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1、Multimedia DatabaseMultimedia data typically means digital images, audio, video, animation and graphics together with text data. The acquisition, generation, storage and processing of multimedia data in computers and transmission over networks have grown tremendously in the recent past.多媒体数据是指由数字图象、

2、音频、视频、动画制作等一起组成的文本数据。 近来,多媒体数据在计算机中的获得、产生、存储、执行的速度以及在网络中的传输速度已经有了极大地提高。This astonishing growth is made possible by three factors. Firstly, personal computers usage becomes widespread and their computational power gets increased. Also technological advancements resulted in high-resolution devices, wh

3、ich can capture and display multimedia data (digital cameras, scanners, monitors, and printers). Also there came high-density storage devices. Secondly high-speed data communication networks are available nowadays. The Web has wildly proliferated and software for manipulating multimedia data is now

4、available. Lastly, some specific applications (existing) and future applications need to live with multimedia data. This trend is expected to go up in the days to come.这种令人吃惊的增长速度可能是由三个因素造成的。首先是,个人计算机功能的不断强大和普及,技术的发展产生了能够获取和播放多媒体数据的高技术和大容量的存储设备。其次是,目前在网络中已经能进行高速的数据传输,在广泛的互联网中运用软件来操作处理多媒体数据已经成为了可能。最后

5、是,未来一些特殊的需求是要依靠多媒体数据的,这种趋势是未来所期待的。Multimedia data are blessed with a number of exciting features. They can provide more effective dissemination of information in science, engineering , medicine, modern biology, and social sciences. It also facilitates the development of new paradigms in distance lea

6、rning, and interactive personal and group entertainment.多媒体数据有许多令人振奋的特点。 它能在科学、 工程、医学、现代生物学和社会科学中提供更有效的信息传播。它也使得网上学习中的新范例的发展和个人与团体娱乐设施的相互影响得变便利了。The huge amount of data in different multimedia-related applications warranted to have databases as databases provide consistency, concurrency, integrity,

7、security and availability of data. From an user perspective, databases provide functionalities for the easy manipulation, query and retrieval of highly relevant information from huge collections of stored data.各种与多媒体相关的大量数据都要求有能提供数据的一致性、同时性、完整性、安全性和存在性的数据库。从用户的角度来看,数据库为从存储的数据中收集有紧密关联的信息提供了简单的操纵、查询和检

8、索功能。MultiMedia Databases (MMDBs) have to cope up with the increased usage of a large volume of multimedia data being used in various software applications. The applications include digital libraries, manufacturing and retailing, art and entertainment, journalism and so on. Some inherent qualities of

9、 multimedia data have both direct and indirect influence on the design and development of a multimedia database. MMDBs are supposed to provide almost all the functionalities, a traditional database provides. Apart from those, a MMDB has to provide some new and enhanced functionalities and features.

10、MMDBs are required to provide unified frameworks for storing, processing, retrieving, transmitting and presenting a variety of media data types in a wide variety of formats. At the same time, they must adhere to numerical constraints that are normally not found in traditional databases.多媒体数据库必须处理运用在

11、各种应用软件中不断增加的大量的多媒体数据。这些应用包括数字图书馆、制造零售业、艺术休闲、旅游等。多媒体数据的一些固有特 点会对多媒体数据库的设计和发展产生直接和间接的影 响。多媒体数据库应该具有传统数据库提供的所有的功能, 不仅如此,一个多媒体数据库还必须具有一些新的、更强 的功能和特点。多媒体数据库要求对各种格式各种形式的 媒体数据提供统一的存储、处理、检索和传输模式,同时, 它还必须支持通常在传统数据库中找不到的数值约束。Contents of MMDBAn MMDB needs to manage several different types of information pertai

12、ning to 关于 the actual multimedia data. They are: Media data - This is the actual data representing images, audio, video that are captured, digitized, processes, compressed and stored. Media format data - This contains information pertaining to the format of the media data after it goes through the a

13、cquisition, processing, and encoding phases. For instance, this consists of information such as the sampling rate, resolution, frame rate, encoding scheme etc. Media keyword data - This contains the keyword descriptions, usually relating to the generation of the media data. For example, for a video,

