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1、山东师大附中2019级英语学科2020年10月学业质量检测试本试卷分第I卷和第I【卷两部分,共11页,满分为150分,考试用时120分钟o注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、考 试科目填写在规定的位置上。2第I卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号 涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。3.第I【卷必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题LI指 定区域内相应的位置:如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,不 得使用涂改液,胶带纸、修正带和其他笔。第I卷(共95分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分

2、)该部分分为第一、第二两节。注意:回答听力部分时,请先将答案标在试卷上 。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将你的答案转涂到客观题答题卡上。第一 节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选 项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟 的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the WOman Want to do?A. Rent a car.B. Get a license.C. Change a Card2. WhOnl does the WOman SUg

3、geSt the man SPeak to?A. Mr. Brown.B. Mr. SmithC. Mrs. Smith3. What,s the WOman ,s problem?A. She IOCked herself in the apartment.B. She forgot to Change her IOCkC. She ColIldIrt find Iler keys4. When WaS James PIane SUPPOSed to arrive?A. At 2:10.B. At 2:45.C. At 1:50.5. What does the WOman Say abou

4、t the Ineeting?A. It Wiil begin as SChedUIedB It is brought forwardC. It has been CanCeled第二节(共15小题;每小题15分,满分225分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有儿个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给岀5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独口读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What did the WOman buy yesterday?A. A blue skirt

5、.B. Agreen ShirL7. What did the WOman think Of the yellow skirt?A. It WaS Very expensiveB. It wasn,t big enoughC. It WaS too bright.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。& What are the SPeakerS talking about?A. Their VaCatiOn plan.B. A trip to WyOmingC. A red bag.C. Different parks.A. Laramie.B. The DeVirS Tower.C. OId Fa

6、ithfUL听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. WhiCh PlaCe Can Market Street Iead to?A. Ariver.B. AShOPPing center.C. A fire station.11 What ShOUld the WOman do after CrOSSing RiVerSide Road?A. TUrn IeftB. KeeP Straight on.12. Where is the SWiInming pool?A. On NOrth StreetB. On Market Street.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Where

7、is the magazine?A. On the SofkB. On the desk.C. GO across a bridgeC. On MUSeUIn StreetC. On the kitchen table.14. What does the WOnIan advise the Inan to do?A. FiniSh the InagaZine quickly.B. BUy a COPy Of the magazineC. Read the magazine OnIine15. HOW InUCh Wiil the magazine PrObabIy COSt next mont

8、h?A. 3.B. 4.C. 5.16. What do We know about 什Ie woman?A. She SPendS too InUCh On films.B. She is CraZy about the magazineC. She is a big fan Of Martin SCOrSeSe 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What Will the temperature be tomorrow?A. 16C3(C B. 18C30C.C. 16C28C.18. What Wiil the Weather be Iike On SUnday InOrnin

9、g?A. Windy.B. SUnnye19. When Will it PrObably be Pretty cold?A. NeXt Monday.B. NeXt Tuesday.C. Cloudy.C. NeXt WedneSday.9. What Can tourists ViSit in YellOWStone?20. HOW Often is the Weather forecast?A. OnCe a day.B. TWiCe a day.C. Three times a day.第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题25分;满分50分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满

10、分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAS a heaven for family entertainment, OrIandO is home to SeVeral nationally recognized Ciinner ShOWS. With a Variety as Wide as the WhOle FIOrida, there is always a dinner ShOW Suited for all tastes.ArabiaII NightS in OrlandOWith OVer 60 horses

11、, impressive COStUmeS and sets, and all Of the excitement Of a royal wedding, Arabian NightS is a favorite for families! In fact, ChiIdren are invited down after the ShOW to Pet the horses, take pictures, and meet the CaSt Of Arabian Nights! Of course, everyone Will enjoy the royal Wedding feast dur

12、ing the performance, SO be SUre to arrive hungry.MeclleVal (中世纪的)TimeS in OrIandOCheer IOUdIy for your brave knight (骑士)during the MedieVal TimeS show, and he just might Win the ViCtOry in your honor. In this thrilling COmPetition, SiX brave knights fight against One another in a Variety Of medieval

