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1、高中语文学习方法-高中语文轻松学(High school Chinese learning methods - high school Chinese easy to learn)高中语文学习方法-高中语文轻松学(High school Chinese learning methods - high school Chinese easy to learn) Learn Chinese three no! Dont stick to the textbook, read newspapers, read novels, listen to poetry, watch a play, analy

2、ze an essay, etc., and also learn chinese. Of course, textbooks should be learned first, because textbooks are a well chosen lesson. Dont plunge into the sea. How can you effectively use these materials? Lin said, to do selected exercises, seriously find lost points, sum up experience, so that each

3、of them do a set of exercises have new harvest. Dont do a lot of repetitive and ineffective exercises. Its useless. Dont plunge in the classroom do not have active study behind closed doors, thinking, broaden their horizons. For example, the organization has to place the social interview can improve

4、 the writing ability; some classic drama can understand literary knowledge, improve the ability to appreciate; to participate in the essay contest, debate competition can enhance the comprehensive quality of Chinese language. Plan, break the difficult point High school language learning should not o

5、nly accumulate knowledge, master methods, but also train thinking and understand philosophy. Mr. Lin said, high school language learning cant hold all listen to the teacher to arrange ideas, nor hate Chinese class is a joke, happily listen to the Chinese, learning Chinese is such a hard work and sma

6、rt to tell some fantastic tales, really learn chinese. Each of the senior students must make a plan for the study of chinese. The main contents are as follows: 1. high school, three years reading 9 famous works and 3 famous classics of culture. 2. subscribe to some extracurricular books that will he

7、lp you to learn your own language. 3. keep the exercise books and form a system within three years. 4., do a good job of reading notes, they usually see the wonderful section of wonderful accumulated. 5., always put the Xinhua Dictionary and modern Chinese Dictionary on the side, conditional also ca

8、n dictionary of Idioms and ancient Chinese Dictionary in the desk. In addition, the students should pay attention to the following problems: the breakthrough of modern natural science articles reading, dont bother, to master the method, summarize the problem-solving ideas in each exercise; appreciat

9、ion of literary works, the school must actively participate in the discussion, to strengthen the cultivation of extracurricular appreciation; argumentative writing, from high to begin to see more and more training, and pay attention to collecting materials, some newspapers and comments such as abstr

10、act layout informed commentary today, there are a lot of fresh material, we can collect more. The ancients said into product into axillary fur, step, resulting in thousands of miles, no accumulation of trickle to into a river. Also, to learn the language, a language knowledge building, the formation

11、 of Chinese knowledge is usually a vast expanse of water, the accumulation of key. First, read more books. The book is full of human nutrition, belly there is poetry and gas from China, reading can make a person contented mind, visible, how important it is for people to read. On language learning, e

12、xtensive reading, it can broaden our horizons, cultivate our sentiment, greatly enlarge our knowledge, broaden our thinking and active, and, through a lot of reading, we will learn to analysis and appreciation, improve our cultural literacy, we can also create the springhead of writing. More than 20

13、 years ago, Mr. Lv Shuxiang once said in the article two urgent questions in Chinese teaching: a better language student, you have to ask his experience, in unison, is to benefit from more reading. Today, students who study, investigate and read regularly are not only highly skilled but also have th

14、e highest scores in chinese. Facts have proved that if you want to learn Chinese well, you can never do without reading. Hope that our students in the future of language learning, more reading, reading good books. Two 、 hyperactivity pen. There is a saying forget it, which requires students to read

15、more books based on the more write diary and form the habit of reading notes. The usual see, hear, think, record down the feeling; in the process of reading, the book beautiful words and wonderful segment copied, set up their own language knowledge warehouse, time is long, will Chinese ability in th

16、e monasteries, imperceptibly, gradually improve, said up to Chukouchengzhang write up in writing. Never again appeared in the book to use square hate less , one cant make bricks without straw embarrassment. As the saying goes: keep your hand, a look, the students not only to do the reading model, bu

