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1、仿射波段制图学剪切数字化仪数字线划图每英寸点数边缘匹配赤道等积大地水准面地理空间全球定位系统栖息地接口项目纬度图例经度中值子午线元数据图廓线基于对象的宗地摄影测量降水量范围栅格重采样分辨率均方根扫描仪选址拓扑统一地理编码拓扑数组通用横轴墨卡托投影矢量专业术语英译汉affine band cartography clip digitizerDLG dpi edgematching equator equiarea geoid geospatialGPS Habitat InterfaceItem Latitude legend longitude median meridian metadata

2、 neatline Object-Based parcel photogrammetry precipitation range raster resample resolutionRMSscanner siting TIGER topology tuple UTM vector专业术语汉译英保护区protected area比例尺Scale bar标准差Standard deviation标准图幅Standard picture frame单精度Single precision地理空间数据Geospatial data点缓冲区Point buffer动态分段Dynamic segmentat

3、ion度量标准Metrics多项式变换Polynomial transformation高程基准Elevation base跟踪算法Tracking algorithm规则格网Rules grid过渡带Transition zone基于位置服务Based on location service畸形线Malformation line几何变换Geometric transformation检验图Inspection chart解析几何Analytic geometry空间要素Space element平面坐标系统Planar coordinate system曲流河Meandering rive

4、r人口普查地段Census Lot上四分位数The upper quartile矢量数据模型Vector data model数据可视化data visualization数据探查Data exploration双精度Double precision水文要素Hydrological elements泰森多边型Tyson Polygons统一建模语言Unified Modeling Language投影坐标系统Projection coordinate system线缓冲区Line buffer遥感数据Remote sensing data用材林Timber forest晕渲法Halo rend

5、ering method指北针Compass属性表Property sheet最短路径分析Shortest path analysis最小一乘法Least squares method翻译例子如下。1.A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer system for capturing, storing, querying, analyzing, and displaying geographically referenced data.1 .地理信息系统(GIS)是用于捕捉,存储,查询,分析和显示地理参考数 据的计算机系统。2 .A

6、 newly digitized map has the same measurement unit as the source map used in digitizing or scanning. If manually digitized, the map is measured in inches, same as the digitizing table.3 .新数字化地图与数字化或扫描中使用的源地图具有相同的测量单位。如果手动数字化,地图以英寸为单位进行测量,与数字化表格相同。4 .Although ideal for discrete features with well def

7、ined location and ,shapes, the vector data model does not work well with spatial phenomena that vary continuously over the space such as precipitation, elevation, and soil erosion.5 .对于具有明确位置和形状的离散特征,尽管理想,矢量数据模型不能很好 地处理在空间连续变化的空间现象,如降水,海拔和土壤侵蚀。6 .But the migration from the georelational to the objec

8、t-based data model should be relatively easy because it is intuitive to think of spatial features as objects.7 .从基础数据到基于对象的数据模型的迁移应该相对容易,因为将空间要素视为对象是直观的。8 .New GIS data can be created from a variety of data sources. They include satellite images, field data, street addresses, text files with x and y

9、 coordinates, and paper maps.9 .可以从各种数据源创建新的GIS数据。它们包括卫星图像,现场数据,街道地址,带有x和y坐标的文本文件以及纸质地图。10 Projection converts data sets from geographic coordinates to projected coordinates, and reprojection converts from one type of projected coordinates to another type.11 投影将数据集从地理坐标转换为投影坐标,再投影从一种类型的投影坐标 转换为另一种类型

10、。12 Spatial data editing refers to the process of adding, deleting, and modifying features in digital layers. A major part of spatial data editing is to remove digitizing errors.13 空间数据编辑是指在数字图层中添加,删除和修改特征的过程。空间数据 编辑的主要部分是删除数字化错误。14 The georelational data model stores spatial and attribute data sepa

11、rately in a split system: spatial data in graphic files and attribute data in a relational database.15 地理数据模型将空间数据和属性数据分别存储在分割系统中: 图形文件中 的空间数据和关系数据库中的属性数据。用英文回答下列问题,练习每章后面的问答题。 例子如下:1. Describe the two common types of data for terrain mapping and analysis.1 .Two important types of field data that ca

12、n be used in a GIS project are survey data and global positioningsystme (GPS) data.2. Describe three variations in buffering.2.The buffer distance can vary by the values of a givenfield. Buffering can be right side of the line Buffer zones may remain is separate from others, are no overlapped areaso

13、n either the left side or the feature, instead of both sides. intact so that each buffer zoneor dissolved so that there between buffer zones.3. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the raster data model vs. the vector data model.3.The main advantage of the raster data model is having fixed ce

14、ll locations, which make it easier for datamanipulation, aggregation, and analysis. The main disadvant age is its weakness in representing the precise location of spatial features.4. Explain the difference between location errors and topological errors.4.Location errors such as missing polygons or d

15、istorted lines relate to the geometric inaccuracies of spatial features, whereas topological errors such as dangling lins and unclosed polygons relate to the logical inconsistencis between spatial features.5. Explain the difference between the georelational data model and the object-based data model

16、.5.The object-based data model differs from the georelational data modelintwo aspects.First,the object-baseddata modelstores both the spatial and attribute data of spatial features inasingle systemratherthan a splitsystem.Second, the object-based data model allows a spatial feature (object) to be as

17、sociated with a set of properties and me thods.6. Explain the importance of map projection.6.A map projection offers a couple of advantages. First, a map projection allows us to use two-dimensional maps, either paper or digital, insteadofa globe.Second,a mapprojection allows us to work with plane or

18、 projected coordinates rather thanlongitudeand latitudevalues.Computations with geographic coordinates are more complex and yield less accurate distance measurements.7. How can an analysis mask save time and effort for raster data operations?7.Because an analysismask limitsdata analysis to cellsthat

19、 do not carry the cellvalueof no data.it cansave timeand effortfor rasterdata operations.8. Name five tools or techniques for vector data analysis.8.Buffering ,overlay,distancemeasurement, spatialstatistics and map manipulation .9. Name the three types of simple features used in GIS and their geomet

20、ric properties.9.A point has 0 dimension and has only the property of location.A line is one-dimensional and has the property of length. And an area is two-dimensional and has the properties of area (size) and perimeter.10. Name two examples each for integer rasters and floating-point rasters.11. Ex

21、amples of integer rasters are land use and soil types. Examples of floating-point rasters are precipitation and elevation.12. The georelational data model uses a split system to store vector data. What does a split system mean?13. A split system stores spatial data in graphic filesand attribute data

22、 in a relational database. Typically, a georelational data model uses the feature label or ID to link the two components.14. The output from a viewshed analysis is a binary map. What does a binary map mean in this case?12.The output from a viewshed analysis is a binary map, which showing visible and

23、 not visible areas from theviewpoint.15. What are the basic elements of the raster data model?13.The basic elementsof the raster datamodel are cellvalue, cell size, raster bands, and spatial reference16. What are the common elements on a map for presentation?14.The common elements on a map for prese

24、ntation include the title, body, legend, north arrow, scale, acknowledgment, and neatline/map border.17. What is a feature attribute table?15.A feature attribute table is a table associated with a vector data set, which has access to the data set sspatial data.18. Why is the datum important in GIS?19. A datum is important in GIS because it serves as the reference or base for calculating the geographic coordinates of a location.


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