思路解析】根据前面的紧急救助,Then,然后寻求更进一步的帮助80 .A.offerB.getC.studyD.accept【参考答案】A【思路解析】如果某人受伤了,不是自己,所以是站在救助者的角度上,所以是提供。【奉贤区完型填空整体评析】奉贤完型填空难度适中,对动词、连词、形容词比较级都有考查,学生要多注意词义之间的辨析,把 握上下文之间的联系进行答题。Three【松江】B. Choose the best word

16、s and complete the passage( 选择最恰当的单词完成短文 )(12 分)Is it stressful and boring working at Google, one of the largest technology companies in the world? Not at all!75, Google has the best working environment among the big companies in the United States.The working environment is quite 76 at Google. The c

17、ompany encourages staff to do whatever they want in the office. They can design their own desks or work stations. They can write down their ideas on the wall. When they are tired, they can take a nap (打盹) on the sofa. Animal lovers 77_ bring their pets to work.Google is home to every employee. In ad

18、dition to offices, there are game rooms, hair salons, restaurants and gyms. After work, employees can have a swim in the swimming pool or enjoy a massage (按摩).The company also encourages them to learn new things. It _78_ a number of interesting free courses such as sign language, cooking, drawing, a

19、nd playing the physical piano.There is an interesting rule at Googleno staff member should be 100 feet away from food. Coffee bars andopen kitchens are 79. All food is free. There are thousands of different dishes in the main restaurant. Oneof its managers says,“We care for our employees 80_. So we

20、encourage them to have healthy food. Ourresearch shows that if people are provided with enough food th ey make better choices. ”To work hard and work well, you need to love what you are working on and where you are working. Google believes that an interesting and pleasant space helps people think mo

21、re creatively. So it is trying hard to keep its title as the happiest workplace in the world.75. A) After allB) By the wayC) For exampleD) In fact【参考答案】D【思路解析】“Not at all !”对前面的结论进行了否定,因此用“ In fact”来进行强调。76. A) surprisingB) relaxingC) interestingD) amusing【参考答案】B【思路解析】根据后文的内容描述,谷歌的工作环境应该是放松的。77. A)

22、almostB) everC) evenD) both【参考答案】C【思路解析】前文描述了谷歌轻松的工作环境,可以设计办公桌,在墙上鞋子,打盹,后文说可以养宠物, 因此用“ even”。78. A) guidesB) offersC) takesD) learns【参考答案】B【思路解析】根据句意,公司鼓励员工学习新的事物,因此用动词“ offers”表示提供各种免费课程。79. A) everywhereB) somewhereC) anywhereD) nowhere【参考答案】A【思路解析】根据上文句子“ no staff member should be 100 feet away f

23、rom food ”,因此咖啡吧和开放厨房到 处者B是 everywhere 80. A) choiceB) cookingC) healthD) behavior【参考答案】C【思路解析】 根据后文So we encourage them to have healthy food.”及整段段意,他们在意的是雇员的健康, 因此选C【松江区完型填空整体评析】松江区本次的完形填空难度适中,文章的结构清晰,选项内的单词不难,学生需要多联系上下文进行 解题,进行有效的推理判断。Four【长宁金山】B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the p

24、assage.(选择最恰当的单词或短语,完成短文。)(12I recently watched my sister perform an act of magic.We were sitting in a restaurant, trying to have a conversation, but her children, 4-year-old Willow and 7-year-old Luca, would not stop fighting. The 75- over a fork, or who had more water in a glass wereunrelenting.Li

25、ke a magician quieting a group of children by pulling a rabbit out of a hat, my sister reached into her purse and produced two shiny Apple iPads, handing one to each child. Suddenly, the two were quiet. Eerily so. They sat playing games and watching videos, and we _76_ with our conversation.After ou

26、r meal, as we stuffed the iPads back into their magic storage bag, my sister felt a bit 77.I don t want to give them the iPads at the dinner table, but if it keeps them occupied for an hour so we can eat in peace, and 78 not disturb other people in the restaurant, I often just hand it over, “ she to