14、 this might include the date, time, and place of recording , the person who recorded, the scene that is recorded, etc This is also called as content descriptive data. Media feature data - This contains the features derived from the media data. A feature characterizes the media contents. For example,

15、 this could contain information about the distribution of colors, the kinds of textures and the different shapes present in an image. This is also referred to as content dependent data.多媒体数据库需要管理多种不同形式的关于多媒体数据的信息,他们是:1 、媒体数据。这是一种描述被采集、数字化、处理、压缩和存储后的图象、音频、视频的数据。2 、 媒体格式数据。 这种数据含有媒体数据经过获取、处理和编码这三个阶段之后

16、的关于格式方面的信息。 例如, 由采样率、解析力、桢频率和编码等信息组成。3、媒体关键字。这种数据包括对关键字的描述,这通常与媒体数据的产生有关。这种数据也叫做内容描述数据。4、媒体特征数据。这种数据包含有从媒体数据派生而来的特点,这些特征就描述了媒体的内容。这种数据也叫做内容相关数据。The last three types are called meta data as they describe several different aspects of the media data. The media keyword data and media feature data are us

17、ed as indices for searching purpose. The media format data is used to present the retrieved information.最后三种数据叫做金典数据, 因为他们对媒体数据的多个不同方面进行了描述。媒体关键字和媒体特征数据被用做查找的索引; 媒体格式数据被用做显示检索到的信息。Designing MMDBsMany inherent characteristics of multimedia data have direct and indirect impacts on the design of MMDBs.

18、 These include : the huge size of MMDBs, temporal nature, richness of content, complexity of representation and subjective interpretation. The major challenges in designing multimediadatabases arise from several requirements they need to satisfy such as the following:多媒体数据的内在特征对多媒体数据库设计会产生直接和间接的影响,这

19、种影响包括:数据库容量的大小,时间特性,内容的丰富性,描述的复杂性和解释的主观性。在设计多媒体数据库中遇到的最大的问题是许多需求必须符合下列的要求:1. Manage different types of input, output, and storage devices. Data input can be from a variety of devices such as scanners,digital camera forimages, microphone, MIDI devices for audio, video cameras. Typical output devices

20、are high-resolution monitors for images and video, and speakers for audio.2. Handle a variety of data compression and storage formats. The data encoding has a variety of formats even within a single application. For instance, in medical applications, the MRI images of brain has losslessor very strin

21、gent quality of lossy coding technique, while the X-ray images of bones can be less stringent. Also, the radiological image data, the ECG data, other patient data, etc. have widely varying formats.3. Support different computing platforms and operating systems. Different users operate computers and d

22、evices suited to their needs and tastes. But they need the same kind of user-level view of the database.4. Integrate different data models. Some data such as numeric and textual data are best handled using a relational database model, while some others suchas videodocuments are better handled using

23、anobject-orienteddatabase model. So these two models should coexisttogether in MMDBs.5. Offer a variety of user-friendly query systems suited to different kinds of media. From a user point of view, easy-to-use queries and fast and accurate retrieval of information is highly desirable. The query for

24、the same item can be in different forms. For example, a portion of interest in a video can be queried by using either1) a few sample video frames as an example,2) a clip of the corresponding audio track or3) a textual description using keywords.6. Handle different kinds of indices. The inexact and s

25、ubjective nature of multimedia data has rendered keyword-based indices and exact and range searches used in traditional databases ineffective. For example, the retrieval of records of persons based on social securitynumber isprecisely defined, but the retrieval of records of persons having certain f

26、acial features from a database of facial images requires, content-based queries and similarity-based retrievals. This requires indices that are content dependent, in addition to key-word indices.7. Develop measures of data similarity that correspond well with perceptual similarity. Measures of simil

27、arity for different media types need to be quantified to correspond well with the perceptual similarity of objects of those data types. These need to be incorporated into the search process8. Provide transparent view of geographically distributed data. MMDBs are likely to be a distributed nature. Th

28、e media data resides in many different storage units possibly spread out geographically. This is partly due to the changing nature of computation and computing resources from centralized to networked and distributed.9. Adhere to real-time constraints for the transmission of media data. Video and aud

