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1、五年级上册年末测试卷A. shirtB. windyC. meatD. cleanerE. steakF. breadG . cloudyH. fishI. farmerJ.rainyK. jeansL. pizzaM. dumplingN. policemanO. snowyP. capQ.sunnyR. T-shirt S. builder T. trousers-1按类别把以下单词的编号写在相应的横线上。10分ClotFoodWeatherJobs【二】找出划线部分读音不同的单词。(5分))1.A. footB. roomC. foodD.moon)2.A. catB.manyC. ca

2、pD. apple)3.A. skipB.sitC. singD. climb)4.A. cryB.creamC. catD. glass)5.A. classesBleachesC-potatoesD. boxes=1单项选择题120分)1.He oftenfootball after school.A. playB. playsC. playing)2.1 can high.A. jumpingB. jumpsC. jump)3. The teacher can help childen.A. learnB.learnsC.learning)4.He is a farmer. He gro

3、ws food people.A. toB. inC. for)5.What your mother often in theafternoonA. does, does do()6. Mary canplayground now.A. dance( )7.Can youA.say()8. The weatherB. do. dodance well. SheB. dances_ English?B. tell;so cloudy. It willC. does, in theC. dancingJ speak soon .A. rainyB. rainC. raining)9. The ch

4、icken looks.It smellsA. well, deliciousB. good, freshC. fresh,delicious()10. Summer is November February inNew Zealand.A. on, toB. at, toC. from, to()11. What s in the?There are some and in them.A. photos; potatoes;radios B. photos; potatos; radios C. Photoes; potatos; radio()12. The dumplings look

5、good. Do you want totry?A. itB. themC. they()13. There a lot of water and plenty of appletrees here.A. areB. isC. am()14.his mother; she playing cards verymuch.A. Likes; likes B. Like; likes C. Likes; like ()15. The baby can t write read.A. andB.orC. but()16. -your mother run very fast?-No,can t.A.

6、Does, IB. Can, IC. Can, she()17.Itz s time you go to school.A. for, forB. of , toC.for , to)18. Would you like water?A. someB. anyC. a)19.-Let us to the zoo together.OK!A. goesB. goingC. go)20.In China, August is inA. springB. summer用所给词的适当形式填空。10分1. What is he doing? HeC. winter(watch) TV.2. What i

7、s the weather like?It is(sun).3. He is good at(write) stories.4. She wants(go)(fish).5. My hobby is(play) badminton.6. Janet(not have) lunch at 1:00 every day.7. Can you(find) him there?8. Janet usually goes running with. (I)9. F d like (have) some (noodle) for breakfast.10. They will(eat) some cake

8、.【五】按实际情况回答以下问题。5分1. What s your grandpa7 s hobby?2. What does your father often do in the evening?3. Does she often go running?4. Where do you usually have lunch?5. Are your teachers very busy?六.选择适当的句子把对话补充完整,把句子的字母编号写在相应的 横线上。A. I am reading a book, too.B. The books about animals.C. What are you

9、doing now?D. Yes, of course.E. Yes, I do.Ben:Ken: I am reading a book. What about you?Ben: Do you often read books after school?Ken:Ben: What book do you often read?Ken:Ben: I like animals too. Can I read your books now?Ken:七.阅读理解I.根据短文意思,选择正确答案,把其字母编号写在提前的括信内。Hello, my name is Sally. I have a siste

10、r. Her name is Janet She goes to school from Monday to Friday. On weekdays, she gets up at 6:30. She usually gets to school at five to eight. In the morning, she usually has four seasons and she goes back home at eleven fifty. She usually gets home at 12:00. Then she has lunch at home. She goes to s

11、chool again at 1:45. She has three lessons in the afternoon. She gets home at 17:15. She has her dinner at 17:15. She goes to bed at ten past ten at night( )1. She goes to school for days every week.A. fiveB. sixC.seven( )2. Janet usually gets to school atA.8:10B.7:55C. 7:10( )3. Janet has lessons e

12、very day.A. sixB. eightC. seven( )4. Janet has her dinner at.A. 17:15B. 18:30C. 17:30( )5. Janet goes to bed atA.21:50B. 22:10C. 22:20IL判断以下句子是否符合短文意思,如符合,在题前的括号内与T,否那么写F”.My name is Susan. I have a lovely dog. Its name is Nancy. It s a young dog. It s only one year old. When I do my homework in my

13、bedroom, it usually plays on my bed. It likes playing with me. When we go for a walk in the evening, it always goes with us. It can help me do many things. And it can make me happy. I love my dog. All my friends love it too.( )1. Nancy is a lovely girl.( )2. Nancy usually plays on the bed when Susan

14、 does her homework.( )3. Nancy can t help Susan do any things.( )4. Nancy and Susan go for a walk every evening.( )5. Susan s friends all love her dog.八.选择以下话题中的一个,写一段话。要求:至少35个单词。1,描写你的业余爱好2 ,描写你的饮食爱好。3 描写广州一年四季天气、你喜欢的季节和理由。我选择话题来写话。1 .描写你的业余爰好Do you have any hobbies? If not ,what do you do in the

15、holidays ? I have many hobbies .On weekdays ,when I study in school ,1 play with my classmates .Sometimes I play volleyball with them/ sometimes I play football with them.I think playing football is very interesting and exciting .But when I get home J like listening to music alone .Also I like readi

16、ng story books. When I am not happy about something J usually draw some pictures though I am not good at drawing .On weekends ,there is no class J like shopping with my friends and my parents .Hobbies can make someone happy, so I like them .And I have many hobbies. Do you agree with me?2 .描写你的饮食爱好。D

17、ifferent people have different tastes. Chinese people like eating rice or noodles, but western people eat bread. I am a pupil from Guangzhou. I like eating sweet and sour food most My favourite food is the dimsum. It is yummy. In my spare time, I often go to the Guangzhou Restaurant with my parents.

18、 The food there is delicious.3 描写广州一年四季天气、你喜欢的季节和理由。There are four seasons in Guangzhou. It is warm and wet in spring. We can plant trees in this season. It is hot in summer. We can go swimming and eat ice-cream. It is windy and dry in autumn. We can fly kites. It is cold in winter; but it never snows. My favourite season is autumn. I like Mid-Autumn Day best. We can enjoy the full moon and the delicious moon cakes.


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