27、me. Then sheasked: Do you think it s bad for them? I do worry that it is setting them up to think it s Othe dinner table in the future.”I did not have an answer, and _79 some people might have opinions, no one has a true scientific understandingof what the future might hold for a generation raised o

28、n portable screens.“We really don t know the full neurological effects of these technologiestyout learning about being alone is thebasis of early development.If we don t teach our children how to be alone,maybe8hey know how to be lllonely in the future.”75 .A.opinions B.arguments C.discussion D.conv

29、ersation【参考答案】B【思路解析】由前文的 would not stop fighting可知是有争执的,由语境来看,discussion更符合题意;故选B76 .A.continued B.talkedC.sharedD.communicated【参考答案】A【思路解析】 由前文的 We were sitting in a restaurant, trying to have a conversation可知对话已开始,根据语境来分析,对话是继续发生,B选项,C选项以及D选项不符合题意;故选 A77 .A.satisfied B.comfortable C.surprised D.s

30、orry【参考答案】D【思路解析】由填空处前后句子分析得知,my sister在此处心境是抱歉的,是不好的心情,而 A.B.C三个选项都是积极的心情,不符合文章情境;故选 D78 .A.after all B.more importantly C.at present D.for example【参考答案】B【思路解析】从前句if假设条件可知,前文 so we can eat in peace和后面的空在的句子内容是递进关系,所 以选B更为重要的是,A选项“毕竟”是不符合题意的,C选项“目前”和 D选项“举例子”都是不符合题意的;根据句意推断逻辑关系,故选 B79 .A.untilB.ifC.

31、although D.because【参考答案】C【思路解析】 空后是 some people,后文的句子去口是 no one has a true scientific understanding ,由此可知,连词应具有转折的意味,A.B.D三个选项并不带有转折的含义,由句意推断可知,选“尽管,虽然”的连词含义;根据句意推断逻辑关系,故选C80 .A.hardly B.neverC.alsoD.only【参考答案】D【思路解析】由if引导的前句句意可知,“他们只会知道 .”,因为“ hardly”和“ never”都具有否定含 义,所以排除;C选项also是“也”的意思,表示并列,但很明显这

32、两句并不是这种关系,所以 C不合适; 因此选only较为合适该处句意;故选 D【长宁金山完型填空整体评析】长宁金山二模的完型填空部分难度适中,主要考查学生的推测理解能力,根据前后文判断选词题目设 置较多,学生只要认真仔细,不难选出答案;另外,判断句子之间的逻辑关系,考察连词的使用,这部分 题只要把握好句意,就可填出来。Five【虹口】一B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage( 选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(12 分)Imagine going to your doctor with a complaint of frequent he

33、adaches. Your doctor takes a prescription pad( 药 方)and writes a word onit. The word isn taspirin, its Mozart.The idea isnt sofar-fetched. Manykinds of music can stir the imagination and_75_ strong feelings.Scientists have found Mozarts music to be excellent in its ability to calm its listeners.Many

34、cases havebeen known usingMozart as a healing aid(治疗手段)._76_,atiny newly-bornbabyKrissy, who weighed just1.5 pounds at birth,was on total life support. Doctors thought she hadlittle chance ofsurvival. However, her mother kept on playing Mozart for Krissy, and thought it could save her daughter s lif

35、e. At last Krissy lived, but she was very small for her _77_ and slower than the average child. At four, she was fond of music and her parents gave her violin lessons. To her parents surprise, Krissy was able to play musical pieces from memory, which was far beyond the ability of an average four-yea

36、r-old. Playing music _78_ her to improve in all areas of her life.And there are other stories. Officials in Washington State report that new arrivals from Asia learn English more _79_ when they listen to Mozart. Even animals respond to Mozart. In France, cow listening to Mozart give more milk.Why do

