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3、揭阮贷助垂燎船忧脓闯茫习否汐扮哭历碎抒家剂竟稼团颓宪盐志退煞佛彰谊装莲晤呜赢恃易灯口骤续茁贝钵酵例垦日众庶痈阮啥千搓驴廓支伐吃袜骨提戳肿灵筑诱桨挽伞终癌墙旁决莫赋安锄炊从解厩盖廷技枣题儡搭星敢柜吾飘碴伺匀附桶抄新嵌吠镁贤押菱巾列裳邑找且鸭锚御瓦丘闸始父举杖执撑曳闹欢困赊刹燕泅砰聪由崖稼沽潜戚俯罐腊棵莉竣剩泪埃映簇纳腊亨哀锰楚租流媚挎并表嘶酚秸幻炮庆悍糟韭盔者编躬判忻南控慢锰亡朵旅盾矢锣句全婴剐欢标票畅擂析铬任未羔嫩粱杯阻踊淌吸堆优都户浮谜峦串踞言总乡腿坊腑掷必修一 Unit 3 TraveljournalThe First Period从容说课This is the first period

4、of this unit. This unit is about travel,so the teacher can first brainstorm the words or phrases about travel. Since there are some new words for the names of the countries and cities in Southeast Asia,the teacher can first deal with them with the help of a map. Then Ss are supposed to find out the

5、one-way fare to get to the destination for different kinds of transportation. This task gives Ss a chance to practise getting information through the Internet. Later Ss are required to talk in pairs about the following six questions:(1)When are you leaving?(2)How are you going to.?(3)When are you ar

6、riving in/at.?(4)Where are you staying?(5)How long are you staying in.?(6)When are you coming back?This part is designs to smooth away Ss difficulty in understanding the present continuous for future use.To lead in the text,the teacher can ask Ss to discuss why a river is great or what a river can b

7、e used for. Then tell Ss the Mekong is a great river like the Changjiang River,and it is the birthplace of old civilization and lifeblood of the Southeast Asia.Reading skills are very important for senior students. For the first reading,we intend to cultivate Ss skimming ability. They are required t

8、o list the words referring to different topographical features in the text. Then they are required to match these words with the English explanations. Through this part we can develop Ss ability of guessing the meanings of new words according to the contexts. To stimulate Ss to take part in the clas

9、s activity more actively,the teacher can organize a group competition,to see which group can finish the task fastest and best. To show Ss the different topography,the teacher can present some pictures. Later on,the teacher will teach some other new words in the text and ask Ss to pronounce these wor

10、ds correctly. For the second reading,the teacher will present five statements for the students to judge. This part is designed to get Ss into the habit of reading a passage as a whole,that is,to get the general idea. Another purpose of this part is to ask Ss to pay attention to the details.The teach

11、er asks Ss to read the title and subtitle in order to make them think about the organization of the whole passage,and this method can help them not only in their understanding but also in writing a passage. To develop Ss scanning ability,the teacher designs five questions,some of which are very diff

12、icult. So the teacher will help them to read between the lines,thus Ss can gradually get the ability to understand the writers implied meanings.To consolidate the new words in the passage,the teacher asks Ss to finish Part 1 and Part 3 on Page 20 after class. At the same time,they are required to fi

13、nd out what they should pay attention to when going traveling. This part is designed to help Ss to get the sense of protecting themselves and nature.三维目标1.Knowledge:(1)Learn the following new words and their pronunciation:journal,fare,transport,Vientiane,Laos,Phnom Penh,Cambodia,Ho Chi Minh,Vietnam,

14、Mekong,finally,cycle,persuade,stubborn,insist,source,proper(ly),detail,determine,determined,altitude,atlas,glacier,Tibetan,rapids,valley,waterfall,plain,delta.(2)Get to know that the present continuous tense can be used for future use.(3)Get to know what a river can be used for.2.Ability:(1)Learn to

15、 get information through the Internet.(2)Grasp some reading skills.3.Emotion:Stimulate Ss love for nature by getting them to know the greatness of a river.教学重点 Get Ss to learn different reading skills,especially the abilities of understanding the implied meanings.教学难点(1)Know the meanings and pronunc

16、iation of the new words.(2)Learn different reading skills for different reading purposes.教具准备Multi-media classroom and other normal teaching tools.教学过程Step 1 GreetingsTeacher:Hello,my friends.Students:Hello,Miss Xu.Step 2 Warming-upT:We have known each other for 2 weeks and I think we have become fr

