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1、棒磨机主要由以下几部分组成:The Rod mill is made up by several parts, as follow:1、筒体部分:筒体上开有人孔,供检修和更换筒体内衬板时使用。1. The tube part: there is a man s hole in tube that used for examining and repairingand changing liner.2、给料部分:供进料时使用。2. The feeding part: used for feeding. 3排料部分:供棒磨机排出合格产品时使 用。3. The discharging part: u

2、sed for discharging proper product.4、主轴承部分4. Main bearing part. 5 传动部分5. Driving part:根据需要,棒磨机从传动形式上分为左旋和右旋,从排料形式上分为周边出料 和中心出料两种,供货时按订货合同。According to requirement of process line, rod mill is divided into the left rotary andright rotary .It depends on the contract.二、棒磨机的工作原理、The Rod mill works princ

3、iple电机通过减速装置驱动筒体回转,筒体内的碎矿石和钢棒在筒体回转时受摩擦 力和离心力作用被衬板带到一定高度后由于重力作用,便产生抛落和泻落,矿石在 冲击和研磨作用下逐步被粉碎。被粉碎的矿石经排料部分排出筒外。供料机连续均 匀地喂料,矿石经联合进料器连续均匀地进入棒磨机,被磨碎的物料源源不断地从 棒磨机中排出。棒磨机是可以每天 24小时连续工作的粉磨设备。The motor drives the tube rotary by reducer, ore and steel rod can be thrown and rushed down by force of friction and ce

4、ntrifugal force to a certain height when tube rotaries ,and then ores can be crushed and grinded gradually. Crushed ore discharge by output part .The feeder feeds evenly, ore is fed by combine feeder continuously, the crushed ores discharge gradually .Rod mill can work continuous for 24 hours per da

5、y.2棒磨机应安装在牢固的混凝土基础上。棒磨机的基础设计和施工请参看棒磨机 总装图和基础图。为了保证使用过程中棒磨机各部件的位置精度不发生大的变化, 棒磨机的基础应采用整块式结构。The rod mill should install on steady concrete groundwork. The foundation designed and the construction looks at general drawing and foundation drawing. In order to make change of location accurate assembly sma

6、ll in use, the foundation of Rod mill adopts full piece structure.混凝土基础耐压强度达到75%以上后即可在上面安装棒磨机。在安装之前应 对基础的质量进行检验,要求混凝土没有影响强度的缺陷,预留孔的数量和位置符 合要求,预留孔内无杂物和积水、无油污。采用地线法”进行安装作业时,在基础上表面应预埋 中心标板”。安装前基础上画出所有中心线并在中心标板”上做出醒目的冲点标记,作为安装时的中线基准。If the compression resistance of concentrate foundation is more than 75

7、%,the rod mill can be installed .Before installing ,the quality of foundation should be examined that the concentrate has no effect on resistance and quantity of prep hole and the location .There is no dust in the prep hole .Adopts the ground wire method ,should prep bury the center label board on t

8、he surface of the basic .Before installing all the center line should be remarked clearly on the center label board on the basic and as the norm.吊装之前应对棒磨机分部位全面进行验收,发现问题及时处理。Before hoisting, every part of rod mill should be examined .If found questions; it should be dealt at once.节能磨机安装的般要求: The gene

9、ral requirement of Energy saving Rod mill for installing:1、主机的安装:1. The installing of mainframe:磨机主机的轴线应呈水平,在两端的中空轴大法兰上顶处测量,高度The axes of Rod mill main frame should be level, measured on top of big flange of medium-altitude bearing that on two ends, the3应一致,有误差时允许进料端高于出料端 1mm.在两端中空轴的轴承座压盖处 看,中空轴与轴承压

10、盖周围的缝 隙应基本一致,并且内外压盖处都应是缝隙基本 一致。height should be identical .If has error, it is allowed that feeder is higher the output 1mm.Seenfrombearingcoverofmedium-altitude bearing on two ends, the around gap between medium-altitude bearing and bearing cover should be identical, and the out and the inside bear

11、ing cover too.2、传动部分的安装:2、The installing of driving part:在主机调整好水平以后,方可进行传动部分的 安装。首先检查传动部分组装的质量情况,主要是检查小齿轮轴与减速机低速轴的 同心情况、检查减速机高速轴与电机轴的同心情况,并进行必要的调整和紧固。After mainframe is identical, driving part can be installed .First, check quality of driving part, especial check concentric of small gear wheel beari