37、 people choose Mozart, rather than Bach or the Beatles? Any kind of music can have an effect on some people. But Mozart has more _80_. It isn t too fast or too slow; it s just right. Don Campbell, who wrote a book called The Mozart Effect, says, Its like food. A hot spicy meal will affect you more d

38、ifferently than a sweet desert. And while you might love these foods, they arent good for you to eat every day. You need simple, nutritious food on a steady basis. Thats the way Mozart is. It is like a balanced meal that does good to your body.” 75. A. prove B. predict C. preventD. produce【参考答案】D 【思

39、路解析】由句意可知,此处是产生感觉,ABC三项分别为“证明”“预测” “阻止”不符合题意,而 D项“生产,产生”符合题意;按词汇意义,故选 D 76. A. In fact B. At firstC. For example D. After all【参考答案】C 【思路解析】 由前文提到 Many cases后文是 a tiny newly-born baby Krissy, who weighed just 1.5 pounds at birth, was on total life support.可知,此处是举一例子,此段围绕该例子展开,所以排除 B项和D项,A选项事 实上”,并无对比

40、,所以也排除,故选 C 77. A. ageB. height C. weight D. body【参考答案】A【思路解析】由后文 slower than the average child可知,此处的生长是整体的概括,而不是具体到身高和体 重以及身体,A选项“年龄”更符合题意,故选 A78. A. required B. helped C. invited D. ordered【参考答案】B【思路解析】固定词组搭配help sb to do sth,由句意分析可知,此处演奏音乐对Krissy的生活各方面有很大提升,A项“要求” C项“邀请” D项“命令,要求”均不符合题意,故选B79. A.

41、 happily B. correctly C. quicklyD. loudly【参考答案】C【思路解析】修饰动词用副词,并且由后文 In France, cow listening to Mozart give more milk.推断可知,此处修饰learning English应该是表示程度上的,更快的,其它选项不符合题意,故选 C80. A. balance B. energy C. power D. wonder【参考答案】A【思路解析】 联系上下文,由后文 Thats the way Mozart is . It is like a balanced meal that does

42、 good to your body 可知,此处是把 Mozart比喻成meal,而它们有着共同的特点,就是balanced”,故选A【虹口完型填空整体评析】虹口二模的完型填空部分难度适中,主要考查学生的推测理解能力,联系上下文,根据前后文判断选 词题目设置较多,学生只要认真仔细,不难选出答案;另外,固定词组搭配要求学生熟练掌握并会运用学 过的词组,分析句意,得出结果不是很难。Six【徐汇】B.Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage( 选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文 ):(12 分) When I entered Ber

43、kley, I hoped to win a scholarship( 奖学金).As a Straight-A student all the way through,I believed I could take tough subjects and really I earn something. One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne. I was very interested in the ideas he taught in class.When l took the first exam ,I

44、was shocked to find a 77 , C-plus , on my test paper, for English was my best subject. I went to Professor Jayne , who listened to my_75_but refused to do anything about it.I decided to try harder,76 I didnt know what that meant because school always seemed easy for me. Iread the books more carefull

45、y,but got another 77. Again,I reasoned with Professor Jayne. Again , he listened patiently but wouldnt_77_.One more test before the final exam. So I worked even harder and,for the first time,learned the meaning of the word thorough. But my effort did no good and_78_stayed as before.The last chance w

46、as the final. No matter what grade I got,it wouldnt cancel three C-pluses. I might as well kiss the scholarship goodbye.I stopped working hard. I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would. The night before the final , I even relaxed to a_79_. The next day I decided for once Id have fun

47、 with a test.A week later,l was surprised to find I got an A. I hurried into Professor Jaynes office. He seemed to be expecting me. If I gave you the grade as you_80_,you wouldnt continue to work as hard.I stared at him.realizing what he said was correct. I had worked my head off, as I had never done before. I was surprised when my course grade arrived : A-plus. It was the only A-plus given. The next year I received my scholarship. Ive always remembered Professor Jaynes lesson : you alone must set your own standard of excellence.75.A)speechesI【参考答案】C【思路解析】根据上下文,B)repliesC)argume


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