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1、不可轻视的“ that ”江 苏省阜宁县施庄小 学 胡红梅 224400fhat ”在英文中是一个使用频率很高的单词。它有四种词性,并 且句法及语法功能纷繁复杂。 如果不能熟练掌握其用法, 很可能会形 成英语学习的一种障碍,从而影响其学习兴趣和效率。现将 that 的 用法总结归纳如下:一、形容词 thatthat作为形容词用时意即“那边的” 与this相对。that house across the street 街对面的那房子。(一)用 it 充当主语下列形容词之后 that 从句的虚拟语气必须用 should :incredible 令人难以置信的, natural 自然的, stran

2、ge 奇怪的, absurd 荒谬的, amazing 令人惊慌的, annoying 令人烦恼的, astonishing 令人震惊 的, impossible 不可能的, interesting 有趣的, ludicrous 滑稽的, normal 正常的, odd 古怪的, queer 奇怪的, ridiculous 可笑的, silly 傻的, surprising 令人惊奇的, unnatural 反常的, unthinkable 不可 思议的, wonderful 奇异的等。例如:(1) It is absurd and ridiculous that he should beha

3、ve so!他竟 然如此表现,真是荒唐可笑!(2) Its astonishing that she should say that sort of thing to you 她竟然对你说出那样的话,令人震惊。(3 )It is natural that economic crises should arise in capitalist countries 资本主义国家发生经济危机,是很自然的事情。(4 )Do you think its normal that the child should be so tired?这个孩子这样疲倦,你认为正常吗?(5 )It is odd strang

4、e that he should do that 他竟然那样干, 可真奇怪。(6 ) It is surprising tht they should choose this method of passing the evening 令人吃惊的是,他们竟然选择这个方式来度过 夜晚。(7 )Its wonderful that he should be able to walk at all他的确会走了,真是令人惊异。(二)用表示人的名词或代词充当主语这样的形容词也有两类:a.虚拟语气中的should可用可不用; b.虚拟语气中的should必用。a 类形容词有 adamant 坚定的, an

5、xious 焦急的, concerned 关 心的,eager很希望,keen很希望(正式用语),insistent坚决主张 等。如: I was anxious that there should be no misapprehension .我 很希望不至有误会We were anxious that there be no misunderstanding.我们深切希望不至有误会。b 类形容词有 delighted , shocked , sorry , surprised 等。例如:1)He was delighted that his wifes cook ing should go

6、 dow该文章转载自无忧考网:http:/www.51test. net二、指示代词thatthat作为指示代词用时,意即:“那物那人,那种”等Do you seethat over there?你看见那边的那个东西了吗? 指示代词在句子中可充 类同物:“但hat后须有后置定语修饰,且多使用于比较状语从句中,当主语、宾语、表语、定语。1、作主语This is the way to do it.1、作主语This is the way to do it.2、作宾语I like this better than that.3、作介词宾语I dont say no to that.There is

7、no fear of that.4、作表语My point is this.5、作定语This room is mine.三、代词that这事儿就该这样做。这事儿就该这样做。我喜欢这个多于那个我并未拒绝那个。那并不可怕。我的观点就是如此这间房间是我的。that作为代词用时,常用来指代前面出现的分词。与it 一样指同而 one 亦可充当代词,通常用来替代上文提到的同类名词中的一个。即“同类不同物,”其前须有前置定语修饰。试比较:1.I bought a T-shirt yesterday. it was black.我昨天买了一件 T 恤,它是黑的。 it 指 a Tshirt2. The in

8、formation on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than that in the newspaper.网上的信息比报纸上的信息传播得快多了。( that指theinformation )3. As they retired, the old couple prefer buying a house in thecountry to spend their late years to buying one in a large city.老俩口退休了, 他们情愿在乡下买一幢房子度过余生而不愿在大城市买房( one 泛指一幢房子)四、

9、副词 thatthat 作为副词用时,意即“那么,那样”, 相当于 so, this 也有此用法。The little girl can t jump that high.那小女孩跳不到那么高。I don tthink the work is that difficult.我认为那事并不那么难。五、强调 that为了强调句子的主语,宾语或状语,常用 It+is/was+ 被强调部分+that (强调人时可用who) +结构,该结构是强调句式的标志, that 在句中不充当成当,也无任何意思。如果去掉该标志,句子结构 还完整。此时需要注意与 that 引导的主语从句区别开来。比如:It was

