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1、大 学 英 语 四 级 考 试 知 识 点句型:plays an extremely important role.is of utmost importance.Nothing plays a more important role than.替换词:important可以替换词汇:significant (意义深远的)essential (关键的)indispensable (不可替代的) pivotal (中枢作用的)key (关键的)等等。indispensable不可替代,本身就代表了非常重要,所以千万不要写extremelyindispensable.变通:我们也可以换成其他意思,

2、比如 it is of great necessity to do sth. 表示做非常必要比如play a role/part也可以表示扮演着重要的角色。结合经典开头:There is little doubt thatIt cannot be denied that It is beyond doub ts that It is generally accepted thatThere is a growing recognition thatIt has been widely noted thatIt goes without saying that综合版:(1)阅读经典书籍非常重要I

3、t is generally accepted that nothing can play a more indispensable role than reading classic books.(2)从网络中获取信息很重要,但是阅读传统书籍也很必要。It is very important to acquire useful information online, but it is still of great necessity to read traditional books.(3)大学排名My View on University RankingIt has been widel

4、y noted that university plays a fundamenta l role in one s cultivation and provides a platform for higher education.重视类经典句议论类经典句结果类经典句见证类经典句使动类经典句引出类经典句用法: .成为了 .重要的社会问题句型:(1) has arisen as one of(很适合开头旬)孩子的教育已经成为最重要的社会问题之一。Children s education has recently arisen as one of the essential problems.(2

5、) . has become one of .环境保护问题已经成为了对于政客和科学家同等关键的议题。The environmental protection has become one of the key issues for politicians and scientists alike.(3) . emerge into ones vision 进入到.的视野里环境问题进入到了我们的视野中。The issue of environmental problem has emerged into our vision in recent years.综合版:( 1)信息真伪近来成为了一个

6、重要的问题。The credibility of information has recently arisen as one of the heated topics, as can be found in the columns of many city newspapers.( 2)信息安全近来成为了一个重要的问题。The issue of information security has recently arisen as one of the heated topics.用法:越来越句型:More and more people An increasing/ A growing n

7、umber of peo ple People in mounting numbers 注意:in mounting numbers 里 numbers 有 s! 而 a growing number of 里 number 没 s!综合版:(1)越来越多的人开始重视如何有效处理信息。People in mounting numbers are paying much attention to how to process information effectively.(2)随着网络的普及,网络课程越来越受大学生的欢迎。With the popularity of internet, online courses have gradually emerged into ourvision and become increasingly prevalent among college students.


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