17、t also to do the write model. Three, practice more. Life is a big classroom, world reading room, everything is book, as we all know, extension of the same language and life, especially in recent years, with the establishment of Chinese teaching view , Chinese test of diversification, openness, We sh

18、ould learn Chinese well, as well as in the past two ears do not smell out of the window, one heart only read saints books, relying solely on the language classroom is absolutely inadequate. This requires students to weekdays through newspapers, radio and television audio-visual media, to understand

19、the events at home and abroad, received more social information, and actively participate in some social activities and rich and colorful extracurricular activities, to compensate for the lack of classroom learning, consolidate, deepen and expand the language knowledge, language ability. Life is the

20、 springhead of language learning, we have set up Chinese everywhere life, always pay attention to learn the language of ideas, in order to learn Chinese, learn to live. In a word, learning Chinese is slow work, Chinese ability and quality formation is a very slow process, not overnight, the effect o

21、n the day, as Xunzi said: steed leap, not ten steps; ten inferior horse riding through perseverance. As the saying goes, a tall building rises from the ground, students, if you want to learn Chinese well, begin with accumulation Chinese is an important tool subject, and it is the base of a kind of l

22、anguage, so it is very important to learn Chinese well. If you want to learn Chinese, the most important thing is to cultivate interest. If you are not interested in any subject, you dont want to learn Chinese well. In fact, Chinese is a very boring subject, poor flexibility, the students thought th

23、at the Chinese knowledge is dead, in fact, textbooks in the article is difficult to meet our own needs, so a lot of extracurricular reading is very necessary. Reading more is the key to develop interest in Chinese. There are many kinds of reading, such as reading, reading, reading and so on. Read th

24、e world masterpiece, to better read, dont just grab one of the abuse of reading through reading the mouth, eyes, heart and brain, to follow the thinking and memory, read the article where people learn from other peoples benefits, met a good sentence down can also benefit a lot after writing. When yo

25、u go through a lot of reading, your literary accomplishment has improved a lot unconsciously. Naturally, you gradually become fond of chinese. Practice more. You cant read it. Its something else. We should try to find a way of writing in the process of reading, so we should practice at home. Write a

26、 diary, notes are Lianbi very good method, if the tight time painting teacher Liu Zuowen to seize the opportunity, make oneself in the idea, summarize the experience of sentences until in the whole article, from passive to active, a time you will get from the industry will not be keenly aware of, fo

27、r fear of writing the. Polyploidy. Here said many times, not only needs to be written that famous, basic knowledge can not be ignored. I found that most students are not paid much attention to the basic knowledge, always feel that a fraction too little, but the content is much and miscellaneous bad

28、back, think about it, perhaps 0.5 of the wise basic knowledge will be a difference of thousands of people, but the basic knowledge to the importance of the. By the way, classical Chinese is also one of the most important exams. It depends on the intense and massive memory of my dream. Encountered a

29、piece of classical Chinese word for word and sentence for sentence to scrutiny, not getting late for a word or words and vague, perhaps it is easy to lose points where the whole article may affect the understanding will inevitably encounter do not regret the explanation of the words according to the

30、 context that requires careful scrutiny, do more exercise class how is the writing will be of great help to you last time. Read back over the turn, also wrote, as the saying goes good practice head as written, more when no harm, then a simple question on the paper draw than light to see much stronge

31、r. Even if the memory is stronger, there are also forgotten, write some, plus your good, positive, good plus good, is not better? Life can not be separated from Chinese, elegant spiritual life, but also from the impact of good language. However, Chinese, its not easy to say love you. In fact, the la

32、nguage is easy: language acquisition, natural language is difficult; the sublime words with deep meaning with the tongue in the cheek. Chinese is interesting: Tang poetry, Song Ci, hero and beauty: Chinese is boring: ancient prose hundred, idioms such as mountains. The Chinese are happy: debauch: la

33、nguage is painful, daoqiangjianji: US, multitude. The endless sea of tribulations, where is the bank? Diligence is the law of the boat; oar; the teachers navigation; the smooth arrival of the sea! First interest: knowing and good, good and happy. First of all, we should cultivate the interest of Chi

