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1、冰岛大学英文课程2010学年秋季课程专业名课程 类型课程名称Educatio n Studies本科INT101G ? Educational settings?(10e) ? FallINT102G ? Academic skills ? (10e) ? FallINT103G ? Educational research? (10e) ? Fall硕士INT104F ? Issues in educational research?(10e) ?FallINT105F ? Multicultural societies and schools - Ideologies and resear

2、ch ?(10e) ?Fall本科和硕士INT502M ? Comparative Education? (10e) ? FallINT503M ? Pedagogy ?(10e) ?FallTeacher Educati on本科GSS218G ? IntroductiontoEnglishIanguageteachi ng ? (10e) ? FallGSS341G ? English Language and Use?(10e) ? FallGSS549G ? Teachi ngEn glishat lowerseco ndarylevel ? (10e) ? FallGSS550G ?

3、 EFLlearningandsecondIanguageacquisition ?(10e) ?FallMEX006G ? DisabilityStudiesandInclusiveSchooli ng? (6e) ? FallMEX020G ? IcelandicNatureandCulturalLegacy ?(10e) ? FallMEX021G ? Storyli ne,an Approachto Teachi ng andLearni ng ? (6e) ? FallMEX022G ? Teachi ng Practice? (4e) ? Fall硕士NOK058F ? Writ

4、inginaforeig norseco ndIanguage ?(10e) ?FallCivilandEnvironmen talEngin eeri ng硕士BYG006F ?Surveying 2? (6e) ? Fall ?Time slot: H ?4f + 2dBYG008F /Reliabilityof Structures ? (6e) ? Fall ? Timeslot: H ? 4f + 2dBYG010F ?Computational Mechanics 2? (6e) ? Fall ? Timeslot: H ? 4f + 2d + 2vBYG011F ?Risk An

5、alysis ? (6e) ? Fall ?Time slot: H ? 3f +3dBYG101F ?Steel Structures2 ? (6e) ? Fall ?Time slot:H ?4f+ 2dBYG102F ?Rei nforcedConcreteStructures2 ? (6e) ?Fall ?Time slot: H? 4f + 2dBYG103F ?Soil Mechanicsand FoundationEngineering2 ? (6e) ?Fall ?Time slot: H ? 4f + 2d + 2vBYG104F ?Surveying 1? (6e) ? F

6、all ?Time slot: H ?4f + 2dBYG105F /StructuralDynamics ? (6e) ? Fall ?Time slot:H ?4f + 2dBYG106F ?EarthquakeEngineering2 ? (6e) ? Fall ? Timeslot: H ? 4f + 2dBYG108F ?Timber Structures1 ? (6e) ?Fall ?Time slot:H ?4f+ 2dBYG109F ?Engin eeri ngRockMechanics ? (6e) ? Fall ?Time slot: H ? 4f + 2dUMV001F

7、? WasteWaterSystemsandTreatment ? (6e) ? Fall ? Time slot: H ?4f + 2dUMV004F ? Traffic Flow Theory? (6e) ? Fall ?Time slot: HUMV101F ? EngineeringHydraulics2 ? (6e) ? Fall ? Timeslot: H ? 4f + 2dUMV102F ? Town and Country Planning? (6e) ? Fall ? Timeslot: H ? 4f + 2dUMV103F ? Adva needEnvironmentalF

8、luid Tran sportProcesses ? (6e) ?Fall ? Time slot: H ? 4f + 2dUMV104F ? Natural Catastrophes ?(6e) ? Fall ? Time slot:H ?4f+ 2dUMV105F ? TurbuleneeandDispersionofContaminants? (6e) ? Fall ? Time slot: H ?4f + 2dUMV106F ? GarbageandRecyclingProcesses ? (6e) ?Fall ? Time slot: H ? 4f + 2d本科和硕士UMV101M

9、? EnvironmentalImpactAssessment1 ? (6e) ?Fall ?Time slot: H ? 4f + 2dEarth Sciences本科JAR106G ?I ntroduction to the Geology and Geography ofIceland ?(10e) ? Fall ? Time slot: H ?12fJAR108G ?IgneousPetrology ? (6e) ? Fall ? Timeslot:H ?4f+ 3?JED104G ?lntroductionto Geophysics ? (6e) ? Fall ? Timeslot:

