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1、高中英语语法能力提升专项训练5介词和连词高中英语语法能力提升专项训练5介词和连词 24. (2009 全国卷I 34)Everybody was touched _ words after they heard her moving story. 体验高考 A. beyond B. without C. of D. in 1(2010福建26)The girl had hardly rung the bell_ the door was opened suddenly, and her friend rushed out to greet her. 25. (2009 全国卷II13)Jenn

2、y nearly missed the flight_ doing too much shopping. A. before B. until C. as D. since A. as a result of B. on top of C. in front of D. in need of 2. (2010上海39)_ our manage objects to Toms joining the club, we shall accept him as a member. 26. (2009 北京卷29)The wine industry in the area has developed

3、in a special way, _ little foreign ownership. A. Until B. Unless C. If D. After A. by B. of C. with D. from 3. (2010安徽29)The engineers are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor sports activities, _they have the interest. 27. (2009 天津卷10)The art show was _ being a failure; it was a great succe

4、ss. A. wherever B. whenever C. even if D. as if A. far from B. along with C. next to D. regardless of 4. (2010安徽33)Just use this room for the time being, and we?ll offer you a larger one _it becomes available 28(2009 四川卷6)A great person is always putting others? interests _ his own. A. as soon as B.

5、 unless C. as far as D. until A. below B. above C. in D. on 5. (2010江西22)Our holiday cost a lot of money. 29. (2009 山东卷33 )It saves tome in the kitchen to have things you use a lot _ easy reach. Did it? Well, that doesn?t matter _you enjoyed yourselves. A. near B. upon C. within D. around A. as long

6、 as B unless C as soon as D though 30. (2009 陕西卷8)He invited me to a dance after the show _Christmas Eve. 6. (2010全国?25)Mary made coffee_ her guests were finishing their meal. A. at B. on C. in D. by A. so that B. although C. while D. as if 31. (2009. 江苏卷30)This special school accepts all disabled s

7、tudents, _ educational level and background. 7. (2010全国?30)The little boy won?t go to sleep _his mother tells him a story. A. according to B. regardless of C. in addition to D. in terms of A. or B. unless C. but D. whether 32. (2009. 湖南卷22)Most Americans would prefer to keep their problems _ themsel

8、ves, and solve their problems _ themselves. 8. (2010辽宁29)The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair _ he wanted to sit next to his wife. A. to; by B. by; to C. for; to D. in; on A(although B(unless C(because D(if 33. (2009. 湖北卷29)You?d sound a lot more polite if you make a request _ a question.

9、 9. (2010辽宁34)It?s no use having ideas only. A. in search of B. in the form of C. in need of D. in the direction of Don?t worry. Peter can show you _to turn an idea into an act. 34. (2009. 湖北卷30)His efforts to raise money for his program were _ because, no one showed any intention to take a cent out

10、 of their A. how B. who C. what D. where pockets. 10. (2010北京30)_ they decide which college to go to, students should research the admission procedures. A. in place B. in sight C. in effect D. in vain A. As B. While C. Until D. Once 35. (2009. 福建卷23)How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring ou

11、ter space! 11. (2010上海25)Sean has formed the habit of jogging _ the tree-lined avenue for two hours every day. It?s a challenge, I guess, _ man against nature. A. between B. along C. below D. with A. of B. for C. by D. about 12(2010天津13). My father warned me _ going to the West Coast because it was

12、crowded with tourists. 36. (2009. 辽宁卷32)Children need friends _ their own age to play with. A. by B. on C. for D. against A. of B. for C. in D. at 13. (2010四川5)Tired, Jim was fast asleep with his back _ a big tree 37. (2009. 重庆卷21 ). Try on this red skirt; you will look great _it. A. in B. below C.

13、beside D. against A. on B. by C. in D. for 14. (2010辽宁31). I agree to his suggestion _the condition that he drops all charges. 38. (2009. 上海卷25) . Four Chinese models were _ the 14 people awarded prizes on Friday at the World Supermodel Competition. A. by B. in C. on D. to A. among B. between C. alo

14、ng D. beside 15. (北京29)Would you mind not picking the flowers in the garden? They are _ everyones enjoyment. 39. (08全国?25) The lawyer seldom wears anything other than a suit the se A. in B. at C. for D. to A. whatever C. whenever D. however 16. (2010重庆22)The dictionary is what I want, but I don?t ha

15、ve enough money_ me. 40. (08全国?31) A. by B. for C. in D. with I don?t mind where we go there?s sun,sea and beach. 17. (2010浙江7)I guess we?ve already talked about this before but I?ll ask you again just_. A. as if B. as long as C. now that D. in order that A(by nature B(in return C(in case D(by chanc

16、e 41. (08全国?7) A small car is big enough for a family of three 18. (2009安徽22) I wonder how much you charge for your services. A. once B. because C. if D. unless The first two are free the third costs $30. 42. (08全国?15) Modern equipment and no smoking are two of the things I like A. while B. until C.

