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1、什么是“陪审法官 ?一位法律专业的研究生向笔者提出了一个问题: “ associate justice 是什么意思是否可译作“副法官 。他的根据,自然是 从“ associate professor 的译名“副教授类推出来的。笔者请他 查查英汉法律词典,其结果如下:1 Associate justice 法院的陪审法官;助理法官。可惜的 是:此译差矣!甲陪审官是陪审官, 法官是法官,“陪审法官 究竟是陪审 官还是法官抑或两官兼而任之的呢?乙其为“助理法官 ,根据何在? 但是单从反面否认,尚无法肯定 associate justice “的正确 理解和翻译。因此,就翻出英美法律词书各一种来,请他

2、看:2 ASSOCIATEAn Officer The term is frequently usedOf the judges Of appeUate courts,Other than the presidingjudge or chief justice Baldwins Century Edtion of Bouviers Law Dictionary3 ASSOCIATE JUSTICESThe name given in the Federal and many Of the state courts Of the US To the judges otherthan the ch

3、ief justice. The Oxford Companion JOLaw , OXfOrd 1980由此可见,“Associate Justice 并不是“陪审法官更非“助 理法官 而是地地道道的 “法官(且不以联邦法院为限、 州法院中亦 有之)即不担任院长或审判长的法官。不但有上列词书为证,言语实践也提供了有力的旁证: 近些年来,美国联邦法院法官一再难产,直至不久前,安东 尼肯尼迪终于登上了联邦法院法官席,得以宣誓就职:4The U SSupreme Court is once again at full strength :“1, Anthony Kennedy , do S01em

4、nly swear that will support and defend the constitution 一 ABC“NewHilights asper TSOCE My 8894 这位弥补了联邦法院缺额的肯尼迪氏乃有史以来担任该院大 法官的第 104 人,而他的官衔就是( Associate )Justice 主持宣 誓仪式的里根,正是这样称呼他的:5.Anthony Kennedy became the 104 person to theCourt as he was sworn in before a crowd Of well-including hissponsor , Pre

5、sident Reagan : wishers “ We gather here today tO welcome as the newest Associate Justice Of the SupremeCourt,the man Ive known andrespected for more than a decade and who , like those Washington nominated , will give dignity and luster to our national characterAnthonyM Kennedy Judge , and now Justi

6、ce Kennedy sounds good , doesnt it ? Ibid瞧,原来任下级法院法官 judge 的 Anthony Kennedy 现在是“ Associate Justice 即 Justice “法院大法官了。他的 前任也是 Justice Justice Powell ,更足以证明 Associate Justice “实乃 Justice “之同义词:6 Kennedy responded this way:“ It iS a singular privilege tO succeed to the place left by Justice Powell who

7、 served the Court and the country with such wisdom and distinction Ibid综上所述,“Associate Justice 与 “Justice 同义,即不 担任院长或庭长的“大法官称“大法官,所以区别于 Judge “之 为法官“也。 Associate Justice 日语译作判事“即汉语推事 “亦即我们常用的 法官“而不是什么望文生义的 助理法官“或 陪审法官“。Word是学生和职场人士最常用的一款办公软件之一,99.99% 的人知道它,但其实,这个软件背后,还有一大批隐藏技能你不知道。掌握他们,你将开启新世界的大门。Ta

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