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1、传动轴专业英语实训报告班级:094022学号:09402213姓名:刘军各式各样的传动轴传动轴是一个高转速、少支承的旋转体,因此它的动平衡是 至关重要的.一般传动轴在出厂前都要进行动平衡试验,并在平衡机上进行了调整. 对前置引擎后轮驱动的车来说是把变速器的转动传到主减速器的轴,它可以是好几节 的,节与节之间可以由万向节连接.一.简介传动轴是由轴管、伸缩套和万向节组成.传动轴 (DriveShaft)连接或装配各项配件, 而又可移动或转动的圆形物体配件,一般均使用轻而抗扭性佳的合金钢管制成.对前 置引擎后轮驱动的车来说是把变速器的转动传到主减速器的轴,它可以是好几节由万 向节连接.它是一个高转速

2、、少支承的旋转体,因此它的动平衡是至关重要的.一般 传动轴在出厂前都要进行动平衡试验,并在平衡机上进行了调整.二.结构传动轴是由轴管、伸缩套和万向节组成.伸缩套能自动调节变速器与驱动桥之间距 离的变化.万向节是保证变速器输出轴与驱动桥输入轴两轴线夹角的变化,并实现两 轴的等角速传动.万向节1 .作用:一般万向节由十字轴、十字轴承和凸缘叉等组成.万向节是汽车传动轴 上的关键部件.在前置发动机后轮驱动的车辆上,万向节传动轴安装在变速器输出轴 与驱动桥主减速器输入轴之间;而前置发动机前轮驱动的车辆省略了传动轴,万向节 安装在既负责驱动又负责转向的前桥半轴与车轮之间.车辆在运行中路面不平产生跳 动,负

3、荷变化或者两个总成安装位置差异,都会使得变速器输出轴与驱动桥主减速器 输入轴之间的夹角和距离发生变化,因此要用一个“以变应变的装置来解决这一个 问题,因此就有了万向节.2 .传动特点:在发动机前置后轮驱动或全轮驱动的汽车上,由于汽车在运动过程中悬架变形,驱动轴主减速器输入轴与变速器或分动箱输出轴间经常有 相对运动,止匕外,为有效避开某些机构或装置无法实现直线传递,必须有一种装 置来实现动力的正常传递,于是就出现了万向节传动.万向节传动必须具备以下特点:a、保证所连接两轴的相对位置在预计范围内变动时,能可靠地传递动力;b、保证所连接两轴能均匀运转.由于万向节夹角而产生的附加载荷、振动和噪声应在允

4、 许范围内;c、传动效率要高,使用寿命长,结构简单,制造方便,维修容易.对汽车而言,由 于一个十字轴万向节的输 出轴相对于输入轴有一定的夹角是不等速旋转的,为此 必须采用双万向节或多万向节传动,并把同传动轴相连的两个万向节叉布置在同 一平面,且使两万向节的夹角相等.这一点是十分重要的.在设计时应尽量减小万向 节的夹角.伸缩套起将花键轴焊在传动轴管 帛,成一体,将花键轴与凸 这样既增加了强度又1花键套与传动传统结构的传动轴伸缩套是7 上.新型的的传动轴一改传统结构, 缘叉制成一体.并将矩形齿花键 便于挤压成形,适应大转矩工况的需要.在伸缩套管和花键轴的牙齿外表,整体涂浸了一层尼龙材料,不仅增加了

5、耐制mW 了冲击负荷对传动轴的损害,提升了缓冲水平.此种传动轴在凸缘花键轴外增加了一个管形密封保护套,在该保护套端部设置 了两道聚氨酯橡胶油封,使伸缩套内形成厂一个完全密封的空间,使伸缩花键轴不受外界沙尘的侵蚀,不仅防尘而且防锈.因此在装配时在花键轴与套内一次性涂抹润滑 脂,就完全可以满足使用要求,不需要装油嘴润滑,减少了保养内容.轴套是为了减少轴运动时的摩擦与磨损而设计出来的,根本用途与轴承无异,而且相 对本钱较廉价,但摩擦阻力较大,所以只会使用于部份部件上.轴套大多都以铜制成, 但亦有塑胶制的轴套.轴套多被放置于轴与承托结构中,而且非常紧贴承托结构,只 有轴能在轴套上转动.在装配轴与轴套时

