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1、It is full of the world records.,Do you want to set a world record ?,Be a champion,Unit 6,陈景莉,Lesson 31 Dont Fall,Danny !,Danny wants to break a world record.Will he succeed ?,Think About It,Listen and write true (T) or false (F)1 Danny dreams about breaking the record for standing on one foot. ( )

2、2 The world record for standing on one foot is eight minutes. ( ) 3 Jenny will have chicken for supper. ( )4 Danny doesnt realize his dream.( ),T,F,F,T,1 How does Danny feel while standing on one foot ?2 Why is Danny doing that?,He feels so tired.,Because he wants to set a new world record.,Read the

3、 lesson again and answer them.,3 How long does Danny stand on one foot ?4 Why does Danny give up ?5 Who will come to Dannys home ?,Many relatives.,Because he thinks that the gathering is more important than a world record.,For more than three minutes.,6 Who has a book of world records ?7 What is Dan

4、nys mother going to prepare for supper?,Brian.,Chicken.,1At London Olympic Games, Sun Yang_(创) a new record in the 1500-metre freestyle. He said ,”I dreamedof winning the gold medals, but I never expected to _(打破) a world record. I felt excited.”2 Many _ (亲戚) are proud of Tom ,because he kept the re

5、cord of _ (单脚站立)for many years.,set,break,relatives,standing on one foot,Exercises:,break set feel champion,Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box :,At the London Olympics, Sun Yang became Chinas first male Olympic swimming _ after winning the 400-metre freestyle. He als

6、o _ a new record in the 1500-metre freestyle. “I dreamed of winning the gold medals, but I never expected to _ a world record. I _ excited, ” said Sun Yang.,champion,broke,set,feel,金琳琳1988年出生于哈尔滨自八岁就开始练习呼拉圈,并自此对呼拉圈入迷职业 舞蹈演员2011年2月2日同时转动呼啦圈305个,并坚持了23秒,再次刷新由自己保持的吉尼斯世界纪录。,Do you know who can do the mo

7、st hula-hoops ?,Task,Task :Find some interesting records and talk about them.,车长7.8米,高3.7米,重量为150千克,日本女孩收藏4519个Hello Kitty 物件,美国5岁儿童 世界上年龄最小的专业鼓手,比利时马,Big Jake 身高2.1 米,Knowledge point,stand on one foot 单脚站立He can stand on one foot for 2 hours.Do you know who is the champion of standing on one foot ?

8、,Follow me,set / keep / break a world record 创造/保持/打破一项世界纪录He broke a record at the sports meeting last week.Bolt won the champion of the 100-metre race and set a new record at the Beijing Olympic Games.,Knowledge point,Follow me,Knowledge point,give up 放弃 Dont give up! Children! My father gives up smoking.,Follow me,relative n. 亲戚Many relatives came to my homefor Grandpas 80th birthday last Sunday.I will visit my friends and relativeson holidays.,Knowledge point,Follow me,Good-bye!,Follow me,


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