初一上英语(外研版)预备级starter M1-M4知识汇总.doc

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1、StarterModule 1-Module4单词汇总名词n. 动词v. 数词num. 形容词adj. 副词adv. 代词pron. 介词prep.Class n. 班级; 同学们 please v. 请 stand up v. 起立Hello=Hi v. 你好 Miss n. 未婚小姐; 女士 Mr. n. 先生sit down v. 坐下 goodbye n. 再见 thank you=thanks n. 谢谢listen v. 听 match v. 连线 number point v. 指向 say v. 说 sing v. 唱 work in pairs 小组讨论 write v. 写

2、 Good morning 早上好 Good afternoon 下午好 Good evening 晚上好What adv. 什么 name n. 名字 sorry n. 对不起 How adv. 怎么样 you pron. 你 your pron. 你的I pron. 我 my pron. 我的 he pron. 他his pron. 他的 she pron. 她 her pron. 她的it pron. 它 its pron. 它的 fine adj. 好的too adv. 也 this pron. 这个 these pron. 这些teacher n. 老师 friend n. 朋友 f

3、ather n.爸爸;父亲mother n. 妈妈;母亲 son n. 儿子 daughter n. 女儿girl n. 女孩 boy n. 男孩 classroom n. 教室body n. 身体 book n. 书 bag n. 书包chair n. 椅子 desk n. 桌子 map n. 地图pen n. 钢笔 pencil n. 铅笔 English n. 英语window n. 窗户 blackboard n. 黑板 picture n. 图片head n. 头 hair n. 头发 eye n. 眼睛 nose n. 鼻子 ear n. 耳朵 leg n. 腿 hand n. 手

4、 arm n. 手臂 touch v. 触摸foot n.复数feet脚、足 mouth n. 复数mouthes嘴巴one num. 一 two num. 二 three num. 三 four num. 四 five num. 五 six num. 六 seven num. 七 eight num. 八 nine num. 九 ten num. 十 eleven num. 十一 twelve num. 十二 dog n. 狗 cup n. 杯子 computer n. 电脑 cat n. 猫 how many 多少 colour n. 颜色; v. 给上色 spell v. 拼写 appl

5、e n. 苹果banana n. 香蕉 bird n. 鸟 black n. 黑色 blue n. 蓝色 cat n. 猫 flower n. 花 red n. 红色;adj.红色的 green n. 绿色 its = it is 它是 white n. 白色 tree n. 树 yellow n. 黄色thing n. 事情,事物 food n. 食物 where adv. 哪里coat n. 大衣,外套 chair n. 椅子 bed n. 床cap n. 帽子 on prep. 在之上 in prep. 在里面Mum n. 妈妈 shoe复数shoes n. 鞋子 my adj. 我的u

6、nder prep. 在下面 favourite adj. 最喜欢的 your adj. 你的cake n. 蛋糕 Dad n. 爸爸 egg n. 蛋fish n. 鱼 meat n. 肉 noodle n. 面条pear n. 梨 rice n. 米饭 do 助动词,无实义work n. 工作 work in pairs 两人合作 student n. 学生now adv. 现在Dance (v.) 跳舞 read (v.) 读书 run (v.) 跑 sing (v.) 唱歌 swim (v.) 游泳 walk (v.) 散步,步行Hobby (n.) 爱好 listen to musi

7、c听音乐 play computer games玩电脑游戏 play football 踢足球 watch television看电视 Cook (v.) 煮饭 draw (v.)画画 type (v.) 打字Drive a car开车 play the piano弹钢琴 ride a bike骑自行车 speak English 讲英语 write Chinese 写汉字 Can情态动词能,会 but (连词) 但是Weather (n.)天气 Autumn (n.)秋天 spring (n.)春天 summer (n.) 夏天 winter (n.)冬天 cool (adj.) 凉爽的 w

8、arm (adj.)暖和的 cold (adj.)冷的 hot (adj.)热的 London伦敦 New York纽约 Hong Kong香港 Beijing北京 Harbin哈尔滨 重点句型汇总Module 1 重点句型1.问候语:Good morning./ Good afternoon. / Good evening.1.提问别人的名字:Whats your name? -My name is Miss Li.(或者 I am Miss Li.)2.问候对方的礼貌用语:How are you? -I am fine, thank you. ( 或者 Fine, thanks.)3.介绍