10、 H ? 3f + 1?JED106G ?Current Crustal Movements ? (6e) ? Fall ? Time slot: H ? 4f + 2d硕士JAR108F ?Semi nar in aqueous geochemistry? (6e) ? FallJAR111F ? Glaciersand Palaeoclimate ? (8e) ? Fall ? Timeslot: H5 ? 4f + 3?JAR112F ? Geochemical Analysis 2?(6e) ? Fall ?10?JAR310F ?ChemicalOceanography ? (8e)

11、 ? Fall ? Timeslot: V7 ? 6f + 4uJED105F ? Dynamics of the Earths Crust?(10e) ?FallJED111F ? SeminaronCurrentGeologicalEvents ?(2e) ? Fall ? 2uREY101F ?lntroduction to Earth Sciences? (6e) ?Fall本科和硕士JAR502M ? GeochemicalAnalysis1 ? (6e) ? Fall ? Timeslot: H4 ? 2f + 4?ElectricalandComputerEngin eeri n

12、g硕士RAF017F ?Research Project in Electrical and ComputerEn gi neeri ng? (6e) ? FallRAF104F ?Multivariable Systems? (10e) ? Fall ?Time slot:H ?4f + 2dRAF105F ?PowerSystemStabilityandControl ?(10e) ? Fall ?Time slot: H ? 4f + 2dRAF106F ?PartiallyIonizedPlasmas ? (10e) ? Fall ? Timeslot: H ? 4f + 2dRAF1

13、07F ? Micro- and Nano tech no Igy? (10e) ? Fall ? Timeslot: H ? 4f + 2dRAF108F ?StatisticalSignal Processing? (10e) ? Fall ? Time slot: H ?4f + 2dRAF110F ?RandomVariables and Signals?(10e) ? Fall ? Time slot: H ? 4f + 2dRAF111F ? DigitalSignalProcessing?(10e) ? Fall ? Timeslot: H ? 4f + 2dRAF112F ?P

14、attern Recog nition ?(10e) ?Fall ? Time slot:H1 ? 4f + 1d + 3vIn dustrialEngin eeri ng, Mecha nicalEngin eeri ngandComputerScience硕士HBV001F ?Ph.D. Thesis ? (30e) ? FallHBV101F ?Software Maintenance ? (6e) ? Fall ? Time slot:H2 ? 3f + 2dHBV102F ?FormalMethodsinSoftwareDevelopment ? (6e) ?Fall ?Time s

15、lot: H2 ? 3f + 2dIDN101F ? Leadingfor Innovation? (6e) ? Fall ? Time slot:H6 ? 4f + 2dIDN102F ? Supply Chain Management 2? (6e) ? Fall ? Timeslot: H ? 4f + 2dIDN103F ? SystemDynamicsModelling ? (6e) ? Fall ? Timeslot: H ? 4f + 2dIDN104F ? SystemsEngineering? (6e) ?Fall ? Time slot:H6 ? 4f + 2dIDN105

16、F ? Time Series Analysis ?(6e) ? Fall ? Time slot: H4 ? 4f + 2dIDN106F ? In dustrial Statistics 2 ?(6e) ? Fall ?Time slot:H2 ? 4f + 2dIDN107F ? ProductionPlanning ? (6e) ?Fall ? Time slot:H6 ? 4f + 2dIDN108F ? Managementand Models ? (6e) ? Fall ? Timeslot: H5 ? 4f + 2dT?L008F ?Ph.D. Thesis ?(30e) ?

17、Fall ? Time slot: HT?L102F ?DistributedSystems ? (6e) ?Fall ? Time slot:H5 ? 4f + 1dT?L103F ?Huma n-ComputerInterfacing? (6e) ? Fall ?Time slot: H3 ?4f + 1dVe L001F ? Platesand Shells ? (6e) ? Fall ? Time slot:H6 ? 4f + 2dVe L003F ? Ph.D. Thesis in Mecha nicaland In dustrialEngineering? (30e) ? Spri

18、ngVe L004F ? Ph.D. Thesis in Mecha nicaland In dustrialEngineering? (30e) ? FallVe L005F ? Space and DistrictHeating ? (6e) ? Fall ? Timeslot: H2 ? 4f + 2dVe L102F ? DesignOptimization? (6e) ? Fall ?Time slot:H3 ? 4f + 2dVe L103F ? GeothermalPowerDevelopment ? (6e) ?Fall ?Time slot: H5 ? 4f + 2dLife