17、 when D. before A. with B. over C. at D. about 19. (2009北京21) John plays basketball well, _his favorite sport is badminton. 43. (08全国?16) The road conditions there turned out to be very good, A. so B. or C. yet D. for A. it B. what C. which D. that 20. (2009北京22) You may use room as you like _you cl

18、ean it up afterwards 44. (08北京33) If you really have to leave during the meeting,you?d better leave A. so far as B. so long as C. in case D. even if A. for B. by C. across D. out 21. (2009北京31) At first he hated the new job but decided to give himself a few months to see _it got any better. 45. (08天

19、津10)Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students A. when B. how C. why D. if A. in favour of C. in face of D. in need of 22. (2009湖南34) _the police thought he was the most likely one, since they had no exact proof about it, they could not arrest him. 46. (08安徽23)Fred entered without k

20、nocking and,very out of breath,sank a c A. Although B. As long as C. If only D. As soon as A. on B. off C. into D. to 23. (2009四川12) Owen wouldn?t eat anything _he cooked it himself 47. (08安徽31) Do you have a minute? A. until B. since C. unless D. while OK, - 1 - A. now that B. if only C. so long as

21、 D. every time 70. (2009陕西高三质检I) Because of the limited time, he didnt go into details on the subject. He only spoke_ . 48. (08江西22)My English teacher?s humor was make e A. in common B. in general C. in particular D. in public A. so as to D. so that 71. (2009山东烟台质检) We are always warned not to act _

22、 what will happen afterwards. 49. (08江西34)Animals suffered at the hands of Man they were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural land to provide food for A. in the event of B. as a result of C. regardless of D. in spite of 72. (2008山东临沂模拟)The poor mans life was _ of the king. A. in which B.

23、 for which C. so that D. in that A. at the mercy B. at the call C. at the service D. at the expense 50. (08湖北30)When she first arrived in China,she wondered what the future might have for her, 73. (2008山东潍坊高三质检) The police have searched for the missing gunman for three months, but_ . A. in need C. i

24、n preparation D. in store A. in vain B. at large C. beyond question D. against their will 51. (08湖南23)I thought we?d be late for the concert, 74. (2010长沙模拟) Dont you think this shirt is too tight _ the shoulders? A. but B. or C. so D. for A. across B. over C. above D. through 52. (08湖南27) When did y

25、ou last hear 75. (2010南京模拟) When she left the restaurant, she also left the young boy with a life lesson: You can tell a lot about a person _ he or she He phoned me this morning,and we agreed a time and place to meet. treats the waiter. A. of; to B. about; C. from; with D. from; on A. in a way B. by

26、 the way C. in any way D. on the way 53. (08湖南33) the Internet is of great help, 76. (2010山东高考预测卷) Her fluency in English gave her an edge _ other girls when she applied for the job. A. If B. While C. Because D. As A. than B. in C. of D. over 54. (08陕西19)Elizabeth has already achieved success 77. (2

27、009江苏启东期末) I feel sure that _ qualification,ability and experience,you are abundantly suited to the position we have in mind. A. at B. beyond C. within D. upon A. on account of B. in spite of C. by means of D. in terms of 55. (08四川6)There were some chairs left over 78. (2009湖北八校二联) More countries co

28、operating with each other to reform the financial markets, economic recovery is just _ . A. when B. until C. that D. where A. on the corner B. in the corner C. at the corner D. around the corner 56. (08四川12)In some places women are expected to earn money men work at home and raise their childre 79.

29、(2008山东烟台诊断) The hotel was awful ! _, our room was far too small. Then we found that the shower didnt work. A. but B. while C. because D. though A. To begin with B. After all C. In reality D. As a whole 57. (08重庆32)The artist was born poor, 80. (2008浙江杭州学军中学模拟) To his disappointment,the opinion he h

30、ad stuck _out wrong. A. and B. or C. but D. so A. to turn B. to turning C. to turned D. to be turned 58. (08浙江16)Don?t promise anything 81. (2008江苏常州高三统考) It soon became clear that the Labour Party had,for the first time in its history,won its third election_. A. whether B. after C. how D. unless A.

