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1、()1.()2.()3.()4.()5.()6.()7.()8.()9.()10.()11.()12.()13.()14.()15.()16.()17.()18.()19.()20.()21.()22.8A Unit 3易错题、选择To find better job, he had to learn second language.A.the;aB.a;aC.the;theD.a;theWhy did you stopped? The singing competition is coming. A.to practice to singB.to practice singingC.prac

2、ticing to singD.practicing singingWho teaches English? - I learn it.A.you;meB.you;myselfC.yourself;myD.your;myselfI usually home at 5p.m.A.arrive atB.reach toC.get toD.arrive- -How does the song? -Quite. I m going to listen again. A.listen; badB.hear;badC.sound; wellD.sound;goodThe cake you made loo

3、ks,but tastes. A.not good;goodB.bad;wellC.not good;wellD.bad;goodWe ll buildanother new Great Wall the northern part of China.A.amongB.acrossC.betweenD.through- -I went to the theme park. -.Why didn t you tell me earlier? A.You did?B.I hope so.C.Have a good time.D.Its kind of you.- -I think this is

4、the best film of the year. -.Anyway, the ending is OK. A.Thats a good idea.B.That may not be a good idea.C. Im not sure if you are rightD.I think you are rightI ll put some photos on the home page everyone.A.so;to lookB.for;to look atC.for;to lookD.so;look at itI kept the ticket, but I can find it.A

5、.finding;nowhereB.looking for;nowhereC.looking for;somewhereD.finding;somewhere- -Can I have more food? -Sorry, theres in the fridge.A.some;anything elseB.any;something elseC.some;nothing elseD.any;nothing elseWould you please me this evening?A.to help;to wash clothesB.to help;cook supperC.help; wit

6、h the cookingD.help;doing some cookingTom is of the two.A.tallB.tallerC.the tallerD.the tallest- -You look unhappy. -Yes, I scored points in my class.A.the leastB.the mostC.the fewestD.fewergood weather! Why go out for a walk?A.What;notB.How;notC.How a; not to D. What a; dont youReading a tour book

7、is like around the world.A.travelB.to travelC.travelling D.travelsfun it is the beautiful gardens!A.How; to visit B.What a; visiting C.How a; visiting D.What; to visit Would you like to the football club?A.join inB.take part C.joinD.take part inThere was traffic on the road so I was late.A.too manyB

8、.a lotC.much tooD.too much- -Im hurry. -There are some cakes on the table, you can take. A.itB.thatC.thisD.oneIt is really to see the wonderful performance.A.exciteB.excitingC.excitedD.excitement()23.)24.)25.)26.)27.Chinese students haveweeksin summer than American students.A.more;onB.less;offC.fewe

9、r;on D.more;offI have to you I am thinking.A.say;howB.talk;whenC.tell;whatD.speak;whatI will visit Kungming next month.A.some timeB.sometimesC.some timesD.sometime-As you look so tired, shall I give you a ride.-A.Do as you likeB.Not at allC.Not too badD.Couldnt be betterThe shoes are too big for me.

10、 Can I change them for.A.a small oneB.a smaller pairC.small pairD.small one()28. The price of cars is not than before. So many people want to buy cars.A.as expensive asB.as low asC.so cheap asD.as high asB.yourselves;will youD.yourself;will you()29. Dont lose in computer games, boys,?A.yourself;shal

11、l weC.yourselves;shall we、动词填空(take)(keep)(come) (buy)(agree)1 .care of your little brother when your parents are out.2 .the secret to myself makes me very tired.3 .Do you know which shop he went to a new bike?4.on time, or the boss will fire you.5 .Thanks for to let me go.(swim)(help) (grow)(worry)

12、(make)6 .Is your friend willing you when you are in trouble?7 .Liu Xiang became a great runner when he up.8 .When something me, I will ask you for help.9 .What a good teacher?10 .We all think is one of the healthiest activities.10.1 will spend as much time as I can(practice)(speak) English.12 .We sh

13、all do what we can(win) the match.13 . I will go hiking if it(not be) rainy.14.I have a great time(chat) with you.15.I have little time(do) my work.16.Lei Ping seems(know) you well.1.1 I can always see some women(dance) on the square.18 .All work and no play(make) him very tired.(do)(make) (end)(vis