19、andEnvironmen talScience本科LAN106G ? Soilsand Vegetation ? (6e) ? Fall ? Time slot:H ?4f + 2?硕士LF110F ? Studyingmarinemammalsinthewild ? (6e) ? Fall ?6f + 3u + 54vUAU101F ?Seminar I: Topics in EnvironmentalScieneeand Resource Management ? (6e) ? Fall ? Time slot: H ? 4f + 2uUAU102F ?ln troductio nto

20、En viro nmentalScie nee andResource Management? (6e) ? Fall ? Time slot: H ?4f + 2dUAU105F ?Ecological Economics? (2e) ? Fall ? 20fUAU109F ?Ma nageme nt of Protected Areas - Field course in Southeast Iceland?(4e) ?Fall本科和硕士L1F014M ? Researchprojectin biologyforforeignstudents?(30e) ? FallL F030M ? R

21、esearchprojectin biologyforforeignstudents ?(20e) ? FallPhysical Sciences本科和硕士EFN218M ? MaterialsfortheHydrogenSocietyA ? (2e) ? Fall & Spri ngEFN219M ? MaterialsfortheHydrogenSocietyB ?(4e) ? Fall & SpringST? 310M ? Lin earStatistical Models ?(10e) ? Fall ? Timeslot: H ? 4f + 3dST? 312M ? AppliedLi

22、n earStatisticalModels ?(6e) ? Fall ? Time slot: V1 ?4f + 3dMAT028M ? Bioprocessi ng and Biotech no logy? (6e) ?FallMAT102M ? FoodProductionandIndustries? (8e) ? Fall ? Time slot: H6 ? 3f + 5vFood Science andNutriti on本科和硕士MAT302M ? AdvaneedFoodMicrobiology ?(8e) ?Fall ? Time slot: V1 ? 4f + 5vMAT80

23、3M ? ConsumerReasearchandSensoryAnalysis ? (6e) ? Fall ?Time slot: H5? 2f + 5vN? R101M ? FoodProductionandIndustries ? (6e) ? Fall ? 3fN? R501M ? Clinical Nutrition and pathology I? (8e) ? FallN? R502M ? Life Cycle Nutrition? (6e) ? FallPharmaceuticalScien ces本科和硕士LYF002M ? ExchangeStudentsResearchP

24、roject ? (20e) ? FallLYF003M ? ExchangeStudentsResearchProject ? (30e) ? FallHistoryandPhilosophy本科SID501G ? Ethics of nature? (10e) ?Fall ? 4f硕士FOR102F ?Viking Age Archaeology? (10e) ?Fall ? 3fFOR109F ?Occational seminar inArchaeology I: ChurchArchaeology in the North Atlantic? (5e) ? Fall ?2fHSP90

25、1F ?Ethics of Nature?(6e) ? FallSID701F ? Ethics of nature?(6e) ? Fall ?2f本科和硕士HSP709M ? Visiting Professors Seminar: The Philosophy of Emotion ?(5e) ? Fall ? 2fIcela ndicandComparativeCultural Studies本科SE001G ? Self Study in Icelandic?(10e) ? FallSE002G ? Vocabulary I ? (10e) ? Fall ?4fSE004G ? Pro

26、nunciation and Speech? (10e) ? Fall ? 4fSE014G ? Icelandic Culture?(10e) ? Fall ? 4f硕士MIS104F ? Texts,ReadingandInterpretationI ?(5e) ? Fall ? 2fMIS105F ? Introduction to Old Icelandic? (10e) ? Fall ?4fMIS108F ? Heroicpoetryandlegendarysagas ? (5e) ? Fall ?2fMIS109F ? Theoreticalapproachesto sagasab

27、outIcelanders ? (10e) ? Fall ? 4fDET102G ?FoundationCourse in Englishfor ForeignLanguages: Methods? (5e) ? Fall ? 2fENS101G ? HowLa nguageWorks:Sou ndandWord ?(5e) ?Fall ? 2fENS102G ? The Talking Animal? (5e) ? Fall ? 2fENS103G ? British History and Culture? (5e) ? Fall ? 2fENS110G ?British Literatu

