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1、雅思基础写作第四讲动词与非谓语动词动词概况定义:表示动作或状态 的词叫做动词。可分为四类,分别是:实义动词、系动词、助动词、情态动词。有些情况下,有些动词是兼 类词:We are havi ng a meeti ng.He has gone to New York.分类:1. 实义动词 -play, eat, murder, investigate2. 系动词本身有词义,系动词后面必须接表语,用来说明主语的状况、性质、特征等。be;seem, look, appear;rema in, keep, stay;feel, smell, soun d, look;become, turn, gro

2、w, fall;prove, turn out翻译:这谣言证明有假。他开会时总是保持沉默。他看起来很生气。这花闻起来很香。他梦想成为一名保安。3. 助动词-be, have, do, shall, will, should, would协助主要动词构成谓语动词的词叫助动词。助动词自身没有词义,不可单独使用:He does nt like En glish.助动词协助主要动词完成以下功用,可以用来:a. He is singing.He has got married.b. He was sent to En gla nd.c. Did you study En glish before you

3、 came here?d. I dont like him.e. Do come to the party tomorrow evening.He did know that.4. 情态动词 -must, need, can, may, should, dare , ought to, have to情态动词用法?Exercise: find all the verbs that are contained in the followi ng passage.7 EW =: W = Wr =:W =:W =: =:W W =:W = Wr =Wr E =: E =知=:W =:W =: W =

4、扫丹=:W畑=:WE= =: WE =:W =:WW WWr jA good chess player,A man went to visit a frie nd and was amazed to find him play ing chess with his dog. / He watched the game in ast oni shme nt for a while. I can hardly believe my eyes! he:exclaimed. Thats the smartest dog rve ever seen.5JJs!Nah, hes not so smart,

5、 the friend replied. Ive beaten him three games out of five.料=:W -E-E- =和= W =知=:费W =:W 和=沁 W =:费 W =:W -E-=:毛$0 =: W=:费W =: WW =:W =:W费=;-E-E- =; J非謂語動词:讓句子簡潔有力定义:在句子中充当除谓语以外的句子成分的动词形式叫做非谓语动词。比较:John killed Jack.Having killed Jack, John dismembered the body and threw them about into the river.形式:不定

6、式-动名词一分词-动名词作主语、表语和宾语。IIFighting broke out between the South and the North.1I- Her job is taking care of the children.iiWould you mind (tur ning, to turn) dow n your radio a little, please? (V+-i ng)On hearing the news, he can t help crying out / burst out crying . (phrase+-ing)!以下这些短语接动名词作宾语:II;| O

7、bject to, look forward to, be used to, prefer to ,devote on eself to ,can help, set about.II!翻译:ii解决环境问题的另一个方法是禁止一次性产品。(disposable products)IIAno ther soluti on tois.他盼望有一天能穿上的确良衬衫。(Dacro n)! ! He looks forwarda Dacron shirt.!吃肉也增加患心脏病的危险。II:_ qlso_in creases the risk of heart diseases. _不定式! 1.作主語,

8、常用it作形式主語IITo err is human, to forgive is divine. 人非圣贤,孰能无过。II|It is un wise to demolish those precious an tique buildi ngs .|i 2.作表語_His dream is to be a doctor.3. 宾语The Financial Minister promised to revive the domestic economy in the near future.4. 补语:基本形式:动词+宾语+不定式1tell/ask sb. to do sth. 被动形式:b

9、e +动词被动式+不定式We believe him to be guilty. = He is believed to be guilt y.5. 状语I come here to say good-bye to you.To make final success, you have to make great efforts.翻译:我打算讨论一下克隆技术的利弊。! I intendthe pros and cons of.卖油条是一项很有前途的职业;即使总理不付钱,也不卖给他吃!(oily stick)! is a very professi on, and even the presid

10、e nt cannot eat the sticks uni ess! .:为了保护生态平衡,我们应该尽力避免破坏自然栖息地。(n atural habitat) , we should try tonatural habitats.海外留学背景令我们比别人具有优势。! An overseas study background enables us.=:W WE- = W = W =:W =:W =:W =:W W =:W W =:W W =:W W =:W =:W W =:W W=:WW= W =:WW =:WW =:WW =: WW=:W =; /Iril use my see ing e

11、ye dog!A blind man with a seeing eye dog at his side walks into a grocery store. The man walks to theJmiddle of the store, picks up the dog by the tail, and starts swinging the dog around in circles overhis head.The store manager, who has seen all this, thinks this is quite strange. So, he decides t

12、o find out !whats going on. The store man ager approaches the bli nd man swinging the dog and says, Pard on $: me. May I help you with someth in g.The bli nd man says, No tha nks. Im just look ing aroun d.if -C? ig 47丿* iffMP? 0fif 47 g 4P7 MS1*0 MS1* MP/*? “ f 丿分词分词既有动词的特征,又有形容词和副词的特征。分词有现在分词和过去分词两

13、种。比较:Looking into the distanee, he was at a loss what to do next. Dumped by his girlfrie nd, he decided to commit auto-cide.現在分词:主动;进行過去分词:被动;完成1. 分词作定语-相当于形容词或定语从句I the rising sun = the sun that was rising,!II Ia ruined house = the house that was ruinedIIToo many tourists floodi ng the tourist attr

14、act ions pose pote ntial threat to the con servati on ofIIj cultural relics.=:Many drivers are penalised according to the newly issued regulations.=2. 分词作状语二二相当于状语从句_一_ _ _分词作状语,可以表示时间,原因,理由,条件,让步,伴随等,相当于一个状语从句,或者可以看做状语从句去掉连接词和主语后的形式。分词形式必须 跟主句的主语保持一致。即:分词状语部分的动作和主句主语若是主动关系,!则必须用现在分词;若是被动关系,则必须用过去分词

15、。Serving in the army, females can develop in depe ndence, con fide nee, self-respect and |! self-relianee.! :=If females serve in the army, they can III;Deeply in flue need by excessive viole nee and porno graphy on the In ternet, some youn gsters :IIerr from the right path.III-I:=Because some youn

16、gsters are in flue need by ,they IIiiIIII:翻译:由于缺少钱,许多适龄儿童辍学并成了乞丐。(eligible children, drop out), many eligible childre n drop out of school and become beggars.!在动物园里,稀有动物可以享受到更好的居住环境和专业的照料。III:|, some rare ani mals can enjoyand.!得知女儿跟别人私奔的消息,史密斯气得昏了过去。III-I! , Smith fainted for fury.非谓语动词的完成式|现在分词:ha

17、v ing done|过去分词: hav ing bee n done|当分词短语中的动作与主句的动作有明显的先后关系时,分词要用完成式。例如:-Having finished her homework , she went out to play.i1j Having bee n abused by his father whe n he was young , Michael Jacks on decided to help childre nII-who were in real need.翻译:在地里忙完一天后,农民们扛着锄头回家了。(toil)i, the farmers went

18、back home with their hoes.在被老板训斥一通后,乔治准备辞职。:, George decided to resig n. with复合结构He stood there, with his hand raised.IWith复合结构表示伴随:with + 名词(代词)+ V-i ng / V-ed / adj. / adv. / to do / prepositi on phrase翻译:谋杀犯被带进来了,他的双手被绑在背后。The murderer was brought in,.他蓦然从座位上站起来,脸色苍白。:He rose from the chair suddenly,.HomeworkThe chart below shows information about Heart Attacks by Age and Gender in USA. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparis ons where releva nt.Heart Attacks per USA(000)soa4S040035030030015010050044DA2A Men Wornen45-&429-446&+Ag?-Group


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