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1、Un it Seve nReadi ng and Reflect ionEnhance Your Lan guage Aware nessWords in Actio nWork ing with Words and Express! ons1 In the box below are someof the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where n ecessary. An swers:1) immediate 2) esse

2、ntial 3) debati ng 4) cited 5) hence 6) obligati on7) disti net 8) logical 9) vital 10) revolutio n 11) un burden 12) privilege2 In the box below are someof the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the sentences with them. Change the form where n ecessary. An swers:1) attend to 2) be carrie

3、d away 3) fell into 4) broken off 5) were summoned up6) be put in touch with In creas ing Your Word Power1 You will read six pairs of words which are similar in meaning but are differe nt in usage. Reflect on the differe nces in usage betwee n the words in each group and fill in each bla nk with a p

4、roper one. Change the form if necessary. An swers:1) charge 2) accused 3) abolish 4) cancel5) senseless 6) meaningless7) frustrating 8) depressing 9) extra10) additional 11) classical; classic12)classic2 The suffixes - th and - age can form nouns from corresponding verbs or adjectives. Now add - th

5、or -age to the verbs or adjectives given in the table to form nouns. An swers:AdjectivesNou nsVerbsNou nsdeepdepthlinkli nkageshortshortagemarrymarriagelonglen gthpasspassagetruetruthgrowgrowthyoungyouthstorestorageNow complete each of the follow ing senten ces with a noun you have just formed. An s

6、wers:1) marriage 2) growth6) youth 7) passage3) storage 4) depth 5) truth8) length 9) shortage 10) linkage3 In each of the following sentences you are given two confusing words in the brackets. Choose the appropriate one to fill in the bla nk. An swers:1) rarely 2) average 3) en tire 4) ben efit 5)

7、obligati on6) regard 7) selective 8) meatGrammar in con textDiscourse structureConn ective words or phrases can be used to point out the thought relati on ship betwee n senten ces. Now choose proper connective words and expressions from the boxes below to fill in the blanks in the follow ing two par

8、agraphs. An swers:Paragraph 1:1) First 2) Seco nd 3) In stead 4) Third 5) In con trast6) Fourth 7) Co nseque ntly 8) Fin ally9) ButParagraph 2:3) Ano ther7) Furthermore4) First8) In like manner1) For example 2) Similarly5) then 6) fin allyClozeComplete the following passage with words chosen from th

9、is unit. The initial letter of each is give n. An swers:1) compare 2) understand 3) limited 4) acquaintances 5) enters 6) touch7) special 8) poet 9) object 10) forces 11) cultivate 12) depends13) con sisti ng 14) con tribution 15) in tellectualTran slati on1 Tran slate the follow ing sentences into

10、En glish, using the words and expressi ons give n in brackets. An swers for refere nee:1) Under the circumstances of promoting a socialist market economy in China,it is essentialto stre ngthe n the man ageme nt of acco un ti ng in format! on quality.2) Professor Lin told students stories about Washi

11、ngton and Lincoln inrespect to theimporta nee of being hon est.3) People livi ng in the desert area dont have eno ugh water to drink,let alone using waterto irrigate the land.4) Dr. Wang has the habit of making no tes in the margins while readi ng a book.5) It is interesting that with the passage of

12、 time, some words whichhave fallen into disusemay sometimes be revived with a new meaning.6) There seemed no chanee of reaching an agreement, therefore both parties/ sides decidedto break off n egotiati ons.7) College stude nts should be brave eno ugh to face and overcome withcon fide nee all theobs

13、tacles and difficulties they meet with in their lives.8) The san itary con diti ons in this area have deteriorated to such an exte nt that there is widespread dan ger of diseases.9) Exte nsive in vestigati ons and in terviews put Miss Smith in touch with a whole range of the people of that country a

14、nd their life styles.10) It is true that weve madesome progress in our work but we must take care not to be carried away by our achieveme nts.2. Tran slate the followi ng passage into En glish. An swers for ref ere nee:Lin Yutang was a famous man of letters in modern China. In his The Art of Reading

15、, he tells us that reading gives a man a certain charm and flavor and only those who read with this object in mind can understand what is meant by the art of reading. Whenone begins to think of improving his mind, all the pleasure of read ing is gone.Lin Yuta ng holds that there are no books that on

16、e absolutely must read. Even if there is a cert a in book that every one must read, there is a give n time for it.When onW s thoughtsand experie nee have not reached a certa in point for read ing a classic, the book will leave only a bad flavor on his palate if he forces himself to read it. He also

17、believes that although there are no books in this world that everybody must read, there are books that a person must read at a certain time, in a given place, under given circumstances, and at a given period of his life.To him, reading is an act consisting of two sides, the author and the reader. Th

18、e net gain comes as much from the reader1 s con tributi on through his own in sight and experie nee as from the author s own. Therefore, Lin Yutang believes that the discovery ofa reader s favoriteauthor is the most critical eve nt in his in tellectual developme nt.Theme-Related Writ ingWrite a comp

19、ositi on of no less tha n 150 words on the topicThe Decli ning Popularity ofReading1 . Your paper should cover the following points:1) The importa nee of readi ng2) The causes of the decli ning in terest in readi ng3) Possible soluti onSample essay:The Decli ning Popularity of Readi ngReading has al

20、ways been an essential part of human civilization. It enlightens us, empowers us with kno wledge, and improves our character and taste. It ope ns an unknown world to us.However, there has bee n an ack no wledged global decli ne of the public in terestin readi ng.I think there are several causesfor t

21、his decline. The first is probably the temptation broughtabout by moder n tech no logy,seduc ingpeople to replace read ing with othermeans of entertainment and relaxation such as computer games, films, TV programmes, and online chatting. The second is the social frenzy for money and power which has

22、drained people of their time and energy, leaving them hardly any time for reading. The third cause might be the decreasing social aware ness of the importa nee of readi ng and, and as a result, less atte nti on is paid to readi ng.It is high time that we took actionto promote reading. Firstly, we sh

23、ould viewtech no logical adva nceme nts discreetly, and people should be aware that moder n means of en terta inment can not replace read ing. Secon dly, the social percepti on of success must be modified so that people should know that wealth alone does not make a gentleman while reading can improve one s character. Thirdly, efforts should be madeto enhance public awareness ofthe importa nee of read in g. In short, I believe the decli ne of readi ng in dicates the decli ne of a n atio n and must be addressed.【本文档内容可以自由复制内容或自由编辑修改内容期待你的好评 和关注, 我们将会做得更好】 精选范本,供参考!


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