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1、道歉信范文英文道歉是人们日常生活中常用的一种言语行为。当一个人做错事,或自己的行为给他人带来困扰时,就需要向对方道歉。那么你知道英语的道歉信怎么写吗?下面小编整理了道歉信范文英文,供你参考。道歉信范文英文一Dear Prof 。 Wong,Iam deeplysorryto informyou that Ididnotmanageto complete thetaskyou designated lastweek, duetoa sudden illness falling upon me these days。 For thelastweek, Ihave been ina hospital

2、witha continuousfever, which has prevented me from any activity。To make up my fault , could you please extend mydeadline to next Friday? If so, I promise I willfinish the task and send my report to you via email。Ido apologizeagain for any inconvenienceitmightbring to you, and hope you could accept m

3、y apology。Sincerely yours,LiMing道歉信范文英文二Dear Mr 。 Hunnicutt,Iam writingtoapologizefortheincorrectinvoiceyoureceivedfromus 。Owingtoabreakdownincommunications, we didnotcredityou witha10%discount , as agreed。We shall send you the correct invoice as soon aspossible and make sure that such a mistake wil

4、l notoccuragain 。Pleaseacceptmy apologiesinconvenience we have caused。Your sincerely,Peter Gibsonforany道歉信范文英文三Dear David ,I am truly sorry that I cannot attend the projectmeeting to be held on next Tuesday afternoon。The reason is that I am going to take a businessto Shanghai by plane thatday , so I

5、 willbe unavailableforthe meeting 。 However , consideringthe importanceof the meeting, I will be grateful if you could sendme a brief record of the project progress by EmailI will check the record and send my feedback to youOnce again ,Iam sorryforany inconveniencecaused 。 Hope you can accept my apologiesand understand。my situation。Yours sincerely,


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