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1、unit 3 Is this your pencil?2.劳驾;请原谅5.一套(组,副)一副牌7.给某人打电话9.找某人要某物2. ireiz ?5. dik?n?ri8. help 11. k?mpju:t ?14. ri? 17. s?m 20. kl asrum 23. m?st一、words1. pens ?l4. sku:lb?日7. ?baut 10. w?t?13. n?utbuk 16. ask19. l?st22. k?:l二、phrases1 .铅笔盒4. ,怎么样;好吗一副手套二一6.朝一看8.失物招领3. b?ks6. ti:t?9. beisb ?:l12. geim

2、 15. laibr?ri18. faind 21. i:meil 3.因一而感谢你一串钥匙一双鞋打一号码找某人、sentences1. Is this your pencil?这是你的铅笔吗?一般疑问句的结构: Be动词(Am, Is, Are) + ?肯定回答:Yes,+否定回答:No,+注意:a)回答Is this ?/ Is that?的问句时,为了避免重复,答句中用it代替this/that.b)当一般疑问句的主语是第二人称,在回答时,要改为相应的第一人称。c)在朗读一般疑问句时,要用升调。回答用降调。例题:This is my ruler. / She is my sister.【

3、练习】These are my books.(变为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答)He is my brother.(变为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答)3. They are hers.这些是她的。用括号内适当形式填空:1. These arent my pencils. They are(her).2. Is this(you)ruler?3. The book on the desk is(I).4. Jane is(I) sister.5. Miss Li often looks after (照看) (she)brother at home.6. The red pencil box

4、 is(he).7. The schoolbag is(Mike).8. (I) am an English teacher9. This isnt your eraser. (you)is green.10. Those dictionaries are(they).Hi . Annj, Arc ibvse hjtpencilo, tbtyVe RchlArid “ th冲 kw ptM J Nr it int. The blue pm hi* V h it about thLstlicrionjry ?It1 1 1.ekn. And the gi ctin pen I、 hers, ro

5、c.And tht tT4.cr? K llut your?Yes, it1 hiink ”mi尸ur lie】口 AntiaTeJthor:T.gr:reic rwf:TpijrhprAnnj:welcome.1. What about this dictionary? 这本字典呢?what about 怎么样?好不好”,相当于how aboute.g I like this book very much. What/ How about you?What/ How about going home now ?练习我不喜欢绿色。这个颜色怎么样? 吃点包面怎么样? 2. Thank you f

6、or your help, Anna.谢谢你的帮忙,安娜。(1) thank for“因而感谢。for是介词,在这里表原因,后接名词、代词或 V-ing形式。(2) help (n)帮助;(v)帮助;援助help sb(to) do sth帮助某人做某事help sb with sth 帮某人某事help yourself 请自便;请随便用练习谢谢你的画。我很喜欢。谢谢你做了这件事。Berlin帮我做家庭作业。【考题衔接】 Thank you helping me so much.A. of B. to C. at D. for Please me my homework.A. help; f

7、or B. help; with C. help; doing D. helps; to do 3. You re welcome.另U客气。用于回答 “Thank you./ Thanks.表的不用谢的还有 Thats all right. It s my pleasure. Not at all. 等。Lin Hw,A computer game is in the 5Chud library. Is it years? 45k th teacher for iT.Ie thio your MtGh? phone number 10 496-3533* Ctill ma-Mikefr1Fq

8、whI:Some key5 are in Classroom 7E. Are they yours? Email me nt rhary(jzgfimd iLcom,JohnLost:1 Lost m y,&0。I lb ar4I Must 他A 比 Call nitU 685-603% Tkanki1. Ask the teacher for it. 向老师要它吧。ask (v) “询问; 问 e.g ask a question 问一个问题 词组:ask sb for sth 向某人要某物ask sb to do sth 让某人做某事练习请找我要你的手表。 我妈妈让我做作业。2. I mu

9、st find it.我必须找到它。(1) must情态动词,“必须”,情态动词后面接动词原形。练习我现在必须回家了。 (2) find (v.)找到;发现;(强调找到这一结果)look for “寻找”(强调寻找的过程)e.g I looked for my eraser everywhere, but I cant find it.3. Call me at 685-6034. 请拨打 685-6034 找我。(1) call (v.)给打电话;拨打一号码.at是介词,call sb at +号码 “拨打一号码找某人”【练习】请拨打123456.请现在给Tim打电话。(2)表示“给某人打电

10、话”还可以用phone sb4. A set of keys. 一串钥匙a tin of 一听No, it isn t a backpacka set of是单位量词,尤其是表示不可数名词的数量时,需要用到单位量词 a bowl of 一碗 a bottle of 一瓶 a cup of 一杯 a bar of 一条a pound of 一磅 随堂练习:1. Is this her watch?.A. No, it is. B. Yes, it isn C.tNo, it isnDt.Yes, it s.2. is your book. Here you are.A. ThisB. ThatC

