四年级英语上册 第二单元测试卷 冀教版.doc

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《四年级英语上册 第二单元测试卷 冀教版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级英语上册 第二单元测试卷 冀教版.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、四年级英语上册第二单元测试卷姓名 班级 分数 一、填空(5分)1.cl_ _sr_ _m 2.g_m 3.l_b_ary 4.o_ _ice 5.s_airs二、英汉互译(25分)1.Red is stop _.2.trcffic lights _.3.绿灯行_.4.黄灯等_.5.3+47_.三、用合适的词填空(24分)1. The weather is cold and _.2. Its warm and _.3. Its _and sunny.4. The weather is _and cloudy.5. A _ works in a store.6. A _works in a res

2、taurant.7. Lets go to the _ _ to watch a movie!8. This _, please.四、选择正确的句子(18分)()1. A.Turn right. B.Tern right.()2. A.Go straight. B.Go street.()3. A.Go up the stairs. B.Go on the stairs.()4. A.excuse me. B.sorry me.()5. A.Warm and rainy. B.warmy and rainy.()6. A.Windy and cloud. B.Windy and cloudy.

3、五、选择正确的句子(16分)()1. A.Its hot and sunny. B.Its hot and sun.()2. A.Its cold and snowy. B.Its cold and snow.()3. A.Im tired. B.Im tire.()4. A.Im not thirsty. B.I dons thirsty.六、组词造句(12分)1. some, ice cream, want, buy, I, to,_2. the, snowy, weather, cold, is, and,_3. a, waitress, in, a, restaurant, works,_


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