28、re I? (10e) ?Fall ?3fENS111G ?EnglishforPracticalPurposesI ?(5e) ? Fall ? 2d + 2?ENS303G ? British Literature II? (10e) ?Fall ? 4fENS318G ? British Romanticism? (5e) ? Fall ? 2fENS320G ? Shakespeare ?(10e) ?Fall ? 4fLanguage.LiteratureandLin guistics本科ENS502G ? SyntaxandArgumentStructure ? (5e) ?Fal

29、l ? 2fENS503G ? English Syntax? (10e) ? Fall ?4fTA206G ? Italian Art history I: Before 1527?(5e) ? Fall ?2fJAP101G ?Japanese Language I? (10e) ? Fall ? 6fJAP102G ?Written Japanese Language I? (6e) ?Fall ? 2fJAP103G ?Japa nesePronoun ciati onandListe ningComprehension I? (4e) ? Fall ? 2fJAP105G ?Japa

30、nese Society and Culture I? (5e) ?Fall ? 2fJAP106G ?Japanese Society and Culture II?(5e) ? FallJAP107G ?Japanese Cinema?(5e) ?Fall ? 2fJAP302G ?Japanese Language III? (10e) ? Fall ?4fJAP303G ?Written Japanese Language III? (5e) ? Fall ? 2fJAP304G ?Japa nesePronun ciati onandListe ningComprehension I

31、II?(5e) ? Fall ?2fJAP305G ?Japa nese Literature II (modern)? (5e) ? FallK1N103G ? Ch in ese I ? (10e) ? Fall ? 2fK1N104G ? Writte n Ch in ese I ?(4e) ? Fall ? 2fK1N105G ? Chinese Ianguage usage I?(6e) ? Fall ?2fRu S103G ? Russian1(GrammarandPracticalRussian) ? (20e) ? Fall ? 8fRu S304G ? Russian gra

32、mmar III? (5e) ? Fall ?2fRu S305G ? Russian Ianguage III? (10e) ?Fall ? 4fTYS001G ?German for beginners I? (10e) ? Fall ? 4f硕士ENS109F ?.SecondLanguageAcquisition? (10e) ? Fall ?4fENS113F ? MA-Seminar A ? (5e) ?Fall ? 2f本科和硕士ENS318M ? NarrativeWritingI:JourneysandPlaces ? (10e) ? Fall ? 4fENS701M ? S

33、eminar:ExperimentalPhonetics ? (5e) ? Fall ? 2fBusin ess本科VID303G ? International Business?(6e) ? Fall ? 1f + 2uVID510G ? TheLabourMarketanditsDevelopment? (6e) ?Fall ?4fVID512G ? BusinessandInterculturalCommunication? (6e) ?Fall ? 4f硕士VID119F ? MicroeconomicsofCompetitiveness?(6e) ?FallEcono mics硕士

34、HAG107F ? Health Economics I? (6e) ? FallLaw硕士L?G109F ?BasicCourseinPublicIn ternatio nalLaw ? (6e) ? Fall ?6fL?G110F ?ln ternatio nalEnvironmentalLawI ?(6e) ? Fall ? 2f + 1uL?G111F ?ln ternatio nal Human Rights Law? (6e) ? FallL?G112F ?ln ternatio nalLawonSustai nableDevelopment? (6e) ?FallL?G114F

35、?EU Environmental Law? (6e) ? Fall ? 2f + 1uL?G238F ?LL.M. Final Pap er ? (60e) ? FallL?G302F ?LL.M. - Final Paper?(30e) ? FallPolitical Science本科STJ317G ?European In tegration? (8e) ? Fall ? 3f + 1uSTJ323G ?Cha ngi ng Security Challe nges in a GlobalizedWorld Order ? (6e) ? Fall ?3fSTJ330G ?The Pol

36、itics of Culture?(6e) ?Fall ? 2f + 1u硕士ASK101F ?A Secure Europe in a Better World: European Security Institutions and Small States? (6e) ? Fall ? 3fASK104F ?Europea ni sati onofSmallStatesinEurope ?(6e) ? Fall ? 2f + 1uASK109F ?No n-stateActorsandNo n-militarySecurity ? (6e) ? Fall ? 3f本科和硕士STJ301M