13、 competitions. FrOm the fierce joust (竞技)to the intense hand-to-hand fight, this ShOW Will bring the excitement Of medieval times to Iife as you dine On a CleliCiOUS feast fit for a king!Pirates Dinner AdVelItUre in OrIandOPrePare yourself for Pirate,s DilIlle, AdVeIItUre as you are transported into

14、 a battle With the evil CaPtain SebaStian the BIaCk The ShOW features fantastic SPeCial effects, SOng & dance, and SO on. Of course, you41 also enjoy a delicious meal before battling against CaPtain SebaStian and his evil crews.Sleuthl MVSterV DinnerUSe the ClUeS PrOVided during your dinner and even

15、ing entertainment as you WOrk to figure OUt WhO has COmnIitted the crime! PUt your SenSe Of ObSerVatiOn to good use, and you just might be the SleUth VVhO figures OUt whodunit! If not, you41 Still enjoy a great meal and entertainment to remember for years to COme21. What Can you do at MedieVal TimeS

16、 in Orlando?A. Meet the CaSt Of the ShOW.B. Battle With CaPtain SebaStianC. EnjOy the excitement Of joust and fight.D APPreCiate national dinner ShOWS in FIOrida.22. WhO might be interested in the SleUth,s MyStely Dinner?A. ThOSe fond Of PrOViding ClUeSB. ThOSe eager to COmmit CrimeSC. ThOSe interes

17、ted in taking pictures.D. ThOSe good at ObSerVing and reasoning23. What is the main PUrPOSe Of the text?A. rTo advertise for a Ciinner ShOW.B. TO introduce Clinner ShOWS in Orlando.C. To attract more adventurers to FlOrida.D Ib introduce an entertainment TV PrOgram.BLONDONS EngIand London. Englands

18、famous Bigbell Wiil beSilenCed for four IOng years The keeper Of the Great ClOCk announced this news MOnday The 158-year-old BntiSh CIOCk Wiil be getting SOme repairsLOndOnerS Were not happy. On SOCial media Iike Twitter, many Said the hourly rings Of Big Ben are Very important “A Silellt Big Bell W

19、ill be SUPer sh,ange/5 teeted Rob, a histoy Stlldent at KingS COlIege WhO Can Ilear the rings from IliS IOOm H己 CalIed them the USOUnd OfLOndon.”UIt Will be Very sad, but it IleedS to be done, Said KirStell HmTell Tlle 71-year- old nns a busy IIeWSStand facing the ClOCk tower. UQUite honestly, We Ii

20、Ve With it and IlaIf the time We dont hear it, She Said about the bell “But We Will miss it Wheil We SUddellly find ifs not there anymore.A Selfie (自 拍照)With the Great ClOCk On the top Of EliZabeth TOWer On the ThameS RiVer is almost required. The CIOCk tower StandS at One end Of the PaIaCe Of Westm

21、inster, WhiCh IlOleiS EngIand,s government, known as Parliament. It is also One Of the most ViSited SiteS in LondOn and Big Ben is the star.The bell WaS Created by the WhiteChaPel Bell FOUndry in 1859. It WaS the IargeSt at the time Of its first PerfbrmanCe In all these years, Big Ben Went through g

22、ood times and bad, WhiCh includes Germanys eight-month bombing Of LOndOn in WOrld War ILThe hour bell has been SilenCed before, though Big Ben CraCked after its first few WeekS The Striking hammer WaS too heavy. WOrkeleS Changed a Iighter hammer and Big Ben rang again three years later. EXPertS Say

23、the CraCk CaUSeS the UniqUe but imperfect SOUndThe bell WaS also Silent during the funerals (葬 礼)Of WinStOn ChUrChin and Margaret ThatCher.DUring the repair, One Side Of the four ClOCk faces Will remain visible. An electric motor Wiil turn the CIOCk hands PeOPIe in LOndOn Can COntinUe to Set their W

24、atCheS to the CIOCkThe ClOCk keeper announced the ClOCk WOUld not be COmPletely SiIenCed during the repairs and WOUld Strike the hour for important national events, for example NeW Year,s Eve.24. What is the main idea Of the text?A. Big Ben is the most important Site in LOndOn.B. The famous 158-year