6、,两者间会参加润滑剂以减少其转动时产生 的摩擦力.三.类型按弹性分传动轴按其重要部件-万向节的不同,可有不同的分类.如果按万向节在扭转的 方向是否有明显的弹性可分为刚性万向节传动轴和挠性万向节传动轴.1 .刚性万向节:靠零件的钱链式联接传递动力的.2 .挠行万向节:靠弹性零件传递动力,并具有缓冲减振作用.按角速率分刚性万向节又可分为不等速万向节如十字轴式万向节、准等速万向节如双 联式万向节、三销轴式万向节和等速万向节如球笼式万向节、球叉式万向节. 等速与不等速,是指从动轴在随着主动轴转动时,两者的转动角速率是否相等而言的, 当然,主动轴和从动轴的平均转速是相等的.1 .等速万向节: 主、从动轴

7、的角速度在两轴之间的夹角变动时仍然相等的万 向节,称为等速万向节或等角速万向节.它们主要用于转向驱动桥、断开式驱动桥等 的车轮传动装置中,主要用于轿车中的动力传递.2 .不等速万向节:主、从动轴的角速度在两轴之间的夹角变动时不相等的万向节,称为不等速万向节,也叫做十字轴式万向节.十字轴式刚性万向节传动轴在汽车传动系中用得最广泛,历史也最悠久.当轿车 为后轮驱动时,常采用十字轴式万向节传动轴,对局部高档轿车,也有采用等速球头 的;当轿车为前轮驱动时,那么常采用等速万向节一一等速万向节也是一种传动轴,只 是称谓不同而已.平时所说的传动轴一股指的就是十字轴式刚性万向节传动轴.十字 轴式刚性万向节主要

8、用于传递角度的变化,一般由突缘叉、十字轴带滚针轴承总成、 万向节叉或滑动叉、中间连接叉或花键轴叉、滚针轴承的轴向固定件等组成.突缘叉是一个带法兰的叉形零件,一般采用中碳钢或中碳合金钢的锻造件,也有 采用球墨铸铁的砂型铸造件和中碳钢或中碳优质合金钢的精密铸造件.突缘叉一般带 一个平法兰,也有带一个端面梯形齿法兰的.十字轴带滚针轴承总成一般包括四个滚 针轴承、一个十字轴、一个滑脂嘴.滚针轴承一般由假设干个滚针、一个轴承碗、一个 多刃口橡胶油封局部带骨架组成.在某些滚针轴承中,还有一个带油槽的圆形垫 片,有尼龙的,也有采用铜片或其他材料的,主要用于减小万向节轴向间隙,提升传 动轴动平衡品质.万向节叉

9、是一个叉形零件,一般采用中碳钢或中碳合金钢的锻造件, 也有采用中碳钢的精密铸造件.滚针轴承的轴向固定件一般是孔或轴用弹性挡圈 内外卡式,或轴承压板、锁片、螺栓等.四.用途专用汽车传动轴主要用在油罐车,加油车,洒水车,吸污车,吸粪车,消防车,高 压清洗车,道路清障车,高空作业车,垃圾车等车型上.五.使用与保养为了保证传动轴的正常工作,延长其使用寿命,在使用中应注意:1 .严禁汽车用高速档起步.2 .严禁猛抬离合器踏板.3 .严禁汽车超载、超速行驶.4 .应经常检查传动轴工作状况.5 .应经常检查传动轴吊架紧固情况,支承橡胶是否损坏,传动轴各连接部位是否松旷,传动轴是否变形.6 .为了保证传动轴的

10、动平衡,应经常注意平衡焊片是否脱焊.新传动轴组件是配套提供的,在新传动轴装车时应注意伸缩套的装配标记,应保证凸缘叉在一个 平面内.在维修拆卸传动轴时,应在伸缩套与凸缘轴上打印装配标记,以备重新装 配时保持原装配关系不变.7 .应经常为万向节十字轴承加注润滑脂,夏季应注入3号锂基润滑脂,冬季注入2号锂基润滑脂.差速器暹整速器三螳示意网汽车发动机的动力经离合器、变速器、传动轴,最后传送到驱动桥再左右分配给半轴 驱动车轮,在这条动力传送途径上,驱动桥是最后一个总成,它的主要部件是减速器 和差速器.一.简介减速器的作用就是减速增矩,这个功能完全靠齿轮与齿轮之间的啮合完成,比拟容易理解.而差速器就比拟难