14、it)(come)(keep)19 .Dont worry. We the secret for you.20 .The meeting in ten minutes.21 .Don listen to music when you your homework.22 .You your friends this weekend, aren t you?23.I will call you when father back tomorrow.(enjoy)(buy)(not play)24 .-Thanks for the dinner last night. -I m happy you it

15、.25 .-Who do you think him the camera? -His father did.26 .Do you know what your brother so special?27 .Take care with fire.28 .Jim(study) abroad next term? -Yes, he is. Hes preparing for it now.29 .We had a good time. Why you( not join) us?三、词形变化(I)(99)(you)(badly)(noise)(bore)(early)1. Today is my

16、 grandpas birthday.2. Look after when your mothers aren t in.3. He did even after trying a second time.4. You are talking of all.5. The speech was not interesting at all. Im to death.6. -Shall we meet at 8 o clock? -Why not make it. What about 7:30?7. Believe it or not. I saw it for.8. A moment ago,

17、 the sun(照耀)brightly. But it is rainy now.9. I can tell him anything. He can keep( 秘密)for me.10. After(讨论)for two hours, we worked out the problem. 句型转换52 . He put the phone down. he the phone down? (一般疑问句)53 .Tim s never late for school反意疑问句 ) Tim s never late for school,?54 .We had lunch in the re

18、staurant yesterday.(否定句)We lunch in the restaurant yesterday.55 . I am young, I cant go to work .(保持原义)I am not to go to work.56 .The woman in the red coat is her mother.(对划线部分提问)is her mother?E. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper wordsAn invention is a new thing or a new way of doi

19、ng something. TVs, cars, bikes all of these were invented o 69 . Sometimes inventions are made when people have a problem and someone looks for a way to solve the problem. Most inventions come about after lots of hard work. Sometimes people invent one thing when they are trying to invent something e

20、 70 .Clint Lenz was nine years old when he invented the glow-in-the-dar k(夜光)seat. He hated to find the toil et(盥洗室)in the dark. So Clint Lenz solved the problem by painting a toilet seat with glow-in-the-dark paint. That is how he became an inventor.Rebecca Schroeder was ten years old when she inve

21、nted s 71 that nurses now use in hospitals. When Rebecca Schroeder did her homework in the car after dark, she couldn t see it.L 72 Clint Lenz, Rebecca Schroeder solved her problem with glow-in-the-dark paint. She covered a clipboard (带 夹子的写字板 )with the paint. Then she could see the words on a paper

22、 that was on the clipboard.Rebecca Schroeder used this i 73 to invent a sheet that could help people write in the dark. At night, nurses in they can write in the dark. Sick people can keep on sleeping.hospitals need to take n 74 about sick people. If they use Rebecca Schroeder-in-the-d hrswt on thei

23、r clipboard,四、句子翻译1 .这个教室的桌椅不如那个教室新。The desks in this classroom in that one.2 .乘小汽车从南通到上海的行程花了大约两小时。The trip from Jiangying to Shanghai.3 .我们能用较少的时间和较少的人做更多的事吗?Can we do work with time and people?4 .当我从他身边走过时,他正在说别人的坏话。When I them, heothers.5 .生物不像地理那么难。Biology than Geography.6 .我不信你说的话。因为你根本不诚实。I d

24、ont believe, because you.7 .我觉得游泳不如攀岩刺激。I the rocks.8 .老师很生气因为那两个学生在课上不停讲话。The teacher was very angry because the two students.Keys:一、选择15 BDBDD 610 DBACB 1115 BCCCC 1620 ACDCD 2125 DBDCD 2629 DBDB二、动词填空1. Take2.Keeping 3.to buy4.Come 5.agreeing6.to help 7.grew8.worries 9.makes 10.swimming11.tochoos

25、e12.practicing;speaking13.to win 14.isnt15.chatting 16.todo 17.to know 18.dance 19.willkeep20.makes 21.will end 22.are doing 23.are going to visit es 25.enjoyed 26.bought 27.makes 28.not to play 29.Is going to study 30.didnt;join三、词形变化1.ninety-nine 2.yourselves 3.secrets 4.worse 5.discussing 6.the most noisily 7.bored 8.earlier 9.myself 10.shone四、句子翻译1.arent so/as new as those 2.took about two hours by car 3.more;less;fewer 4.walked past;was saying bad words about5.is less difficult 6.what you said;arent honest at all 7.dont think swimming is as exciting as climbing 8.kept talking in class4


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