9、亲朋好友给新朋友认识:This is my mother/teacher/friend. Shes/ Hes my friend. This boy/girl is my friend.Module 2 My classroom and my body询问事物:(单数) What is this in English? -Its a classroom.询问事物:(复数) What are these (in English)? -Theyre legs.询问数量:How many maps are there? (单数)-There is a map. How many desks are

10、there? (复数)-There are ten desks.Module 3 重点句型提问物体颜色: What colour is the tree? (主语为名词单数) - It is green.What colour are the flowers? (主语为名词复数)-They are blue.提问某个单词如何拼读:How do you spell green? -G-R-E-E-N.询问物体的方位、地点:Where is my coat ? (主语为名词单数) -It is on the chair.Where are my shoes?(主语为名词复数)-They are u

11、nder the bed.提问他人喜好:Whats your favourite food ? -My favourite food is cake.Whats your favourite sport? -I like swimming.Module 4 提问喜欢的运动: Whats your favourite sport? - I like football.提问喜欢不喜欢一项活动: Do you like football? -Yes, I do. I like football. Do you like watching television? - No, I dont. I lik

12、e playing basketball.提问爱好:Whats your hobby? -I like singing.表示某人能够做某事:I can ride a bike .表示某人不能做什么:I cant drive a car.提问别人能做什么:Can you cook? -Yes, I can. /No, I cant.提问天气:Whats the weather like in spring/summer/autumn/winter? - Its warm/hot/cool/cold.Starter重点、难点知识汇总Module12 1.26个字母的书写规那么以及5个元音字母。2.

13、Good morning / afternoon / evening. 早上好/ 下午好 / 晚上好。 .区分:Good evening!答语 Good night.答语 例如: Morning. 。 3. How are you! 你好吗? Im , thanks. 我很好,谢谢! ? 你呢?Im fine, too.另外注意:How is your mother? 你的妈妈好吗?She is fine. 她身体好。例如: Tom is fine.(提问) Tom?4. (1)Whats your name? 你叫什么名字? Daming. = Daming. (2) her / his n

14、ame? 她 / 他叫什么名字?Her/ His names .例如:My name is Lingling.(就划线局部提问) name?Her brothers name is Tom.(提问) her brothers name?总结: 对名字提问用 Whats your name? 答复用Im +名字/My name is + 名字 5. Whats this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?(= ? 这个是什么? a map. 它是一张地图。例如: This is a pen.(提问) this (in English)? That is an apple.(提问) ? T

15、hese are desks.(提问) ?冠词a, an的用法是: 。例如: eraser, English book, orange, hour, 6. beam, is, are 动词的用法以及其缩写形式。为了书写方便,be动词常和主语缩写在一起例如:I am = Im you are = youre he is = hes we are = were但有时却不能缩写:(1) this is 不能所写(2) 在肯定句的简略答语中,不可以缩写。 如: Are you Lingling? Yes, Im () Yes, I am ()7. How many are there? 问“多少,用于

16、问可数名词的数量,后面跟可数名词的复数形式。8. 基数词one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 人称代词形式:主格匚慊厢宾格匚慊厢形容词性物主代词匚慊厢名词性物主代词匚慊厢反身代词匚慊厢作主语匚慊厢作宾语匚慊厢后要再接名词匚慊厢后不再接名词匚慊厢主宾一致匚慊厢I匚慊厢me匚慊厢my ( pen / book.)匚慊厢mine匚慊厢myself匚慊厢you(你)匚慊厢you匚慊厢your (bag / car.)匚慊厢yours匚慊厢yourself匚慊厢he匚慊厢him匚慊厢his (desk / coat.)匚慊厢his匚慊厢hims

17、elf匚慊厢she匚慊厢her匚慊厢her (hair / books.)匚慊厢hers匚慊厢herself匚慊厢it匚慊厢it匚慊厢its (teeth / face.)匚慊厢its匚慊厢itself匚慊厢we匚慊厢us匚慊厢our (teachers / room.)匚慊厢ours匚慊厢ourselves匚慊厢you(你们)匚慊厢you匚慊厢your (class / city.)匚慊厢yours匚慊厢yourselves匚慊厢they匚慊厢them匚慊厢their (school / seats.)匚慊厢theirs匚慊厢themselves匚慊厢Module 3-41. What co