11、理解,什么叫差速器,为什么要“差速?汽车差速器是驱动桥的主件.它的作用就是在向两边半轴传递动力的同时,允许两边半轴以 不同的转速旋转,满足两边车轮尽可能以纯滚动的形式作不等距行驶,减少轮胎与地 面的摩擦.功能汽车在拐弯时车轮的轨线是圆弧,如果汽车向左转弯,圆弧的中央点在左侧, 在相同的时间里,右侧轮子走的弧线比左侧轮子长,为了平衡这个差异,就要左边轮 子慢一点,右边轮子快一点,用不同的转速来弥补距离的差异.如果后轮轴做成一个整体,就无法做到两侧轮子的转速差异,也就是做不到自动 调整.为了解决这个问题,早在一百年前,法国雷诺汽车公司的创始人路易斯雷诺 就设计出了差速器这个东西.三.构成普通差速器

12、由行星齿轮、行星轮架差速器壳、半轴齿轮等零件组成.发动机 的动力经传动轴进入差速器,直接驱动行星轮架,再由行星轮带动左、右两条半轴, 分别驱动左、右车轮.差速器的设计要求满足:左半轴转速右半轴转速=2行星轮架转速.当汽车直行时,左、右车轮与行星轮架三者的转速相等处于平衡 状态,而在汽车转弯时三者平衡状态被破坏,导致内侧轮转速减小,外侧轮转速增加.四.原理?、E“看用也伸士电源亭自图卜差速器的这种调整是自动的,这里涉及到“最小能耗原理,也就是地球上所有 物体都倾向于耗能最小的状态.例如把一粒豆子放进一个碗内,豆子会自动停留在碗 底而绝不会停留在碗壁,由于碗底是能量最低的位置位能,它自动选择静止动

13、 能最小而不会不断运动.同样的道理,车轮在转弯时也会自动趋向能耗最低的状态, 自动地根据转弯半径调整左右轮的转速.当转弯时,由于外侧轮有滑拖的现象,内侧轮有滑转的现象,两个驱动轮此时就 会产生两个方向相反的附加力,由于“最小能耗原理,必然导致两边车轮的转速不 同,从而破坏了三者的平衡关系,并通过半轴反映到半轴齿轮上,迫使行星齿轮产生 自转,使外侧半轴转速加快,内侧半轴转速减慢,从而实现两边车轮转速的差异.驱动桥两侧的驱动轮假设用一根整轴刚性连接,那么两轮只能以相同的角度旋转.这 样,当汽车转向行驶时,由于外侧车轮要比内侧车轮移过的距离大,将使外侧车轮在 滚动的同时产生滑拖,而内侧车轮在滚动的同

14、时产生滑转.即使是汽车直线行驶,也 会因路面不平或虽然路面平直但轮胎滚动半径不等轮胎制造误差、磨损不同、受载 不均或气压不等而引起车轮的滑动.车轮滑动时不仅加剧轮胎磨损、增加功率和燃料消耗,还会使汽车转向困难、制 动性能变差.为使车轮尽可能不发生滑动,在结构上必须保证各车轮能以不同的角度 转动.轴间差速器:通常从动车轮用轴承支承在主轴上,使之能以任何角度旋转,而驱 动车轮分别与两根半轴刚性连接,在两根半轴之间装有差速器.这种差速器又称为轴 间差速器.多轴驱动的越野汽车,为使各驱动桥能以不同角速度旋转,以消除各桥上驱动轮 的滑动,有的在两驱动桥之间装有轴间差速器五.差速器的检修1 .差速器壳不能

15、有任何性质的裂纹,壳体与行星齿轮垫片 ,差速器半轴齿轮之间的 接触,应光滑无沟槽;假设有稍微沟槽或磨损,可修磨后继续使用,否那么应予更换或予以 修理.2 .差速器壳上行星齿轮轴孔与行星齿轮轮轴的配合间隙不得大于0.1-0.15mm,半轴齿轮轴颈与壳孔的配合为间隙配合,应无明显松旷感觉,否那么应予更换或修理.半轴半轴Driver Shaft 也叫驱动轴CVJ .半轴是变速箱减速器与驱动轮之间传 递扭矩的轴,其内外端各有一个万向节U/JOINT分别通过万向节上的花键与减速器 齿轮及轮毂轴承内圈连接.半轴Driver Shaft 也叫驱动轴CVJ.半轴是变速箱减速器与驱动轮之间传扭矩的轴以前实心居多