25、-old ClOCk Will get repairsC. Big Ben Went through good times and bad times.D. LOndOnerS Weren,t IlaPPy about the SiIenCe Of the bell.25. Why Were LOndOnerS not happy about the news?A. ItTl COSt a IOt Of money to IePair Big Ben.B. PeOPle Will not hea the rings any longer.C. They won,t get USed to th

26、e missing Of the rings.D The rings are the most important thing in their Iife.26. WhiCh Statement describes the relationship tourists have With Big Ben?A. IbUriStS ViSit Big Ben more than many Other PlaCeSB. TOUriStS PIan On avoiding Big Ben When it StOPS ringing.C. TOUriStS to LOndOn know about Big

27、 Ben but rarely ViSit it.D. TOUriStS to LOndOn have Iittle knowledge about Big Ben.27. HOW many times has Big Ben been SiIenCed in history, according to the text?A. 1B. 2C. 3D.4CWhat if We had the POWer to COntrOl time, instead Of moving from the PaSt to the PreSent to the future? What if We COUld j

28、ump. IOOP and travel through time in a machine? What if We COUId go WhereVer and WheneVer We pleased?ThiS ability WOUId allow US to WitneSS historic wonders, Change decisions and See PeOPIe from the past. WeCOUId right WrOngS and StOP WarS from Starting.The mysterious PUZZle Of time has kept PeOPle

29、debating its nature for hundreds Of years. SCienCe fiction WriterS have turned it into imaginative stories. SOme SCientiStS have even attempted to explain it USing math. ThiS math tries to make the Ckeam Of time travel COme trueThe SCientiSt AlbeII EinStein Said that time and SPaCe are One thing. He

30、 Caned it uspacetime EinStem Said that there are th,ee dimensions in space: IleigIit, Width and depth. A SCientiSt named Hermann MinkOWSki added time as a fourth dimension.EinStein introduced two ideas that have Ied to theories about the POSSibility Of time travel. The first is relativity. The idea

31、Of relativity is that the force Of gravity CaUSeS SPaCe to bend, WhiCh CaUSeS time to twist. The SeCOnel idea focuses On SPeCial relativity. The idea is that a traveler moving SUPer-fast through flat SPaCetime Will enter the future. EinStem COilSideIed time “relative” because it is measured based On

32、 Where We are On EaIIh Or in SPaCe.StePhen HaWking is a famous scientist. He believes that a time machine Wiil never be built. If it Were possible, he thinks We WOUld already know If a time machine COUld be built, how COme no One from the future has invaded us?The first SCienCe fiction StOry With th

33、is theme is The CIoCk That Went BaCkWard by EdWard R MitCheiL WhiCh WaS PUbIiShed in 1881. SinCe then, thousands Of books, films and television ShOWS have explored the idea Of time travel, in WhiCh SOme tools SUCh as PhOnes, watches, PhOtOgraPhS and Old books take travelers backward and forward.WiIl

34、 time travel ever happen? WhO knows? MOSt important is to keep your eyes OPen and have a SenSe Of wonder.28. What is the author pupose Of Writillg the first paragraph?A. Ib ShOW time and SPaCe are COnneCtedB. Tb ShOW peopled interest i time travel.C. Ib draw readers5 attention to time travel.D. Tb I

35、nake PeOPle believe time travel is POSSibIe29. WhiCh Of the following Statement COUId EinStein agree with?A. Time travel is POSSibIe in the futureB. PeOPle can,t move faster than light.C. Time travel is against SCientifiC rulesD. SPaCetime is not a real thing in theoy.30. What is the IaSt but One Pa

36、ragraPh mainly about?A. The first SCienCe fiction StOlyB. SOme tools USed in time travel.C. EdWard P MitChe11, the pioneer.D. Different WOrkS about time travel.31. What is the Writer,s attitude toward time travel?A. CaUtiOUSB. APPrOVing C. DOUbtfUL D. HOPefULDThere are two types Of PeOPle in the WOr

