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1、高中英语重点语法101、时间状语从句由when, while, as, since, after, before, till, until等引导 164. A: When I get my big raise, Im going to buy a Mercedes Benz. 等我加了薪,我就买部奔驰。 B: Dont count your chickens before they are hatched. 小鸡还没孵出来,先别忙着数有几只。 165. A: When are you going to come see my new house? 你什么时候来看看我的新房子? B: I wil

2、l come when I have time. 我有时间就会来。 166. A: Are you ready for the exam today? 你今天的考试准备好了吗? B: No. While I was studying last night, I fell asleep. 没有,我昨晚学习的时候睡着了。 你迷信吗?大部分人多多少少都有点迷信。在西方,人们认为星期五是不吉利的,数字13也是个不好的数字,如果星期五刚好又是13号的话,那一定是一个非常不吉利的日子了。你相信吗?下一次你可以把下面这篇小故事讲给外国人听,他一定会非常惊讶。这篇短文还是大家练习时间状语从句和过去进行时的绝佳

3、素材,真正精彩,不容错过! Friday the 13th (1) Yesterday was Friday the 13th. Many people believe that Friday the 13th is a very unlucky day. I, myself, didnt think sountil yesterday. (2) Yesterday I cut myself while I was shaving, then I had an accident while I was driving to work. My wife burned herself while

4、she was cooking breakfast. My son poked himself in the eye while he was putting on his glasses. Our daughter spilled soup all over herself while she was eating dinner. Both our children hurt themselves while they were playing outside. And we all got wet paint all over ourselves while we were sitting

5、 in the park across the street. (3) Im not usually superstitious, but yesterday was a VERY unlucky day. So, the next time its Friday the 13th, do yourself a favor! Take care of yourself. 【李阳疯狂英语“三最”训练记录为:26 秒】 【李阳疯狂英语“一口气”训练记录为: 1.5 口气】 13号星期五 (1)昨天是13号星期五。很多人相信13号星期五是个非常倒霉的日子。我自己可不这么想直到昨天为止。 (2)昨天我

6、刮胡子的时候割伤了自己,然后开车上班的时候又出了个事故。我太太煮早饭的时候把自己给烫伤了。我儿子戴眼镜的时候戳伤了眼睛。我女儿做晚饭的时候把汤洒到她一身。我们两个孩子在外面玩的时候都弄伤了自己。而当我们坐在街道对面的公园里,我们都沾上了没干的油漆。 (3)我通常并不迷信,但昨天实在运气太不好了。所以,下一次碰到星期五又是13号的时候,帮自己一个忙吧!照顾好你自己。 【额外成就感】 superstitious adj. 迷信的 ? A: Im not very superstitious, but I do think its bad luck to walk underneath a ladd

7、er. 我不是很迷信,但我觉得在梯子下走路运气不好。 B: Of course you dont have to be superstitious to think that. If you walk under a ladder and a hammer falls on your head it is really bad luck! 你不用迷信也可以这么想。如果你在梯子下走路,有把锤子掉下来砸在你头上,那就真的运气不好了。 167. A: Do I hear your new boss singing? 我是不是听到你的新老板在唱歌? B: He always sings as he w

8、orks. 他总是一边唱歌一边工作。 168. A: I want you to take out this garbage! 我想你把垃圾拿出去。 B: Ill do it after I finish this work. 我干完这件工作就会做的。 169. A: How long have you lived in this apartment? 你在这套公寓里住多久了? B: Ive lived here since I came to this city. 自从我来到这城市,我就一直住在这儿。 170. A: Do you want to leave that package for

9、 Mr. Li? 你想把那个包裹留给李先生吗? B: Ill wait till he arrives and give it to him in person. 我会等到他来亲手给他。 2、地点状语从句由where, wherever等引导 171. A: I cant believe you saved enough money to go abroad! 我真不敢相信,你居然存了足够的钱去国外! B: Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 172. A: She follows him wherever he goes. 他去哪儿,

10、她就跟到哪儿。 B: I know, she is just like his shadow. 我知道,她就象他的影子一样。 3、条件状语从句由if, unless等引导 173. A: If you use your head, youll find a way. 你要动动脑筋,就会想出办法的。 B: Thanks for your advice, but I know that. 多谢忠告,我自然知道。 174. A: You will not pass the examination unless you study hard. 你要不努力学习的话,考试就通不过了。 B: I know

11、that. I just dont have enough time to study. 我知道,我只是没有足够的时间学习。 条件状语从句是非常有用的,因为人们都爱假设。在英语中,条件状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来,这是英语学习者经常犯错误的,也是各类考试常考、必考的难点。下面这段短文帮助大家彻底解决这个问题,用三最法疯狂操练直至脱口而出,从此之后你一定会无往而不利! Too Bad! Ronald wants to stay up late to watch a movie tonight, but he knows he shouldnt. If he stays up late to w

12、atch a movie, he wont get to bed until after midnight. If he doesnt get to bed until after midnight, hell probably be very tired in the morning. If hes very tired in the morning, he might oversleep. If he oversleeps, hell be late for work. If hes late for work, his boss might get angry and fire him.

