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1、大学英语四级翻译模拟训练及答案解析英语四级翻译模拟训练:木雕请将下面这段话翻译成英文:中国木雕wood carving有着悠久的历史,是中国传统艺术之一。人们认为现存最早 的木雕大约是在三千年前的战国时期雕刻完成的。在中国,木雕主要分成三个类别:建筑 雕刻、家具雕刻和艺术品雕刻。中国的木雕以其令人印象深刻的细致构造和主题之美受到 了全世界的欣赏。今天,我们可以在私人画廊里看到传统木雕,也可以在长江两岸整个区 域的宅邸装饰上看到它。参考翻译:Chinese wood carving is one of Chinese traditional arts with a time honored hi

2、story. The earliest existing wood carving is believed to be made during the Warring States Period about three thousand years ago. Wood carving in China constitutes three major categories: architecture carving, furniture carving and artworks carving. Chinese wood carving is appreciated worldwide for

3、its impressively detailed structures and the beauty of its themes. Today, traditional wood carvings can be seen in private galleries and also on the decorations over residential areas on both sides of the Yangtze River.翻译详解:1 .中国的木雕有着悠久的历史:“悠久的历史”可译为a long history,也可译为a time-honored history, time-ho

4、nored意为“悠久的,老的,如,中华老字号则为 time-honored brand of China。2 .人们认为现存最早的木雕大约是在三千年前的战国时期雕刻完成的:本句可以将 人们”一词省去不译,用the earliest existing wood carving作主语。谓语则是 “被认为是”,可译为be believed to,这里的to是动词不定式的标志。“雕刻完成” 即“被做好”,可译为be made。在三千年前的战国时期”则译作状语,即during the Warring States Period about three thousand years ago。英语四级翻译模

5、拟训练:蜡染请将下面这段话翻译成英文:据说在中国,蜡染wax printing早在秦末或者汉初就已经出现,但它最初作为成品出 现是在唐朝。蜡染是“丝绸之路”的商品之一,这些商品被出口到欧洲和其他地方。蜡染 在中国是代代传承下来的。它是苗族Miao ethnic minority独特的绘画和手工染色工艺。作为中国最具有民族特色的艺术之一,蜡染产品的种类很多,有墙上挂饰、邮包、书包、 卓奋堂笺 次号守守。参考翻译:It is believed that wax printing appeared in China asearly as the late Qin or early Han Dynas

6、ty, but it firstoccurred as a finished product during the TangDynasty. It was one of uthe Silk Road goods thatwere exported to Europe and elsewhere. Wax printinghas been passed down from generation to generation in China. It is a unique drawing anddyeing handwork of the Miao ethnic minority. As one

7、of the most characteristic national artsin China, wax printing products are various including wall hangings, letter bags, bags, table-clothes and so on.翻译详解:1 .据说在中国,蜡染早在秦末或者汉初就已经出现:“据说”可译为it is said that 或it is believed that。表示时间状语的词“秦末”和“汉初”分别可译为the late Qin Dynasty 和 the early Han Dynastyo “早在可翻译为 as early as。2 .但它最初作为成品出现是在唐朝:该句中的“出现”可译为occur,避免与上文重复, 其是不及物动词。“成品”可译为afinished product,动诃的过去分词可以表示动作已完 成。3 .蜡染在中国是代代传承下来的:代代可译为from generation to generation, fromto意为从一个到另一个流传可译为pass down。4 .中国最具有民族特色的艺术之一:“最之一”可翻译为“one of the+形容词最高 级”的形式。“民族特色的艺术”可译为characteristic national art。感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


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