29、io are inherently temporal in nature. For example, the frames of a video need to be presented at the rate of at least 30 frames/sec. for the eye to perceive continuity in the video.10. Synchronize different media types while presenting to user. It is likely that different media types corresponding t

30、o a single multimedia object are stored in different formats, on different devices, and have different rates of transfer. Thus they need to be periodically synchronized for presentation.1 、能管理不同形式的输入、输出和存储设备。数据输入能够来自多种设备,例如,扫描仪、数码相机照相、麦克风、 处理音频的 MIDI 设备和摄象机。 典型的输出设备有支持图象和视频的监视器和支持音频的扬声器。2、统一大量数据的压缩和

31、存储格式。即使是在单一的应用程序里面,数据也会被编码成不同的形式。例如,在医学应用中,由于编码技术的不成熟,大脑的 MIR 图象 要么失真要么质量很差,而由 X 光拍出的骨骼的图片失真就要小一些。当然,放射性物质拍出来的图象数据, EDG数据,一些病人的数据有着各种各样的存储形式。3、支持不同的计算机平台和操作系统。不同的用户使用各自的计算机和设备来满足他们的需求,但他们需要用同种风格从用户的角度来看数据库。4、各种不能再分的数据模型。一些像数字型和文本型的数据最好是使用关系数据库模型,而对于另外的一些数据例如视频文件最好是使用对象-层次数据库模型。因此,多媒体数据库中应该有这两种数据模型。5

32、、提供多种友好描述系统以适应各种各样的媒体。从用户的角度来看,能简单的看懂描述和快速并准确的检索到信息是同样重要的。对同一对象的描述可以是不同的形式,例如,对视频中有趣的一段可以用以下的任一中描述:2 )一个简单视频例子的框架2)一个相应的音频轨迹3)一个用关键字描述的文本6、创建各种索引。多媒体数据不精确和主观的特性已经能被关键字库成功的索引, 且能精确而有条理的找到。而这种方法在传统的数据库中的效率不高。例如,大量的基于社会安全的人事记录的数目是确定的,但是这些人事 记录也包括来自面部图象库的面部特征、一些疑问、类似的数据检索。这即需要内容相关索引,也需要关键字索引。7 、 增大数据的相似

33、点以能很好的符合感知的相似点。对于不同的媒体类型,这种相似点的尺寸能够被量化以很好的符合这种数据类型的感知相似点。这些在搜索的过程中是要求独立完成的。8、提供分布式数据的透明视图。多媒体数据库应该具有分布式的特性,那些存储在不同计算机中的媒体数据能够不够地域的约束而连接起来。能实现这种功能的部分条件是,将计算机和其资源从集中式改变为网络式和分布式。9、对媒体数据的传输增加时间约束。视频和音频通常都是比较短暂的。 例如, 一段视频画面必须以每秒30 幅的速度来播放,这样看起来才有动态的感觉。10 、当显示给用户时,实现不同媒体类型间的同步。实际上是, 不同的媒体类型对应着同样的一个多媒体对象,但

34、不同媒体类型的存储格式,存储设备,传输速度是不一样的。因而,这些不同类型的媒体需要规律性的同步的显示出来。The recent growth in using multimedia data in applications has been phenomenal. Multimedia databases are essential for efficient management and effective use of huge amounts of data. The diversity of applications using multimedia data, the rapidly

35、 changing technology, and the inherent complexities in the semantic representation, interpretation and comparison for similarity pose many challenges. MMDBs are still in their infancy. Todays MMDBs are closely bound to narrow application areas. The experiences acquired from developing and using novel multimedia applications will help advance the multimedia database technology.近来, 多媒体数据在各个领域中的应用正以惊人的速度在增长,多媒体数据库的本质是提供高效的管理和有效的使用大量的数据。 多媒体数据在各个领域中使用的差异,使得技术迅速的革新, 固有的复杂的语义的表达也在改变,多媒体数据库的发展仍然处在初期阶段,现在的多媒体数据库只能满足很少领域的应用需求,从发展和使用多媒体应用程序中所得的经验将会促进多媒体数据库技术的发 展。


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