12、ng and reducer low speed bearing; concentric of reducer high speed bearing and motor bearing, if necessary to adjust and tighten.以主机大齿轮为基准,安装和调整传动部分。使小齿轮的齿宽比大齿轮的齿面 两边宽度均匀一致。使小齿轮的齿面与大齿轮的齿面平行,齿侧间隙按最小处留 0.25mm (约硬盒香烟包装纸一层或压铅丝测量)。从大小齿轮的接触痕迹看,接 触痕迹应占全长的60%以上,接触痕迹的高度占到全高的40%左右。Set the big gear wheel of ma

13、inframe as standard, install and adjust driving part .Make the width between small gear wheel and big gear wheel even .Make the side of the small gear wheel and the big gear wheel parallel .The smallest gap is 0.25mm .Seen from track of big and small touched, the touched track takes up 60% from whol

14、e length, and 40%from whole height.如果接触痕迹偏向齿面宽度的一端,即表明齿面不平行。如果传动大齿轮一 周有挤死的情况,说明齿轮间隙太小了,应使小齿轮离开大齿轮一点。If the touched track leans to one side, means the gear side is not parallel .If the driving big gear wheel crowded, means the gap of the gear wheel is too small, adjust it bigger.43、磨机衬板的安装:3、The inst

15、alling of rod mill liners: (1)安装衬板前应首先将筒体内的尘垢消 除干净。然后在对衬板进行检查和修整,其背面和四周应酌情用砂轮修理平整,螺 栓孔应彻底清砂和清除铸造飞边,使螺栓能顺利穿入,达到安装要求。(1) Before installing liners, the inside tube should be cleaned .And then examine the liners to make surface and around flat. The holes of screw should keep clean and make the bolt can

16、be input freely and reach installing requirement.(2)安装衬板时,应在筒体内壁与衬板之间壅一层1: 2水泥砂浆,并趁湿将衬板螺栓拧紧。衬板之间的间隙也用砂浆抹平。(2) When installing the liners, should scrawl the 1:2 concentric mortars between inside tube and liners. And make screw of liners tighten when it is wet .The clearance between liners should make

17、 be even by the mortar.(3)固定衬板的螺栓,应仔细地垫好密封垫,以防止漏出矿浆或矿粉。(3) Tighten the liner bolt, should carefully make the airproof mat good to prevent material leaking.(4)筒体衬板不得形成环形间隙(4) The liners of tube can not have ring clearance.(5)水泥砂浆凝固达到强度要求后才可以投料试车。运转中发现螺栓松动应 及时拧紧。(5) When strength of concentric mortar

18、is proper, feed the mine to testdrive .If screw is loosen should be screwed tighten in time.4、故障判断:4、The fault judged:轴承发热,检查是否缺油。主机轴承和小齿轮轴轴承加黄油润滑,减速机加机 油润滑。如果不缺油,检查各部分的同心度,分别检查主机和传动部分。大轴承座 与中The bearing is hot, check it is lack of oil. The mainframe bearing and small gear wheel bearing adds the but

19、ter for lubricating; the reducer adds the engine oil for lubricating. If it is not lack of oil ,examine concentric of every part and5空轴不同心,造成中空轴与轴承压盖摩擦生热。传动小齿轮轴与轴承座不同 心,造成传动轴与轴承压盖摩擦生热。减速机与小齿轮轴不同心、减速机与电机不 同心,都会造成轴承超负荷运转而发热。当中空轴与大轴承座不同心严重时,会造 成起动困难、运转时费动力、电机发热等现象。所以安装时保证各部分的同心度非 常重要。mainframe and driv

20、ing part .As the result of big gear wheel bearing and mediumaltitude bearingarenotconcentricthatmedium-altitude bearing presses bearing cover comes out of the heat .As result of driving small gear wheel bearing and bearing are not concentric that driving bearing press bearing cover comes out of heat

21、 .Not concentric of the reducer with small gear wheel bearing and reducer with motor can comes out of heat .If medium-altitude bearing with big bearing is heavy concentric ,it can come out of starting difficulty ,the motor comes out of heat etc. So, when installing, making sure the concentric is ver