37、Id AIthOUgh they have equal degree Of health and Wealth and Other COmfOrtS Of life, One becomes IIaPPy and the Other becomes unhappy. ThiS arises from the different WayS in WhiCh they COnSider things, PerSOns, events and the resulting effects UPOn their minds.PeOPle WhO are to be happy fix their att

38、ention On the COnVenienCe Of things: the PleaSant PartS Of conversation, the Wen-PrePared dishes, the goodness Of the Wine and the fine Weathe匚 They enjoy all the CheerfUl things. ThOSe WhO are to be UnhaPPy think and SPeak OnIy Of the OPPOSite things. Therefore, they are COntinUany dissatisfied. By

39、 their remarks, they SOUr the DledSUW Of society, hurt many people, and make themselves disagreeable everywhere If this turn Of mind WaS founded in nature, SUCh UnhaPPy PerSOnS WOUld be the more to be pitied. The intention Of CritiCiZing and being disliked is PerhaPS taken UP by imitation It grows i

40、nto a habit, UnknOWn to its POSSeSSOrS The habit may be strong, but it may be CUred When those WhO have it realize its bad effects On their interests and tastes I hope this Iittle Warning may be Of SerViCe to them, and help them Change this habit.AlthOUgh in fact it is Chiefly an act Of the imaginat

41、ion, it has SeriOUS results in Iife SinCe it brings On deep SOrrOW and bad luck ThOSe PeOPle hurt many others; nobody IOVeS them, and no One treats them With more than the most COmmOn POliteneSS and respect. ThiS frequently PUtS them in bad temper and draws them into aguments If they aim at getting

42、SOme advantages in SOCial POSitiOn Or fortune, nobody WiSheS them SUCCeSS Nor Will anyone Start a SteP Or SPeak a WOrd to favor their hopes If they bring On themselves PUbliC ObjeCtions, no One Will defend Or excuse them, and many Win join to CritiCiZe their WrOngdOingS TheSe ShOUld Change this bad

43、habit and be PIeaSed With What is PleaSing, WithOUt WOrrying needlessly about themselves and others. If they do not, it Win be good for OtherS to avoid any COntaCt With them. Otherwise, it Can be disagreeable and SOmetimeS Very inconvenient, especially When One becomes mixed UP in their quarrels32.

44、WlIat does the UnClerIilled ph,ase “sour the PIeaSUre Of society most PrObabIy mean?A. Making OtherS unhappy.B. EnjOying the PleaSUre Of life.C. Tending to PIeaSe OnlerS openly.D. HaVing a good taste With SOCial life.33. What Can We COnCklde from the text?A. We ShOUId Pity all SUCh UnhaPPy PeOPIeB.

45、PeOPIe Can get rid Of the habit Of UnhaPPineSSC. SUCh UnhaPPy PeOPIe are dangerous to SOCial life.D. UnhaPPy PeOPle CannOt UnderStand happy PerSOnS34. If SUCh UnhaPPy PerSOnS insist On keeping the habit, the author SIIggeStS PeOPleShOUldA. ShOW no respect and POliteneSS to them.B. PreVent any COmmUn

46、iCatiOn With them.C. PerSuade them to recognize the bad effects.D. quarrel With them Until they realize the mistakes.35 What is the PUrPOSe Of the text ?A. IbdeSCribe two types Of PeOPle in the world: happy and unhappy.B. Tb IaUgh at UnhaPPy PeOPle and Iet US avoid SUCh kind Of PeOPIeC. Ib SUggeSt U

47、nhaPPy PeOPle remove the habits Of UnhaPPineSSD. Ib SUggeSt PeOPle ShOUId fix their attention On happy things.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项。A trust fall is a group exercise in WhiCh a PerSOn allows himself Or herself to fall On PUrPOSe to be CaUght by SOmeOne Or

48、OtherS in the group The exercise is USed by groups, organizations, and businesses to give the PerSOnS involved a SenSe Of trust in One another. 36In a typical trust fall exercise, group members form a CirCle around the PerSOn WhO is to fall. 37 He Or She ShOUId Stand ClOSe enough to CatCh the PerSon. Meanwhile, he Or She must be far enough away from the falling PerSOn to allow fo


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