10、yesterday that I met her in the street. 我是昨天在街上遇到她的。去掉it wasthat这一强调结构的标志后,其余部分为I mether in the street yesterday ,仍然为一完整通顺的句子,说明上面句中 that 为强调句。再如:It suggested that the meeting be held tomorrow = That the meeting be held tomorrow is suggested.去掉 itthat 后,其余部分为 The meeting be held tomorrow suggested 显

11、然不通,说明该句中 that 不是强调词而是主语从句的引 导词。六、so that 结构so that 既可引导目的状语从句,又可引导结果状语从句。引导 目的状语从句时,从句中的谓语动词常用 can/could , may/might ,will/would/should加动词原形来表示虚拟。主、从句间不用逗号隔开。 而引导结果状语从句时,主从句间须用逗号隔开,从句中一般不用情 态动词。试比较:He got up early this morning so that he could catch the first bus.他今早早起是为了赶上第一班车。(so that引导目的状语从句)He

12、got up early this morning, so that he caught the first bus.他今早起得早,结果赶上了第一班车。七、suchthat结构suchthat引导结要状语从句,that仅起连接作用,不在从句中 担当任何成分,但不可以省略,很容易与suchas结构相混淆,在suchas结构中as为关系代词,在从句中担当主语或宾语, 亦不可省略。试比较:r Itsuch a difficult questi on that none of us can an swer it.这是一个如此难的问题以至于我们无人答得出。I Itsuch a difficult que

13、sti on as none of us can an swer.这是一道非常困难我们无人能答得出的问题。八、连接词thatthat作为连接词,常用来引导主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句, that 仅起连接作用,不在从句中担当任何成分。通常不 可以省略(宾语从句例外)例如:1. That China is a developing country is known to us all. (主语 从句)我们都知道中国是个发展中国家。2. He said (that )he visited expo in Shanghai last week. (宾 语从句)他说上周去上海看世博会了。3

14、. The news that we won the match made us excited.(同位语从句)我们赢得 那场比赛的消息使我们很激动。4. My suggestion is that we should search the house first. ( 表语 从句)我的建议是我们先要搜查这间房子。九、关系代词 thatthat 作为关系代词,引导定语从句。 在从句中可充当主语和宾语。 这是定语从句区别于名词性从句的标志。故 that 充当从句中主语时 不可省略。充当从句中宾语时可省。关系代词 that 常会与 which 相 混淆,以下几种情况只能用 that 而不能用 wh

15、ich :1. 先行词既是人又是物时,关系代词不用which 而用 that 如:The writer and his novels ( that )the article deals with are quite familiar to us.这篇文章谈到的作家和他的小说我们都熟悉。 ( that 在从句中作 宾语可省略)。2. 先行词是 something 、anything 、nothing 、everything 时,关 系代词一般用 that ,如:There is nothing that is difficult for me. (that 在从句中作主语不 可省略)对我来说没有

16、什么能难倒我。3. 先行词被序数词所修饰时,关系代词多用that,如:The first book that the author wrote is about environment. 这位作者写的第一本书是关于环境的。4. 先行词被形容词最高级所修饰时,多用that,如:This is the best film (that)I have ever seen. 这是我看过的最好的一部电影。5. 先行词被 the+very/only/last 表示唯一概念的词修饰时, 关系代 词用that,如:This is the only novel that I have read this term

17、.这是我这学期看过的唯一的一本小说。6. 先行词被 any,all,every ,no,few ,little 等所修饰时,关系 代词多用 that ,如:There is no difficulty that we can t overcome. 没有什么我们克服不了的困难。7. 定语从句的谓语动词是 be 时,关系代词用 that ,不用 which , 如:It sa new film that will be very popular. 这是一部将会很受欢迎的新电影了。十、固定搭配中的 thatthat 除了有上述归纳的诸多用法而外,还有些固定短语I.That is = That to

18、 say 也就是说换句话说2.So thatsthat/Thats that 到此为止,这样就完了(讲完故事或 讨论终了时所说)3.in that 因为,由于4. Thatsit 是啦!对啦!5. Thatsa good boy/girl 这样才对 表示对方答应某要求或接受忠告时的用语例: I am speaking for the pro-Internet ”ide. That is to say. I believe that the Internet has positive effects on our lives. 我代表支持因特网的一方发言。 也就是说, 我相信因特网对我们 的生活产生了正面的影响。 We will finish the task in two days, and that s that. 我们一定要在两天内完成任务,就是这样。 Its necessary to do like that in that it can help you correct your mistakes.那样做是有必要的,因为能帮助你改正错误。


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