16、,但由于空心轴 转动不平衡限制更容易,因此,很多轿车上都采用空心轴,其内外端各有一个万 向节U/JOINT分别通过万向节上的花键与减速器齿轮及轮毂轴承内圈连接.现代汽车常用的半轴,根据其支承型式不同,有全浮式和半浮式两种:全浮式半轴只传递转矩,不承受任何反力和弯矩,与独立悬挂配合有利于提升 车辆的舒适性,因而广泛应用于各类汽车上.全浮式半轴易于拆装,维修保养时只 需拧下半轴的固定螺栓即可抽出半轴,而车轮与桥壳照样能支持汽车,从而给汽车 维护带来方便.半浮式半轴既传递扭矩又承受全部反力和弯矩.它的支承结构简单、本钱低, 主要适用在对舒适型要求不高的皮卡及SUV车辆上.但这种半轴支承拆取麻烦,且汽

17、车行驶中假设半轴折断那么易造成车轮飞脱的危险,属于即将淘汰的形式.Transmission shaftA wide range of drive shaft drive shaft is a high-speed, less support rotation, so its dynamic balance is crucial. General drive shaft should be carried out at the factory dynamic balance test, and were adjusted on the balancing machine. The front-e

18、ngine rear-wheel drive car is the rotation of the transmission reached the final drive shaft, which can be several sections, connected by universal joints between the Festival and the Festival.I.IntroductionThe drive shaft is the shaft tube, telescopic universal join. The driveshaft (Drive Shaft,) o

19、r assembly of the various accessories and a removable orrotating circular object parts, generally light and torsion resistance of alloy steel control .The front-engine rear-wheel drive car is the rotation of the transmission reached the final drive shaft, which can be several sections connected by u

20、niversal joints. It is a high speed rotating body, and less support, so that its dynamic balance is crucial. General drive shaft should be carried out at the factory dynamic balance test, and were adjusted on the balancing machine.Il.StructureThe drive shaft is the shaft tube, telescopic universal j

21、oint. The telescopic automatically adjust the distance between the transmission and drive axle. The universal joint is to ensure that the change of the transmission output shaft and drive axle input shaft axis angle, and two axes of the isometric speed transmission.Universal joint1. role: general un

22、iversal joint cross shaft cross bearings and flange fork components. The universal joint is a key component of automotive transmission. On the front engine rear-wheel drive vehicles, shafts installed in between the transmission output shaft and drive axle main gear box input shaft; front engine fron

23、t-wheel drive vehicle is omitted, the drive shaft, universal joint installation responsible for both the driver is also responsible for steering the front axle axle between the wheels. Vehicle running road surface roughness generated beat, changes in load or two assembly installation location differ

24、ences will make the angle and distance between the transmission output shaft and drive axle main gear box input shaft change, so use a variable strain of the device to solve this problem, so there will be a universal joint.2. Transmission characteristics: in the front engine rear-wheel drive (or all

25、-wheel drive) car, car suspension deformation process in motion, drive shaft main gear box input shaft and the transmission output shaft (or transfer case) often have relative motion, In addition, to effectively avoid certain institutions or device (can not achieve a straight line passing), there mu

26、st be a device to the normal transfer of power to achieve, so it was a universal joint drive. Universal Joints must have the following characteristics:,to ensure the relative position of connecting the two axes in the expected range of changes can be reliably deliver power; b guarantee that connect

27、the two axes are uniform operation. Additional load, vibration and noise due to the gimbal angle should be within the allowable range;a.To ensure that the changes of the relative position within the expected range connecting the two axes, reliable delivery of powerb. Ensure that connecting the two a

28、xes can even operate. Additional load, vibration and noise due to the gimbal angle should be within the allowable range.c. Transmission efficiency, long life, simple structure, and the convenience and easy maintenance. The car, the output shaft of a cross shaft universal joint relative to the input

29、shaft (the angle) is the transmission of constant speed rotation, this must be the universal joint (or gimbal) and two yokes connected with the drive shaft is arranged in the same plane, and twenty thousand to the section angle equal. This is very important. Should be designed to minimize the angle

30、of the gimbal.TelescopicThe traditional structure of the drive shaft telescopic splined sleeve and flange fork welded together, the splined shaft welded to the drive shaft tube. A new drive shaft to change the traditional structure, spline bushing welded into one tube with the drive shaft, spline sh

31、aft flange fork made one. And rectangular tooth spline into a large pressure angle involute short tooth spline, not only increasing the strength and easy extrusion, to meet the needs of the high torque conditions. In the boom and spline shaft of the tooth surface, the overall coating soaked in a lay

