四年级英语下册 Unit 4 What do you do on Saturday单元测试卷 陕旅版-陕旅版小学四年级下册英语试题.doc

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四年级英语下册 Unit 4 What do you do on Saturday单元测试卷 陕旅版-陕旅版小学四年级下册英语试题.doc_第1页
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《四年级英语下册 Unit 4 What do you do on Saturday单元测试卷 陕旅版-陕旅版小学四年级下册英语试题.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级英语下册 Unit 4 What do you do on Saturday单元测试卷 陕旅版-陕旅版小学四年级下册英语试题.doc(6页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 What Do You Do on Saturday单元测试卷一、组成新单词。t; k i e i f l m_ _ o f o l t b a l s w a h _ _ c m i l b e e w d e k n _ _二、给单词、短语选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. dance A. 跳舞B. 唱歌C. 打人( ) 2. often A. 经常B. 每次C. 一直( ) 3. on the weekend A. 在周末 B. 在周六C. 一周( ) 4. jump rope A. 爬山B. 跳绳C. 踢毽子( ) 5. draw pictures A. 画画B. 照相

2、C. 弹琴三、单项选择。( ) 1. _ are you doing?A. What B. Who C. There( ) 2. I _ doing exercise.A. is B. am C. be( ) 3. What do you do _ Saturday?A. in B. at C. on( ) 4. He often _ football.A. plays B. play C. is play ( ) 5. He is doing some exercise _.A. yesterday B. now C. tomorrow( ) 6. I often _ at home and

3、 do my homework.A. B. sit C. stay四、观察图片,连一连。(1) A. do his homework(2)B. climb the mountain(3)C. do some washing(4)D. do exercise 五、选词填空。fly a kite weekend with often does his homework(1) What do you do on the _?(2) He often _ after school.(3) There is a wind. Lets _.(4) Lets play football _ Mr. Zhao

4、.(5) My room_ reads a book on Sunday.六、连词成句。1. are doing you what (?) _2. often washing some does she (.)_3. see I a with film mom my (.) _4. do exercise some let us (.)_5. TV watch They often at home (.) _七、看图,补全句子。1. I often _on Saturday. And I often _with my family on Sunday.2. He often _on Satur

5、days. And he often _ on Sundays.3. We often _and _ on the weekdays.八、情景交际。( )1. 你想问,“你星期天干什么”,怎么说?A. What do you do on Saturday?B. What are you do on weekend?C. What do you do on the weekend?( ) 2. 你想问“你的父亲踢足球吗”,怎么说?A. Do your father play football?B. Does your father play football?C. Does your fathe

6、r play basketball?( ) 3. 你想说你经常在周末看电影,怎么说?A. I often see a film on weekend.B. I will see a film on the weekend.C. I often see a film on the weekend.( ) 4. 你想说你经常呆在家里做作业,怎么说?A. I often stay at home and do my homework.B. I often stay at home and do housework.C. I often stay at home and do some exercis

7、e.九、看图,补全对话。1. What do you do at the weekend?_2. What do you do in the morning? _2. What do you do in the afternoon? _3. What do you do at nine oclock? _参考答案、kite; film; football; wash; climb; weekend二、1-5 AAABA三、1-6 ABCABC四、(1)-(4) DCBA五、1. weekend 2. does his homework3. fly a kite 4. with 5. often

8、六、1. What are you doing?2. She often does some washing.3. I see a film with my mom.4. Let us do some exercise.5. They often watch TV at home.七、1. fly a kite; watch TV 2. plays basketball; climbs the mountain 3. do homework; do some washing八、1-4 ABCA九、1. I play football at the weekend.2. I watch TV in the evening.3. I go swimming in the afternoon.4. I sleep at nine oclock.


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