37、?Small States in Europe: Vulnerability.Statusand In flue nee. Jea n Monn et Module? (8e) ? Fall ? 3f + 1uSTJ303M ?Jean Monnet Module: The power potential of small states in the European Un io n?(8e) ? Fall ? 3f + 2uSocial Work硕士FRG112F ?lntroductiontoInterdisiplinaryGero ntology? (5e) ? FallSocialan

38、dHuma n Studies本科F e L007G ?Icela ndicSociety:C on temporaryperspectivesof its specific status and com mon ality in the intern ati onal community? (6e) ?FallTJ o 004G ?Icelandic Folk Tales, Beliefs, Customs and Ide ntity: Ghosts, Sharkmeat, Mountain Wome n and Alcohol ? (10e) ? Fall ?4fTJ o 005G ?De

39、coding Fairy Tales? (4e) ? Fall ? 16fTJ o 312G ?Scottish Ballads? (4e) ?FallTJ o 314G ?IcelandicFilm:ImageandIdentity ? (10e) ? Fall ?4fTJ o 315G ?Humor ?(10e) ? Fall ? 4fTJ o 317G ?The Supernatural in Scotland?(4e) ?Fall硕士TJo 301F ? Humor ? (10e) ?Fall ? 4fTJ o 302F ? Scottish Ballads?(4e) ? Fall本科

40、和硕士SAF006M ? Trash Culture at the Museum? (10e) ? Fall ? 3f+ 1u冰岛大学英文课程2010学年春季课程专业名课程 类型课程名称Educatio n Studies本科INT201G ? Sociology and history of education: Iceland in the community of nations?(10e) ? SpringINT202G ? Development and self? (10e) ? SpringINT203G ? Globalisation and education? (10e)

41、?Spring硕士INT204F ? Theoriesin sociologyand philosophyofeducation ? (10e) ?SpringINT205F ? Inclusive education and democracy, theory and practice ? (10e) ?Spring本科和硕士INT602M ? Professionalism in education? (10e) ? SpringTeacher Educati on本科GSS446G ? Teachi ngEn glishtoyou nglearners ? (10e) ?SpringME

42、X006G ? DisabilityStudiesandInclusiveSchooli ng? (6e) ? SpringMEX020G ? IcelandicNatureandCulturalLegacy ? (10e) ? SpringMEX021G ? Storyli ne,an Approachto Teachi ng andLearning ?(6e) ? SpringMEX022G ? Teaching Practice ?(4e) ? SpringCivilandEnvironmen talEngin eeri ng硕士BYG001F ? Pavementanalysisand

43、design ? (6e) ? Spring ? Time slot: V ? 3f + 2dBYG002F ? StructuralStability ? (6e) ? Spring ? Time slot:V ?4f+ 2dBYG003F ? ContinuumMechanics2 ? (6e) ? Spring ? Timeslot: V ? 4f + 2dBYG004F ? Fracture Mechanics ? (6e) ? Spring ? Time slot:V ?4f+ 2dBYG005F ? DesignofTimberStructures2 ? (6e) ? Spring

44、 ? Time slot: V? 4f + 2dBYG009F ? StochasticMechanics ? (6e) ? Spring ? Timeslot: V ? 4f + 2dBYG201F ? DesignofTransportationIn frastructure? (6e) ? Spring ?Time slot: V? 4f + 2dBYG202F ? FireProtectionEngin eeri ng? (6e) ? Spring ? Time slot: V ?4f + 2dBYG203F ? StructuralAnalysis2 ?(6e) ? Spring ?

45、 Timeslot: V ? 4f + 2dBYG204F ? ProjectManagement2 ?(6e) ? Spring ? Timeslot: V ? 4f + 2dBYG205F ? BuildingTechnology and Design for ServiceLife ?(6e) ? Spring ? Time slot: V ? 4f + 2dBYG207F ? WindEngineering? (6e) ? Spring ? Time slot:V ?4f + 2dBYG208F ? EarthquakeEngineering1 ? (6e) ? Spring ? Time slot: V? 4f + 2dBYG209F ? AcousticsandNoiseControl ? (6e) ?Spring ? Time slot: V? 4f + 2dBYG210F ? Steel Structures3 ?(6e) ? Spring ? Time slot:V ?4f+ 2dBYG211F ? ConcreteStructures3 ? (6e) ? Spring ? Timeslot: V ? 4f + 2dUMV002F ? Turbule


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