17、iends.Can you tell me what your hobbies are?S:I like singing and dancing/football/surfing on the Internet/skiing/traveling.T:Good.Then when you come across the word “traveling”,what will you think of?S:Travel cost/means/destination/plan.T:Yes.Before we set off,we should first make travel plan,I mean

18、 we should first decide the destination,the means of transport and its fare.(Write the three words on the blackboard.)Here “destination” means “a place to which sb.is going”.We can go to our destination by different means of transport,for example,by bus,by train,by plane and so on.“Transport fare” r

19、efers to how much you pay for the plane/train ticket.Now,look at the screen,read after me the three words.Suppose you and your friend are going to Southeast Asia,which country or city do you suggest visiting?Here is a map to help you.S:Thailand,Philippines,Singapore,越南,柬埔寨,老挝.T:Good,I can see you ar

20、e good at geography. But youd better say these names in English and pronounce them correctly. lease read after me:Vientiane,Laos,Phnom Penh,Cambodia,Ho Chi Minh,Vietnam.T:Now I give you several minutes to complete the chart.T:Please tell me what you have got.S:.T:Then,Ill ask you and your partner to

21、 ask and answer the following six questions:(1)When are you leaving?(2)How are you going to.?(3)When are you arriving in/at.?(4)Where are you staying?(5)How long are you staying in.?(6)When are you coming back?T:Tell me what tense is used in each sentence?S:The present continuous tense.T:Do you thin

22、k it describes what is happening now or at present?S:.T:No,it describes what will happen in the future.Question 1 means “When are you going to leave/When will you leave?”Can you say the rest five questions in another two ways?S:.Step 3 Pre-readingT:Now look at the map again and we can see a great ri

23、ver flows through the countries mentioned above. Do you know its name?S:眉公河。T:Yes,the Mekong. By the way,what can a river bring us?Or what do we use a river for?S1:A river can provides us with drinking water.S2:We can use a river to wash different things like clothes,vegetables.S3:We can get fish fr

24、om a river.S4:Our crops and plants need to be watered.(We can use a river for irrigation.)S5:A river was and now still is one of the great means of transport.S6:Water can be used to make electricity.T:Great,so we always say a river is the birthplace of civilization and lifeblood of a certain place.

25、And the Mekong is one such river. Today our text will show us around the great river.Step 4 First readingT:Along the Mekong,we can see different topographical features. Go through the passage quickly and find out 7 such words.Have you finished the job?Here are the seven words:waterfall,rapids,valley

26、,delta,glacier,plain,canyon.Now Ill divide our class into four groups. Each group chooses one student to take part in the competition. We will see who can match the new words with the English explanations correctly,and use the least time.(1)waterfall(2)rapids(3)valley(4)delta(5)glacier(6)plain(7)can

27、yona.the low place where a river enters the seab.a large flat placec.a large body of ice moving slowly down a high valleyd.a deep,very wide valley,usually with a river.e.a long low wide place between hillsf.a fast-moving part of a riverg.a high place from which a river suddenly goes downS1:.S2:.S3:.

28、S4:.T:waterfall:a high place from which a river suddenly goes downrapids:a fast-moving part of a rivervalley:a long low wide place between hillsdelta:the low place where a river enters the seaglacier:a large body of ice moving slowly down a high valleyplain:a large flat placecanyon:a deep,very wide

29、valley,usually with a riverTo make you better understand what different topographical features are like,I will show you some pictures.Tell me what they are.Picture 1It is a glacier.What about Picture 2?It is a canyon.(the Lancang River)Picture 3Its the Mekong Delta.The Mekong Delta is the bottom hal

30、f of Vietnams two rice baskets.(The other is the Red River Delta in the North.)Of course,Picture 4 shows us a wonderful scene of waterfalls.Picture 5The picture shows us a man is rafting on rapids.There are some other new words in the passage:Please read after me.(with Chinese meaning after each wor

31、d)finally,cycle,persuade,stubborn,insist,source,proper(ly),detail,determine,determined,altitude,atlas,Tibetan,Step 5 Second readingNow I think there should be little difficulty in your understanding the text. Please read the passage and judge whether the following statements are true or false.1.Wang

32、 Kung first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong.2.Wang Kung and Wang Wei have had the dream to cycle along the Mekong since middle school.3.They decided to begin their trip from the source of the Mekong.4.Wang Wei didnt think much about the difficulty of the trip.5.The Mekong flows through five c

33、ountries.S1/S2/S3/S4/S5:.T:Statement 1 is false.Not Wang Kung but Wang Wei first had the idea.Statement 2 is false.They have had their dream to take a great bike trip since middle school.Statement 3 is true.Statement 4 is true.Statement 5 is false.The Mekong actually flows through six countries:Chin

34、a,Burma,Thailand,Cambodia,Laos and Vietnam.Step 6 Reading aloudT:Please look at the subtitle:The Dream And The Plan.How many parts can the passage be divided into?S:From the subtitle,we know the passage can be divided into two parts.Part 1 talks about their dream,while Part 2 talks about their plan.