18、lour is the bird? 主语为单数时谓语用is,其答复有三种:. Its a black bird. .Its black. .Black.2. What colour are the flowers ? 主语为复数时谓语用are,其答复有三种:. Theyre blue flowers. . Theyre blue. . Blue.3. How do you spell “red? 注意这里的red是要加双引号的-R-E-D. (看到这样的答复,应该知道上一句就是问某某单词怎么拼写)4. It is a pen. The pen is blue. (第一次出现时用a , 第二次以

19、上出现的用the.)5. Please colour the pear yellow. 这是一句祈使句,祈使句是带有命令口吻式的句子,所以Please后跟 的是动词原形,colour 在这里译为“上颜色6. My apple is in my bag on the desk. 介词in “在.里面 on “在上面 under “在.下面7. Wheres my coat? Its on the chair. 这是询问某东西在什么地方的句形,where 是“哪里的意思。8. Whats your favourite food? 有三种答复:. My favourite food is rice.

20、 . I like rice. . Rice is my favourite food.9. Do you like playing football? like + 动词ing其肯定答复是Yes, I do. 否认答复是 No, I dont.10. Whats your hobby? -I like swimming.11. Whats the weather like in London in spring? =Hows the weather in London in spring? (What 后面与like 连用,而How后面没有like)答复都是:Its warm.12. The

21、re is some fish on the plate.改为一般疑问句,并作肯定答复Is there any fish on the plate? Yes, there is.方法:先找出谓语动词 “is,然后把is 前移到句首,小写变大写,大写变小写,其他照抄,后面加问号 “?。但这里注意some用于陈述句的肯定句中,而any 是用于一般疑问句的。13. They are shoes. (改为否认句)They are not shoes.方法:谓语动词是系动词beis,am,are时,直接在系动词后加not. 谓语动词是实义动词时,主语是第三人称单数时即he/she/it在谓语动词前加do

22、esnt, 主语是其他人称时,在谓语动词前加dont.Module 3-414. What colour is the bird? 主语为单数时谓语用is,其答复有三种:. Its a black bird. .Its black. .Black.15. What colour are the flowers ? 主语为复数时谓语用are,其答复有三种:. Theyre blue flowers. . Theyre blue. . Blue.16. How do you spell “red? 注意这里的red是要加双引号的-R-E-D. (看到这样的答复,应该知道上一句就是问某某单词怎么拼写

23、)17. It is a pen. The pen is blue. (第一次出现时用a , 第二次以上出现的用the.)18. Please colour the pear yellow. 这是一句祈使句,祈使句是带有命令口吻式的句子,所以Please后跟 的是动词原形,colour 在这里译为“上颜色19. My apple is in my bag on the desk. 介词in “在.里面 on “在上面 under “在.下面20. Wheres my coat? Its on the chair. 这是询问某东西在什么地方的句形,where 是“哪里的意思。21. Whats

24、your favourite food? 有三种答复:. My favourite food is rice. . I like rice. . Rice is my favourite food.22. Do you like playing football? like + 动词ing其肯定答复是Yes, I do. 否认答复是 No, I dont.23. Whats your hobby? -I like swimming.24. Whats the weather like in London in spring? =Hows the weather in London in spr

25、ing? (What 后面与like 连用,而How后面没有like)答复都是:Its warm.25. There is some fish on the plate.改为一般疑问句,并作肯定答复Is there any fish on the plate? Yes, there is.方法:先找出谓语动词 “is,然后把is 前移到句首,小写变大写,大写变小写,其他照抄,后面加问号 “?。但这里注意some用于陈述句的肯定句中,而any 是用于一般疑问句的。26. They are shoes. (改为否认句)They are not shoes.方法:谓语动词是系动词beis,am,are时,直接在系动词后加not. 谓语动词是实义动词时,主语是第三人称单数时即he/she/it在谓语动词前加doesnt, 主语是其他人称时,在谓语动词前加dont.


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