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1、初中英语仁爱版八年级下Unit6Topic1 基础测试A. 词汇田野,田地 交通工具 恰当的 飞机 航空公司 决定 总数的 筹集 同伴 宾馆,旅馆 冰箱 标准 单个的 条件,状况 舒服的 某人 加拿大的 普通的,一般的 价格_ 顶部 向前,前进 B. 短语. 英汉互译2. 做某事的最好方式1.去旅游3. 某事花费某人某些时间84. 查明、了解5. 做某事的最好时间7. 决定做某事6. 就做出决定a.b.8. 预定火车票9. 算出 (旅行的费用 )10.预约房间11. 筹钱12.带有两张单人床的标准间13.带浴室或空调的三人间14.做某事是普遍的15. 想出(主意),找出(答案 )16.期盼做某

2、事17. 收到 的来信18.一张 145 元的硬卧票19.21.在中午22. 在户外20. 一趟为期两天的旅行24. my pleasure23. order a special lunch25. at the foot of26. see the sunrise二 . 词形转换及反义词 :1. discuss(v.) -(n.)2. queen(n.) (n.) 3safe(adj.) -(adv.)-(n.)5. decide(v.) -(n.)6. sleep(v./ n.) -(n卧卜铺)三.重点句型1. 如果你有一些好消息告诉他人你可以讲2. 如果你想问坐飞机去北京要花多少钱你可以讲

3、3. 别人问你去哪地方的方式,你很为难,你可以讲4. 别人去旅行前,你可对他讲5. 若你想要对方的名字和电话信息时,你可讲6. 若你想订20张硬卧的票你可讲7. 你想说去北京旅行最佳方式是乘飞机可说8你是售票员要顾客在5: 30前付款可说:?9. 你想要订旅馆时可讲:_10. 你想知道标房的价格时可问?八年级下册 Unit6 Topicl Section Cpare nts have man y 1/spe?)l/ways to raise money for 2/fi:ld/ trips. Some schoolsIt is very com mon to raise money in Ca

4、n adia n and America n schools. Stude nts, teachers andthink of great ideas, such as _3orQueen for a Day It ”osts each student one 4/d?l?to buy a ticket for the draw. After all the tickets 5sold, one ticket is drawn. The student withthe _6(win) ticket will be the king or queen for the next school da

5、y. When the studentarrives in the morning, the headmaster greets him or 7and carries the studentokb. Thestudent 8(sit) in the headmaster chair for the day and even can use the headmaster smobile phone to 9(call) home. At noon, the headmasterand other teachersorder a special10/l?nt? and serve it to t

6、he stude nt.八年级下册 Unit6 Topicl Section DDear Li Wei,How are you?I have some great news to_Jyou. Next week , we re going on a spring field2/tr?D/. You know, spri ng is the _3(good) time to climb Mount Tai. There are many4(in terest) places to visit there. Mount Tai is in Taia n, Sangdong. So we decid

7、ed to5the trai n. Kan gka ng helped _6(we) book the train tickets. I also called to booksome rooms.Many of us didn t 7ave/?n?f/ money, so Michael advised us to 8/re勿money,such as putt ing on a show, and selli ng flowers and old books. It _9/?csai?soI m looking forward to 10 (hear) from you.五、Writing

8、 Drill一、为自己设计一个旅行计划,要包括下列问题:1. 想去哪?为什么?2.想在那儿待几天?3.怎么去?4. 打算什么时候开始旅行? 5.在这次旅行期间,打算做些什么?要求:意思连贯、通顺,词数在 60 80之间。提示词语:countryside, air, food and vegetables, environment, fresh, quiet, poor, give, the school thi ngs .六、随堂练习I. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.1 think the n ews is very(excite).2. (ride) a bike is the best w

9、ay.3. It takes too much time(go) there on foot.4. It s too far for(cycle), so let s take the train.5. Cars, trai ns and pla nes are all(vehicle).II. 用适当的介词填空。1. Buying a pia nosun a low price is very worthwhile.2. I paythe room book ing, OK.3. I m der than you, I was bornJune 20, 1989.4. We will arr

10、iveMount Tai13:00March 1多.5. We will decidethe best way to go on our field trip.III. 句型转换。1. I decide to make hotel reservations for my parents(对戈U线部分提问)do you decidefor your pare nts?2. I d like a roofor two people.(对划线部分提问)roomyou?3. I bought the new house for more than 100,000.(同义句)The new housem

11、e 100,100.4. Going by train is more comfortable than going by bus.(同义句)Going by bus is notgoi ng by trai n.5. We don t have much money, so we shouldfgod raising.We should go fund raising,we havemon ey.6. Why don t we organize a show to raise money?orga nize a show to raise mon ey?7. I was so tired t

12、hat I couldn t go on any longer.I was tired go on further.8. The book was so interesting that I read it again and again.It was interesting book I read it again and again.9. The boy is too young to dress himself.The boy isn t to dress himself.Homework 】I. 根据汉语意思完成句子翻译。1. 我想预订单人房间。 I d like to a .2. 他

13、想预订一个带浴室、电视、冰箱和空调的房子。He wants to a room a T,V and 3. 你知道一个标准间要花多少钱吗?Do you know a standard room ?4. 骑车去那儿太远了,于是我们决定乘火车去。It s too far . So we decid_e_d the train.5. 老师经常要求我们努力学习。The teacher often asked us .6. 那些孩子经常吵闹,以致于我无法入睡。The children often I can not 7. 我每天花四个小时做家庭作业。It me two hours my homework

14、every day.8. 昨天我们在泰山玩得十分开心。We had at Mount Tai yesterday.9. 我们傍晚登泰山以便于明天早晨能欣赏日出。We Mount Tai we can .10. 我们计划去中国旅行并参观一些名胜。someWe plan China and visitII. 单项选择() 1. I have some _ news to tell you.A. excite B. excitingC. excitedD. excites( ) 2. He has got a chair to sit _, but nobody to talk _.A. on; t

15、o B. /; with C. on; / D. /; to() 3. For our spring field trip, we will go on _ visit to Mount Tai.A. a 8-dayB. a 8-daysC. an 8-days D. an 8-day() 4. Could you tell me _ Mount Tai is from here? Thousands of miles away.A. how farB. how longC. how away D. how many() 5. Computers are becoming more and m

16、ore popular, but some still _ too much.A. pay B. spend ( ) 6. Shall we go there on foot?A. to walking B. for walking () 7. Do you have a big library?A. bigger asB. as big as( ) 8. The manC. takeD. costIt s tfoaor _. You d better take a busC. at walkD. for walk No, we don t, at least, not _ yours.C.

17、as big than glasses always sells the bad booksD. as bigger than _ the station.D. of; inA. with; at B. with; in C. of; at() 9. _ will you stay in Beijing? About two weeks.A. WhenB. How longC. How many days D. What time() 10. Spring is the best time _ trees.A. planting B. to plant C. for plant D. planted


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