31、 in a hurry B. in a way C. in other words D. in a row th59. (08浙江17)Everything was perfect for the picnic 82. (2008山东实验中学高三模拟) Christmas is a holiday usually celebrated on December 25 _ the birth of Jesus Christ. A. in place of C. except for D. in case of A. in charge of B. in terms of C. in favor o

32、f D. in honor of 60. (08浙江19)Why are you so anxious? It isn?t your problem 83. (2008江苏重点中学联考) _ its bookishness,curiously little is known about the worldview of Gordon Brown, the first British Prime A. on purpose C. on time D. after all Minister said to be a real intellectual in decades. 模拟考场: A. Th

33、ough B. As C. In spite that D. Despite 61. (2010山东烟台模拟) Does it rain a lot in this area ? 84. (2010东北三校二模) _the activities might seem childish, in reality they require a lot of strength and determination. _ ,it hardly ever rains; the climate is like that of a desert. A. When B. As C. While D. Once A

34、. Whats worse B. In other words C. On the contrary D. As a result 85. (2010上海部分重点中学模拟)A small car is big enough for a family of three _ you need more space for baggage. 62. (2010南京模拟)The Los Angeles district attorney on Monday charged Michael Jacksons personal physician,Conrad Murray,_ involuntary A

35、. once B. because C. if D. unless manslaughter in connection with the pop icons death in June. 86. (2010吉林二模)It is morning _ we have four classes,not afternoon. A. of B. for C. with D. as A. when B. which C. that D. why 63. (2010太原五中模拟)The comedy Tooth Fairy is based on the story all western childre

36、n know: If a kid leaves a tooth under their pillow,theyll 87. (2009山东日照模拟)How can you keep fit _ you smoke so much? receive a visit from the tooth fairy,who takes the tooth and leaves a gift_ . A. as B. while C. when D. for A. in general B. in exchange C. in total D. in common 88. (2009山东淄博阶段检测)Its

37、really dangerous to work on the roof. _, you should take care of yourself. 64. (2010天津六校联考)The large grassland, reaching out far away, looks extremely beautiful _ the blue and clean sky. A. Therefore B. However C. Otherwise D. Yet A. with B. against C. through D. beyond 89. (2009上海交大附中检测) The police

38、 helicopter managed to land on the roof and rescued all the people _ the fire burnt up to the top of the 65. (2010湖南师大附中) We met an old friend in New York _ our expectation. She waved at us _ the street when she saw us. building. A. with; in B. out of; next to C. in; out of D. beyond ; from across A

39、. after B. before C. until D. while 66. (2010安徽江南十校模拟)Your understanding on the theory is _ satisfactory. You must read more after class. 90. (2009湖南四市调研)You can imagine _one feels _everybody dislikes him. A. far from B. up to C. along with D. free of A. when; if B. if; when C. if; how D. how; if 67

40、. (2009北京东城一模) Students should be able to think for themselves _ just obeying teachers. 91. (2008安徽江南+校)I have heard these sons and daughters say they never fully appreciated their mothers _ it was too late to tell them. A. in case of B. besides C. except D. instead of A. as. B. that C. until D. whe

41、n 68. (2009安徽江南十校) A conductor was invited to keep us _ in the singing at the School Art Festival. 92. (2008安徽合肥二次质检)Many people cannot learn any lessons from the mistakes _they get hurt somehow: A. in common B. in advance C. in time D. in return A. whether B. unless C. if D. when 69. (2009天津河北区质检I)

42、 Why are you so anxious? It isnt your problem _. 93. (2010山西四校三次联考)What should we do since we cant make a compromise after lengthy talks? A. on purpose B. in all C. on time D. after all _you apologize and take back what youve said _ it is all over between us. - 2 - A. Not only;but also B. Either;or

43、C. Neither; nor D. Whether; or A. When B. While C. As D. Since 94. (2010江西九江六校二次联考)It was on my way home _ my father made the promise _ I can do well in next exam he will buy me 116. (2009滨州市高三第一质检) How can they learn anything _ they spend all their spare time watching television? whatever I want. A

44、. when B. as C. while D. for A. that; that B. where; that if C. that; if D. that; that if 117. (2009聊城市高考模拟) Wed better set off or it will be dark _ we know it. 95. (2010沈阳质检二)Napoleons story proves that to be a hero has nothing to do, with size,_with a smart mind and a brave heart. A. before B. aft

45、er C. when D. until A. and B. so C. or D. but 118. (2009济南市高三2月考试) The Outsiders has been well received, but _actual sales, it hasn?t been very successful. 96. (2010江苏南京二模)My son is addicted to drugs. He isnt hopeless, is he? A. according to B. in terms of C. regardless of D. owing to Yes, _ he mend

46、s his ways and starts all over. 119.(2009潍坊市高三5月质检) A variety of preventive measures are now _. in order to minimize the potential damage caused by the deadly A. if B. when C. even if D. unless disease. 97. (2010山东泰安一模)When shall we go planting trees in the hill? A. on call B. at will C. in place D.

47、 by birth _it begins to rain, so they dont need watering. 120.(2009天津市南开区高三质量)_ the rising birth rate and immigration, the declining death rate also resulted in the population growth. A. Not until B. While C. Till D. Unless A. In addition to B. In terms of C. In consequence of D. In spite of 98. (2010山东日照一模)You cant complain of being lonely _ you dont make any effort to communicate with others. 高考预测 A. when B. until C. unless D. once 121.(高考预测题)At that time, what worried us most was the weather, which we


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