13、 So, even though Ronald wants to stay up late to watch a movie tonight, he isnt going to. Too bad! Its a really great movie, but its not good enough to risk losing his job! 【李阳疯狂英语“三最”训练记录为:19 秒】 【李阳疯狂英语“一口气”训练记录为:1 口气】 罗纳德今晚想晚点睡,看一出电影。但他知道他不应该这么做。如果他晚点睡看电影的话,他就要到后半夜才能睡觉。如果他到后半夜才睡觉,他早上多半就会很累。如果他早上很累

14、的话,他可能会睡过头。如果他睡过头,他上班就会迟到。如果他迟到了,他老板也许会很生气而且炒了他。所以,尽管今天晚上罗纳德想要晚点睡看一出电影,他也不准备看。太糟了!这是一出很棒的电影,但没有好到让他去冒失去工作的危险!4、让步状语从句由though, although, even if, thether等引导 175. A: How was the weather in Beijing? 北京的天气怎么样? B: It was not very cold although it was snowing. 虽然在下雪,天气不怎么冷。 176. A: Though he was very tire

15、d, he did not give up. 虽然他很累,他还是没有放弃。 B: I really admire his determination. 我真羡慕他的决心。 177. A: Ill keep my business going even if I have to sell my house. 我就算要卖了房子,也要把生意继续下去。 B: Then youd better look for a new wife! 那你最好去找个新老婆! 178. A: Im going whether you like it or not. 不管你是否喜欢,我都要去。 B: Your threat

16、s dont scare me. 你的威胁吓唬不了我。 5、原因状语从句由because, since, as, for, now that等引导 179. A: I didnt go because it rained. 因为下雨,所以我没去。 B: Havent you ever heard of an umbrella? 难道你没有听说过有伞这回事吗? 180. A: As you are evidently very busy, I will not waste your time. 既然你显然很忙,我还是不浪费你的时间了。 B: Thank you for noticing. Ill

17、 talk to you when you I have a chance. 谢谢你这么有心。我有时间就找你谈话。 181. A: Since you are going, I will go too. 既然你要去,我也去。 B: I guess I dont have to bother to invite you then. 我想我就不用费心请你了。 182. A: Now that you have finished your work, you may go. 你完成了工作,你可以走了。 B: Thank goodness for that! 谢天谢地! 下面这段长对话不但是大家练习原

18、因状语从句的好材料,也是练习过去时的绝佳材料,还可以帮助大家问问题!脱口而出这段对话,你的收获一定惊人! A: Hi, Mary! Did you have a good day today? 嗨,玛丽!你今天过得好吗? B: No, I didnt. I had a TERRIBLE day. 不好,今天太糟糕了。 A: What happened? 发生什么事? B: I had a bad headache all afternoon. 我整个下午都头痛得厉害。 A: Why did you have a bad headache? 你为什么会头痛得这么厉害呢? B: Because m

19、y boss shouted at me. 因为我的老板冲着我大喊。 A: Why did your boss shout at you? 64.24.8生活中的数3 P30-35你老板为什么要对你大喊呢? B: Because I arrived late for work. 因为我上班迟到了。 A: Why did you arrive late for work? 推论1 经过圆心且垂直于切线的直线必经过切点.你为什么会上班迟到呢? B: Because I had to walk to the office. 因为我得走路上班。 A: Why did you have to walk

20、to the office? 你为什么要走路上班呢? B: Because I missed the bus. 3、认真做好培优补差工作。 开展一帮一活动,与后进生家长经常联系,及时反映学校里的学习情况,促使其提高成绩,帮助他们树立学习的信心与决心。因为我没赶上公共汽车。 A: Why did you miss the bus? 53.264.1生活中的数3 P24-29你为什么没赶上公共汽车呢? B: Because I got up late today. 30 o45 o60 o因为我今天起来晚了。 点在圆内 dr;A: Why did you get up late? 你为什么起来晚呢

21、? 3、学习并掌握100以内加减法(包括不进位、不退位与进位、退位)计算方法,并能正确计算;能根据具体问题,估计运算的结果;初步学会应用加减法解决生活中简单问题,感受加减法与日常生活的密切联系。B: Because I went to a party last night. 因为我昨晚去参加聚会了。 3.规律:利用特殊角的三角函数值表,可以看出,(1)当角度在090间变化时,正弦值、正切值随着角度的增大(或减小)而增大(或减小);余弦值随着角度的增大(或减小)而减小(或增大)。(2)0sin1,0cos1。A: Why did you stay so late if you knew you

22、had to work the next day? 你明知道第二天要上班为什么还要那么晚才睡觉呢? B: Because I wanted to get away from the stress of the office and people 一、指导思想:who ask too many questions! 3、观察身边的简单物体,初步体会从不同角度观察物体所看到的形状可能是不同的,学生将经历从立体图形到平面图形的过程,认识长方形、正方形、三角形、圆等平面图形,初步体会面在体上,进一步发展空间观念。因为我想逃避办公室的压力,还有那些问我太多问题的人。 【李阳疯狂英语“三最”训练记录为:22 秒】 【李阳疯狂英语“一口气”训练记录为:1.5 口气】


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