34、nese learning. In this process, the ancients were divided into three stages: knowledge and good, and music. First say know: enter the language, not conflict, no resentment, not because of the former teacher, teaching materials and examination of the impression and shoot Chinese; so, we can taste the

35、 Chinese rain. Say again good: daily practice, devotion, not slack, do not give up, not because of external interference, other subjects and examination scores and leave the language; can be so, We can enjoy the Chinese red sky. After saying music: anywhereanytime, habit, speech and deportment, emot

36、ional expression, is Chinese; so, to enter the Chinese fairy cave! Second self: watch thousands of swords, hold a thousand songs. The ancients said: View thousands of swords, and then recognize the device, hold thousands of songs, then Xiao sound, stressed that there is the importance of independent

37、 learning. An important characteristic in language learning is different from other disciplines, is the teachers teaching will directly enhance students learning level, but only through the students autonomous learning, self understanding, to achieve self reading, self writing state. Try to rely on

38、the teacher to speak well, deep and thorough, the students only silently listen to and remember to learn Chinese, this idea has been countless facts to prove: this road impassability! Therefore, it is also a very important language learning rule to consciously cultivate self study ability, make inde

39、pendent study plan, increase the intensity of independent practice, and self motivated and self seeking. Will write: Si Yuli pen, bald. What are the students doing in Chinese? I think it can be summed up in twelve words: rich soul, sensible, perfect life. This is to exercise their own sensibility an

40、d reason, I simplified as Yuli: the emotional thought to be rich and sharp! In reality, many of our classmates will never pay attention to their own emotional problem, and the exercise of reason, the emotion usually showed two defects: one is shallow emotion: naive thinking, flat, no affection, no d

41、ream; one is narrow: life is narrow, has led to concern the theme is narrow, less experience, and lack of atmosphere. To rectify these two defects, so that their emotions deep, wide read 10000 Li at the same time, must be added: write a word! Writing can ferment and sublimate emotion, and writing ca

42、n clarify and forge ideas. Scarlett Yuli, will write more! Keep a diary, this is a good habit of many great success; at least two times weekly writing: Notes on living a vivid material records see, smell, thoughts and feelings; a reading notes, reading habit, reading and finishing the harvest. For t

43、hree years, writing three to fifty thousand words is the basic requirement of quantity. Thus, it can be said: pen grinding bald. Set read: breaking the three exchange jiuliu. When you study this three years, determined to extensive reading, this is called broken spring. When reading, to cover the tw

44、o arts, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign integration, which is called the first philosophy, integrate jiuliu. All the wisdom of the human mind can opener, in addition to crystallization, ecstasy, thinking, virtue, and rich heart, can read and read. Please note: do not read only literature, re

45、ad only Chinese writers. Strong accumulation: Poetry and literature, has become a bamboo. Chinese language learning is a very important stage of imitation, imitation model (template) should be what? Of course, the predecessor is success. Mao Dun Su Buqing, a dream of Red Mansions read classical Chin

46、ese example, as is known to all. Through long-term hard accumulation, establish the rich language paradigm in mind, the formation of kitchen excited, this is what we want to pursue the belly there is poetry and. Use the paradigm, imitation, in imitation of the write, first for the shape, after the s

47、pirit, and finally find it beyond. In this way, it is easy to have a sense of fulfillment, learning achievement, sense of order, I will not feel empty, weakness, subtle language learning. This state of affairs can be called yes. Re thinking: think thousand load, think of everything. Ancient cloud: h

48、eart to heart. How to realize the Chinese learning heart? First of all, should be widely experienced (read), repeated attempts, accumulation of paradigm, because inspiration always appear in the rainbow after the hard work; secondly, to develop good habits of association and imagination, and strive

49、to think of hundreds of years, vision of miles, fly never depressed, tied his own inspiration; thirdly, to to create a peaceful and clear and eager psychological state, immersed, experience the taste, not anxious; finally, to dare to trust their instincts and believe their effectiveness through inspiration accumulation,


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