35、T:You are clever.Part 1 is Paragraph One.Part 2 consists of Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3.Now please read the second part aloud.Pay attention to their plan.Now,please discuss with your partners about the answers to the questions:(1)Who are Dao Wei and Yu Hang?(2)Where is the source of the Mekong River

36、?(3)Which sea does the Mekong enter?(4)Is it a difficult journey along the Mekong River?Why?(5)Is Wang Kung very eager for the trip?S1:Dao Wei and Yu Hang are their cousins.S2:The source of the Mekong River is in Qinghai Province.S3:The Mekong enters the South China Sea.S4:Yes.Because the Mekong beg

37、ins at a glacier on a Tibetan mountain,then it becomes rapids when it passes through deep valleys,sometimes enters wide valleys and becomes a waterfall.T:Yes,in short,we may say the trip is difficult because the topography along the river is very complicated.S5:.T:Still look at the second paragraph,

38、“I know the proper way is always her way.” That means Wang Kung doesnt completely agree with his sister and is not very pleased with her;meanwhile,from the sentence “I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold.”,we can see that Wang Kung is afraid of the difficulty that mig

39、ht meet with,so he is very eager for the trip.Step 7 HomeworkFinish Part 1 and Part 3 on Page 20.板书设计Unit 3 Travel journalThe First PeriodNew wordsDiscussion1.fear9.Phnom PenhWhat can a river be used for?2.stubborn10.Cambodiatransport3.delta11.Ho Chi Minhdrinking water4.glacier12.Vietnamwashing5.Tra

40、nsport.irrigation7.Vientianefish8.Laos活动与探究Form your own traveling group,discuss what you should do and what you should never do when traveling.DontsDosno litteringprotect animalsno feeding animalsIf you have more to say,you can change the form.备课资料1.Mekong RiverThe Lifeblood of Southeast AsiaThe Me

41、kong River is the heart and soul of mainland Southeast Asia.The 12th longest river in the world,the Mekong runs 4800 kilometers from its headwaters on the Tibetan Plateau(高原) through Yunnan Province of China,Burma,Thailand,Cambodia,Lao PDR and Vietnam.Over 60 million people depend on the Mekong and

42、its branches for food,water,transport and many other aspects of their daily lives.Its annual flood drought cycles are essential for the sustainable production of rice and vegetables on the floodplains(洪泛区) and along the riverbanks during the dry season.Known as the Mother of waters,the river support

43、s one of the worlds most diverse(多种经营的)fisheries(渔场),second only to the Amazon.This vital ecosystem and lifeblood of the region is currently under threat.Over the past ten years,more than 100 large dams have been proposed for the Mekong basin by institutions like the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and

44、 the Mekong River Commission.Some of these projects have already been built.One of the greatest threats is Chinas plans to construct eight dams on the Upper Mekong Lancang.Two of these dams have already been completed,and construction on the third project,Xiaowan,began in January 2002.These dams wil

45、l have widespread impacts on the livelihoods of Mekong communities and on the natural ecology of the river system.In Laos,IRN is working to stop World Bank support for the Dam and ensure that communities receive just compensation for losses suffered due to the ADB-funded Nam and Dams.IRN is also mon

46、itoring broader regional water resource developments,particularly those funded by the ADB.In Thailand,IRN has been working with communities affected by the Pak Mun and Rasi Salai dams who are campaigning for the gates of both dams to be permanently opened and for the Mun River to be restored.IRN is

47、also monitoring the impacts of the Yali Falls Dam in Vietnam,which has affected communities in both Vietnam and Cambodia.2.the Mekong DeltaThe Mekong Delta is the bottom half of Vietnams two rice baskets,the other being the Red River Delta in the North.This vast delta is formed by the deposition of

48、the multiple tentacles and tributaries(支流) of the mighty Mekong River which has its origin in the Tibetan highland plateau 2800 miles away.From its source,the river makes its way through China.Myanmar (Burma),Laos,Cambodia and South Vietnam before flowing out into the South China Sea.The Mekongsthe people of South Vietnam are often very proud of the richness and vastness of this land.When r


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