22、y important.四、棒磨机的试运转四、The experimental work ofrod mill棒磨机安装完成,经检验合格,即可进行空车试运转。棒磨机的试运转应由熟 练的棒磨机操作工负责进行,并严格遵守棒磨机安全操作规程。After installing, verifying proper, and then can start the hollow experimental work .The experimental work is in the charge of skilled the operator and obey the operation procedure s

23、trictly.(一)空运转的连续运转时间不少于12-24小时,运转中发现问题应及时解决。(1) The hollow experimental work time is not less than 12to 24 hours, if found faults should be solved in time.(二)空运转试机正常即可进行负荷试运转。负荷试运转应分阶段进行。负荷 运转中应视排料情况进行喂料,避免钢棒和筒体衬板不必要的磨失和损坏(2) If hollow experimental work is normal it can start the experimental work

24、with load .This time should divide into steps .The feeding quality should depend on the output, so as to get rid of not necessity damage of steel rod and tube with liner1、加入适当物料和1/3数量的钢棒,试运转12-24小时。1、Adding proper mine and one third ofsteel rod to test drive 12-24 hours.62、加入至2/3数量的钢棒运转24-48小时。2、Add

25、ing the two thirds of steel rod to test drive 24 to 48 hours.3、根据棒磨机的排料情况(合格产品)及产量,应参照同行及同一型号棒磨 机的实际装棒量,确定本台棒磨机的合理装棒量,进行不小于72小时的试运转。3、According to the output and properproduct quality and the actual installing quality of rod, make sure the proper installing quality of the rod to test drive no less t

26、han 72hours.(三)上述负荷量的增加和试运转时间的长短,以大小齿轮和减速机齿轮的跑 合情况(温开、噪音、齿面接触等)为依据进行确定。在齿面接触精度没有达到设计要求前,不得满负荷运转。(3) The adding of lodge and time of experimental work depend on the situation (such as temperature, noise, gear touched etc of big or small gear wheel and reducer. Before the accurate of gear touched does

27、 not reach design requirement, it can not work full lodge.(四)试运转中冷却、润滑系统应工作正常。主轴承、传动轴承、减速机温度应正常。(4) In the experimental work time, cooling and lubricating should worknormally .And temperature of main bearing, driving bearing, reducer should be normal.(五)装入2/3数量的钢棒试运转24-48小时后,应检查并再次拧紧全部螺 栓。(5) After

28、installing the two thirds of steel rod and works for 24to 48 hours, should examine every part and relax all bolts.(六)试运转工作要认真做好各项记录。(6) When starting the experimental work, should make notes carefully.五、棒磨机的操作五、The operating of Rod mill(一)起动前的准备:(1) The prepare works before starting: 1 检查危险地点内是否有人。1

29、、Check that if anyone is in the dangerous place.72、检查各润滑点的润滑油是否油位适当,不足时添加。2、Checked that if the quantity of thelube is correct, if not should add in time.3、检查棒磨机内钢棒填充率是否符合要求。3、Check that if the adding steel rod rate is correct.4、检查磨体衬板螺栓、磨头与筒体连接螺栓等是否有松动并可靠拧紧。4、Check that if bolt is loosened.5、将人孔盖可靠

30、严密地固定。5、Make man hole cover steady.、6检查筒体螺栓孔和人孔等处是否有漏水、漏粉现象并排除之。6、Check that does the water or mine leak.7、第一次试运转或长期停磨后,再次起动时应首先向两端中空轴承上浇少量 润滑油,并用人工盘磨一周,或 点动”旋转一周,确认无异常现象。7、After the first turn or long time milling, start again first adds the lube to medium-altitude bearing.8、和前后有关工作岗位取得联系,得到允许起动的信号

31、后才能起动磨机。8、 Contact with referred work station, if get start signal, and then start mill.(二)起动的顺序:(2) The order to start:1、起动棒磨机。1. Start rod mill. 2、起动喂料机。2. Start feeder machine. (三)停机的顺序:(3The order to stop machine:1、停止喂料机。1、Stop feeding.2、停止棒磨机。长期停磨应将钢棒和物料卸空。2、 Stop rod mill .If stop for a long t