11、. Those D. These3. Is that your backpack? .Its his backpack.A. Yes, it is B. Yes, it is a backpack C. No, it isntD.4. Why are you walking to school? Because my is broken.A. radio B. watchC. bikeD. bag5.Betty 557-8956.A. call; at B. Call; atC. Call; in6. Lost: a set of.A. key B. a keyC. keys7. Oh, wh

12、at a nice picture! You draw very well.A. Yes, its very goodB. Yours is goodC. Of course notD. Thank you8. -, could you tell me the way to the Park Street?- The Park Street? Oh, go straight and turn left.A. All right B. Never mindC. Excuse me9. Ts that schoolbag? -No,is white.D. Thank youA. his; his

13、B. her; his C. he; his D. her;her10.do you spell your name?A. What B. HowC. WhereD. What color11. -Have some tea, please. -.A. Excuse me B. Thanks C. All right D. Thats OK.12. I need 儒要)a. I want to write something.A. bag B. pen C. ruler D. backpack用所给词的适当形式填空13. -Is this his bike?-No, it s.(her)14.

14、 These books are not(you). They are(their).15. These are her things. Those are(my).16. It isnt my eraser. It s(he).(I) is green.17. This coat isnt mine.(me) coat is red.18. (she) schoolbag is blue.19. Please call(I) at 8558-9442.20. Is that(Peter) pencil?阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。A: 1 me, wh

15、ats 2 , please?B: My name is Ann Read. And 3 1A: Wei Hua. 4 you do?B: How do you do?A: 5 in the bag?6B: No, its 7 eraser.it a pencil?A: What 8 that in English?B: Its a watch, an 9 watch.A: How do you 10“watch” ?B:W-A-T-C-H, watch.()1. A. excuseB. Excuse()2. A. thatB. it()3. A. are youB. yours()4. A.

16、 HowB. How do( ()5. A. What B.)6. A.IsIsB. Are()7. A. /B. a()8. A. amB. is()9. A. orangeB. red()10. A. sayB. lookC. SorryD. Im sorryC. thisD. your nameC.name D. yourC. How areD. How oldC.WhatsD. HowC. DoD. DoesC.anD. theC. beD. areC. blackD. yellowC. meetD. spell阅读理解My name is Zhang Huisong. I m fro

17、m Hong Kong. I am fourteen years old. Zhang Huili is my sister. She twelve. We are in the same school. My mother is a teacher. She is an English teacher in our school. My father is a doctor. He is in a hospital(医院).I have a little (小白white mouse色鼠).He is my pet(宠物).It is from the USA. Its name is Ro

18、bert. We are good friends.()1. Zhang Huisong is from.A Hong KongB. EnglandC. the USA D. Cuba ()2. How old is Zhang Huisong? He s.A.12B.13C.14 D.15 ()3. What does Zhang Huisongs mother do? She is .A. a teacherB. a doctorC. a studentD a nurse()4. has a little white mouse.A. Zhang HuiliB. Zhang Huisong

19、C. Their fatherD. Their mother()5. The pets name is.A. Zhang HuisongB. the USAC. RobertD. Zhang huiliunit 3 Is this your pencil?一、 words1. 铅笔盒 4. ,怎么样;好吗一副手套 6.朝看8. 失物招领 2. 劳驾; 请原谅 5. .一套(组,副) 一副牌 7. 给某人打电话9. 找某人要某物 3.因而感谢你一串钥匙 一双鞋 打号码找某人1.pens ?l 2. ireiz ?3. b?ks _4.sku:lb? d5. dik?n?ri 6. ti:t ?

20、_7.?baut 8. help 9. beisb ?:l10. w?t? 11. k?mpju:t ? _12. geim _13. n?utbuk 14. ri? 15. laibr ?ri16.ask17. s?m 18. faind _19. l?st 20. kl ccsrum 21. i:meil _22. k?:l 23. m?stphrasesunit 3 Is this your pencil?一、 words1. pens ?l 4. sku:lb? 7. ?baut 10. w?t? 13. n?utbuk 16. ask19. l?st 22. k?:l 2. ireiz ?5. dik?n?ri 8. help 11. k?mpju:t ? 14. ri? 17. s?m 20. kl asrum 23. m?st3. b?ks 6. ti:t ? 9. beisb ?:l 12. geim 15. laibr ?ri 18. faind 21. i:meil 二、 phrases1. 铅笔盒 4. ,怎么样;好吗一副手套 6.朝看8. 失物招领 2. 劳驾; 请原谅 5. .一套(组,副) 一副牌 7. 给某人打电话9. 找某人要某物 3.因而感谢你一串钥匙 一双鞋 打号码找某人


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