32、er of nylon material, not only increases the wear resistance and lubricity and reduces the impact load on the damage to the drive shaft, to improve the buffering capacity.Such drive shaft flange spend shaft away a tube-shaped sealing protective sleeve, set in the protective sleeve end of the two pol

33、yurethane rubber oil seals, telescopic kit to the formation of the plant is a fully enclosed space, so that the telescopic spend shaft from the outside world of sand and dust erosion, not only the dust and rust-proof. Spline shaft assembly comprising a one-time smear grease, fully meet the requireme

34、nts do not need to install glib lubrication, reducing maintenance content.SleeveAnd designed in order to reduce friction and wear when the axis motion, the basic purpose and bearing the same, and relatively cheaper cost, but the frictional resistance, so will only be used in the majority of componen

35、ts. The bushings are mostly made of copper, but also the plastic sleeve. More than the sleeve was placed on the shaft and supporting structure, and very close to the supporting structure, only axis of rotation in the sleeve. Lubricant between the two will join in the assembly of the shaft and sleeve

36、 to reduce friction in the rotation.III .TypeBy elastic subThe drive shaft according to the important parts - the universal joint of different, may have a different classification. Universal joint in the reverse direction, significant flexibility can be divided into rigid shafts and flexible shafts.

37、 A rigid universal joints transmit power: by parts hinged connection.Scratch line universal joint transmission of power: depend on the elastic parts and buffer damping effect.Points according to the angular rateRigid universal joint can be divided into the three pin-type universal joints constant ve

38、locity joints (such as the cross shaft universal joint), the quasi-constant velocity joints (such as a double universal joint), and isokinetic universal joint (such as Cage universal joints, fork-ball universal joints). Constant speed with constant speed, the driven shaft with the driving shaft rota

39、tes, the rotation of the two angular rate are equal in terms of, of course, the driving shaft and driven shaft average speed is equal.CVJ: master, slave axis angular velocity is still equal to the change of the angle between the axis of two universal joints, known as constant velocity joints or isom

40、etric speed gimbal.They are mainly used for the steering drive axle disconnect the drive bridges the wheel gear is mainly used for power transmission in the car.Not CVJ: Lord, the angular velocity of the driven shaft is not equal to the change of the angle between the axis of two universal joints, c

41、alled constant velocity joints, also known as crossaxis gimbal .Cross-axis rigid shafts used in the automotive powertrain is the most extensive history of the oldest. When the car is rear-wheel drive, often cross shaft universal joint drive shafts, constant velocity ball head; when the car is front

42、wheel drive is often used to the constant velocity joints on the part of the high-end cars, but also - and so on speed universal joint is also a drive shaft, just a different title. Usually said drive shaft generally refers to is the crossaxis rigid shafts. Cross-Axis Rigid universal joint is used t

43、o pass changes in the angle, generally lug fork cross shaft with needle bearing assembly, yokes or sliding fork, the middleconnection fork or splined shaft fork, needle roller bearings axial fasteners and other components.Lug fork is a fork parts with flange, commonly used in carbon steel or carbon

44、steel forgings, ductile iron sand casting and carbon steel or high-quality carbon alloy steel precision casting. Lug fork generally with a flat flange, also with a face trapezoidal tooth flange. Cross shaft with needle bearing assembly generally includes four needle roller bearings, and a cross shaf

45、t, a Grease mouth. Needle roller bearings are generally made up of a number of a needle, one bearing a bowl, composed of more than one edge rubber seal (part with the skeleton). Some needle roller bearings, as well as one with a tank round gaskets, nylon, using copper or other materials, mainly used

46、 to reduce the axial clearance of the universal joint, improve the quality of drive shaft balancing . The Yokes a fork parts, commonly used in carbon steel or medium carbon alloy steel forging, precision casting of medium carbon steel. Axial needle roller bearings fixed general is a hole (or axis) S

47、pring Collar (inside and outside the cassette), or bearing plate, locks, bolts, and so on.IV .UseThe dedicated automotive transmission is mainly used in the tanker, tanker truck, water truck, suction sewage truck, suction truck, fire engine, high pressure cleaning truck, wrecker, truck, garbage truc

48、k models.V .Use and maintenanceIn order to ensure the normal work of the drive shaft, extending its life, in use should be noted:1. Prohibited the car to start with a high speed file.2. Meng lift the clutch pedal is strictly prohibited.3. Prohibited automobile overloading and speeding.4. Should always check the drive shaft working conditions.5. Should always check the drive shaft hanger fastening, supporting the rubber is da


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