32、ime, should discharge steel rod and mine.-8 -(四)生产过程中的操作注意事项:(4) Operating attentive things:1、均匀喂料是保证棒磨机最高产量和稳定质量(细度)的重要操作内容。在 生产中应根据产品细度检查结果及时调整喂料量,在入磨时物料粒度的大小、含水 量、易磨程度基本稳定的情况下,产品细度变粗,一般表示喂料量过大,产品细度 变细,则表示喂料量较少,依据这个原则及时调整喂料量。1、 Feeding evenly, which can make sure the rod mill have the high capacit

33、y and steady quality (fineness, is important thing. To adjust feeding quantity by granularity of mine. If humidity and rigidity are steady: fineness is low, the feeding capacity is large; the fineness is high,thefeedingcapacityisproper .Adjust the feeding capacity by this rule.2、及时合理地添加钢棒,充分发挥棒磨机的生产

34、能力。钢棒磨损后不及时添 加,将会使棒磨机粉磨能力下降,产量降低。2、Adding rods proper in time to make rod mill have high capacity .If rods are fret and not added in time, it can make low grinding capacity and low capacity.六、棒磨机的维护和检修6、The maintains and examine repair of rod mill1、所有润滑油在磨机投入连续运转一个月时应全部放出,彻底清洗,更换新油。以后结合中修约每6个月换油一次。1

35、、All the lubes should change once a month, and in the future, according to the repair and examine change the lube once per six month.2、各润滑点润滑情况和油面高度至少每4小时检查一次。2、Every lubricant part and the surface height of the oil should be examined once per four hours.-9 -3、磨机运转时,主轴承润滑油的温升不超过55Co3、When the mill w

36、orks normally, the temperature of lube that in the main bearing is no more than 55c .4、磨机正常运转时,传动轴承和减速机的温升不超过55C,最高不超过60 Co4、 If the mill works normally ,the temperature of driving bearing and reducer is no more than 55c ,the highest is 60C .5、大、小齿轮传动平稳,无异常噪音。必要时应及时调整间隙。5、The big and small gear whee

37、l drive evenly, no noises .If necessary, should adjust the gap in time.6、棒磨机运转平稳,无强烈震动6、The rod mill rotaries evenly, no strong shake.7、电机电流应无异常波动。7、The electricity of the motor should be provided evenly.8、各连接紧固件无松动,结合面无漏油、无漏浆、无漏粉现象。8、Each connected tighten parts are no loosen, no oil and material l

38、eaks.9、钢棒依磨损情况及时添加。9、The quantity of adding steel rod depends on the fray case.10、如果发现不正常情况应立即停磨检修。10、 If found the deviant thing, it should stop work and repair at once.对磨机的维修是一项经常性的工作,维修工作的好坏直接影响棒磨机的运转率 和使用寿命。为了及时发现缺陷消除隐患,以保证棒磨机正常运转,除了日常的维 护外,还需要定期停磨,(建议每月一次)对重要部件如中空轴、主轴承、筒体、 减速机、大小齿轮等作认真检The main

39、tains of the mill is a piece of regular work .The effect of the maintains can affect the rotary rate and its life .In order to find the fault in time and make the mill work normally, except the maintains daily, need to fix a date to stop milling (advise once per month and examine the medium-altitude

40、 bearing, main bearing, tube, reducer, big and small gear wheel etc-10 -查,作详细记录。按照缺陷情况分轻重缓急作适当处理和安排中修及大修计 划。carefully .make the notes details. According to different faults, arranging the repair work.11、磨机衬板被磨损70%或有70mm长的裂纹时应更换11、 If the liner of mill is frayed 70percent or the length of gap is 70mm

41、, it should be changed.12、衬板螺栓有损坏造成衬板松动时应更换。12、 If the bolt of liner is destroyed, it should be changed.13、主轴承严重磨损时应更换。13、 If the main bearing is frayed heavily, it should change.14、篦子板磨损到不能再焊补时应更换。14、The fine-tooth comb is frayed heavily, it should change.15、大齿轮齿轮面磨损到一定程度后可翻面继续使用。15、 If the big gea

42、r wheel frayed heavily, it turns over to go on to use.16、小齿轮严重磨损应更换。16、If the small gear wheel frayed heavily, should change it.17、进、出料螺旋磨损时应及时焊补,磨损至无法焊补时应更换。17、 If the bolt of the feeder or output destroys, should be repaired in time .If can not repair, should change it.18、地脚螺栓松动或损坏应及时修复。18、If the foundation bolt is loosened or destroyed, should be repaired at once.


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