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1、四年级下英语 Unit3 What can you see?教案一、教学内容: Unit3 What can you see? Part A,Part B。二、教学目标:能听懂会说river,lake等单词和句型:What can you see? I can see 使用本课所学的会话实行简单的实景交际,培养学生使用所学知识完成某一任务及解决实际生活问题的综合水平。三、教学重点:听懂特殊疑问句What can you see? 并能根据实际情况用I can see 做出回答,语音语调准确。四、教学难点:掌握单词river等的读音,在实际情景中会使用句型实行对话。五、教具准备:图片,多媒体课件

2、。六、教学过程:Step1. Free talk and lead-in 3T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you?Ss : Im fine ,thank you.T: Today is sunny, do you like the weather?/do you want to go for an outing?Ss : T: If tomorrow well go for an outing, what can you see?Ss:Step2 Presentation and drill 181.T:Boys and girls, ple

3、ase look at this picture.(出示河流的图片)T:What can you see?(板书课题Unit3 What can you see?)River,river,a river;(出示湖泊的图片)lake,lake,a lake;用同样的方法教学boat,sea,mountain,star,cloud,sky。You can say I can see a S:I can see a T:Lets look at the sky.What can you see,boys and girls?Ss:I can see . 师带读 the sun。T:If its at

4、 night,you can see (出示月亮的图片)the moon.师带读并提示太阳月亮是唯一的,用定冠词the。 2.观察幻灯片,练习语句:I can see a T:Look at this picture ,what can you see?Ss :I can see a river/lake / mountain. 23.T: Youve done a good job.(Show the chant)Can you say it?Ss try to read the chant . 2What ,what ,what can you see?River,river,I can

5、see a river.What ,what ,what can you see?lake,lake,I can see a lake.What ,what ,what can you see?sea ,sea,I can see a sea. 3.出示幻灯片春游图T: Look ,this is a picture of spring.What can you see? Ss :I can see a riverT: What can you see?Try to dicuss in pairs.Ss:T: Lets watch and listen .(Listen two times)T

6、:What can they see?Ss : A river.(可能有大部分学生不会说) 24.带领学生听A部分课文录音,并朗读课文。在学生朗读时,教师指导单词river的发音,注意口型。 5.Practice the dialogue .(four times) 2Step 3 Consolidation 231. 依次出示幻灯片 the sun,the moon,river,lake等图片及单词。 2T: What can you see?Ss :I can see the sun 2. Play a game :Listen and guess. T:Please listen car

7、efully,guess whats this ?Ss :Its a star /river. 33.Now lets have a rest,shall we sing a song?Ss: OK 14.T:Very well.Lets do some practice. Look and match. 45.T:Good job. Now lets have a rest,shall we play a game?Ss :OK!T: I want to know who is the memory king ? Try to remember this cards,and tell me

8、what are they? Ill give you two minutes. 46.T:Now Ill show you a picture,who can use the sentence: I can see a . eg:I can see a mountain and a river.利用句型看哪个小组找得最多,让学生便赢得magic eyes 的称号。47.Group work.T: Make dialogues with your partner , using the sentence pattern: What can you see? I can see (两到三组展示) 2Step4 Homework 11. Listen to the tape, read Part A for five times.2. Make dialogues with your partner , using the sentence pattern: What can you see? I can see 板书: Unit 3 What can you see? I can see a


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