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1、Unit5 Do you like pears?B Start to read教学设计教材分析本单元是PEP小学英语(三年级起点)三年级下册的第五单元。单元主题是 水果,主要学习水果的英文和询问别人对水果的喜好并回答。“Start to read板块通过图片提供了 一个有f意义的语篇综合性训练活动,旨在帮助学生进一 步巩固本单元学习的核心句型和词汇。复习的句型有:Do you like pears? Yes, I do./No, I don t. I like./I dlike .拓展的句型有:Dogs like . Floppy likes复习的词汇后:pear, apple, orange

2、, banana, watermelon, strawberry,grape.拓展的词汇后: play, walk, sleep, run, bath.语用功能有:询问别人的喜欢并回答;表达对某事物的好恶。学生情况三年级的学生初学英语,对英语学习仍然抱有神秘感和极高的兴趣。但是孩 子没有足够的语言储备,不能很好听懂老师的课堂组织用语。这就要求老师在课 堂上用简单句,辅助动作和表情帮助学生理解课堂指令语或学习的新单词、新句 型意思。本节课作为复习课,学生已有的知识基础有:听懂并会说句型:Do youlike pears? Yes, I do./No, I don t. I like听说VdonH

3、fj/ t likepear, apple, orange, banana, watermelon, strawberry, grape.知道字母 u 在单词中短音发音 /? /。在本节课教学中充分尊重孩子的已有知识储备,充分发挥学生的学习自主 合作,习得、拓展、运用语言。课时教学目标1. All the students can read and understand the picturesanddialogues.2. All the students can ask and answer with:Do you like?”“ Yes, I dO.No, I don t. 3. Mos

4、t of the students can read and understand the story: What dogs like?4. Most of the students can expresswith like and “likes ” .5. Most of the students can suggest with: Eat some.Dsome-.6. Most of the students can be polite to others,and donotpick at food.教学重点与难点1. All the students can read and under

5、stand the picturesanddialogues.2. All the students can ask and answer with:Do you like ?”“ Yes, I do.No, I don t. 3. Most of the students can expresswith like and “likes ” .教学方法根据学生的年龄特点,本节课将米用TPR、Task basedteaching 、cooperation teaching method.教学策略主动参与教学策略“探究一发现”教学策略合作学习教学策略联系生活教学策略教学过程(含时间设置)教学活动设

6、计意图教师活动学生活动Step 1: Warming- up and revision(10 minutes )a. Sing songs before class intwominutes : An apple a day keeps the doctor away.b. Greeting.c. Show the title: Unit5 Do you like pears? B Start to readd. Play the game: I say, you say.e. Play the game: Sharpeyes.a.课前唱英文歌曲,创造良 好的英文氛围,切入本节 课主题。b.每

7、节课前用英文打招呼以 及互相问候,实现语言的 语用功能,营造欢快和谐 的英语学习氛围。同时复 习了旧知。,inkc.课题展示本节课的学习内容。d.通过反义词和同音词游戏,复习旧知和字母u的发音。e.通过快速读说的游戏,复 习本单元的水果单词和重点句型。Step 2: Presentatio n of Start to read(15 minutes )a. Look at the pictures and answer:What are theytalking about?b. Learn in groups: 1. Match the right dialogues by yourself.

8、2.Check up the answers. 3. Read or play the dialogues.c. Show time and check uptheanswers.d. Talk in group in this way: Chen Jie likes pears.a.通过读图,了解对话主题: fruit。b.把阅读的自主权交给学生, 让学生充分进行读图思考, 完成连线;互助合作检查 答案;并能小组表演对话。(在这里进行了分层要求, 学生可以读出对话,有能 力的表演出小对话。)c.按照图片顺序,请小组表 演对话,顺便检查连线答 案。d.提高阅读要求,让学生从 图片和对话中提取信

9、息, 能用第三人称复述信息, 并初步了解第三人称单数。Step 3:Presentation of thestoryWhat dogslike? ”(10a. Read the cover : What do you know from the cover?b. Let students ask questions theywant to know.c. Look at the pictures and find outWhat dogs like?What Floppy likes?a.学生通过绘本故事的封面 族取信息:题目、作者、人 物。b.引导学生提出他们想知道 的问题。让学生带着问题

10、和兴趣,打开书读故事。minutes1. Ss read the sentences or words toanswer the questions.2. Ss to be the little teachers toteach the words : play walk sleeprun bath.d. Listen and imitate.e. Try to retell the story with the pictures.f. Play in groups. To be Floppy.g. Show time.h. Try to go on writing the picture b

11、ook, named “ What dogs like?(2)c.学生找到问题的答案,老师帮助梳理到板书。在此期间让学生启动已 有的语音知识,尝试读 出故事中的生词。d.通过听录音跟读模仿,纠正学生错误发音,同 时进一步做故事信息梳 理。e.复述故事是帮助理解故 事的很好途径。f.进行故事展演,会更好 的帮助学生理解和掌握 整个故事。g.学生最感兴趣的活动就是表演对话,轻松愉快的表演让学生爱上英语课堂。h.动笔写一写,发挥学生的想象力,培养学生独创性的思维品质。Step 4:What have we learned today?总结是为了更好的帮助学生梳SummaryI can say理本节课

12、的所有重点知识,学(3生通过回顾整理,会更系统的minutes )掌握所学知识。家庭作业:(2 minutes )Retell and act the story: what dogslike? ” .(2)Finish your picture book: what dogs like?(2) ” . Make your own picture book: what cats/pandas/like?板书设计:Unit5 Do you like pears?B Start to readDo you like.?Play()Yes, I do. Dogs like to walkNo,I don t. Floppy likes sleep争runbath


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