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1、大学英语四级选词填空专项训练题目及答案今天为大家准备的是大学英语四级选词填空专项训练的题目及答案,希望对大家的四 级考试备考有帮助。Modern people have far more gum disease than our predecessors, according to a British study of skulls published Friday. The surprise findings provide further 1 that modern habitssuch as smoking are damaging to oral health.Gum disease,

2、 also known as periodontitis 牙周炎,is the 2 of a chronic inflammatory 发炎的 response to the build-up of dental plaque 牙菌斑. Whilst much of the population lives withmild gum disease, 3 such as tobacco smoking or medical conditions like diabetes can trigger more 4 chronic periodontitis, which can lead to t

3、he loss of teeth.The study, published in the British Dental Journal, 5 303 skulls from a Romano-British burial ground in England, for evidence of dental disease. Only 5 percent of the skulls showed6 of moderate to severe gum disease, compared to todays population of which around 15-30 percent of adu

4、lts have chronic progressive periodontitis.According to experts, this 7 population was non-smoking and likely to have had very low levels of diabetes mellitus 糖尿病,two factors that are known to 8 increase therisk of gum disease in modern populations. Among the people who survived into adulthood, the

5、peak age at death appears to have been in their 40s. Infectious diseases are thought to have been a common cause of death at that time.Experts concluded that, this study shows a major deterioration in oral health between Roman times and modern England. By underlining the probable role of smoking, 9

6、in determiningthe susceptibility to progressive periodontitis in modern populations, there is a real sign that the disease can be 10 A severe B avoided C trend D examinedE especially F result G course H justifiedI ancient J signs K evidence L normalM determined N greatly 0 factors答案:1. K evidence2.

7、F result3. 0 factors4. A severe5. D examined6. J signs7. I ancient8. N greatly9. E especially10. B avoided四级选词填空练习题科技类While still relatively novel in the United States, so-called green roofs” urban rooftops covered with grasses, plants and other types of greenery - are becoming increasingly popular

8、around the world.The logic is obvious: Green roofs can help to cool down buildings and pull some carbon dioxide from the air and feed it back into plant 1.But the 2 benefits of green roofs to busy office workers may also be substantial. Kate Lee and a group of colleagues found that 3 an attention-de

9、manding task with a40-second microbreak” - in which one simply looks at a computerized 4 of a green roof - improved focus as well as subsequent performance on the task.In the research, 150 students were asked to perform a demanding task called the Sustained Attention to Response Task SART. In the ta

10、sk, respondents view a 5 of individual numbers, between 1 and 9, on a computer screen. Each number flashes by very6 and the research subject has to press a particular key as fast as possible - unless, the number is 3. In that case, subjects have to catch themselves and not respond - which is difficu

11、lt to do, given the habit built up of repeatedly and quickly 7 the key.In the current study, students had to 8 the SART task not once, but twice. However, they received a 40-second microbreak“ in between the two trials. During that break, theircomputer screens flashed either to a digital image of a

12、city building roof covered in 9, or one covered with grass and flowers. Then, they completed the remainder of the SART trial.Afterward, the students 10 to the green roof scene not only reported that it felt more restorative 恢复健康的,“they performed better on the task. In particular, they showed lessflu

13、ctuation in response time, and made fewer errorsA series B clicking C imageD concrete E interrupting F fairlyG growth H total I exposed J completeK panic L explained M rapidlyN relation 0 psychological答案:1. G growth2. 0 psychological3. E interrupting4. C image5. A series6. M rapidly7. B clicking8. J

14、 complete9. D concrete10. I exposedAlthough progress has been made, equality between male and female professionals remains a critical issue.According to a 1 released by global recruitment specialist group Hays on Tuesday, women are less likely than their male co-workers to believe that pay equality

15、and 2 opportunities exist for both genders in the workplace.Hays polled 521 professionals, 55 percent of whom were female. Only 7 percent of women aged 25 or under think there is 3 inequality of pay. But as they progress in their career, that number 4 . About 29 percent of women aged between 26 and

16、40, and 35 percent of women aged 41 or above think there is gender inequality of pay.In general, transport and distribution, mining and 5 , as well as professional services, drew the most negative answers among both male and female professionals 6 equal pay.But the 7 of polled men think that the sit

17、uation is not that bad, as only 13 percent of them think that equally capable men and women are not paid or 8 equally.“This suggests that most people in executive and 9 management roles-the majority of whom are men-still fail to see any inequality when it comes to pay and career opportunitiesbetween

18、 the sexes. This makes it difficult to see how we will see any significant advancement in this area while the majority of people in senior roles do not 10 it as an issue, said Christine Wright, managing director of Hays.A declines B senior C concerningD majority E rewarded F resourcesG advanced H determining I recognizeJ increases K survey L identityM equal N totally 0 gender答案:K surveyM equal0 genderJ increasesF resourcesC concerningD majorityE rewardedB seniorI recognize感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


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